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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15312782 No.15312782 [Reply] [Original]

> be me 21 y/o
> International business student
> working as an entrepreneur selling phone cables through webshops
> business failing
> 7.6k in debt and 60k in student loans
> invested in crypto when BTC was 18k

Currently sad asf when I realized my dream of starting my own webshop was all but an illusion sponsored by Specsavers. My net worth is shit and I'm still considering if it's worth to do a masters. Is it possible for a person like me to recover? Can I still pursue the sweeter things in life? What to do biz.

>> No.15312805

Stay in school and try and address your gambling addiction

>> No.15312813

Only 21

>> No.15312839

Oh no. You're life is so hard. Man, I can't imagine how tough you have it. You're such a strong and powerful individual for willing to wake up every day and deal with the situation you're in. You're so brave for doing what you're doing. I'm actually inspired.

>> No.15312852

How much did you put in?

If you held, you're down less than 50%

>> No.15312857
File: 83 KB, 678x381, B5563BC3-E806-4F89-B978-AB85EF28FB2A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>working as an entrepreneur
LEL stop calling it that. Its just another word for being jobless.

Buy Bitcoin and some alts.
My bags consists of the much hyped Mitx and Ftm. We’ll fly away soon so hop on anon

>> No.15312897

>>Is it possible for a person like me to recover?
Have you met Mister COTI?
Elhamdulah my brother

>> No.15313116

You bought the top. Now buy the bottom. Get yourself some BPRO and SWTH. It would also be wise to avarage down on btc as btc will
be 50k in 2020

>> No.15313757
File: 455 KB, 1052x1510, bprocoolsekiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also had this already. Panicpeople sold, smart ones bought and Bitcloud Pro made a huge increase again. Tell me what you want but it was a good buy for me..

>> No.15313794
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>biggest dream is to successfully sell phone cables online

>> No.15313965

21.... I think your life is over. At least you didnt say that you are 21 and are virgin. Would be a shame to still be a virgin with 21 years. At least you can buy some good projects now. My bags:

>> No.15313987

>falling for the "Just start you business bro lol" meme

yeah your fucked

>> No.15314394

MITx will do a few X’ soon, these chinks will bring out the Singapore Governments model out

>> No.15314438


Do a masters, every piece of paper will make you worth more. Also get a COTI bag now, it’s super cheap cause some group liquidated some stuff. Also always keep your risks in mind, risk management is key to winning long-term.

>> No.15314449
File: 199 KB, 1278x676, fdsafsdafwer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GUYS GUYS TOMORROW xPERL IEO on xFutures!!! Try it out. you can also skip and be dump and skip free money. Fuck you all and stay retards!

>> No.15314462
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>be 20
>in uni
>listen to /biz/ and buy chainlink at 0.20 with money saved up working for minimum wage
>already paid off my debt (on paper) and set for the next few years
>still never fucking selling

>> No.15314506

How many pinkies?
Comfy here as well.