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File: 509 KB, 707x610, aster3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15317742 No.15317742 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15317847
File: 41 KB, 387x437, 1520292907526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DUDE, asteroid mining!

>> No.15317924

>tfw born too early to work on an astroid mining rig

Why even fucking live?

>> No.15317935

Where's the graph for the value of tapped asteroids

>> No.15317940

>wagecucking in space
Imagine all the horrific wagie deaths, fucking grim thought.

>> No.15317945

this. i'm so fucking tired of these plebbit-tier threads

>> No.15317947
File: 25 KB, 410x374, 1564517564807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not just mine under the ocean?

this shit is almost as retarded as wind power when nuclear power exists. what's the point? I guess if you had self replicating machines it could be viable but currently it's just some pop sci bullshit

>> No.15317951
File: 39 KB, 640x400, 01b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats stopping us from creating a company.

It's really not difficult to land on something flying at 25km/second.

>> No.15317969

Imagine the financial gains though.

>> No.15317977

>as retarded as wind power when nuclear power exists
So my country can be entirely energy independent with clean safe wind energy, or we can depend on some rare elements mine on the other side of the world? TOUGH DECISION

>> No.15318045


>> No.15318053

nice brainwash there

>> No.15318055

all we need is a way to crash one into earth for easier mining

>> No.15318068

we are going through space so fast it's creating a visible doppler effect 25 km/s is nothing

>> No.15318084

Only one of us has dubs bitch

>> No.15318117

I wouldn't try mining these the traditional way, I would load them up with explosives or nukes, crack them into smaller manageable pieces, stick a rocket and thrusters on a couple of good chunks and then aerobrake the chunk over the earth until it was slow enough that it wouldn't burn up in the atmosphere, then drop it into a shallow ocean or desert and do all the mining and processing on the ground.

>> No.15318123

>not safe
Oh sorry anon, I forgot your dad was a fucking seagull. How insensitive of me.

>> No.15318124

>Spend billions mining an asteroid expecting quintillions in profit
>Extract so much material you crash the price for centuries

>> No.15318145
File: 74 KB, 500x548, 1509310329509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entirely energy independent
>wind energy

>> No.15318149

Wind energy harms birds. Look into molten thorium reactors.

>> No.15318167

It will be owning Robots that do your work as an independent contractor in space.

>> No.15318181

just dont drop it on my house anon

>> No.15318182

You think you are making an intelligent point but I promise you are not.

>> No.15318189

>So my country can be entirely energy independent with clean safe wind energy, or we can depend on some rare elements mine on the other side of the world? TOUGH DECISION

yes that will work so well, hope you only like having electricity when it's windy out.
>inb4 batteries
there aren't enough batteries int the world to run an entire country off of

>> No.15318191

Am I the only one who thinks scientists often choose stereotypical/bland/dumb sounding names for space things?
These all sound like hippie child names

>> No.15318192
File: 80 KB, 812x1024, 53E93264-92F0-41C5-8AB2-123EB88BC95E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its just around the corner man!!!
Hah fucking asteroid mining LARPers. That shit would NEVER be cost efficient. Even if they had the technology (they don’t and its 1,000 years off) they wouldn’t do it because they would crash the entire price.
You fags sound like goys in 01’ telling me how completely self driving cars were 5 years away. Didn’t happen and still hasn't happened.

>> No.15318208

>Maintained by moving cranes of the largest size
>heavy transport required for deployment and maintainence
>studies show strong impact and bird population and consequently the ecosystem

Wind energy is a fucking ploy to sell the taxpayer industry output because they haven't had a good reason to build tanks and planes in a long time.

Oh and then
>chernobyl is a fucking wildlife park while wind parks are a bird graveyard

>> No.15318223

It's not about the money, it's about sending a message.

>> No.15318232

Bring it on a slingshot course towards near-Earth, stabilize the orbit and then use drones to cut it up and ship the fragments down to the surface.

>> No.15318275

>muh birds
KEK. You're probably eating a bucket of fried chicken right now you dumb clap.
Well, cluck all you want. Wind power is fucking great. Way better than solar in many places and almost universally more practical than nuclear, despite what all your pseudo contrarian "well aktchually" plebbit threads would have you believe.

>> No.15318299

>more practical than nuclear
weak troll

>> No.15318305

>mining where there's lots of pressure when you could mine where there's no pressure

Not gonna make it.

>> No.15318329

You realize gravity is kind of helpful when collecting things right? Not even starting with the logistics of leaving the planet

>> No.15318345

A nuclear plant is literally billions up front, as well as having huge expertise requirements and extremely complex logistics.
Wind turbines are a piece of piss by comparison.

>> No.15318347


>> No.15318365

Why don't we just run an extension cord from the sun?

>> No.15318385

Gravity is most certainly not your friend on the ocean floor. You're talking about dealing with thousands of pounds of pressure per square inch, and thats not even counting dealing with corrosion from the saltwater or any of that shit. Building space infrastructure and some artificial lakes to absorb incoming payloads of precious metals is comparatively trivial.

>> No.15318408

>better than solar
>more practical than nuclear

Who fucking sent you?

>> No.15318410

Wind energy also slows down.... Wind. Widespread use will completely fuck up local climates and probably destroy the fucking planet

>> No.15318414

Except that a nuke goes literally anywhere and the place where wind turbines are most effective are coincidentally also the spots you least want them (in the ocean, on a mountain, in the middle of nowhere)

Not even starting with their INSANE failure rate, maintainance cost, actual co2 deficiency because they're stupidly difficult to deploy and hook up to the grid. And then there is your "muh kek cuck" damage to the environment which they were fucking supposed to avoid in the first place.

And all that so 500 of them can replace one coal plant. It's a fucking taxmoney grab nothing more

>> No.15318421

I assumed we were talking about white people lmao

>> No.15318422

we tried that once. space niggers came along and stole the cable.

>> No.15318483

says the retard that thinks that wind energy can make a country energy independant lmao

>> No.15318490

What's insane about their failure rate? Its like 2%. And unlike nuclear "failure" doesn't mean your trailer park gets vaporised.
Who sent YOU you fucking shill

>> No.15318500

2% failure rate on something you have to build hundreds, maybe thousands of? What a joke.

>> No.15318513

>So my country can be entirely energy independent

(So my country can be free!)

>> No.15318514

Dude lmao just employ a horde of climber-electrician-turbine engineer-mechanics and a fleet of crane trucks xD

>> No.15318531

Don't forget greentech is unsuitable for baseload power until such a time as we can roll out a grid-wide upgrade to superconducting power lines so electricity doesn't get lost from Wind Field A to City B.

>> No.15318548

space mining leads to space industry
where we can just produce everything in space with out consequences of pollution or waste management, with hundreds of times less effort because of not gravity

then ship it to earth or wherever
who cares about money when you get a 10th industrial revolution
money will sort itself out

>> No.15318557

Oh they can also desync your AC net because wind doesn't exactly care if your generator is running in sync. But you can always hook a gearbox in between that your climbing electrician engineer can fix with the help of your friendly diesel powered crane

>> No.15318562

Yes anon, electrical infrastructure requires maintenance. SHOCKING
>muh birds

>> No.15318571

These people have no concept of profit through volume sales.

>> No.15318585

>And unlike nuclear "failure" doesn't mean your trailer park gets vaporised.
It is physically impossible for a nuclear reactor to explode in any manner resembling a nuclear explosion, enrichment is only 5% and weapons need at least 70%+. All nuclear accidents have been human errors (Fukushima was the Japanese not following proper design regulations). Safest, cleanist, and cheapest $/MW once built. You cannot be pro green energy and anti nuclear

>> No.15318588

>attempting to associate nuclear power with trailer parks


>> No.15318605

There is a difference between maintaining houses with hot water in them and whats effectively heavy machinery at the top of towers in the middle of nowhere. Managing the power lines is honestly already fucking ridiculous and that doesn't involve lifting industrial generators to to fucking rooftop levels on top of mountains

>> No.15318630

>All nuclear accidents have been human errors
But plebbit told me nuclear accidents never happen!

>> No.15318639
File: 18 KB, 300x300, nigbone2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could mine meteors, or you could hunt meteorites. a basic, no-nothing iron meteorite is commonly $1/gram, rarer metorites are like $5-20/gram. at the most basic of meteorites, thats roughly $30/oz, or $450/lb.

to be a millionaire, you have to find a little over one ton of common-ass meteorites. get going.

>> No.15318649

based, fpbp, op eternally btfo and /thread

>> No.15318651

Far more likely plebbit told you green energy and communism are rad.

>> No.15318655

This is because you are too pleb to know anything about ancient greco-roman history.

>> No.15318670

Actual fucking retard and propaganda machine. Nuclear is the future

>> No.15318713

>wagecucking in space
well the NEET gibs aint gonna pay for emselves

>> No.15318720

>Far more likely plebbit told you green energy and communism are rad.
Nope. They love nothing more than to wheel out some dumbshit 105er factoid about how TIL green energy isn't green and BTW nuclear power is totally safe it has no negative effects
>Hey guys, I think wind power is lame and nuclear is totally cool AITA?

>> No.15318722

i have no idea why i read what you faggots post sometimes.
most of u are so hopelessly retarded its a miracle you even have $1 to your names.

>> No.15318737
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 09-roll-safe.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I always wonder why nobody mentions this. I'd suggest sending them to the moon and mining them there though, then loading them in casks that will survive re-entry. Drop them into the pacific with a beacon and use a magnetic hook to lift them up from the bottom of the ocean.

How are we not millionaires with such brilliant ideas anon?

>> No.15318752

a lot of them don't, why do you think they are on this board?

>> No.15318753

Well I suppose you would know. Perhaps you should go back or maybe try tumblr because ever redditors are smarter than you ffs.

>> No.15318757

Nah itll be wagies just like it always has. The truth is competition will hack/destroy your bots, whereas while the life of a common wagie is functionally pointless it's still illegal to murder.

>> No.15318771
File: 110 KB, 640x480, DSC02532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really, no comments? cmon guys. find the nearest open area you can find rocks, start lookin

>> No.15318775

50 lbs will get you a solid house down payment

>> No.15318790

listen retard. If you won't believe it from us, how about the literal fucking ex-president of greenpeace? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDK1aCqqZkQ

Do yourself the favor and listen to people smarter than you. Or don't. I guess smarter than you is a really low bar to go by

>> No.15318801

The triggers the boomer rock holders.

>> No.15318820

imagine being this much of a brainlet

>> No.15318829

>muh birds
Go ask China what happens when you kill too many birds, retard.

>> No.15318830

>climate change is a scam
KEK. Sounds like a legit source.

>> No.15318839

two logical fallacies in 5 words. Truly a poltard

>> No.15318896

>windfarms are literally the great leap forward
It's your video dipshit that's the title

>> No.15318901

Even doing something a bit more clever like this the cost would still be prohibitive. Asteroid mining is economically unviable until we have such abundant and high yield energy that materials become the limiting factor rather than energy

>> No.15318923

self driving cars are a thing now...?
do you live in a cave?

>> No.15318944

I'll put them in the "that's a thing now" list between IPv6 and running-out-of-oil

>> No.15318953

How do I find one and know its a meteor?

Currently a neet and it sounds like fun.

>> No.15318964

Did you know that the pornhub video where they supposedly fuck in the Tesla, while it self drives, is fake?
And that was a selling point of the majority of the buyers? And then they fucking DIE.

>> No.15318968

from what ive read, majority of meteorites are magnetic, contain iron. a magnet on a stick is a good tool to bring along, since most other rocks youll come across are not magnetic. those that are, not to the same degree as a meteorite.

they dont have holes, theyre very dense/solid, they have burned/rounded edges. they look weird.

>> No.15318970
File: 41 KB, 209x130, pika2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a good introduction video?

>> No.15318974

>find the heaviest objects in the solar system that we can move
>crash them into our planet for money

>> No.15318978

More effort next time

>> No.15318980

as an anecdote, my geology buddy (im not geo, more env) occasionally finds a small piece, like half-ounce, while we're doing our site walks. here and there. never knew there was money in it otherwise i could have kept a few. geo bud did found a half-pounder once, kept it on his desk before i left.

>> No.15318998

no idea, but ill watch bits and pieces over the week. im new to this as well, but its definitely promising if you live near an area where the ground cover is visible. id imagine this is damn near impossible on the east coast.

>> No.15319014

imagine believing in outer space in 2019

>> No.15319025
File: 14 KB, 362x352, 1563886071969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just googled it and apparently all meteorites are legally government property and collecting them is a criminal offense in Australia.

>> No.15319061
File: 135 KB, 640x480, DSC02508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well shit, was worth a shot bruce. if you find one, make a contact overseas and take a trip.

>> No.15319081

What is up with governments being such asshats?
>uhm you can’t collect rainwater mkay?
>what?! you are digging out some historical coins, fuck you bitch here is a fine
>haha meteorites, lol ours too

>> No.15319106

and australia has a lot of desert land which would make searching comparatively much easier. could probably find a dry lake bed and find a handful of chunks in an afternoon

>> No.15319168

Nuclear powered rockets soon

>> No.15319233

The prices are gonna crash if those minerals flood the markets

>> No.15319312

they still have an important usage in our current economy. bringing them to worth would speed progress. it should be done by a not for profit org, kinda like a united nations nasa.

>> No.15319326

well maybe refining mile long strips of thomson structure iron could be hard (but not really can just move that shit close to the sun)

but cracking the asteroids would be easy, mile long rail guns, Jupiter's gravity assisted trajectories, beam propulsion, all super low energy options

>> No.15319327

did nobody watch "the expanse"? it's about asteroid mining

>> No.15319333

Its only murder if they find the bodies

>> No.15319387

mine them in space, get the chunks small, get them to land on earth in a way that would not have them break up in atmosphere. but realistically, it would be use in space to make more shit in space.

the moment that we can effectively make things in space is the moment we are truly no longer bound to earth.

>> No.15319402

um... not sure if you fully realize what you are suggesting with a united nations in space, don't you feel bad the the alien children?

>> No.15319500

Hey, I'm from the country that gets the highest amount of their power from wind, and you are fucking retarded.

>> No.15319502

Biz in 2155..

>Is it still profitable to mine Chiron?
>Should I send my 4 Nvidia Photon Lambo Mark X miners to Alauda?
>Are there niggers in Citadel?
>Bros how does it feel to fuck a Kig-Yar?
>0,00001 Sergeys for pic with lasersharpie in pooper
>pls sirs buy my SENT bags, SENT moon veri soon

>> No.15319543

I hope they make a pub on that one

>> No.15319555

I think getting them into earth orbit wouldn't be too bad, it's getting stuff down to earth safely. You'd have to cut the thing up real small if you want to just hurtle it down, keep in mind Tunguska was just a 100m diameter object, and if you do that your material loss will be greater bc the surface area/volume ratio will be higher. So you'd probably have to bring it down in some kind of container, which is going to be rather expensive. If you had an asteroid that was pure platinum the numbers might work out but it's going to be much less valuable elements by weight mostly

>> No.15319595


in 2155 Sergay will be exit scamming yet another wave of suckers. It will also mark the 135th anniversary of the death of StainStink.

>> No.15319598

>I forgot your dad was a fucking seagull. How insensitive of me.
Hard kek

>> No.15319632

Wind is pretty dumb. I’ve heard from engineers you never get the energy back you put in, they are effectively negative overall. Only kept affloat my government gibs

>> No.15319649

i tapped one so hard yesterday

>> No.15319676

>the moment that we can effectively make things in space is the moment we are truly no longer bound to earth.
this is probably the most important thing in this thread that most people seem overlook

>> No.15319691
File: 67 KB, 968x681, asteroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude just mine asteroids!
>T. Rex

>> No.15319806

Space elevator

>> No.15319903

you gotta be shitting me, anon

>> No.15320245

>there aren't enough batteries int the world to run an entire country off of

not really arguing about wind/solar just wanted to post PSH it's cool as hell, people think a battery has to be a big metal thingy but in reality it could be anything.

>> No.15320272

The country with the loosest health and safety standards (China) will mine the most.

>> No.15320278

they're not fucking valuable if they cannot be used
they all have a worth of fucking ZERO

>> No.15320290

Imagine, you start to drift away into the nothingness of space, as you do you are still in range of the stations extranet. With only seconds remaining you pull out your space PDA. What are your last words /biz/?

>> No.15320296

1000 E-

>> No.15320306

What would the bonus situation be like?

>> No.15320398

Set up refineries on the moon. Run the whole operation with link.