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15289983 No.15289983 [Reply] [Original]

>spend years on the self-improvement meme
>get fit, get a good job, stop drinking, move out, invest, eat well, etc...
>ask out asian girl out who would be on the lower end of the 0-10 scale
>get rejected
>a few months later she's dating some fat broke black guy

anyone want my crypto before I leave this planet?

>> No.15290000

If a single rejection does this to you there is still a lot of self improvement left to do.

There are literally millions of Asian girls out there, just pick another one.

>> No.15290008

You really cannot compete with the BBC even if you were a millionaire, and I say this as a woman myself

>> No.15290015

So you only asked out 1 girl? And go to asia to find Asian girls. Not Thailand or Philippines, China, Korea, and Japan. Seriously, you have a +5 added because you’re huwhite.

>> No.15290016

self improvement is an absolute fucking meme, i went on a fucking porn and fap binge for an entire week and then two girls at the weekend started flirting with me like if i were some sort of a god because of my indifference, meanwhile when im on nofap i get so fucking thirsty that my own mind gets delusional about what people think about me

>> No.15290038

> asks out one girl who has mental issues

>> No.15290049

pfffft...white chad fucks whoever he wants and that includes tyrones girl

>> No.15290134


I've been rejected many times in the past, but this one was the first time I felt like I actually had a shot.

>> No.15290150

I'll take your crypto.

>> No.15290172

Get roids and ask more than one girl out dumb fuck

>> No.15290173

>anyone want my crypto before I leave this planet?

I do

>> No.15290176
File: 41 KB, 508x419, 1_WIA3CRLzQZC7z19iCpBQBw[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just take the blackpill

>> No.15290206

> on the lower end of the 0-10 scale

That is your first mistake.

Go after the 8-10 chicks. It is better to me rejected by them than by an ugly bitch.

>> No.15290264

take the ovulation pill, only ask girls who are ovulating

>> No.15290298

That's a new one

>> No.15290479

Like the other Anon said, go to Asia. It's unbelievable easy in the Philippines. And the girls speak English. If she loved there I can assure you she wouldn't have rejected you.

>> No.15290530
File: 26 KB, 563x439, 95f29e0d8d5aafe389d327fc905dd8be--rik-mayall-comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbh it's probably because you give off some weird or autistic vibe.

-t weird and autistic guy

>> No.15290605

oh so women can detect ''vibes'' from strangers but get suprised when their bad boy BF beats them ?

kek everytime

>> No.15290670

Well if there is no other option for you than exit your crypto is welcome :) hit me your seeds and stuff at

Thanks in advance

>> No.15290773
File: 95 KB, 700x875, nigger bonobo xa ratio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder who could be behind this post

>> No.15290795


They don't get surprised, they like that, it gives them purpose and social status, to make seem like they are hard women with experience who have been through a lot and should be treated like that, social points where they get special status, you aren't blackpilled enough, lurk moar

Kinda like how niggers say they are hard shit because they were in shitty gangs with other monkey tier humans

>> No.15290878


Girl in OP was likely conditioned by the media that dating blacks is like a fairy tale, when in reality she’s going to end up a single mother one day

>> No.15290946

That black fat guy is considered alpha in her eyes.

She thinks your job isn't that impressive, find it boring you don't drink and couldn't be bothered with your "cryptocurrencies".

You want wholesome girls, then don't chance and go to church.

You want roasties, get some muscles , get a tan , do boxing, ride a motorcycle and drink and smoke.

>> No.15291029



top kek, you are for a rude awakening

>> No.15291048

Kek, I actually settled for a farmer girl (they know what hard working is and want to be a good mother)

>> No.15291083

this nigga biologypilled

>> No.15291099

I'll take it. I have an 8/10 asian gf cuz I'm not a facelet. I am also good at spending money.

>> No.15291100


yeah that's better, less exposure, but as a tip never try to move to a city or downtown or you will get fucked

>> No.15291127

*nofap is a meme
Not beating off =/= self improvement despite what the incel faggots on this board tell you

>> No.15291147

You didn't improve yourself that much if some random person can wreck your mental state that badly.

Maybe you should keep working on that "meme".

>> No.15291167

It is a risk to date someone on a higher level than you. They will probably cheat on you. Am I wrong?

>> No.15291181

There are no women on the internet.

>> No.15291229
File: 131 KB, 872x964, 1565996713159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my life.

>> No.15291238

It's been scientifically proven to spike your test levels for 3 days, with the peak being 6 days. Until going back to baseline after that. Nofappers are pretty square, but if you did it with say a waterfast for 5 days it could do something for you

>> No.15291252


self improvement is a meme bro, it's about mentality and luck, you can be a complete fuck up for months and get lucky, or do everything right and you get fucked in the most critical hour, try hard enough and some day you fuck up and it's like you did nothing for years and you were always a sack of shit, just have the mentality that you are always right because people react more to that than the actual facts

>> No.15291332

What do you expect to happen when you get a gf or whatever

She's going to be on constant lookout for your insecurities and for opportunities to branch up to a better man. While she's doing this, she's going to drain your account of capital that could be going to new investments , so that she can "travel" and be a "foodie". Possibly the worst roi of anything imaginable and it accomplishes nothing but to gratify your ego.

>> No.15291437

>finally gets a girlfriend
>Realises it wasn't worth it

>> No.15291534
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bee yourself and go outside and ask as many women as possible


>> No.15291536

RIP hopes and dreams.

>> No.15291563

yep this lol,

>> No.15291604


>> No.15292174

>get a girlfriend
>my weekly spendings goes upward by 62 %
>pussy is over hyped unless bareback
>cuddles are nice
>gets boring after a while,it's just : wdy,what did u do today ? wanna eat out ? movie night ?
>makes you more paranoid
i was an incel too,i've had sex,nothing changed lmao.

>> No.15292255

I have been friends with this girl at work for a year and asked her out. She said yes kept pushing the date back and 2 weeks later told me she's really busy. Don't chase woman, chase success. Once you become wealthier you will realize that most people (including woman) have nothing to offer you and are fundamentally detriments to your success. Woman will take break you but only if you fall for their game.

T. 50k Link holder

>> No.15292262

The problem is that you’re improving yourself to fuck women. Improve yourself because you have an internal motivation to be better, not for a wet hole.

>> No.15292308

bruh stop improving for females. thats a fools run. I started improving to improve myself and females and want of them fall so far to the wayside I realized I wasnt giving ashit about it. I think you 're probably one of those eternal virgins that's so desperate to get laid you still think it's one of those end all be all things and you're not a man til you get laid and other horseshit people say. fuck that noise and stop making passed around pussy so damn important. once you've fucked 1 pussy you've got an idea how it goes each time. get rich get laid and very quickly you 'll be going THIS is what I was gonna end myself over? this overrated pass itself around hole? check your shit bitch cuz dying cuz you cant get laid is weak hand shit. focus on money and building your empire. the females will be waiting at the finish line like the useless parasites they are for the winner. if you still think you need a girl by that point pick one of those only wanted you when you were sucessful hoes and marry her so you can give her half + of your shit in 7some years

>> No.15292362
File: 33 KB, 511x671, 1530123308297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they want it
all women are whores

>> No.15292412

The fact that you chase chicks you think are ugly make you look desperate and low self esteem. Ask out the pretty ones, the rejection also won't hurt as much.

>> No.15292495

Happens to everyone. Don't worry about it, you admitted you're not attracted to her so it shouldn't be a big deal.