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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 141 KB, 1000x1000, chainlink-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15307668 No.15307668 [Reply] [Original]

What are your realistic post-web3 LINK predictions?

I'm thinking $3+ at worst, but wouldn't be surprised if we saw $6-7. It feels like the team is going all out and going to reveal the fruits of those 700k "dumps".

>> No.15307674

10$ screencap this

>> No.15307676

No they're not. They are just showing off some of their power. The real pumps will come when actual big players just start using link out of nowhere.

>> No.15307678

30$ eom

>> No.15307679


>> No.15307715

You will witness one of the greatest red candle of chainlink’s history

>> No.15307739

I actually wouldn't be surprised it it dumped back down to 2.35 or something. Hopefully the price at least stays the same, a pump wouldn't be great but I don't think it will happen.

>> No.15307752

*a pump would be great but I don't think it will happen.

>> No.15307755

I'd be happy to swing 5k link @ 20 assuming it stalls and drops back to 7

>> No.15307761

You meant green

>> No.15307763

Sirgay would have to internally combust from Big Macs for it to go red.

Everyone was expecting a 20min powerpoint and it pumped to here. Now it's a 3-day event. This is huge.

>> No.15307780

ideally a pump similar to that of ETH post 2017 consensus.

>> No.15307790

>It feels like the team is going all out and going to reveal the fruits of those 700k "dumps"

based on what? Why do you morons spout this shit with literally nothing to back it up? Link holder here but jesus fucking christ are you twelve years old? Get a fucking job, faggot.

>> No.15307815

Under $2 and maybe another pump next year.

>> No.15307823

Based on the fact that you're too stupid to realize why.

>> No.15307954
File: 650 KB, 1440x1697, 1565896909464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We gonna see $1 again
Sorry bros

>> No.15307963

Hi John

>> No.15307982


So something that walks like an exit scam, looks like an exit scam and sounds like an exit scam suddenly isn't an exit scam because it's StainStink?

Sorry, but you're getting exit scammed by Sergay and his merry men. Just like he exit scammed NXT

>> No.15307991

hahaha "thinking $3+ at worst" you faggots have gotten so deluded. I fucking hate you all so much now. It really feels shameful being in the same investment vehicle as you fruit punch drinking pieces of shit.

>> No.15307999

no one expected this. quit projecting your own moronic thoughts. we all knew that there was a sub conference, they literally said this days ago. and you call yourself a link marine?

>> No.15308004

As long as the cult of Biz believes this shit and keeps pouring their hard earned (soon to be lost via dev sells) the price will go up in the short term

>> No.15308006

So still nothing of substance to back it up? You are fucking retarded.

>> No.15308027

Yeah, a company expanding is a surefire sign of an exit scam.

Are you fudding because your buy order didn't get hit?

>> No.15308061

no, a company purportedly expanding while not providing investors any clarity as to how even though it seemingly involves major dumping of the very assets that those investors need to appreciate in value to be happy is a potential sign of a scam.

also, $32mil should have provided at least 4 years runway for a team of this size. You're telling me they already need a cash injection 1 barely 2 years later?

>> No.15308075

You forgot live in fucking San Francisco and they also acquired TownCrier and have possibly acquired Clause as well and they are expanding their team with new hires currently. Shit's expensive to keep good people around.

>> No.15308088

The fact that you can't even bother to capitalize your inane ramblings goes to show just how fucking dumb you are.

>> No.15308100

It's not a publicly traded company with shareholders you faggot. "Investors" bought utility tokens. Chainlink doesn't have to "share" shit.

>> No.15308109

$10-20 unironically
if not, then it's by the time sibos happens

>> No.15308111

>possibly acquired Clause
another baseless speculation

>I can't refute what he's saying, so let me attack him about punctuation on an image forum.
Cope. You are coping. There, you have your capital letters. fEeL GOoD now?

>> No.15308122

Yeah better to buy after the speculation is confirmed rather than before. Fucking retard.

>> No.15308123

Oh, I can refute it. I just don't see the point in bothering.

It's the same reason I don't bother arguing with 5 year olds or women.

>> No.15308132

Why the fuck would it do a 3-6x after web3? Coinbase listing got us a 2.5x and then we crashed back down afterwards

>> No.15308145

w-what hahaha. What is this line of reasoning? Guys, I'll let you in on something secret. I know a guy that knows a guy, I can't tell you his name because issa secret. But basically, Apple is going to acquire Microsoft at a 50% premium! Quick, everyone buy MSFT right now, this will surely happen and you do not want to miss it!

You faggots are complete children.

>> No.15308148

The fact that an exchange listing got it a 2.5x goes to show how ready this thing is to explode.

Look what happened when other shit like BAT/XTZ/ALGO got listed. They went the opposite direction.

>> No.15308150

Ah yes, the "muh superior intellect can't even be bothered" meme. Kill yourself

>> No.15308159


You have no idea what you are doing in crypto

>> No.15308163

Except I did try to explain it. Then I realized I was talking to a dipshit who will refute any point I make with moronic drooling.

>> No.15308166

Whales can't manipulate the price longer, too much buy pressure

>> No.15308172

>we need regulatory compliance for this shit to moon
>crypto is a meme and it's not real investing
fuck off faggot. so many of you try to support both of these viewpoints. which one is it? is it because you know none of these baseless speculations have any real hard numbers backing them up? are you effectively undermining your own argument for the asset that your entire net worth is parked in at the moment?

>> No.15308177


>> No.15308179

>we need regulatory compliance for this shit to moon

Nobody said that, fuckwad. God you're dumb.

>> No.15308181

Shit my brother's friend's weed guy said the same thing about Apple I'm all in.

>> No.15308193

Yea sure. We're just going to have major US companies using this software for cost cutting purposes and improved workflow, an integral part of regulated business operations, without SEC intervention. Keep drooling dumbass. You have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.15308204

shut the fuck up nigger, dont assume you know my position

>entire net worth parked in chainlink

stop projecting you fucking nigger, get dont mad cause all your money is on the line

>> No.15308210

Smart money doesn't wait for the fucking SEC to catch up to them.

I'm ignoring your ID from now on. You're clearly some dipshit kid on summer vacation.

>> No.15308212
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, i FEEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10$ chainlink
screencap this is just a video of the screencap as it occurred in real time.
3) If someone can make this screencap of the event as it was occurring there are several ways they are able to do this.
1) For each node, we first need to look at every transaction going on to figure out when the transaction occured, and when we need to stop that transaction. Each transaction in the blockchain is represented by a number : the timestamp ; and each node on the network has an hash of their node . If each node has a transaction timestamp number, all the transactions of that network and each node for a particular node for the node, will have the transaction number that corresponds to that transaction.
2) Once we know when a transaction occured, we check to see if a transaction has been made on that particular node to determine if that transaction should be added to the "hash" of this node. In our system this is done with the transaction hash which includes the date the transactions occurred, and if we have the transaction, that is our hash, we also know if it has been added to the hash of this node. If it has not been added to a node, and it is a non-recipient, the transaction does not appear on the block chain.

>> No.15308223

and dumb money gets left holding the bag if there's a negative ruling on it all. You are not part of smart money, and never will be. And you're only proving it by not being able to refute anything I said and now ignoring me. Go back to you discord, preteen.

>> No.15308229

That one hit a little too close to home, huh? Can tell by your repetition of nigger that you typed this out pretty angrily. Hahaha, sorry mate. Maybe investing or "investing" as you want to put it just isn't your thing.

>> No.15308230
File: 32 KB, 268x209, 1566204417029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kid is so desperate to get the last word in.

>> No.15308239

dude, trust me

>> No.15308241
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, i REEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my linky stays stinky forever! The problem wasn't really with the ingredients, the smell. My husband had to clean it often... and it had so much mold on it! I went in to the bathroom and was pretty disgusted. "Folks aren't supposed to touch this stuff," was all he said. But that's what happened to every single dish in the house.
After doing some research, I was told to just go ahead and give them away for free, but then I realized how much I really liked them. I'm now going to get another pair from a friend and order another batch. I'm sure it will taste much better when I get those too.Enjoy this dish with your family or friends!

>> No.15308251

I wasn't referring to you, frog.

>> No.15308269

deluded gigacoping

>> No.15308273


>> No.15308279
File: 52 KB, 1182x754, 1553410684454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait to see whats in store for us the next few days

>> No.15308284

Zero link

>> No.15308291
File: 6 KB, 224x250, 1546343113240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

0.35$ eow

>> No.15308299
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, poo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



*he pooped* in the toilet. I will tell you something else, the toilet was full of urine. I felt horrible before going out of the bathroom. You're on your stomach, with your crotch just inches from the flush cup…so when you finally walk out of the bathroom, you might as well be on your knees there like you were in front of everyone…because it was already filled.

>> No.15308308

i woke up shaking

>> No.15308311
File: 83 KB, 750x199, 1952A7E5-DA94-45BD-A5ED-BA865813E5CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15308325
File: 120 KB, 626x754, 1bc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

souns like uh seizure
get yer benis checked
get checked for sjw brain worms too

>> No.15308328

what this guy said

>> No.15308329

Imagine being this much of a low IQ faggot that you have to get a website to generate random text for your shitposts. AI isnt just taking jobs from competent people, it’s giving retards access to them too

>> No.15308341


Yeah, not really, nigger

I just call nigger any brainlet that types dumb shit like you do. I can tell you are a pink wojak most of you time in this board

>> No.15308345
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1580, bill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
but it works
imagine a world where you train your employees incorrectly on purpose

>> No.15308381
File: 112 KB, 740x494, 740_aHR0cHM6Ly9zMy5jb2ludGVsZWdyYXBoLmNvbS9zdG9yYWdlL3VwbG9hZHMvdmlldy82MTU4NmUxMmIwZDVkYmNjY2Y1YzM2MjM2NTgyZDY0ZC5qcGc=.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post web-3?

I wonder where Aergo will go

>> No.15308501
File: 909 KB, 1242x1235, !!!!!buy chainlink azn qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream anon here, ill be mirroring the web3 stream through the LINK stream


>> No.15308760
File: 473 KB, 412x391, sveBuJ1564597077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red candles will burn through your feet in october

1.488 eoy

>> No.15308783


>> No.15308795

you guys are fucking retarded

>> No.15308807
File: 81 KB, 960x1280, 5C9727BFF186468BA050A0127477C44C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. This is why crypto needs regulation. Because these """tokens""" are the biggest retardation scam I've ever seen