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15314754 No.15314754 [Reply] [Original]

Why do bitches match me on tinder but dont reply to my message.
I dont send anything cringe like a massive long creepy message i jsut start with a simple "hey :)" or "wussup" since its neutral and a normal conversation starter.
I still get no replies even tho they are matching me, idk why and its depressing af

>> No.15314762

they get 150 msgs a day
can you beat three 9/10s they are talking to at that very moment

>> No.15314764

It may be the facts that you are ugly and poor ?

>> No.15314765

you're so repulsive that even catfish accounts reject you. kek

>> No.15314778

Well there is that ye, im like dead on average apparently and i have been rated by incels/blackpillers on this so they are p legit ratings. I guess they are matching with studs etc but still.

>> No.15314779

Open with "2nite ima rock your world you skanky ho"

>> No.15314781

First of all, you are male. Don't start any conversation with ":)." You only start using emojis after first few dates if even that

>> No.15314783

i didnt get any matches or when i did, it dissappeared right away, i googled that i was shadow banned. i think i still are because i cannot see some likes and some bitches send message to me, tinder is bugged.

>> No.15314806

Most just play the field and aren't really thinking much about it. It's just like playing candy crush for them. Swipe, swipe, swip...just don't think about it.
Think about getting them silver coins.

>> No.15314824
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>i jsut start with a simple "hey :)" or "wussup"

tinder is a game rigged for women. i say this as a guy who regularly uses tinder to fuck whenever i feel horny.
unless you have a six pack shirtless pic, you have to do better than "hey". i used to be a scrawny faggot and had to try so fucking hard to get laid off tinder, try commenting on their bio or one of their pictures
or just go to the gym for a year, get a six pack, make that your 2nd pic and have girls blatantly ask you for sex like i do

>> No.15314831

>hey :)
this is the text equivalent of the onions grin

>> No.15314853

Its because you are unattractive. Girls go on Tinder to get Instagram followers, free food, and Chad. If you are not genetically Chad, then you are fucked.

All copes.

>> No.15314868
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>Just go to da gym and get a six pack
Cope and DYEL spotted.

>> No.15314882

To the people saying that its to do with my "text game" i have to say thats bollocks. Here is a link to a video called "the atomic blackpill 2" in this video a guy pretends to be a chad and in his bio it states that he used to beat up his ex gf and sexually abused children whilst working at kids'r'us:

>> No.15314911
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bench lmao2pl8 for reps at 165 lb bodyweight
im not arnold or anything, but almost every tinder hookup rubs my arms while i fuck them

if youre one of the faggy genetics giga queers, kill yourself. you have to play the hand you're dealt, even if you arent a supermodel in the face if you get more fit you will get more female interest 10 times out of 10

>> No.15314954

Women will match you to see if you swiped yes on them, then unmatch you since they got their curiosity satisfied, then back to the hottest guys messaging them for a hookup.

Hows your face though? I dont want to spend a year improving my life and bettering my health for nothing.

Thats just how it goes anon. I run my own business, multiple houses, average at best lookwise but I see a lot of guys a lot worse off saying they get 0 matches so Im not a complete lost cause. I get matched but its pretty crazy. Some girls go psycho if you say the wrong thing. You have to be energetic, slightly flirty, kind, just to take out a 3-4/10 and pay for her to eat/drink to get fatter.

I only do coffee/drink dates but jesus christ Im getting worn out. Got ghosted by a huge tatt'd girl. No gf by a thousand cuts.

>> No.15314978
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>bench lmao2pl8 for reps at 165 lb bodyweight
im not arnold or anything, but almost every tinder hookup rubs my arms while i fuck them
>if youre one of the faggy genetics giga queers, kill yourself. you have to play the hand you're dealt, even if you arent a supermodel in the face if you get more fit you will get more female interest 10 times out of 10

>> No.15314987

Don't put the smiley face it looks girly

>> No.15314994


There are gazillion other betas cucking and chit-chatting with her, just ask her out in the first message, always worked to me. then you can really show her who you are IRL and skip the letter-pal line.

>> No.15315000

>just ask her out in the first message, always worked to me. then you can really show her who you are IRL and skip the letter-pal line.

>> No.15315011

It doesn't matter what you say

Would you give af if some guy brushed you off? Then why care when a grill does it

>> No.15315049

every time i get instant reply, they accept it and we see on the same day.

i tried chit-chat but they delete me. tinder-match is like a live fire, rigth after you match, you have to keep the excite running and feed the fire.

just pretend that youre new in town and ask could she show some places where to drink few beers or lead the conversation to meeting right away.

it works, really, try it.

>> No.15315085
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>Just give them free food bro

>> No.15315092

Smiley faces are beta

I don't use tinder but if I did Id just say "hello" or "yeah" or "you'll do"

>> No.15315094

Face is always more important than the body. Probably because if a girl was accidentally impregnated by you, if you have a pretty face, at least your offspring might be attractive. Your body can always improve, but not your face

>> No.15315114

dude i am not going to juggle and become a court jester just so some bitch can go out with me for lunch which ill be paying for and then never speak to me again. My messages were extremely neutral and open ended and i get no responses

>> No.15315143

Because they have had 1 million guys prior to you open with whatsup

>> No.15315159

This, your very first message is coming off gay dude

>> No.15315173

women want validation and youre giving it to them for free u simp

>> No.15315175

no no dont ever mention that you will offer. i've never done that and they always pay their own drinks, actually after few beers some of them offered TO ME.

i dont say that you have to be sugar-daddy to her, she has dozens of better looking-men chatting with her 24/7 and not seeing her

get the "first-mover advantage" and ask her out immediately. in the first message, really. you just need to be quick-witted and not sound too creepy, just ask like " hi, i hate this chit-chat, wanna hang out in the park in the evening, im new in the town haha"

>> No.15315209

oh fuck off lmaooo ye ok dude me saying "yo" and "wussup" and "hey :)" sounds gay ok dude HAHAHAHA
I thought biz was better than this, theres a few guys here that are on the ball but some of you cope so hard bro holy fuck i thought this sorta cope was in the past by now
Watch that youtube video i sent about teh atomic blackpill 2, if you are still coping by then well youre hopeless

>> No.15315210


>my messages very completely neutral

thats your problem imo. you have to
you have to stand out from the mass, like other anons said, if you aren't giga-chad with 6-pack and fat dick wallet then you have to do something else to cope.

girls love if you are self-confident and ask her out immediately without a hoot

>> No.15315237

I'll tell you why it doesn't work anon. Those girls get a lot of messages, probably daily. Truth is, you probably aren't good looking enough to get away with a "yo". Be a bit more original or at the least put a bit more effort in it and you'll get a response

>> No.15315243

self confidence only becomes attractive if they guy is attractive. Self confidence when you arent or are average looking is called narcissism. Believe me ive been in situations where i was more chatty and positive and i just got told i was being cocky whereas better looking guys were perceived as someone who SHOULD be confident.
Im not even that ugly like i said, so things are getting even worse nowadays

>> No.15315244

Are you literally fucking retarded?
Backhanded compliment is the only high yield opener online
You fucking retarded nigger

>> No.15315325

it's normal.

i use bumble. sometimes i ghost girls as well. not because they are ugly or im super handsome. if they come to me in real life i would be very happy but i don't respond on bumble for different reasons.

online dating is like carpet bombing. if you get 1 date after 100 matches, you should be happy.

btw real life is more easy. because competition is less.

>> No.15315476

i have approach anxiety irl, ive had 1 ltr and 2 ONS before but i still get it

>> No.15315485

they are bots

>> No.15315501

idk about that, many of them link their snapchats etc and have multiple pictures and university location

>> No.15315642

are you trying to be nigger on purpose or you are a nigger for real?

>> No.15315666

No im white western euro
Its normal text speech u autist

>> No.15315737
File: 39 KB, 503x644, imagen-dia-22-10-2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess they are matching with studs etc but still.

The 20% top men fuck 80% of the women. Yes, they fuck different women. The women circulate these men among them selves.

>> No.15315774
File: 2.35 MB, 1946x2400, all women are whores except iranians apparently.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre supposed to reply with something that gets their attention. Try "My name is X and I dont give a fuck, id like to be pounding you this week"

>> No.15315795

inb4 i get insta blocked

>> No.15315799

that only works on the top 20% tho

>> No.15315879

>I dont send anything cringe like a massive long creepy message i jsut start with a simple "hey :)" or "wussup" since its neutral and a normal conversation starter.
Lmao you're either retarded or underage. Unless you're chad/messaging bottom tier chicks you need to show some kind of personality in a first message you fucking idiot. Can you do that?

>> No.15315886

>Its normal text speech u autist

>> No.15315891

>Why do bitches match me on tinder but dont reply to my message.
Found the problem, you’re a mysognist piece of shit and they can probably sense you’re hatred of women through your messages

>> No.15315895

lol go back to plebbit

>> No.15315901

ye dude im sure they can hear my hatred through me saying "hey :)"

>> No.15315903

It's only normal to hate women, give this man some space

>> No.15315966

Emojis are beta as fuck, and saying wussup makes you sound retarded. Jfc, no wonder. Start off with one of those goofy pickup lines, you're gonna have to use google for that, because I can tell you're not clever enough to come up with anything on your own. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. IM SUPER PISSED OFF NOW BECSUSE OF YOU!!! YOU FUCKING RUINED MY DAY WITH YOUR IDIOCY! FUCK! HANG YOURSELF WITH YOUR BEDSHEETS YOU FUCKING LOSER KIKE NIGGER!!!

>> No.15315974

r u the burger?

>> No.15315978

Sex, have it incels

>> No.15315982

You have to say something interesting to distract them from the plethora of dics and cheesy jokes.

>> No.15315989

cope and dilate

>> No.15316101

Go to a different app

>> No.15316129
File: 6 KB, 159x316, 1562903236187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw top graph is well known statistical bell curve and the bottom is skewed as fuck.

conclusion? women are either stupid or evil
inb4 incel

>> No.15316226

always some queer coming in and going hurrr have sex incels.... please take me serious after I say the current word fad that is incel and fad phrase have sex.... I iz so smrt and witty and clever and I pw3n those n00bz. I thought summer was over yet underage queers keep shitter posting here daily. but to be expected on a generation of boys raised by single slut moms and raised to defend m'lady no matter what and that gets your peepee touched.... and sex, have it incels is a typical single slut mom raised virginal retort said by someone raised to defend m'ladies even tho they wont actually touch his tiny peepee for it.... kek nice projection of have sex incel also queer. off to >>>plebbit >>>raisedintoaqueer >>>nevergettinglaid >>>whiteknightingisforvirginboys
might be more y our speed

>> No.15316253

I think its because women care more about how much money a guy makes than his looks, whereas guys pretty much only care about looks.
Maybe they're just evil though i dunno

>> No.15316265

Why are women so based bros?

>> No.15316397

50% of matches never answer
25% answer once or twice then vanish
15% talk for a while then vanish
5% will talk for a long time but will never actually meet in person
5% of your matches will meet in person

That's the game.

>> No.15316409

So you just admitted to being manlet

>> No.15316493
File: 37 KB, 1335x525, eGd0MVx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think its because women care more about how much money a guy makes

>> No.15316528

My buddy used to pull ass from tinder all the time. He used to reply with a smiley for the first message and take them home. Course he was a pretty boy so it is what it is.

>> No.15316593

Semi-chad here to redpill you for your own benefit. If you approach them when you are out you skip the entire tinder queue waiting for her to respond. You can also punch 2-3 points above your weight irl vs online. Its scary I know, but you can just say hello when they are in front of you instead of waiting for a match. I've fucked 10 girls who said they would have left swiped me if we had seen each other on tinder first instead of irl

>> No.15316896

this is amazingly low numbers desu. bottom 10% gargoyle only needs to make 250k?

>> No.15317515
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>dude i am not going to skip the chit chat bullshitting around (which I am objectively failing at currently) just so some bitch can go out with me
Why are you on tinder?

If you don't think smileys are gay you might be gay.

>> No.15318263
File: 55 KB, 500x332, 2669258089_55d302ca7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're doing it wrong. You can't be self confident the same way an ultra-chad is confident because that confidence is based on their own attractiveness. You have to find other qualities about your self and build your confidence around them.

I mean just look at this pic, none of them look like chads, but my man Beetlejuice is getting smothered by milkers and grabbing the blonde's brapper while the cuck and the incel stare in the background.

>> No.15319376

you sound like the stereotype virgin incel. you all talk exactly the same about women. one day when you're still a virgin in your 40's it may dawn on you that your pathetic defeatist attitude coupled with your inability to accept being kept you a miserable virgin throughout your youth, not the so-called "chads" and "stacies" that ruined it for you. you did.

>> No.15319446

Try these two:
> So I finally found you
>Did it hurt when your standards fell after swiping me?

>> No.15319504
File: 1.83 MB, 300x309, 1565057407635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was getting jelly till i noticed one lived 49 mi away and one 350. They just wanted the dirty talk
>wish i was 22 again

>> No.15319560

Women are whores . The most innocent looking one has slept with 5 guys When she is 20 . I have worked in a hotel/hostel for 2 years and i probably fucked like 30 girls some of which had boyfriends in their country , my. Coworker who was a super chad was fucking 1 different cunt every week .. . I m jelous of men who locked in their girlfriend when they were in high school and still togheter . Once they go to college or whatever it s over ..

>> No.15319608

Big mistake, never smile at a woman. Women take kindness as weakness. Just walk up to a girl at a bar, give her a death stare and tell her if she doesn't suck your dick right now you'll kill her. Bitches love it. Don't worry if they tell their boyfriend or threaten to call the cops that's just part of the mind game. You'll also want to find a wing man, if you can't find one you can just hire one off Craigslist. I'd reccomend sucking each other off before you go to bond and build confidence. If all else fails you can just show her your Link stack. GL anon.

>> No.15319807


>> No.15319834

>If all else fails you can just show her your Link stack. GL anon.

Thats literally worse than pulling out your 3 inch micro penis. Nobody gives a shit about StainStink.