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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.42 MB, 1120x1082, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 18.53.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15311740 No.15311740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did someone here transition to part time work to start their own business or to just have more free time and to enjoy life? Is that a solution to the wagecuck problem?

If so how much income are you able to get from working part time? And how many days a week do you work?

I've got an offer that would leave me after rent, food and occasionally eating out with 600€-700€ every month working three days a week. Also have 1btc currently.

>> No.15311874


>> No.15311917
File: 8 KB, 612x218, fagot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311922

Part-time is the way to go. The problem is it's mostly on shit jobs that offer part-time.

>> No.15311926


>> No.15311987

The problem with part time jobs is that if its a decent part time job (software/etc...), you'll still be thinking about work in your downtime, so it cuts into the days you can be productive and work on your own things. Either go balls to the wall remote + highly paid, save up a shit ton, then quit for a year to do your thing + unwind, or do an easy full time job and grind weekends. Also you can't post that without story/sauce

>> No.15312019

will post sauce when this thread gets 100 replies


It's rare in my field (performance marketing) but if you search hard enough its possible to find part time offers from time to time

I'm sure it will depend on the type of work and the company if the work is going to stretch into my off days. I hope not.

>> No.15312034
File: 1.55 MB, 1130x1128, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 18.54.21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15312036
File: 121 KB, 687x560, magic things happen with frugal habits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i retired in 2013 off blog income, but the blog bubble burst in 2015 so I had to go "back to work" in 2017.

I only worked 2 days a week (weekends) at pretty much minimum wage in this country, but still made enough to meet all my expenses which are only about 1000$/mo. I live in a very expensive city so I know this is doable pretty much anywhere.

If you can't live on 1000$/mo then you just need to get good, end of story. It's better to be rich in time than in money.

>> No.15312070

>will post sauce when this thread gets 100 replies
Are you drunk or do you just lack any selfawareness?
This is a terrible thread, it will never reach 100 replies regardless of the quality of your chick-picture.
You should be ashamed of yourself..

>> No.15312083
File: 1.13 MB, 888x1148, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 18.51.59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also how hard was it for you to find a highly paid remote job ?

>> No.15312114

I am a burger so if I work PT I am unable to have health insurance kek

>> No.15312147

god i want to fuck a skinny blonde girl

>> No.15312156
File: 1.55 MB, 906x1048, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 18.52.56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, thats what I'm thinking as well. How are you doing now? Also what kind of part time work did you do?

>> No.15312182


>> No.15312222
File: 141 KB, 670x646, frugal waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm doing great actually, the place I worked "restructured" in spring so they aren't open saturdays anymore, only sundays.

I took voluntary summer layoff too, so I haven't worked all summer, which is perfect because this is the time of year for hiking, boating, gardening and hanging out with friends on the weekend. But I'm returning at the beginning of next month for sundays only.

So it only pays me 500$/mo right now (15$/hr canadian) but that's okay because I make up the difference in that blog income which I still have but is reduced, and freelance web stuff like design and SEO.

The job is warehouse work (receiving) at a small local company. I was very picky when looking for work and chose this one because it's chad physical labor which partially makes up for the virgin computer stuff I do during the week.


Sidenote, this PT job actually has healthcare benefits because it's unionized, but I didn't sign up for them because I already get that through family.

>> No.15312231

That's a weird doggo.

>> No.15312259
File: 133 KB, 245x298, cuphead flower boss meme cute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my frugal waifu earns me quads

>> No.15312339


>> No.15312345

Are you a burger?

>> No.15312372

op.. just shut up and keep posting more pics of this girl

>> No.15312469
File: 55 KB, 500x300, rent out apt air b n b neet strat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, I'm a leaf, living in the most expensive city in leafland. So if I can make it on 2 days of work per week, any pleb can.

Many (maybe most) "weekend jobs" are actually fri-sat-sun, and with the income from 3 days of work, you have plenty of extra money for idiotic consumerist crap if that's what you're into, or for flushing down the shitcoin toilet. Or god forbid, savings.

Once you are low income (12,000$ per year is god-tier) you should qualify for all sorts of benefits no matter what country you live in. Abuse the shit out of tax rebates and benefits because we are in the looting stage of this empire, and you better get yours before some migrant does.

There is no excuse for working more than 3 days per week.

>> No.15312518


>> No.15312598
File: 1.50 MB, 1104x784, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 20.10.41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The job is warehouse work (receiving) at a small local company. I was very picky when looking for work and chose this one because it's chad physical labor which partially makes up for the virgin computer stuff I do during the week.

nice thats what I'm trying to balance as well. I haven't been in the gym for months since working full time. And I also do web design, SEO after work for a few clients here and there but its inconsistent and doesn't help getting away from the screen.

So the blog affiliate income keeps you afloat through the summer? Are the topics something you enjoy writing about in your blog?

>> No.15312602

Please tell me who this is please please

>> No.15312640


>> No.15312651

This skinny blonde makes me hard.

>> No.15312666

I know... I need more

>> No.15312765

what is her name i want to fap please help

>> No.15312768
File: 37 KB, 720x480, pokemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to pet this pokemon

>> No.15312801
File: 56 KB, 193x755, slash your spending until it bleeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice thats what I'm trying to balance as well. I haven't been in the gym for months since working full time.
like most things, gym membership is too expensive if you are trying to live on sub 1000$ per month. I bought a nice set of kettlebells and have about 45 pounds of gainz over 4 years to show for it.

>And I also do web design, SEO after work for a few clients here and there but its inconsistent and doesn't help getting away from the screen.

freelance is always going to be inconsistent when starting out, but if you control your spending habits, it's not a problem. It averages out nicely throughout a year. One mistake I made starting out was charging too little (45$/hr) So now I charge between 150 and 300 per hour and hide how much I'm really charging behind an itemized quote. So I only have to bill 20-30 hours per year to be rollin in it.

>So the blog affiliate income keeps you afloat through the summer? Are the topics something you enjoy writing about in your blog?

The blog income IS enough to make up the gap between 500/mo and my required 1000/mo.

But I'm only really comfortable when I have a nice buffer for savings, so I have other streams of income as well, such as the aforementioned freelance income, and the aforementioned GOVERNMENT BENEFITS such as the generous Canadian "breeder bucks" that I get for the next 18 years as a reward for sticking my penis in a vagina a couple of times. If you combine BREEDER BUCKS with an ultra-frugal lifestyle, each kid earns you more than it costs to house, feed and clothe them. After 4-5 kids, you actually break even on all your expenses and can retire PURELY on child benefits.

That said, part of my financial philosophy is to never become DEPENDENT on government largesse, and only use that extra money to withdraw yourself even further from the financial system (skills, food production, etc) or invest in income generating assets that you actually control (stocks, property, etc)

>> No.15312838
File: 44 KB, 854x419, free coupons misgender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to answer your question about "writing the blog" - it's not that exciting or interesting of a topic at all, but my niche is PROFITABLE and EVERGREEN.

That means I did all my writing in 2012-2013 and haven't had to add more content since then. And the checks keep rolling in, even though they are smaller than they used to be.

>> No.15312953

Would time be better spent pursuing other endeavors instead of a blog?

>> No.15312963

does anyone know her name lol? need to fap ASAP

>> No.15313020

Lol holy fucking shit

>> No.15313032

tldr KYS op

>> No.15313048

thanks for sharing
have you tried scaling the blog thing ? Having cashflow and an insight, I imagine would allow one to expand further into other (evergreen) niches and hire people to write for you?

>> No.15313082
File: 25 KB, 505x164, 1410750286556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would time be better spent pursuing other endeavors instead of a blog?

Yes, for a few reasons. First, the blog bubble already burst in 2015. Second, you're most likely to fail at making any money anyway.

If it was still 2012-2014, it might be a good time to get in IF you are :

A. a self-starter capable of commiting to daily content production.
B. A good writer and photographer.
C. a competant sysadmin who can keep your server running smoothly, and
D. A good marketer and SEO that can drive a big boost of traffic in the short term with links that also have good long-term SEO benefit.
E. A good business person who is able to metiuculously keep track of incomes and expenditures, and set and meet income targets.

The vast majority of "bloggers" don't have all the skills necessary and they end up giving up after wasting a bunch of time and money starting their blog. I did all of the above when building my blog and it did very well. But then in 2017 when I tried to jack the income back up through my pro blogger skillz, the juice was simply not worth the squeeze anymore.

HOWEVER, all those great skills I built up with that blog are in high demand, and having a very successful blog on my portfolio allows me to command a high price in freelance. So if your goal is to write a blog to build up your SKILLS, a blog might still be a good idea.

>> No.15313084

What is meant by "evergreen"? Topics that will always draw traffic as long as the blog exists?

>> No.15313131

I'm almost 28 and feel lost and in a downward spiral. I have some modest savings and investments and currently work a job that is just okay. Girlfriend wants to start looking for a place (got some inheritance money) but I want to try to build myself to where I can ultimately provide a life without waging in a cage through side sources of income.

>> No.15313144
File: 232 KB, 1437x908, collapse cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have you tried scaling the blog thing ?

yes, in fact the big most successful blog WAS a scaling of my initial experiments with affiliate marketing based on exact-match domain name purchases.

>Having cashflow and an insight, I imagine would allow one to expand further into other (evergreen) niches and hire people to write for you?

Perhaps, but see my write-up on >>15313082 about the "juice" no longer being worth the "squeeze"

I did hire a good writer and invested around 5000$ into good, daily content. But the boost in revenue was not really enough to justify continuing to spend the money. I may never make all that money back, or it may take 15-20 years. If you know anything about why SEO specialists have to utilize the new "cornerstone content" , you might have an idea about why a blog is more difficult to scale than it used to be.

And I worked so hard on the blog, that I'm still kinda burned out on it. I get bored easily and I'm onto the next thing. I'm helping to start up a physical labor type local business, and I'm a lot more excited about that. Fuck the internet, seriously.

>> No.15313146

Sorry for grammar and format, posting mobile while waging.

>> No.15313152

girls name pls. hottest little thot ive seen posted on here in a while

>> No.15313163
File: 1.74 MB, 1002x1116, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 20.10.14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. Mostly health, beauty, wealth & relationship related.

>> No.15313243
File: 268 KB, 1080x925, child benefit baby bonus canada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is meant by "evergreen"? Topics that will always draw traffic as long as the blog exists?

Yes. OP neglected to list the DIY niche in this post >>15313163 however, which is my niche. There are many reasons why I think it is the best niche to be in, especially since credit card affiliate programs seem to have all closed now.


>I'm almost 28 and feel lost and in a downward spiral. I have some modest savings and investments and currently work a job that is just okay. Girlfriend wants to start looking for a place (got some inheritance money) but I want to try to build myself to where I can ultimately provide a life without waging in a cage through side sources of income.

Maybe it's time to put some babies into your girlfriend. At your age, your biology is screaming at your to reproduce even if you don't realise it.

One of you should be the stay at home parent, and if you hate working you could angle for it to be you.

I had my first kid around your age, and my only regret so far has been that I waited so long.

>> No.15313286

I'd prefer she be the stay at home parent but I'm willing to compromise provided her income is high enough (it currently is not) because I may have more success at "side gigs" to contribute.

Any suggestions for other streams of income since blogging won't be feasible?

>> No.15313311
File: 135 KB, 800x1900, 1498193171156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away, filthy redditspacer

>> No.15313393
File: 137 KB, 800x712, 1497339538998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have the template for this meme? am willing to trade for psychedelic pepes

>> No.15313442

whats that girls name?

>> No.15313506
File: 303 KB, 720x1280, btfo normies voice recorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Any suggestions for other streams of income since blogging won't be feasible?

Sure, keep plugging away at those side gigs. The more irons you have in the fire, the more likely one is to actually take off. My big blog was like the 12th website i launched.

Start trolling around for tiny little businesses in your area to get involved in. I got "hired" at a tiny little business back in 2011 and within a few weeks I was running the entire company. That meant I could hire a bunch of people to work under me to do the actual work, and scrape off the cheese for myself. I had to give up the company when I moved, but I am still drawing a small income from that one gig to this day. The more people you know, the more opportunities will arise.

Don't underestimate the "networking" power of volunteering. You don't have to volunteer a lot of hours, but you will meet a lot of people and learn a lot of skills. If you can get on the board of governers for various non-profits, you are in a position to control where money is spent. If you are savvy and entrepreneurial enough, you will find lots of ways to turn these positions of power to your benefit and extract small income streams from these relationships.

Introduce yourselves to these small businesses and non-profits through short little emails introducing yourself and what sort of benefit you can provide for them. The shorter your email, the less of a percieved hurdle it will be for them to respond to your email.


>go away, filthy redditspacer

I'm going to take that as a compliment. I used reddit almost exclusively when I was building up terrific traffic for my blog. Reddit has earned me in the low 6-figures total so far from a handful of links I posted there, and content I was able to repurpose and put ads on. If you want to earn money, you don't sell to 4channers, you sell to bugmen and boomers.

And reddit spacing is also easy to read and absorb. I format my blogs like reddit posts.

>> No.15313529
File: 1.56 MB, 1190x1110, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 20.12.42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting, so you are advertising products need for the DIY projects you write about?

What skills do you currently have? I work at an agency managing google ads campaign for small to medium sized business mostly and you wouldn't believe how incapable and naive most of the clients are, but they still manage to successfully run a business. For example stay at home moms and what not, that started to sell kids clothing on ebay and are now generating 200k+ a month in sales

>> No.15313534
File: 165 KB, 1280x960, north korea golden cult kim jong un donald trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search "saint pepe template"

>> No.15313570
File: 50 KB, 660x440, german merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interesting, so you are advertising products need for the DIY projects you write about?

not only that, but you can also advertise and link the "finished product" just in case your lazy-ass reader is overwhelmed by how difficult the DIY tutorial is. It's the Hegelian dialectic of affiliate marketing.

It's like in sales where the salesman closes the sale by asking, "would you like to buy the cheaper base model or the premium full-featured model?" - either answer to the question results in a sale.

>> No.15313583

OP what is the sauce?

>> No.15313589

what political ideology is this

>> No.15313600

This is what Europeans do when the migrant boats are coming.

>> No.15313607


>> No.15313608
File: 92 KB, 401x714, traditionalist gizz party fuck my folk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what political ideology is this

>> No.15313635

what is sauce-ism?

>> No.15313641

I deliver for Amazon flex. Make about $65 in 3 hours a day, but do put about 50 miles on my car.

>> No.15313645


>> No.15313662

Damn, that looks nice.

>> No.15313673

my ex had a body like this
somehow looking back fucking thiccer grills is better

>> No.15313701

sauce on the girl?

>> No.15313716

Mobile anon on PC now

Right now my only "side gigs" are some small things that compliment my main job. I have my real estate license but haven't done much with it yet but have been trying to be the agent for investors or friends about to enter the housing market for the first time; I've got a lot to learn though and the amount of information is daunting.

I was considering getting a property for rental income. Your suggestion regarding the tiny businesses is intriguing - how do you approach them and how do you present yourself? Are they a single industry or multiple? How do you choose which to contact?

You know what? I actually don't know. I've struggled with a poor self-image for as long as I can remember but based on what I'm told by others who know of my mental struggles I am told that I sell myself way short. I easily blend in with normies and am often told that I'm charismatic and personable. I'm a quick learner. I'm a hard worker but I'd like my work ethic to be geared towards making myself and business partners money together rather than my current wagie set-up where I am grinding to make somebody else rich. I'm not especially intelligent when it comes to advanced science or mathematics. I know I've got potential inside of me (something I've been working to realize these past few months of trying to improve myself) but I need some guidance. Do you have discord or something to communicate off site when this thread is inevitably archived?

>> No.15313720

Agree, but I still work my 9-5. I save 2k a month and go to school with the rest of my time so it's not too bad. and 20 days PTO at 22 an hour ain't bad for no degree yet

>> No.15313728

you got the sauce on the girl?

>> No.15313746

My current wagie job requires me to drive (I do occupancy checks for banks and some inspections for assorted insurance companies). I'm talking 300-500 miles a week. I get some compensation outside of my pay for vehicle costs but it absolutely tears up my vehicle and is part of why I want to get away from the work. Depending on your area, download Job Spotter. You photograph businesses that are hiring and submit them to Indeed in exchange for Amazon GC credit. It isn't much but it can add a few extra bucks to your day driving a route you'd already be driving otherwise.

>> No.15313755

No, sorry fren

>> No.15313793


>> No.15313811


>> No.15313864


>> No.15313878

any sauce on the girl anyone? please dont make my post on /r

>> No.15313893
File: 1.51 MB, 1086x828, Bildschirmfoto 2019-08-19 um 20.09.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man that makes a lot of sense. Did you upload any videos on youtube and are you getting traffic from there?

I might actually try this at one point with furniture because I have a passion for designing and building things.

>> No.15313999
File: 319 KB, 650x283, WOMEN OF WORKING POWER THE TOGETHER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Your suggestion regarding the tiny businesses is intriguing - how do you approach them and how do you present yourself? Are they a single industry or multiple? How do you choose which to contact?

I approach them by email and simply present myself as someone with relevant skills looking for work.

Example: you already do a lot of driving. Driving is the largest employment sector in the united states, so you can use your pre-existing skills. Approach tiny moving companies, delivery companies, waste hauling companies, and the like. You might even consider buying a little delivery company off craigslist, I've seen them in this niche for as low as $15,000 with a pre-existing client base.

A sort of semi-related niche that is relatively ascendant is eco-friendly bicycle delivery. Since it's a newer niche, there is still lots of room for growth and companies will tend to be tiny, just what you're looking for. And bicycle delivery requires much less overhead than a big heavy truck, and customers will pay a premium for eco-friendly hauling services. Plus you will actually be able to get around easier in big cities.

You also mentioned you do inspections of some sort. You could look into home inspections companies which are very small operations. There's opportunities literally everywhere, you just have to do a bit of digging. Bike around town and take pics of interesting company store fronts and trucks, and get in touch if you like what they're doing. T

Basically, take the skills you already have and figure out where else you can use those skills. Surveying is something I'm personally really interested in, but I don't yet have those skills so I gravitate toward stuff that's tangentially related to what I've already been doing.

>> No.15314047

Not OP but girl is zoesurah on instagram

>> No.15314077
File: 231 KB, 735x559, serf wagecuck work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have, and I even had a channel that was earning about $1 a day, but it got demonetized during one of the adpocalypses. It's been okay for traffic in the past, but again Youtube is prioritising mainstream media stuff a lot more now.

Links are always valuable though from an SEO perspective so youtube is always worth at least investing some time in.

The videos that have done the best for me are super short and to the point. A vid of a timelapse potato plant growing, or a one-minute tutorial of how to stain a fence, are some good examples of videos that would do well off the top of my head. Do a quick video of you using a product that you've blogged about, and see if you can get the vendor to post it on their site. In exchange for a link of course..

>> No.15314101

Do you have a discord or throwaway email where we can talk more when this thread goes down?

>> No.15314116

holy shit thank you im about to spill the biggest load

>> No.15314119

Bumpin for the source

>> No.15314125

ty. why is google image seach so useless.

>> No.15314136
File: 76 KB, 650x768, degree living paycheck to paycheck extra steps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure, you faggots can contact me at the throwaway I just made: joyofsoy@protonmail.com

>> No.15314137

>a nagging yenta
havent heard that word in a while

>> No.15314152

Buddy can you post the set on mega?

>Maybe through in another set or two as a thanks for the advice.

You get as much as you give.

>> No.15314182

sauce has been posted for all the cumbrains here

>> No.15314193

based and thiccpilled.

t.low t af

>> No.15314197
File: 1.94 MB, 3136x2352, Joy.from.Sweden-thesauceftw-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/'s taste in women is absolutely distressing

>> No.15314209

e-mail sent

>> No.15314314
File: 77 KB, 600x450, 23.1hgiuhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must say /biz/'s mods are the best of any board I've seen.


>> No.15314466

fuck off cumbrain

>> No.15314482
File: 40 KB, 398x376, A420824C-0972-4E71-9B3B-F9ADBBBE0B0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15314508


>> No.15314530

Look at those disgusting clown feet

>> No.15314589

All these days asking for sauce on a German blonde....she's taken at minimum 35 nigger dicks.

>> No.15314598
File: 921 KB, 1706x760, q8w3yn1qhbw01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can not get enough serf memes

>> No.15314656

That's impossible, unless you live under a bridge or still at home.

>> No.15314766
File: 108 KB, 583x631, free range slaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahhahahah, you absolute pleb. 1 billion people live on less than 3$ per day, but you can't manage 33$ per day? Absolutely pathetic.

saved, thanks anon.

>> No.15314801

theres no way you live off that in toronto or vancouver, without help or under a bridge
explain yourself

>> No.15314818


>> No.15314839
File: 3.05 MB, 283x204, yessss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This fucking thread

>> No.15314872

draw me like one of your french girls

>> No.15314948

100 replies.
Now post the SAUCE

>> No.15315079

based and sticcpilled

>> No.15315193

Scroll up cumbrain

>> No.15315199

its called double spacing and has been called that for decades while plebbit is not even that old.... sounds like another low IQ didnt take school serious underage retard posting again

>> No.15315230

You aboslute faggot, post her name.

>> No.15315249

People do this all the time, usually we call them "women".

>> No.15315257

based and picassopainted

>> No.15315306

dont care much for her sorta im dumb look her face always has but the buttcheeks are decent and she has decent titties also. 5/10 would pay 10k to spank each ass cheek 100 times

>> No.15315344

lol what a load of bollocks. Maybe this worked in boomerland with 20%+ interest and huge expansions in stocks and property.

Try that now with 1.5% interest in a top bank, and good luck getting in on property etc!

I make £27k as a Software Engineer in the North of England, after tax I bring home about 18k. I save around 10k a year, including ~1k a year interest.

I've been doing this for 10 years. How exactly can I retire on this? (I have a bit less than £100k as needed to buy shit for my rented house etc).

Meanwhile my boomer landlord has made ~£30k off me (pre-tax) in just over 5 years, as he's a former electrician and owns several houses (since he was able to buy them before the prices QUADRUPLED).

>> No.15315398
File: 219 KB, 1251x1920, 1544566919247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as you can grow your capital it's ok I think.

>> No.15315473

I currentlty run my own business part time that pays me your average graduate salary for 10 hours a week work.
I'm finishing my degree part time on the side and looking for more ways to make money, as I only have this job as a 2 year contract.

Looking into investing as much as possible over the next two years, including crypto, as well as starting another business or two.

Right now I'm super lazy and just work for an hour then play DS2 all day.

>> No.15315502


>> No.15315764

Why is kitty cunny sad ?

>> No.15315946

I'm 26, but got super lucky falling into this govt contract.

Previously I was working full time devanning containers for minimum wage and was going to drop out of uni

>> No.15316201
File: 269 KB, 874x796, high energy dave ramsey debt frugal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>housing co-op
>baby bonus to increase income
>grow own food
>scavenge free stuff
>thrift stores
>pay as you go phone
it's easy

>> No.15316412

She got punished by the taxman.

>> No.15316526

Damn, I'm jelly.

>> No.15316594
File: 103 KB, 800x1100, mans declining expectations maturation work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, if I had to, I would live under a bridge. Still better than wagecuckery.

>> No.15316671

I did exactly that. I was full time is a niche tech job for 3 years and developed enough skills to contract. Now I have a part time position where they just give me work as needed. It’s $50/hr with additional per diem when traveling. I just got a business license so I can sell related tech and do the integrations myself but I have a professional sales guy from my old job helping me. It’s pretty cozy but money is tight because hours are unpredictable and I’m co sundered expensive. But I’ve got skills that other people at the company don’t have so they always give me work when needed. I currently am only going to make around 40k this year but I’m working less than half time which is worth its weight in gold. I made some money off BTC as well so that helps. It’s definitely a good decision but be prepared to be poor for a while and live cheap.

>> No.15316841

What kind of work?

>> No.15316844

Me five steps up from the bottom right corner.

>> No.15316853


>> No.15317412

Any suggestions for a part time job I can support myself on? I went to college 3 years ago and am so tired of full time work

>> No.15317443


>> No.15318632

how old is she. looks underage honestly...

>> No.15318816

>be 25 and working at warehouse
>know i can do better for myself
>get passed over for a promotion
>fucking pissed
>quit job and get a sales position in an industry i'm familiar with
>meet a client through that job
>turns out we are both motivated as fuck
>take a leap and start a business with him
>he brings a brand and technical expertise
>i brought the capital and addtional manpower
>we make good money but can't agree on company operations
>he buys me out
>happy to take my money; 4x is a good return
>buy another business
>double, almost triple the net profit since taking over; again 4x return in 1 year
>buy another small business, more like a side hustle; making way more than projected because i keep raising prices because i fucking can.
>work 80-100 hours per week
>buy another business
>that's 3 total if you're counting
>in 3 years leap from making 40k to 150k-ish
>planned out the next few years and know how i will expand and become half retired in 5 years

i've come a long way, and there is still longer yet to go. i've seen my business being discussed on biz in passing sometimes. you know, when people aren't posting about crypto. people underestimate the start up costs of my various business by 10 to 20 times.

i'm not getting cocky yet. at the beginning of every month, i'm broke. i'm broke until i know how much money i made at the end of the month. previous business partner i figure is in debt by about 80k to 100k. part of the reason we split was because he had no financial discipline.