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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15312506 No.15312506 [Reply] [Original]

On-chain, Bitcoin is capped at 7 tx/sec. The more activity the network sees, the slower transactions become.
As it grows in value, fees increase as well.
Lightning allows for a theoretically unlimited number of transactions at near-zero fees, but it has seen stagnant growth because there's little financial incentive for individuals to adopt it on their own.
XSN's solution involves using its decentralized MN network and the collateral locked in them to rout payments, act as watchtowers, and provide a ton of liquidity for transactions.
This will bolster Lightning without centralizing it.

As XSN is inflationary, the supply will slowly increase over time and allow more masternodes to participate.
With this design and approach, BTC will be able to scale and take on much heavier workloads without hitting any major bottlenecks down the road.

Additionally, XSN's masternodes are going to use lightning to restore some of BTC's inherent privacy and anonymity that was compromised by CEXs and KYC.
By embedding TOR into the network and implementing lightning atomic swaps, anyone will be able to instantly and privately swap a wide variety of coins without ever having to send them somewhere that is out of their control. This will greatly minimize the need for businesses that accept crypto to adopt 10 different types of coins as so many of them can be instantly swapped into BTC.
Imagine a standard Bitcoin qt wallet with an extra tab that offers everything that a full scale exchange has and you have the essence of Stakenet.

>> No.15312515


>> No.15312624

I legitimately don't understand why they don't just increase the block size

>> No.15312700

theoretically unlimited number of transactions at near-zero fees ?

so, what do the returns look like for the masternodes, if the fees are near-zero ?

I'll even take a back-of-a-napkin calculation...

>> No.15312878

Masternodes are compensated in a lot of different ways:

Atomic Swap Fees
Lightning Transactions Fees
Block Rewards (Like any other masternode coin)
Private Transactions
All dApps in the eco-system
And more to come.

These fees add up quickly, and is just another source of income on top of the normal block rewards you get anyway.

>> No.15312910
File: 21 KB, 250x226, gay retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chain gets rly big rly fast with many ppl using

chain get so big chain get centralized to big data center

centralize bad

>> No.15312936


yes, but all those fees are expected to be low, no ?

and Stakenet has one of the largest MN networks running - 2000 MNs ?

How profitable is it expected to be, keeping aside block rewards ?

>> No.15313070

Stakenet will run multiple dApps.
Their Lightning DEX is just ONE of them.
Their Multi Currency Wallet with 1-click lightning swaps and TOR-integration is in public beta testing right now. That's another dApp.
Will be available for Desktop, Androind and IOS.
It will then soon be possibly to exchange your funds on the go via lightning at a blink of an eye.
Pretty cool once USDT moves to lightning later this year. Imagine yourself at a family dinner, you check your phone only to see that BTC spiked $2k the last 10 mins. You KNOW it's going back down like it always does after a pump, and you quickly tether your BTC over lightning.

An hour later you exchange those USDT back to BTC, and have gained more BTC while not even being at home.

Again, multiple dApps will be available and multiple income streams will be added to these masternodes down the line.

ANYONE can make their own dApps on the Stakenet eco-system, so the possibilities is near endless.

>> No.15313172


When are these expected to be out again?

I see posts here but nothing yet reached fruition ?

>> No.15313277
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The open-ended nature towards profitability makes it hard to say exactly how profitable the MNs will be on top of block rewards. They can be purposed in many different ways.
The Lightning components will need to see high volume to become even remotely lucrative. Bitcoin and Litecoin volume is tremendous and it's only expected to grow over time. As LN adoption picks up, they will likely bring the sort of volume needed.
I see the DEX Aggregator being rather profitable as a one-stop for numerous DEX orderbooks.

>> No.15313453

So one click atomic swaps, are possible between only Litecoin and/or Btc? Does the utxo your deposit creates have be near or a multiple of the anticipated swap?

>> No.15313625

DEX is at 80% completion, And the multi currency wallet is in open beta right now.. Needs to be tested for bugs and exploits before final release.

>> No.15314728

4 MNs reporting in

>> No.15314740

>Point Of Failure
Lightning Network

>> No.15314792

Good one.
Same here. 4 MN.
Accumulating since more then a year now.

>> No.15314817

Lightning is just piece of cake.
But that tech looks bullish to me.

>> No.15315031

Good luck sending your BTC in 10 years, waiting several weeks for your transactions to go through, lmao.

Off-chain transactions is the future for BTC and many other currencies

>> No.15315296

19 reporting in

>> No.15315704

19 XSN coins? What a poor fag, hahaha

>> No.15315883

4 masternodes here will use the web3 linky pump for buying at least 3 more.

>> No.15315979

How many link do you own? 40k here

>> No.15316010

Only 10k

>> No.15316473

>the future of blockchain is not using the blockchain

>> No.15316622

You ARE using the blockchain, just utilizing a second layer to make transactions faster. God you're dumb, lmao

>> No.15316761

>thinks transactions taken off the chain are using blockchain
>calls others dumb

>> No.15317326

19? Damn, that's going in deep.
Did you already make it or did you put everything you have into it?

>> No.15317423
File: 136 KB, 1200x1679, Brainlet_2917d6_6615771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to use lightning without a blockchain.
Are you THIS dumb? Jesus

>> No.15317837

Poorfag from poor country with half MN going for it. damn i hate being poor

>> No.15317919

You own more than most .. Be happy with that, remember to stake it man

>> No.15318340

discord shills have been accumulating for months now.
you think its for the tech?
massive dump incoming

>> No.15318764

Here is the progress from today's dev update:
>Stakenet Wallet Mobile (85–90%)
>DEX Aggregator (70–75%)
>XSN HUB (60–65%)
>Lightning Manager (40–55%)
>DEX Launch (80%)
It's getting close.

>> No.15319023

Accumulating to dump at the same price, yeah makes sense, lmao
Nice, looks like a possibly DEX launch is right around the corner

>> No.15319668

By the look of it, we're only a few weeks away.

>> No.15319904

Do you have any idea how lightning works?
You can make millions of TXs, but at the end it will count as 2 TXs on the blockchain. 1 for sending from the chain to the LN wallet, and another one when you send it back to your normal BTC wallet. Everything between is made off chain. So you DO use the blockchain, just a lot less.