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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.62 MB, 1520x818, winning trump crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15286101 No.15286101 [Reply] [Original]

yang gang my ass maybe UBI is a bribe to get folks to sign some document that takes away more rights etc etc...

best to go with Trump to keep capitalism alive and well


>> No.15286118

>takes away more rights

>muh freedumb
>muh libturdree

Tangibles like universal healthcare and UBI >intangibles like freedumb that the state will revoke at its pleasure anyway.


>> No.15286130

not by a long shot.

Maybe If you has a mediocre understanding of the word, then yes.

>> No.15286190

to keep "capitalism" alive and well = to keep American corporatism

But even then, Trump seems to be not in his best shape

>> No.15286324

>best to give everything to tue rich and corporations while everyelse lives in poverty

yea no thanks.

>> No.15286347

ubi is better than paying child support to some nigger with 6 nigglets or mutts.

>> No.15286443

Stop inviting the Yang discord trannies on /biz/. Theyre annoying enough on /pol/ already. Keep them there

>> No.15286515

Trump is just as much of a socialist, but on a different front (tariffs, regulation, corporatism, trade war).
He's just the better of two evils

t. libertarian

>> No.15287595

UBI is exactly that, except they don't have limits on how much of it they use on drugs

>> No.15288178

UBI turns everyone into a nigger mutt

>> No.15288250

>Holds massive rallies
>Goes around all over the place
>Jabs at people basically calling them retarded on Twitter daily

Nah he's the same. Compare him to any other democrat and tell me they stand a chance against his banter in debates, there's no fucking way they will win.

It's pretty funny to see EVERY single democrat candidate rally to the dem socialist ideas because they know that's the new hype thing amongst youths and old hippies. I personally see no other candidate that will do things better than Trump in terms of things that matter. Does anyone here ACTUALLY want them to erase school debt? Do you know how many disgusting commie political science and art mongoloids will casually not be forced to pay for their retarded ass degree? Is that something you want? Come on now.
We want them to suffer and they will do that under Trump.

>> No.15288253
File: 1.18 MB, 1475x1381, 1560139055666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you want $1,000 a month to throw into crypto? Not like trump will do anything to make your life better or keep the usa from imploding. Might as well get something tangible while you can.