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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15299877 No.15299877 [Reply] [Original]

>binged on McDonalds last night but I had lifted weights so I didn't feel too fat
>wake up at 6 am after 5 hours of sleep
>browse internet on phone while lying in bed
>have a shit and look in bathroom mirror and see my, I think, slightly worse than before hairline; still probably many years from lookatdisdood tier but I still feel demoralised
>make a two post length life rant topic and post it on a few boards
>try to get back to sleep; can't
>leave bed, drink coffee, browse internet
>decide not to bother exercising because I'm too tired
>go in to central London to walk around; walk for 5.5 miles in total (inb4 an American says "But isn't that exercise???")
>walk past some famous places and the amount of Staceys and Instagram tier Staceys and a few genuine GigaStaceys was demoralising
>walk through some really hipsterish places; feel awful at my lost youth
>walk through some city of London skyscraper places and feel sad; see an investment bank I had an interview at years ago and failed; remembered looking up one of my interviewer's LinkedIn profiles and saw he had done maths at Cambridge (the ultimate in big brain degrees)
>had some supermarket sandwiches and now feel kind of full up
>now drinking coffee

I think I will soon have a job interview for another minimum wagecuck job. I apply for jobs that I don't even know if I want to take. If I don't work, I am a NEET intellectual but poorer. If I do work, I'm a born slave.

At least I don't have the Sunday night wagecuck sad feels.

I am too tired to feel pessimistic or optimistic right now.

>> No.15299893

fucking britcucks i swear

>> No.15299896
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norfs have no place in society

>> No.15299904

>Staceys and Instagram tier Staceys and a few genuine GigaStaceys

>> No.15299916

Why the fuck do you call every hag a Stacey there is maybe 5 good looking women in all of London

>> No.15299918

Pfft, you'll never be norf, you'll never know the joy when Ngubu scores the goal, you'll just never know
Now I'm going to eat me pork pie

>> No.15299971

there's noting wrong with you that a right good crack in the knackers wouldn't solve.

>> No.15299999

I know that feel BritAnon. I like on my lost youth too, but we're here now. We have to make the best of it, or it was all for nothing. Does that mean wageslaving or neeting...I can't answer that for you. I'm going back to school for a trade, so kind of in the middle there. Good luck with whatever you choose though, Anon.

>> No.15300016


>> No.15300023

I long for my lost youth...check out my get tho

>> No.15300049
File: 198 KB, 1548x1116, 1536340109183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fookin ell, ima go grab mah staffy
dat'll teech him

>> No.15300301


>> No.15300376


Seems like you're young. You will live long enough to ser London fully in the control of muslims. Why didnt you add that to your post? You'll be poor, bald, lonely, and a minority in a Muslim controlled city. Top kek.

>inb4 Mexicans becoming a majority soon haha!

I'd rather be surrounded by Mexicans, than sand niggers.

>> No.15300452

Based weekly autismo schizo Londoner

>> No.15300484
File: 568 KB, 1154x1500, Brain, Spider, 4Chan, Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to snap the fuck out of this shit.

Get a job in sales, business development, something with a commercial angle.

Turn yourself into a fucking salesman. Get the books. Learn the talk. Fuck your stupid hairline. Shave it all off, now. Then you are done.

Ignore the Staceys. Earn some decent money in sales, get ripped, and they will be begging for it.

>> No.15300509


I forgot to mention that I saw this fancy wall that was used solely for Instagram selfies. It had a line.

>begging for it

Do you delusional fucks believe this stuff? I'm an ugly beta with no female attention ever. Women have tinder. What hope is there? None. I post here to vent.

>> No.15300641

There’s more to life than women dude.
Yes there’s biological imperative to fuck. Not being able to sucks, but honestly fuck that. 99.99% of women are literal used holes and aren’t worth fretting over. Improve yourself to impress you and don’t worry about women.
I’m not going to lie and tell you that if you do this women will flock to you (looks still are the main determining factor) but that SHOULDN’T MATTER.
Women do not matter.
I’ll say it again.
Women. Do. Not. Matter.
Now go get a job and buy chainlink

>> No.15300736
File: 1.77 MB, 4128x3096, 20180505_133204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO that is literally me

>> No.15300759

Thanks, bro. I've been depressed lately but reading that kinda made me forget about this suffering for a few seconds

>> No.15300763

You’re going to make it fren.

>> No.15300948

>me old da fowt in t'wor rite

what the fuck? what did he mean by this

>> No.15301017
File: 116 KB, 500x500, D6EAADE5-AD2F-4E70-8AED-E67BC59E32ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lives in London

That’s your problem right there you fucking retard

>> No.15301128

isnt he a paki himself?

>> No.15301169
File: 261 KB, 535x535, 2k5kqf55bh021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was supposed to workout today, didn't. Will do it next week, more motivated after work
>Went town to see friend and his gf, was enjoyable
>See qt barista who I got her facebook a few days ago, she's taken
>She's clearly into me, but she has a bf. Realise I'm not even into her as she's way too skinny
>get home, download dating apps, send messages to a few thots
>Fap, completely lose interest
>Check bitcoin - still doing nothing like it has been doing the past few months
>back to wagecucking tomorrow

>> No.15301683

fought in the war

>> No.15301722

Why do these norf la's speak cockney?

>> No.15302599

At /biz/, we care.