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15310720 No.15310720 [Reply] [Original]

How did you guys know so early on that it would become this big?

>> No.15310726

it's always been easy to spot a good scam

>> No.15310728

Russians are talented scammers

>> No.15310736

because /biz/ is the most based

>> No.15310739

did you sell yet?

>> No.15310763

Anons just read the white paper and understood the implications of oracles.

>> No.15310783

We used to not ignore threads like these >>15310543

>> No.15310792

weaponized autism do not underestimate the handful of autists on /biz/ that love patterns and numbers

>> No.15310804

Because of biz hivemind.
Just wait until they find out about QNT.

>> No.15310809

because Sergey was being invited to speak at Sibos, SxSW , and devcon. ICX and VEN we’re hosting their own ridiculous events and based on hype.

>> No.15310828

Autists are very good at seeing “the big picture”, and so when normies were FOMOing into random block chain ICO’s /biz was looking bigger

>> No.15310829


I went all in at 30 cents. The key factors for doing so were

>team located in SV heart of the tech world
>team is all white guys
>memes were funny
>not another currency coin

>> No.15310837


>> No.15310869

How the fuck do you see past the people shitting on it also because they also make sense too?

>> No.15310910

>ICX and VEN we’re hosting their own ridiculous events
Soooo exactly what stinklink are doing at this exact moment?

>> No.15310933

fuck off back to >>/r/eddit you fucking cringe little faggot

>> No.15310965
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And why are we reaching such high levels of FUD during a clear reversal in trend?

>> No.15311905

I haven't seen anyone shit on it that actually made sense

"duhhuhuhuh 700k!!!"


>> No.15312342

If you do your own research(ie read about this shit for 4+ hours every single day) the fud is actually kind of just silly. For instance, when the “muh 2 person dev team headed by a philosophy major” fud was the flavor of the month i would actually laugh at those threads. Ari Juels invented proof of work in 1999, and Sergey has been in the smart contract game since before ETH existed. They have people who work under them and have been acquiring entire projects like town crier. Those acquisitions come with code monkeys attached to them. Its not like its just Sergey and Ari working on this by themselves, and realistically they probably dont do much of the actual coding. For the people that know the project well, the fud is just kind of silly.

>> No.15312368

Collective autism

>> No.15312409

The fud only makes sense if you're a newfag that wasn't around during the real LINK discussions in late 2017 and early 2018. Anyone who participated in those laughs at how pathetic the fud has gotten. Unfortunately most of the oldfags (the only 100+ IQ anons on this board) rarely post here anymore because the quality has gotten so hilariously bad.

>> No.15312513

but the tokenomics bruv
they really fucked up and that's what's important to inversters

>> No.15312564
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>> No.15312578

>How the fuck do you see past the people shitting on it also because they also make sense too?

If you understood the value of Chainlink, you'd know that the people shitting on it either A) don't understand the tech, or B) know it like the back of their hands and have their bags filled with it but want YOU out of it.

>> No.15312608


Anons read, and understood what it means. Also, after some Anons figured it out, and could connect the dots, we had a little help from a joker who confirmed.

>> No.15312639

>the real LINK discussions in late 2017

No such thing ever happened. For 2 years you migrants have just been posting crudely drawn frogs. What discussions can you form around an ERC shitcoin that doesn’t even have a finished whitepaper. $32 million sure does buy a lot of posters to generate fake discussions.

>> No.15312650


>> No.15312652


No one knows shit(except Sergey himself I guess), all you have is good and bad guesses.

>> No.15312688

You underestimate the range of people who browse /biz/

t. 142 iq attorney pulling in $500K this year

>> No.15312694


>> No.15312702


Wrong on all accounts. So wrong it should hurt.

>> No.15312723
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>> No.15312744

Theres no other place on earth where the pillars of society come to publicly debate the bleeding edge of technologic progress and pretend theyre gay neckbeard furries

>> No.15312748

Was one of the first to buy honestly I heard about it here on biz then I watched sergeys interview and I truly felt some spark and I just got it, that aha moment. I went balls deep and picked up 50k at presale then 50k more when we hit .25 cents. Hoping for the best it’s been a crazy ride. I stopped paying attn until mainnet hit.

>> No.15312751

146 iq devop here

who is not all in on link is literally retarded

>> No.15312754

Checked. What type of work do you do as an attorney anon?

>> No.15312777

Do you realize your job will be replaced by smart contracts lawyer desu

>> No.15312785

Some of them do make sense but some of the FUD is just retarded. Also just because the price pumped doesn't really mean anything. Plenty of completely useless shitcoins have pumped. Sergey could still exit scam at any moment. Or no one might just actually want to use chainlink for anything(very likely, happened with all cryptos so far). Anyone who tells you they "know" chainlink is going to be big is just trying to sell you their bags.

>> No.15312803

Specialist physician here, I’ll make $480k this year working 4 days a week. 75k link holder, should have a lot more

>> No.15312806

By not being a brainlet, actually paying attention and ultimately coming to my own personal conclusion. That's how, fucking npc

>> No.15312811

And in the end OP, never underestimate the furious collective autism that rules this place. Why is 4chan so often right about so many things? Anons go in deep and don't let go until they found something.

>> No.15312818

Hahaha. OP, take note of this faggot. Here’s someone who didn’t buy two years ago and is in link threads trying to fud. If you had the critical appraisal skills to look beyond these ‘crudely drawn frogs’, you wouldn’t have to post desperate comments like this. You had 730 days anon.

>> No.15312925

yep. these and a few more.

>> No.15312933

hot take, sergey was never paying people to shill... he pays people to fud /biz/

>> No.15313802

bill gates here, buy link faggot

>> No.15313865

There have been a lot of topics regarding personality types.

Most here are INTJ or INTP. We are a fringe.

Just put /biz, /fit, /pol or any board before any normie. They will just stare blankly and then go away.

We are not autistic we are simply the expression of our inner dispositions which for the general /biz public shares some very common components.

tldr: We are smart, collective, real-time and inter connected.

You could say.. we are linked.

1000$ EOY

>> No.15313929



Hi Bill, t.Steve

>> No.15313963

I lost all my respect for you when you drank poo

>> No.15314004

Top keks

More likely explanation is we all just happened to be at the right place at the right time

>> No.15314023

I just bought it because every other ICO was a shitcoin and this had the smartcontract.com domain + Ari Juels.
Still haven't read the whitepaper

>> No.15314038

I understood the importance but what made me go balls deep was the fact that for the past few years youve been hearing more and more about universal basic income....which is basically communism...and Id always be sayinf to myself these people pushing this are fucking retarded. Then when I saw what Link was doing i was like oooooooh ok now it makes sense why they are pushing UBI, because Link is going to make millions of people jobless in 10 years or so.

>> No.15314063

I still dont even know how to enable my 2FA on binance to sell, but I bought Link.

>> No.15314109
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well that's why he's invested in chainlink

>> No.15314120

Some fucken sperg named assblaster and a lot of racist memes

>> No.15314128
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>> No.15314524

personally biz put me on track back in 2017 with the FUD, they didn't shill it, i was just suprised people were insisting so much on it being shit and lying on stuff, also the memes back then were there. so i decided to read the whitepaper, read it, understood the implications, then discussed with some guys on biz, and decided to go all in.

best decision of my life

>> No.15314612


This is what really put Chainlink on all of our radars

>> No.15315162
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>How did you guys know so early on that it would become this big?
pic related

>> No.15315251

It made sense, you could invest in shitcoins that all share the same flaw (lack of external data), or you could invest in the shitcoin agnostic solution to that problem

>> No.15315263

We aren’t retarded and can see the bigger picture

>> No.15315337

Medical Rep here - won't make anything close to that - 1.5M Link - OG baby

>> No.15315991 [DELETED] 

what did you see

>> No.15316074

phoneposting so might have new id
torts, mostly injury law, plaintiff’s work
it’s pretty based if you have the requisite connections and experience. lots of free time yet lots of money
eventually yes. but for the foreseeable future the client still wants a human being to talk to so I’ll be here another 10-15 while the AI does all the actual work. Plenty of time to make it
Yeah my stack is about that. Was a bit late to the party but still got in before mainnet.

>> No.15316095

I buy everything shilled on biz even obvious pajeet scams which most of them are. I always sell the pumps because i am chad

>> No.15316169

ICO buyer here. Simple, I'm autistic so I see shit clearly that normies don't.

If you want a "real" answer, the SWIFT logo and Ari Juels' name on the whitepaper is what immediately sold me. Then I dug deeper, saw it has a huge usecase and I haven't sold since. With SWIFT and Ari behind it it was impossible for it to not be good...

>> No.15316185

I didn't know link would become this big, I just knew Sergey was getting bigger by the day.

>> No.15316195
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Chainlink was different from other projects. It was a specific technical solution to an important problem that would have massive implications if solved. Other projects like OmisgeGo for instance, were basically just like "DUDE WE'RE SOLVING BANKING IN ASIA LMAO". My faith was tested by some FUD desu, but there was literally no project with more concrete potential than LINK if you looked at it hard enough. It also helped to have a herd of autists pumping each other up. There were no other breadcrumb threads like the link ones. Put all that together, and Link was the only project worth investing in.

>> No.15316240

This faggot almost certainly has a fat LINK stack

>> No.15316288

That's all you really needed to know

>> No.15316938

I love this meme. You could say this about 4chan in general though.

>> No.15317474

4th industrial revolution

swift + sibos


marley gray


mastering ethereum

old sergey videos


meme magic and crazy repeating digits


>> No.15318679


>> No.15318715


The 2 person dev team wasn't referring to Ari Juels. Ari was/is an advisor. The 2 person team was Sergey and Ellis.

>> No.15318887

Only good ideas survive this board. There are so many memes and threads that you literally have a room temp IQ if you didn't put money into this shit when it was 15 cents.

>> No.15318937


>> No.15319434

nice half pipe

>> No.15319471

quit samefagging

>> No.15319480

>mfw live in hot country and measure temp in farenheit

>> No.15319491
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how hot?

>> No.15319497


>> No.15319501

think the sun and then multiply it by 7, then put that in the oven

>> No.15319513

>mfw self-proclaimed high IQ and accidentally reply to my own comment

>> No.15319529

why not simply answer the question?

>> No.15319558
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Im a professional forex trader who hopped on the board to see how wojaks were reacting to BTC's dump from 6k and then I promptly bought the fud when LINK hit .20 cents after doing a little research. The memes were the only reason i noticed LINK among the ocean of shitcoin. For that i am thankful to this saharan grassland maintenance board of OCD lawn care survival tips.

>> No.15319622

The project just made sense, sounded feasible, and sounded like the next step in terms of DLT ecosystems
Plus no faggy hype from the team
A lot of other projects I saw at the time were very pie in the sky or seemed like they would be far longer of a wait for adoption
Buy BAT while it's still under a dollar, they don't hype either, they just build
ETH may hit double digits again but then it's shooting up, probably by next summer new ATH

>> No.15319664

I feel like smart-contracts will run with chainlink and hashgraph. Eth might die since nothing good really came out of it. I don't feel like BAT will create that much value either.
For me it's link/btc and holo if they ever pull it off.

>> No.15319822

INFJ here. We have this ability to 'see into the future', for lack of a better term. When I read the whitepaper my mind was reeling with excitement and a small amount of fear for what it would bring.

>> No.15319849

this has to be the next step for humanity.


i took acid and went all in 2017

portfolio worth currently 365k

im curreently on unemployment just cooking delicious meals that take me about 2 hours to make. and finally bought a fitbit with my gains and am excersiing with my dog

>> No.15319855

proof or larp

>> No.15319912
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>> No.15319946
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jesus fuck we don't have to show proof every time someone says they have a non-pleb stack. Do you newfags even know where you fucking are? You are on the board that pooled its money to buy presale, the board that obsessively bought the ICO for the 3 minutes tokens were available or whatever. The board that bought on ED before Binance even listed it.
You're on the board that found link when it was under 20 cents and a significant number of us went all in at that point, and you have trouble believing that someone would have $350k? There are literally anons that have dropped by who hold a million tokens. There would be at least a dozen with 300k+ LINK.
fucking newfags calling people larps for having decent stacks of link when you're on the link board, fucking hell

>> No.15320000
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Its constant, they will never understand. They will Never be able to grasp that they are speaking with people who have money. To them it just doesn't click. It makes no sense

>> No.15320034


>> No.15320041

What really baffles me is, how could anyone NOT understand how big Chainlink will become?

>> No.15320042
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Gonna have to go right ahead and check those there digits fren

>> No.15320047
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>> No.15320051

Checked based richmarine

>> No.15320060


>> No.15320475

You shouldn't show this dude. Some people are gonna kill themselves.

>> No.15320491

masturbation magick

>> No.15320504
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>Its constant, they will never understand. They will Never be able to grasp that they are speaking with people who have money. To them it just doesn't click. It makes no sense
Based rich anon hodling and shitting all over pajeets

>> No.15321201
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Is it too late?

>> No.15321779
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Is it too late to learn?

>> No.15321796

I don't know much, I'm mostly in BTC (80% of investment) and just look for a noname with moon potential. My criterias are superficial but I think useful heuristics, goes like this
1) Based in silicon valley CHECK
2) No pajeets & chinks CHECK
3) Under the radar CHECK
4) No airdrops CHECK