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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 49 KB, 564x684, 54412ba6694b91361f38d08178ab198f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15300793 No.15300793 [Reply] [Original]

sadly real story
>be me 32 yo
>no gf because
>still living at parents house
>studied art
>making around 300-600$ a month
>parents are poor but support me
>i want to get out now
>can /biz/ help me to find a way out of this sad life?

>> No.15300840

get a job, a stable income, invest part of your salary in crypto and perhaps in a couple of years you can pursue "your art" full time without living in poverty.

>> No.15300851

what type of art? I know a few working artists who re quite successful on the lowdown. Sculpture mainly.

>> No.15300853

there’s literally no barrier to entry, I can urinate on a canvas and call it art and nobody can prove me otherwise. Think about what that implies economically. I hope you didn’t get into debt for an (((art degree)))

>> No.15300870

I honestly dont get how people are that poor. Fucking apply yourself anon.

>> No.15300874

Draw furry porn, I have a friend who gets commissions valued at 1k or 2k every week. Porn sells wells specially to furries.

>> No.15300881

Become the next Hitler

>> No.15300972

You are doing art wrong fren. You mold your art to what the npc hive craves, you must put out a product the masses see value in. You don't have rich money laundering jews friends who can tell the public a turd is art so you must improvise to get their attention. Find a niche, something that will entertain and distract the normies away from their shitty existence. Use that as a basis of how you should make your art skills as a money making tool.

>> No.15300983

Pamp funds into XFT


>> No.15300985

> art
> burgers
This can't be in the same sentence

>> No.15301026
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I heard that art students normally start the job as a cab driver. Have you thought about it? Make some money, live at parents house and reinvest your earnings. Get altcoins which generate fast and big profit. I started with some alts like ANKR, COTI and ETH. Made like 5000 dollar in like 3 months.

>> No.15301065

pyw fag

>> No.15301094

Is this recession proof?

>> No.15301163

Totally, I've never seen tariff man tweet about pronz or furries.

>> No.15301232

I am also studying art. To be honest, my parents have a lot of money and they told me that they support me at whatever i try to do. But studying art with poor parents is plain stupid i think.
The only thing i have in mind which can gather you income is selling your little anus to gay sex offender.

>> No.15301290

if you are German you might think about starting a political movement. Worked out well last time

>> No.15301525
File: 21 KB, 420x591, 5EF60F47-0998-4C9C-9A16-AB16B0E30E19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start ubering and make some money on the side and start investing your money. Fastest way to make your money you need to hear me out if you want to know.

XFutures will have an initial futures offering of Perlin. Last time they did an offering for Akropolis and did a solid 8x on exchange. Now they will have a more hyped up project that is going to list on Binance Launchpad. How much do you think this will go? It will fucking moon OP. With the small amount of money you can buy a car and go ubering kek godspeed OP

>> No.15301545
File: 64 KB, 750x750, 9DA0D3C8-BDCB-4334-9BB3-5F3B4D53F949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be you OP. But you didn't invest. Don't worry it dipped today so you can still add some to your portfolio. This exchange token is so undervalued but it has a partnership with powerball lottery and you will be able to buy and play powerball on the exchange using their BPRO token. Do you smell that OP? It's the smell of opportunity

>> No.15301618

what kind of art do you do? most sculpting is done in 3D now. if da vinci was born today, he would be grinding blender 2.80 sculpting tutorials on youtube.
pretty sure if you are talented, no matter what your niche is, you can turn that into a business.
traditional oil paintings? do "ironic" classical portraits for friends in 17th century clothing and it might spread via word of mouth
anything sculpting/physical => go digital
if everything fails there is always catering to extremely specific things like fetishes where any truly talented dude can easily become a top "artist" and build up a paysite.

>> No.15301673
File: 320 KB, 365x512, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son Catu is spawning MITX DAMA... ALLAHU CATBAR!!!
Be smart, buy the dip. team will pump back up sooner or later.

>> No.15301801
File: 987 KB, 250x250, Bitcloud_Dancing_Man.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you chandler ankr scammer?
if so fuck u

if not only Bpro can save your ass

>> No.15301930
File: 41 KB, 420x420, 1427289530625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy BPRO
then go on vacation to thailand you only need a ticket,
fuck a lot of thai girls
come back happy
see your BPRO EOY X20
happy life

>> No.15301952

Art got jewed hard back in the 20's. Hasn't been healthy since.

>> No.15301963
File: 36 KB, 390x390, t4qrqwer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u deserve to get fucked as an art student
work for mac donalds earn ur firstmoney , put your month salary in Xfutures safe investment , cant lose ;) free advice

>> No.15302052

You really don't know how to work?

>> No.15302074


buy chainlink

>> No.15302091

The median income off of art in the US is $10k annually. This is why 99% of trying artists have other fucking jobs so they can eat. You didn't think you'd get rich, did you?

>> No.15302150

for fine arts you need mostly wealthy regular buyers of your paintings

other more common careers :
graphic design, comics, animation, video game design, art related to movies, novels, music

>> No.15302278

yes people still need to fap during recessions. more so if anything.

>> No.15302353

I think the best an art person can do is killing themself. So he is not wasting my air and also not polluting the environment.

>> No.15302375

Earn more income, get a real job.

>> No.15302544

Hitler was Austrian

>> No.15302798

>studied art
>cute longterm gf
>80k salary
>additional passive income

Art's not the problem. forget wanting to draw stuff you want to draw. Like the rest of the world, a job as an artist means you use your art skills to accomplish someone else's desire. Whether it's nasty fetish porn or grinding away at a corporate project.

On gf, don't get yourself down, I lived with my parents for years saving up money. Gf stuck by me the whole time but only because I had clear life goals though.

>> No.15303329
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I bet you studied (art) instead of art. If you know your fundamentals you can easily get well payed work as an illustrator and as some have pointed out you can do porn which is a low status but excellent pay job. Both of these require zero interaction with people so you have no excuse even as a sperg.
Even if you have absolutely no skills other than some basic anatomy you can make a living since you can avoid taxes easily if necessary.
However, farting on a canvas to express the plight of Siberokrainian dirt farmers might get you a degree but no cash.

>> No.15303383

dafuq. Do I have to be Canadian to get into their site?

>> No.15303504

lmao you're such a retard. you would literally be making 4-5 times as much money just full time minimum wage slaving

>> No.15303560

go sell drugs.
get rich or die trying.

>> No.15303687

What you have is a hobby not a job. Get a job. Whether that be making art for a big movie or video game studio or waiting tables at a restaurant and making art on the side.

>> No.15304421


if you have an art style that can work in a comic try to do some fundraising indie stuff shit's hot right now

>> No.15304688
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>> No.15305550
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there is still lots of cool art

>> No.15305561
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>> No.15305624
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Just figure out what kind of art is the most popular in your culture and go balls out

>> No.15305929

Porn/hentai/furry/obscure fetish shit

>> No.15305935

how about you start to work?