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1529242 No.1529242 [Reply] [Original]

Follow Pimple to the moon edition
/biz/ discord:

Stickerbitch's calendar:

-- Robinhood FAQs --
- VISIT THE WEBSITE FIRST - www.robinhood.com
> How is it free?
They invest your unsettled funds after a trade. It's also pretty basic software.
> When is it coming to my country?
Probably never. They only have plans on an Australian beta.
> It's been X days, why isn't my account verified yet?
If it takes more than 3 days, try emailing their support. They are very good.
> Is this the place to pump and dump and/or shill a worthless stock?
> I hit sell when the stock was X.XX, but it actually sold at a lower price, am I being jewed?
No, that would actually be illegal. Robinhood graphs are just shit and only show you an average, not-really-realtime price. To get Bid/Ask prices and important things like candlestick graphs, you should use a more robust platform.
> Where can I get better charting or bid/ask?
thinkorswim is bretty gud if you want to go open a second account with real broker.
Otherwise you should be using stockcharts.com, finviz, or Yahoo/Google finance for your graphing in addition to Robinhood.
>How do I git gud?
Technical analysis
Fundamental Analysis
-Finance lessons by Martin Shkreli on youtube
>If I have Robinhood do I need to worry about 'Free Riding' violations?
No, it's not applicable for limited margin accounts (instant), and if you don't have instant, RH won't let you buy with unsettled funds.
> Can I use Robinhood on my PC?
Yes, download an android emulator. Setup is extremely easy. http://www.memuplay.com/

Previous Thread: >>1528466

>> No.1529250

any hold over night?

>> No.1529251

Pimple is god.

>> No.1529259

AGTC baby gains

>> No.1529260

Thank you based Pimp

>> No.1529265

Are we still jumping on SMIT tomorrow or was I too late? I just upgraded to instant

>> No.1529267

Pimple literally has no idea what he's doing.

Source: I know what I'm doing. I'm posting in the bathroom stall second floor 1585 Morgan Stanley trading floor.

Don't tell me I didn't tell you to buy ESPR

>> No.1529268

Guess I'm holding OPTT
Probably should've cashed at 8.60 but I bought at 7.00 so I'm still up for now

>> No.1529270

looks like its decaying back to its 1.6 range

>> No.1529271

I sold at $3 from $1.69 earlier, just bought back in at $1.95, gonna hold overnight

>> No.1529272

I'm holding 25 shares of SMIT at 2.01

Hoping it does something tomorrow.

>> No.1529277

Been holding THLD for days, I have a good feeling about tomorrow

>> No.1529279

Friday I mean

>> No.1529282


No. No ya didn't.

>> No.1529284

smit cucked me hard at the end

>> No.1529286

Jnug is making me happy, glad I only watched seed didn't jump in and break my neck. Does anyone have opinions on blackberry?

>> No.1529287
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Check out 12/31. It's a biotech catalyst extravaganza. And I've only gotten from A - F. Take your pick to go long on. Iffy dates will spread out as more information comes out.

>> No.1529288

Nice. Sounds solid. Going all in.

>> No.1529289

I got 1k in it I'm hopeful as well. Still Bio stock binary events are more often bloodbaths than moon missions. I mean I'm watching the NASDAQ trade halt list and yet another Bio company announced failed Phase III 5 minutes ago. Thats like the 5th company in the past month.

>> No.1529291

RGSE is going to rebound in aftermarket.

>> No.1529293

How do prevent falling for the dip panick sale

>> No.1529296

Just don't ;)

>> No.1529306

Just grow some balls, you fucking pussy.

>> No.1529309
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>> No.1529312
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>jumped into Seed thinking it'll go up
>panic and sell to salvage anything
>jump on smit
>stuck holding over night
I just want decent gains. I saw what happened yesterday and I got greedy. I'm just beginning so right now I'm in full damage control. Any tips inb4 buy high.

>> No.1529316
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>> No.1529317

memes are fire and they can burn you bad

for new traders i recommend not buying any 'moon mission' stocks you see here but rather just stick with safe (recognizeable) companies for slow and steady growth


>> No.1529318

stop trying to catch falling knives

>> No.1529321

You're chasing too hard, if the stock already popped up 70%, fat chance that will hold. If you have a stock and it goes up 70%, mash sell like your life depends on it. If a stock pops AH, it's unlikely that it will retain 35% gains during the day. Do your own research, I got lucky and saw SMIT when it was posted, but I also took the time to do my DD. I looked at charts, and watched the 50 day moving average blow through the 100 and 200, so I decided to jump in. This is a good indicator. Volume that exceeds AVG volume is another positive indicator. Learn these things, don't just try to follow the herd, make your own moonshots.

>> No.1529324
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>tgd and mstx

really, really bad ideas even at .12 for mstx

thank you based jnug/dust combo for bailing idiots like me out on a weekly basis

>> No.1529325

Well said anon

>> No.1529328

Thanks bitch

>> No.1529331
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By the time you read it here, it's usually too late.

Try to come up with your own ideas instead of just jumping on to the hottest meme.

>> No.1529340


The dangers of gambling with Bio binary events.

>> No.1529341

w e w

that $27 drop

fortunes were definitely lost there
i'm sure at least one person is about to kill themselves

>> No.1529344


>> No.1529347
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>> No.1529348
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W-were going to have a moon mission tomorrow on Smit, right?

>> No.1529350

more like dozens

>> No.1529351


not again

nobody was in this right?

>> No.1529353

no I haven't seen it mentioned until this thread

>> No.1529355


buy the dip :^)

>> No.1529356

o shit
ride the bounce?

>> No.1529357
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Fidelity just lost a few bucks

I doubt anyone here had it. Said it before, we need to focus on stocks that don't make sugar pulls.

>> No.1529361

I've learned to stay away from bio, way too risky for my approach. Hell, I don't even hold for earnings reports anymore.

>> No.1529365


>> No.1529368


As opposed to NVAX, which has a multitude of various products going for it and just got fucked by one bad trial, I would say this company is just plain fucked for now

>> No.1529374

>14% gains off 10k today

>> No.1529383

this site looks really useful thanks for the url

>> No.1529389

Smit still has high volume,good luck everyone holding on

>> No.1529392

can someone quickly explain the importance of volume

>> No.1529399


low volume stocks just stagnate and sit, typically trading within a very short range until something breaks it out of the stupor

see;the tgd hell i'm stuck in right now that will bounce from .45 to .51 for eternity. A high volume stock will actually be volatile enough to go somewhere

>> No.1529402

It's the catalyst that provides movement on a stock in either direction. In the case of a low float stock, heavy volume will cause drastic movements in price and gain the attention of watchers.

>> No.1529422

I mentioned it in the old thread, ALDW coming out of 52 week low potentially being bought out by a company

>> No.1529427

Anyone looking at GBSN?

High volume, 50% float. Might do something

>> No.1529430

>might do something

Shoot straight down it looks like

>> No.1529433


>> No.1529436
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I'm in it for the long run...(bag holding)

>> No.1529442
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Holy shit anon you could have curbed and made up for your losses on SEED. Why are you holding it.

>> No.1529444

Everyone said it's going to $4... I need to stop chasing but I just started trading last week... I don't know jack

>> No.1529445

it's gonna file 8-K on friday

>> No.1529447

Im having a good feeling about THLD.

Weak hands have been professionaly shaken out this week.

Looks like shes ready to run.

Im in with 15k+ shares.

>> No.1529448

Did you at least roll with some play money before putting down 5k?

>> No.1529452

What does that typically mean?

>> No.1529453 [DELETED] 

No just my summer job, i'm super stingy...am student... I did buy s7 edge but that's it (regret it kinda)

>> No.1529456

I've been watching GBSN for a while. What they do is they plummet their stock to the bottom, reverse stock split it to $6, then they do it again. However, if you buy 1 stock at the bottom, they give you a $6 stock after the split. So buy at the bottom and sell immediately when you get your stock. I've done this twice so far.

>> No.1529457

Oh you mean paper trade not literally roll around... yea i did a little I know how to do long trades not moon missions... I got 20% averages on 4 accounts in investopedia

>> No.1529459


>> No.1529462

This is exactly what I thought when I saw you cobra clutching your losses.

The problem with this line of thinking is that you're going to absolutely fuck yourself up with greed if (or when) you get a chance to enter shit like RGSE or SMIT.

If these were better companies, I would tell you to go long all day, but memes are essentially the fuck and chuck of the liter.

Understand when to cut losses and take profits. This along with timing will mitigate risk and hopefully allow you to incur more gains.

>> No.1529463
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>> No.1529466

Yea i know but now i'm fucked and still holding my cards.. still don't know if I should bail.
SEED has a China deal in Q1 2017 of $60M
NVAX apparently is said to increase as well
SMIT is either all or nothing tomorrow due to volume

Would love some advice on my thinking process

>> No.1529475

Who here
>lives with parents
>works fulltime
>pays no rent
>"rent" money goes into RH

Living the autist dream right now

>> No.1529478

I do! Feels great. Except for the whole living with my parents thing.

>> No.1529481

I can't predict the future. You're going off of speculation without any real data except for SEED. I can't really help you here.

Buy the rumor, sell the news my nigga.

>> No.1529484

Average volume over the past year or all time?

>> No.1529486

I have a great relationship with my parents so I think I might park here for a couple years.

All this "rent" money going into my RH feels good man. If I were to live on my own, here in Chicago, its about at least 800-1k a month (AT LEAST). Those who fall for the live on your own meme are hurting after a month or two on their own

>> No.1529489
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/biz/ discord




>> No.1529490
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I feel ya, mang. Life is comfortable.

>> No.1529493

Kek that's my life senpai, tryna put enough away for college

>> No.1529495

Got limit orders for THLD @ 1.20 and PTN @ .60 for tomorrow

Got limit sells on RAD @ 9.00 and SMIT @ 3.00 for tomorrow also

Going long as fuck on GE and CPRT.

Am ready for steady gains.

>> No.1529501

Whats your cutt off for THLD

>> No.1529502

That discord sucks, OP's is much better

>> No.1529506

Don't have one. I have no idea what PTN or THLD will do, PTN will probably do its daily 5% gain after a 5% loss the previous day(been doing this for weeks). I'd imagine THLD could go all the way to $3.50 if news was good, but I absolutely don't expect my hands to not shake beyond $1.80 on that good for nothing trash stock.

>> No.1529524

Lmao if it goes to 3.50 Ill be shocked, hopefully the wave is a good one brother

>> No.1529532
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Any of these work.

>> No.1529534

Yeah I would be too, I said my hands would shale after 1.80

KTOS is good I've had success in the past.

>> No.1529544 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1529546
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Samefag not real pimple. Quit impersonating people you fucking faggot.

>> No.1529549
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respect earned

>> No.1529550
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Not real ID but it was obvious by some of your picks

Pic related is the real tripcode

>> No.1529551

Dude I'm not claiming to be pimple read the IDs

Its the other guy I just called him out too

>> No.1529553 [DELETED] 

Fuck don't tell the guy he's obviously doing it wrong.

>> No.1529554


kill yourself

>> No.1529605

New to robinhood and stock trading as a whole. Stumbled upon the thread yesterday and went to the moon with RGSE and crashed today on OPTT and SEED.
As someone new, what are you guys looking for on these moon missions? Or any recommendations on books/videos?

>> No.1529606



>> No.1529611

You should learn to analyze stock on your own instead of following memes. There's resources in the OP and you can also learn without spending a cent by simply simulating. Just do some legitime research before you come here crying about falling for the memes

>> No.1529619

How did you go wrong with OPTT?

>> No.1529621

Not crying friend, its been an exciting 2 days. Just curious what others processes are.

>> No.1529629

Bought it today after open, heard everyone saying 9.00+. I only put (an expendable) 100 dollars into the app and maxed the day trades a couple days ago on pennies. Pretty much have been a huge fag the last week, why i'm asking now.

>> No.1529633

Just wanted to say thanks to mr. frogman jr. for taking me up to OPTT outer space with them. Much appreciaets!

>> No.1529636

>analyzing stock
i don't care if you're warren buffet, jimmy buffet, no one knows if a stock is gonna up, down, sideways, or in fucking circles

>> No.1529642

Are you intentionally trying to lose money or what's the deal here man?

>> No.1529645

Pimple does!

>> No.1529646

man if you want to hold things for the long run can I recommend trying actually profitable companies instead of these shitty meme stocks?

>> No.1529649

Somebody explain SPU to me. How does


Make 40% gains in 1 day

>> No.1529653

Couldn't sell SEED because I was out of day trades, will it reach $3 tomorrow

>> No.1529656

tell you what... you do some research on SEED and tell me what caused the spike in price and why it didn't hold.

do the same with RGSE.

you can start here:

>> No.1529667

How can I research how Smit will do tomorrow, I am an idiot and went in on it after the spike

>> No.1529670
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I started with $200.
Even though I haven't made a whole lot, this is way better than a bank account. I will never understand the people that don't just try stocks.
thanks /biz/ and thank you robinhood
I would've left that $200 in a bank account and received nothing in return.

>> No.1529672


It's a Chinese pump and dump. They do that all the time. Don't worry if you bought it too high, it'll go back up in time.

$SORL is another one. $TYHT today went up 235% or something ...

>> No.1529673
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Good gains bro. Keep up the good work.
>tfw my gains went the opposite way
Gotta do more DD

>> No.1529678

Well, work with me here
We'll go slow, and start with SEED. So i know yesterday they released they were selling to China for 60 Mil.

This is more than it's market cap.. so it went up?
Like i said, lets go slow here

>> No.1529684

I couldn't sell SPU today because I was out of day trades. Then I got a notification on robinhood and email that I bought 2 shares of seed at 2.45 when I didn't and I wouldn't let me sell it. What is going on? Have I been flagged?

>> No.1529687

use a screener like finviz to find stocks that fit the profile you're looking for... then research the stocks you find.

the latest moon missions have been low float stocks with building volume. pimple can find these much faster than us because he is running his own scanning program. he drops some of the hits his scanner finds in /rgt/... but its up to anons to find out why pressure is building on that particular stock. sometimes the pressure is coming from a highly quantifiable source (as was/is RSGE) and sometimes it is coming from misinterpreted hype (as was SEED).

most anons are too lazy to do their own due diligence and just meme up the threads with shitposting... which is fun, but not very productive.

there are other types of moon missions that we see here. biotech test results and company earnings reports are two of them.

biotech stocks are highly volatile with very specific catalysts that send the pps lurching up or down. this is what stickerbitch's calendar is for. typically, a biotech stock's pps will trend up as a test result date approaches. when results are presented there is usually a sell-off as 1) people take profits on good news and/or 2) people race to get rid of stock on bad news. holding for results is dangerous... but once in a great while it is very profitable if the news is really good.

earnings reports are much the same. a very dangerous game.

other moon mission catalysts are buy-outs, contract awards (ie. SWHC sold off, moon mission aborted because it didn't win a contract with the US Army), and court judgements (ie. VHC aborted moon mission, where Virnetex wasn't able to win a final judgement against Apple's patent infringement).

so... you have a lot of reading and watching to do. in the meantime, try not to lose all your money chasing these moon missions. many of them are just disasters.

>> No.1529694

Thank you so much anon, exactly what i was looking for. Will keep on reading, and keep on lurkin.

>> No.1529705

good post

lets talk more about pimple's program
anyone can run a scanner for low float stocks near their 52 week lows
his main benefit is that he can scan SEC filings and get news early on those stocks I believe?

this seems like the really difficult part

I'm looking at SEC filings now for SMIT for example
I cant figure out what would make you want to buy this stock right now. their latest filing from a month ago is pretty useless and talks about electing new board members, ceo compensation, etc...
the SEC filing before this one was the annual 10-k form which shows them posting a big fat net loss on the year.

so why did they spike today? how the fuck did he call it?

>> No.1529709

Awesome post my man

>> No.1529713

iirc, they announced the sale of their entire chinese seed production and distribution division for $60 million. they are keeping their core seed research and engineering business.

so... why the spike?
why would selling a huge part of your business cause the pps to go up? well... the company will have a lot of cash... but it's revenue will fall as well. i think the spike was just based on the first part... the cash. it didn't hold because ppl finally realized it was an assett sale that affected revenue.

now... pps should be higher than it was - to reflect all that cash... but if the company doesn't put that money to work either by investing, expanding, or aquiring, pps will bleed (given enough time) down to below what it was before the sale.

short term, my guess is that pps wiill return to presale price until the sale is finalized. my guess is that the pps will bump up again on news that the sale has been finalized. if the company is managed well, i expect subsequent bump(s) from news or plans of expansion, etc.

>> No.1529721

i believe his AI screening SEC filings is what he is workign on now. he's still tweaking it but my guess is that most of his hits are still coming from low float high volume indicators. these things are easy to see and a monitoring scanner would be easy enough for a programmer to build. pimple's SEC filing reader would be a giant leap ahead if he can get it to return consistently... but i don't think it will beat investors who are watching those particular stocks, so volume will probably remain the most important indicator.

>> No.1529722
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Thoughts on meso?

News looks nice. Calendar news coming up on Friday.

>> No.1529725
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Wrong pic sorry

>> No.1529729

ok fair enough we will take the SEC filings out of the equation

see pic related

I wish I could search on finviz for data from a few days ago and see what RGSE looked like before it started rising

but using this filter we can see some familiar names

now how did he pick RGSE instead of GBSN?

>> No.1529731
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forgot pic

>> No.1529737

Yes please recommend

>> No.1529739

Literally did the same thing. I have maybe gained a hundredth of a cent over the amount of time I kept my money in a bank. moved it to stable stocks and I'm literally just making money for having money. Fuck ever having a bank account for anything other than a small amount of immediate funds for checking.

>> No.1529740


just to be clear, sticker's calendar isn't JUST for biotech. there's a lot of other sectors in there too. it's for all catalysts... but biotech has the most identifiable catalysts in advance. just google "fda pdufa calendar" and you'll see many of them.

>> No.1529741

No I just don't know how to do DD, now I lost so much I'm probably gonna pull out and just everything into MFs or actually learn.

>> No.1529742
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the chinese century is upon us

>> No.1529743

Not much volume it looks like, could stagnate

>> No.1529748
File: 107 KB, 992x572, rgse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well... this is from friday when we were researching RGSE

>> No.1529749

Hopefully I can get off this ride at a bump...

>> No.1529751

>volume flagging
While this works, I find them before their sharp spike in volume. So, that's not the entire picture.

I've found an exploit. I'm not releasing anymore information about it though.

>> No.1529752

>OPTT falling in AH
why didn't I sell this morning

>> No.1529753

yes I remember it.
I was in the thread saying how solar is dead and im not touching that piece of shit

threads later you can see me posting a nice pepe with something like 'IM SORRY FOR EVER DOUBTING YOU'

I made decent gains on it

>> No.1529755

remember that you can claim losses (up to 3k i think) on your taxes. the government basically pays you to take trade risks...

>> No.1529756

Maybe he looked at the trend. I take a look at GBSN and see nothing but losses for a while, it hasn't bottomed out yet by the looks of it. Maybe he considers fundamentals as well. GBSN is one of the biggest losers in terms of % YTD IIRC.

I did a similar screen on finviz earlier and found the same stocks. I might play around with investopedia play money on a few of these stocks to see if I can pull a Pimple. Of course, I'm lacking the SEC algo. And as Pimple mentioned, /biz/ picks some good stocks, but our timing is usually off. I would do a lot better with memes if I could time them right.

>> No.1529758

I have to get SMIT to 2.40 right now to break even.

Should I buy into it heavy to bring it down to an average share price of 2.00?

I'm just trying to get out tomorrow willing to use one of my day trades.

>> No.1529763

wow I didnt know that. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.1529765

ok my man
its a good system for finding momentum stocks before the masses realize. great moves keep it up proud of you.

just please keep throwing us a crumb once in a while

>> No.1529766


because it has zero trading fees, Robin Hood is a great app for learning on (you can trade with small amounts and not get eaten alive by fees). you should keep a RH account funded with cash you don't mind losing in order to learn with. you should not be trading with money you can't afford to lose.

>> No.1529767

Thank you wise guru. I've learned more reading you posts than any research I've done on my own.

Thanks for providing your picks, and hopefully everyone can learn from you and keep it alive if you choose to stop sharing

>> No.1529769

sometimes it can be a pure technical play with bulls or bears setting market trends with volume and bear traps etc. Pimple was awesome but i wish he gave us something tangible to maybe increase the eager anons in the right direction..
noko cuck also waived that spacedad website her like it was a hombrew scanner

>> No.1529770

What impressed me most is when you called SMIT today after a sell-off. You posted your position price and it was pretty near the bottom of the dip.

I did a bit of DD after you made the call and thought for sure it was done running for the day, but we all know what happened later. It's easy to kick myself for not buying in but there wasn't one indicator that enticed me to buy, other than low float.

>> No.1529771
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>he's still hopeful
it's over anon. we are going over the cliff tomorrow

>> No.1529772

Sorry for the low level question, but basically if the volume is higher than average that means something should happen, good or bad. Am I right or still missing it?

>> No.1529773

This is a bit misleading. You can reduce your Adjustable Gross Income but I don't believe it is a 1:1 payback. Like, if you lose 3k trading in a year, you do not necessarily get 3k back in your pocket from your tax return.

>> No.1529774

That is correct. High volume means high volatility

>> No.1529776

I'm in Canada boss, technically I can afford to lose it all. Taking loan for uni, living with parents.

>> No.1529778

The stock will be more volaitile, meaning the price will move up or down frequently. Low volume and high float means the stock could sit at 1.00 for minutes and minutes, but high volume means the stock could go from 1.00 to 1.03 then down to 0.99 in a matter of seconds.

>> No.1529779

Just don't want to... my goal was 200% of $5000 at the end of the year... I cri

>> No.1529781

Thanks, I really am trying to soak up all the pointers and knowledge I can get, yet always wary of eternal shitposters

>> No.1529782

you should probably not drop hints like that.

(i hope you make millions, pimp.)

>> No.1529785
File: 18 KB, 298x296, Fiesta Spider Pleased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're doing splendid work and making /rgt/ great again

Please carry on your work and ignore the idiots (I was in $RGSE at 2.03 because of you)

>> No.1529788

That's only if you're in the negative after subtracting losses from gains. Otherwise you pay taxes on what's left after subtracting losses.

>> No.1529789

yeah. it's something to remember come tax time if you have a loss overall tho.

>> No.1529793

If they (Hedges and Investment bankers) haven't found out what it was yet, they definitely still won't find out about it.

They'll just go crazy looking for it. My autism is too high. I've been pretty much 100% spot on for serious gains over the last 5-6 months. That's a better track record than most people that have been doing this for decades.

I'll tell them what it is if they pay me billions of dollars up front.

>> No.1529797

to be fair, noko was really trying to parse the VHC vs. APPL thing. i was doing my own DD and coming to similar conclusions. it was risky but the upside was just too juicy to resist.

i don't remember any other picks he made. maybe my brain has blocked traumatic memories as an act of self-preservation.

>> No.1529798

I too have autism. One day I'll be as autistic as you, Pimple... one day.

>> No.1529800
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>autistic enough to break the markets
>too autistic to sell it properly to the bankers

>> No.1529801

Let's just hope I don't commit suicide with three bullets in the back of my head.

>> No.1529802

>technically I can afford to lose it all. Taking loan for uni, living with parents.
lol. made me choke.

>> No.1529806

I can hide you. I always lurk, give a shout.

>> No.1529807

I could be rolling in super model pussy, instead it's my own ball sweat for now.

>> No.1529808

what stocks are good for tomorrow, i heard amda and smit are good

>> No.1529809

just make your own investment firm or something

and please take me with you

>> No.1529811

Any chance of you making a website where we can use your algorithm remotely? Or some other way so that there is no risk of us finding out, but us anons can still use it.
Also any suggestions for stocks to buy at the open tomorrow?

>> No.1529812
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Pimple, I hope you stay around.
I promise to always do my DD

>> No.1529813

well, i hope you never have to have hotdog dinners again... but don't doubt that there is someone more autist than you out there. play it safe bro.

>> No.1529815
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>> No.1529816

don't say that pimp.. You'll be ok.. oh noko cuck shilled ESI here so yea he shilled some horrible picks here too. Ive dropped stem tplm stop and some decent picks while shilling twtr once in awhile

>> No.1529818

I'd watch PTN tomorrow. It usually goes up 5% when it closes at .59

>> No.1529819

I am honestly considering it. If some 4chin firm was breaking the market with record profits, we'd literally have everyone quitting their job to rush over to shitpost IRL and make fat gains while getting the succ.

>> No.1529822

no one really shilled ESI
we all just saw it fell 80% in a day and tried to play some dead cat bounce bullshit

stop blaming other people when you make bad decisions

>> No.1529824

None at the moment. I'm giving my mind a break for a bit.

I actually thought about the website. I've been building an API for it. The AI takes priority though.

>> No.1529825

I'd quit my job as soon as you started hiring.

>> No.1529831

i don't know what is good for tomorrow, but my surfing this evening makes me feel good about being in nugt. pessimism and doom all around.

>> No.1529832

Honestly man it does the mind good if you take a break from 4chan every now and then. Especially after this week.

>> No.1529834

meming our way into the presidential race and breaking the stock market. have we achieved critical mass?

inb4 400 lb hacker

>> No.1529837

What happened to Lunar investments? Pimp screen some guys here to help you run the firm with you. RGT chat with anons who are assets could really start a special chat room.

>> No.1529838
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>> No.1529843

ok noko i didn't buy that shit maggot ESI stock. I actually shill winners faggot got back on stock twits spacedad

>> No.1529844
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>> No.1529845

oops wrong anon sorry pimple lol i meant this anon>>1529822

>> No.1529847

Where do I sign up?

>> No.1529849


im not noko

some people call me 30k guy but I dont like that because soon it will be 60k guy kek willing

>> No.1529852

>tfw /fit/ autistic hacker Chad
Nobody knows this suffering.

>> No.1529856

You will always be 30k guy in our hearts

>> No.1529860

noko is spacedad spacedad on stocktwits he was shilling ESI there while coming here without trips coming here with the same half glass full dd and other chasers got burned. ESI was mos def shilled here. Only 4chan falling knives I've caught are saex and vhc

>> No.1529862

Why pessimism over Nugt? I just bought ~$3100 in JDST at the closing bell so I love the sound of that

>> No.1529865

Wait. Fuck.. I read that wrong. How fucked am I tomorrow morning

>> No.1529867

I tried joining the discord, downloaded the app but can't get it to work. Anyone use kik? Is it a safe platform?

>> No.1529871

Talk to us bro, you've got people here that will listen to what you have to say and try and help you out.

>> No.1529877


Eerily creeping up from the 52-week low. I don't believe this will run, but there's a ton of buying pressure; looks like it's brewing. We will probably see a breakout in a week, maybe longer.

>> No.1529878

Cautiously watching

>> No.1529880

when do you think it would be a good idea to buy>>1529877

>> No.1529881


>> No.1529882

Can you tell us a little about NLP?
Not about the exact algorithm, of course, but you said you were a high school dropout so I'm really curious what sources you used to learn NLP.

>> No.1529883

spacedad. that's it. i was wondering about him earlier. glad to see that he's still in the game. means his dad didn't murder him.

>> No.1529884

6'2 fit chad here too minus the mr robot part. But Im keen to technical analysis. my trading has gotten better since learning to use retracements and ichimoku charts. Anons like pimp have given me lot of googling and thirst for more knowledge. I've dropped some decent meme here like stem tplm first spu moon mission and decent tech plays like strp and shilling twtr since 16.3x

>> No.1529887

Not your blog

>> No.1529888

well shit... one of us is gonna get shafted.

>> No.1529890

noko fag was most likely lying about that dad shit anon. that faggot was the worst trip fag we've had yet. at least gear and metal are humble

>> No.1529891

Just use it on your browser

>> No.1529894

Completely unrelated to superspacedad, I hope.

>> No.1529895

hold those smit bags buddy 30k

>> No.1529900

I'm use to writing compilers, so it was fairly easy to transition into it. I wrote my own lexer and parser for the English language. I'm sure it can be a lot better, but like I said, this is pre-alpha.

Ask me anything, family.

Please don't do this. Just watch, remain cold and distant. Treat it like a woman you're interested and don't want her to know. Yet.

>> No.1529901

Idt amrs is going to make it to the moon but we may dip below the satellites

>> No.1529904

just watch... and buy all in at .84 and RSI of 78.

picking out my lambo now guiz.

i thought you were gonna chill for a bit bro.

>> No.1529905

I'm actually taking a compiler class right now and somehow it hadn't occurred to me that I could apply the same principles to make sense of a human language.

>I wrote my own lexer and parser for the English language.
So can your software actually work out the semantics of a sentence?
What language are you using?

>> No.1529906
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>don't have a day trade
Just gonna watch those brave enough launch into orbit

>> No.1529907

Keep going, my friend.

This is exactly why I just drop the symbol with a little insight. It forces the thirsty to intake more and make their own decisions. I spend at least 80% of my free time researching whatever the algo picks up.

I'll be wrong a few times, but it's not always about that. It's about getting to an adequate understanding of what the hell you're looking at, especially when it comes to various different companies.

>> No.1529911

I spent my lunch hour at work today screening stocks with renewed interest.

>> No.1529912

This has been my first week trading not on a sim. First spike is RGSE, the OPTT, and finally SMIT today.

Learned a lot about low floats from your tips anon, hope to keep the trend up.

>> No.1529915
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Forgot the file

>> No.1529918
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Some anon told me to get UTWI yesterday,and it worked. What should I get tomorrow?

>> No.1529919

Very lucky, anon.
The hot meme in my first week was IMNP. Some Pajeet called an employee and got her to reveal that a major deal was about to close. It seemed like a sure spike and then there was no news at all, because the deal fell through.

Some anon bought 10k shares and we never heard from him again.

>> No.1529924

Yeah. It can decipher sentences but it does sometimes just hit the FUCK IT UP button and "read" nonsense. Especially if there are symbols.

I'm not going to say the language, but just put it this way, it's just doing machine learning. It's an independent process from the actual scanner. It will notify the scanner when a filing hits. This is how I caught SEED so fast. I'm testing out automatic buying on "GOOD" notifications but getting it to differentiate good and bad is literally the devil.

>> No.1529925

Ive watched some YT vids on quant trading and have started to use some algo scanners like intelli.trade but I'm interested in finding out more about market manipulation and investing the institutional way and not retail scraps

>> No.1529927

Holy hell I remember that. Stocktwats was all up in a tizzy.

Actually, why do I even go on that site anymore?
>these are huge institutional orders, somebody knows something that we don't...
>"buy when others are fearful"
>really sick of these bears...BLOCKED

>> No.1529929

>50% gain in the past week
are you tricking me
am i chasing

>> No.1529930

I certainly want to know more but don't necessarily know what sources I should be turning to for explanations. I read stock investing for dummies cover to cover so I at least understand most basic terms. What is your basic approach to picking a winner? Just low float, 52 week low, sudden volume and "good" news?

>> No.1529931

Is there any book or website you used to teach yourself this stuff?

>> No.1529934

I'd guess a combination of those plus a sprinkling of pimple's special indicator

>> No.1529937
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I meant $UWTI

>> No.1529938
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you guys are my only friends some days

austismo frog man you are one of the best things to ever happen to me

>> No.1529939

We got you broham

>> No.1529940

a lot of these stocks he called atleast RGSE and SMIT were called out in some popular trading rooms. but his wizardly entries are the best I've seen.

>> No.1529941

That's what the scanner does, but I'm omitting a key module that demonstrates a flaw in the market. This is why I was able to call SMIT after the dump and RGSE before it even was on anyone's radar.

There are things going on in front of your face that you're not seeing or paying extremely close attention to.

Not sure. Just wrote it out of desperation since I got fucked, no Vaseline, by GALE.

>> No.1529942

did it pick up "reverse stock split" for AHPI?

The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Allied Healthcare Products, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Company”), will be held at the Corporate Headquarters of Allied Healthcare Products, Inc., 1720 Sublette, St. Louis, Missouri 63110 on [ ], November [ ], 2016 at 9:00 a.m., Central Time, for the following purposes:

(1) The election of five directors to serve until the next Annual Meeting of Stockholders or until their successors are elected and qualified;
(2) Ratification and approval of RubinBrown LLP as the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm for the year ending June 30, 2016;
(3) An advisory (non-binding) vote to approve our executive compensation, as disclosed in this proxy statement;
(4) Approval of an amendment to the Company’s Amended and Restated Certification of Incorporation to adopt a reverse stock split; and
(5) The transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof

>> No.1529944
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recommend something to buy at open, please

>> No.1529945

I saw RGSE and SMIT on the algo scanners i use but max profit margin was thin according to the algo

>> No.1529948

Before I read AHPI's latest 10-k, I noticed their recent sales report was quite a bit higher than their market cap. Seems like a small company but maybe they have a lot of expenses.

The stock has been trending up for sure, but I see this and think to myself "well it HAS to be done running".

>> No.1529949

Someone is learning. My nigga.

>> No.1529950

he called both of those before there was any major momentum

>> No.1529951

jizz stain

>> No.1529954

isn't reverse stock split bad? don't stocks typically go down at that announcement?

>> No.1529955
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RGSE, SEED, OPTT, and SMIT had like a combined percentage of gain of like 300% within 48 hours if you caught all of them and bought at optimal times

thats the most incredible think ive ever seen in the world of finance

the wharton and stanford cocks are lucky to get 30% on the year with insider information

>> No.1529956

What do you think about JNUG and JDST for tomorrow?

>> No.1529957

Be honest, can your algorithm see the future?

>> No.1529958


They literally cannot match my gains, which is why I'm scared I'm going to """suicide""".

>> No.1529962

Create a dead man's switch that leaks the algorithm if you die/don't check in often enough. Also why did you decide to be called Pimple?

>> No.1529964
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>> No.1529965

I don't really play with any ETFs. Only ETN I touched was TVIX during the Brexit.

>implying I'm not from the future

>> No.1529966
File: 54 KB, 500x678, tumblr_nnt0gl9urU1s2w82ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a degree in business administration if you ever want to build your own firm and need help

just call out for the barbara palvin faggot and im yours

>> No.1529969

Holy shit.

>> No.1529970

Praise you frogman, I want to learn, I only recently started lurking biz after discovering about RobinHood. What sites are useful for DD? I don't want to be blindly following you, I want to understand how research is done.

>> No.1529971


Fucking hell, 900% in a few days. Only 1.8mil shares.

>> No.1529974

Edgar for filings

>> No.1529976

I am a bit worried for you, frogbro. """Suicide""" aside, it seems like if you give too many hints the big hedges and investors are going to catch on eventually. Don't give them too much to go on.

>> No.1529979

Battletoads was one of my favorite games. He's also a ripped frog. I post frogs. I'm ripped. Seemed fitting.

I'll need your help very soon. Witnessed. Your waifu is top-tier.

Don't ever blindly follow anyone. I can't really suggest anything because I literally taught myself. I barely read anything. Never paper traded either.

See what I mean? Tomorrow should be a great day for shareholders.

>> No.1529981

Ingrain yourself in the markets. Sounds like pimple puts a lot of hard work in to get these results. Best way to learn is to be engulf yourself in the markets day in day and learning the nuances and intricacies of profitable trader or investor

>> No.1529983

They'll only pump it even more. Given my track record, if they start buying in on my posts, we become unstoppable and officially meme masters.

We could also completely murder them as competition by shilling bad stock as well. They end up in a lose-lose. Checkmate. The market is ours.

>> No.1529984

that is what i thought too... unless this is a requirement for staying listed or having access to loans or something. i haven't dug that far yet

>> No.1529987
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So what do you suggest to cop at open nigga

>> No.1529989

>Your waifu is top-tier
that means more to me than sick gains

bless you frog man

>> No.1529990

The float for IPDN is so incredibly low, only a few thousand shares created the spikes. Would a limit buy order for 2000 shares even fill?

>> No.1529991

google fucks up often and doesnt show the stock price properly adjusted after a split (or reverse split in this case)

it didnt gain 900%
but it did gain a lot and volume has spiked like crazy

>> No.1529995
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Hi Palvinfag! Im Blissfag, Nice to meet you! Soooooo, Iv had some heavy losses lately. What should I buy at the Open tomorrow for a good daytrade to bounce back??

>> No.1529996

seriously bless this nigga! haven't seen a anon drop this good of insight since the GALAXY anon and his unrivaled knowledge of lithium plays

>> No.1529997

calm your tits. frogman isn't god. he's missing something here but i've got his back.

>The Board of Directors approved a final 1-for-8 ratio immediately following the Annual Meeting of Stockholders.

>The reverse stock split was effective as of 12:01 a.m. EDT on September 27, 2016. The Company’s shares continue to trade, on a post-split basis, under ticker symbol IPDN on the NASDAQ Capital Market.

>The reverse stock split reduced the Company’s outstanding shares from approximately 14.5 million to approximately 1.8 million, and its authorized shares from 25 million to approximately 3.1 million.

>The reverse stock split proportionally affects the number of shares expected to be issued at the closing of the Company’s previously-announced transaction with Cosmic Forward Limited (“CFL”), as well as the number of shares the Company is seeking to purchase in its previously-announced partial self-tender offer and the per-share transaction prices.

>> No.1530002

Pimple, your thoughts on these low float hot cakes?

oh I'm an idiot, good call.

>> No.1530008

this is the problem i forsee in the future

if you have 1500 right now, you'll have over 1 millino dollars if you connect on 7 100% gain trains

once we have that much capital how much is it going to fuck up everything and will we just get to a point where we've priced outselves out of making money because we're trying to throw too much capital at too little shares

i have no idea how big hedge funds load up on stocks in the short term, i presume its done through blocks of 100-1000 shares over increments of a couple minutes but then trying to unload that shit would be a nightmare

if we're going to be making easily over 100% returns in a week, we have to learn very quickly how not to fuck everything up with that much money

when we get to 25k in everyone's account its going to be a fucking fiesta every single day because day trading restrictions are lifted. this is going to get insane very quickly

>> No.1530013

If we can get at least 15-20 people with $25k+ accounts we could easily pump any low float penny stock. I'm praying this works boys. Best of luck

>> No.1530014

With that much money we can make our own pump and dumps

>> No.1530017

I'd get in on this.

>> No.1530018

what I'm saying these groups form there own chats to pump and short certain runners we could do that here if we could gets some solid anons in there

>> No.1530023

Well we already have the biz chat in the OP

>> No.1530024

FBI would literally rape you all though....thats insider training u stupid idiot

>> No.1530028

Is that legal?
The FBI monitors 4chan.

>> No.1530029

we'd end up on the SEC radar for stock manipulation im fairly certain

I have connections to John Calamos who runs a hedge fund worth multiple billions, i'll try and get some information from either him or somebody within his firm on how to handle large amounts of capital

I've talked to him before about how to gain trust from investors and making them feel comfortable with you managing their money so he'd likely be open to talk

>> No.1530030

I've been in these generals since day1. the discord chat was meh. I'm talking about 10-20 people doing dd and technical analysis paired with a group capital to time market moves

>> No.1530033

I would really like an opinion on AIRG.

Hasnt been on the market for long but is having a really predictable momentum.

>> No.1530034

>people outside a business pumping up a stock by themselves is insider trading


>> No.1530038
File: 36 KB, 436x654, 9af3bcfa47841d3ad511e3aa5ef743fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody pay /gd/ for a logo for Lunar Investments

>> No.1530040

You're describing the /biz/ hedge fund in Palm Beach.

>> No.1530042

>Palm Beach
*Gary Indiana

people bitched that Florida was too hot

>> No.1530043

market manipulation happens everyday. talking about team styled in-n-out trading.Like ClayTrader has his own chat where they flood certain stocks on technical plays

>> No.1530048

I was the one bitching about Florida and I'll take it over Indiana any day.
Fuck any state that hasn't got a coastline.

>> No.1530049

dunno, anon. target price of 17 but recently downgraded to 'hold' and 14 target. i don't know much about IPOs so gotta go with analysts

>> No.1530051

gary is on a freshwater coast numbnuts. lake michigan is great.

>> No.1530054

dont mess with IPOs

most of them fall in value and there are so many restrictions in place following an IPO on who can buy that it isnt even worth it to chase them

i tried going after that alibaba shit and just fell on my face

gary is also a shithole filled with niggers

Palm Beach it is

>> No.1530055

although... i'll concede that the gary coast isn't all that great... what with USSteel right there...

BUT there are still yacht clubs where you could keep your yacht and Chicago is only an hour or two away depending on how fast you sail.

>> No.1530056

how many super models live in Indiana? rich parts of florida are laced with sexy slots

>> No.1530057

How would you gentlemmlen feel about washington?

No income tax
No capital gains tax
Fast internet
Amazing nature
Legal weed
Cheap price of living outside cities

>> No.1530058

I'd rather be in San Diego soaking up all that beach babe pussy.

>> No.1530059

i was paper tradign the baba ipo and could never figure it out. kept losing while msft kept gaining.

>> No.1530060

San Diego is paradise

t. east coast fag

>> No.1530061
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>> No.1530062

>beach babe pussy

not with those capital gains tax youre not. She'll take one look at your tax returns and call you a faggot

Florida or Texas is what we want.

>> No.1530064

washington is great except for the cities. and the people.

cities and ppl are bad in general.

>> No.1530065

I agree the people suck and so do the cities, though I feel if we're neets we can generally avoid this.

>> No.1530066

>Florida or Texas is what we want.
but the humidity is not good for me. seriously. i guess i'll stay here on the internet while you guys go get sweaty with tanned babes.

>> No.1530067

do stocks count as unemployed?

feels bad man

>> No.1530068

palm beach 2 hours to nyc. All the lush offshore cayman island yachts and bank accounts miles from u

>> No.1530071

so back to AHPI. why is it behaving the way it is? there is a meeting tomorrow morning that will likely get approval to do a reverse stock split. reverse stock splits don't add value they condense it... so why has AHPI jumped the past couple of days???

>> No.1530072

air conditioning nigga
Palm Beach is heaven on earth.

havent you ever wanted to live out a Miami Vice neon fantasy in ferraris and yachts down in florida?

>> No.1530074

Do you get a Government employee I.D. for scratch offs?

>> No.1530080

the last recent news i can find is an earnings report but nothing has really changed on their records to warrant a big jump unless im missing something

their profits slightly rose but theyre stil not very solid on their revenues

>> No.1530082

>Chicago is only an hour or two away
Wow, one hour from free bullets!

>> No.1530083

Jnug was a good buy earlier today when it was in the 16s. Been making me smile all day. I like to swing between it and dust since they seem to be inverse of each other

>> No.1530086

theres a jdst you know

>> No.1530087
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It's all supply and command. The "jump" in stock price causes a lot of people to try and buy into it but there's only so many shares to go around after the reverse split.

>> No.1530095

there will be less shares to go around after the reverse split. why do ppl want a position?

>> No.1530097

DUST is inverse of NUGT.
JDST is inverse of JNUG.

>> No.1530098

no, that's south chicago. chicago on lake michigan is nice.

>> No.1530099

Less available shares mean less supply and more demand, more demand means higher price.

grade-school economics.

>> No.1530101

I'm $3100 in on JDST at closing bell. Just wonder if I'm gonna get fucked tomorrow morning and shut cut my loses in the morning

>> No.1530103

i'm not really seeing anything about AHPI that gives it a reason to go on a monster run

Am i missing something here?

>> No.1530107

And should cut my**

>> No.1530108
File: 54 KB, 647x723, Tk19Vo6[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think bank of america owns 1 (one) share of AHPI?

>> No.1530111

Looks pretty close either way see the charts. Good info though, still makes money

>> No.1530113
File: 20 KB, 478x423, comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-Hi guys, back at it again. I hope everyone who held AMRS had a comfy slow gain today as I said yesterday. My TA tells me the forecast for tomorrow may be a spike early morning and flat line through out the day. Expect slow uptrend back to the .55 without any news. Significant news will shoot it to .60.

>> No.1530114

They both follow gold miner indices but I think there are different companies in each. But it's the same industry so they will generally make similar moves.

>> No.1530115

they say youre not supposed to hold these things overnight...

>> No.1530117

doesn't make sense to me. market cap isn't affected directly by reverse stock split... but you're saying that simply having less shares available to trade will create more demand and increase market cap?

>> No.1530120

They are a risk, I'll hold mine over night but usually not over the weekend, however if I would have held dust over the weekend I would have made even more gains from it

>> No.1530124

If it's going to increase and you don't hold shares, then you make no money. In a split there's less shares in supply, so people gobble them up. If you don't get any you're SOL.

>> No.1530126

I remember battle toads the game gets so hard.

>> No.1530128

assuming they still have it then it must be a watchlist type of deal for them which shows that they have something about AHPI on their radar as well

why they were holding one in june though? no idea.

>> No.1530129

obviously. and so am I. i don't understand this one.

UNLESS all the increased volume is composed of ONE share purchases. if i own ONE share at .84 before the reverse split i will own ONE share at .84 x whatever the ratio is after the reverse split...

maybe that is what BoA is doing >>1530108

>> No.1530133

lol no i dont think it works like that

>> No.1530135

no, you will get a cash payout for whatever the share is right before the split unless you own a multiple of the split value

>> No.1530137

thanks for the updated forecast. one of these days i might take a look when i want something comfy.

>> No.1530138

No you will then own a fraction of 1 share.

>> No.1530139

Holy shit you evil mastermind.

>> No.1530143

well... i'm stumped then. somebody should call BoA and let them know.

>> No.1530148

>Bank of America, how may I help you today?

>> No.1530151
File: 760 KB, 182x182, 1378927820334.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these the questions we'll ask when we make the hedge fund

>> No.1530162

>If I pull off your namebadge will you die

>> No.1530163

>unless you own a multiple of the split value
c-could all this volume just be investors trying to adjust their holdings to just the right multiple? at least to an even number of shares?

>> No.1530173

Literal meme magic.

>> No.1530179
File: 27 KB, 550x371, 1349766771783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek 10/10

>> No.1530181

I'm going to get some rest gents, wish this poor fool a little luck tomorrow, holding onto SMIT big time, averaging 2.25. Sadly I went in further than I'm currently comfortable with. A little meme magic my way would be appreciated.

Goodnight and good gainz.

>> No.1530186
File: 196 KB, 1023x683, 1473639493838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep tight

>> No.1530192

Don't worry man same thing happen to me. I was also thought i had 1 day trade left when i bought it and when the sell button was grayed out I was pissed. This rule is so fucking dumb can't cut losses

>> No.1530196



>> No.1530201

Goodnight warriors of memes.
I'm also holding on to SMIT Good luck on your investment!

>> No.1530216

Tonight you will all dream into the future and see visions of the /biz empire we shall create. Also 10 years from now when we have bring your robotic wife to work day. Tell Sven to leave ugly ass Helga at home robotic wives only. ... in safe mode of course ( the Christmas party almost sparked ww4) night fags :D

>> No.1530223

I'm also holding SMIT.

What should my stop-loss be?

It's currently at about 1.75. I was in at 2.00

>> No.1530225

Fuck u all

>> No.1530236

>he held SMIT OPTT RGSE and SEED

>> No.1530239

go to bed so you can get up early to lock in your SEED losses.

>> No.1530266

Fuck u I was on a fucking 30% roll this week SEED knocked me down to 10%

>> No.1530287
File: 768 KB, 1440x1105, Screenshot_2016-09-28-23-17-13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said "watch"

>> No.1530402


GBSN is the most dog shit company on the planet.

>> No.1530423

Drunk. But agreed.

>> No.1530718

What's everyone's thoughts on AHPI?

>> No.1530724

AEGR mah niggas. Their drug just go approved in Japan. Playing spike @ open. In @ 3.30.

>> No.1530740

Looks like it's on its way down to me

>> No.1530784



