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15286022 No.15286022 [Reply] [Original]

You aren't actually buying it. All you are doing is transferring your wealth from worthless paper to an actual real store of value and real savings.

>> No.15286062

You mean to say. you're transferring your wealth from a strong currency to an overpriced asset.

>> No.15286066
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To my son Anon, I leave these: a box of mint-condition 1918 liberty-head silver dollars. You see, back in those days, rich men would ride around in Zeppelins, dropping coins on people, and one day I seen J.D. Rockefeller flying by. So I run of the house with a big washtub and... hey! Where are you going? Anyway, about my washtub. I'd just used it that morning to wash my turkey, which in those days was known as...a walking-bird. We'd always have walking-bird on Thanksgiving, with all the trimmings: cranberries, injun eyes, yams stuffed with gunpowder. Then we'd all watch football, which in those days was called baseball... Eh, why didn't you get something useful, like storm windows, or a nice pipe organ? I'm thirsty! Ew, what smells like mustard? There sure are a lot of ugly people in your neighborhood. Ooh, look at that one. Ow, my glaucoma just got worse. The president is a Democrat! Hello? I can't unbuckle my seat belt. Hello? (honks car horn) (entering the house) There are too many leaves in your walkway...

>> No.15286078

i have 5oz gold i purchase last year. would trade for bitcoin in a second if I didn;t have to incur 10% slippage

>> No.15286084

are you really that dumb you cant figure out how to sell for spot?

>> No.15286114

land is the only real store of value real estate on earth is hard capped unlike meme metals

>> No.15286131
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BTC is Digital Gold and superior to shiny rocks.

>> No.15286132
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>> No.15286188

>Source; St. Louis Federal Reserve

>> No.15286204

In a SHTF scenario gold will be less than worthless, it will be a literal ton of shit to lug around.

Invest in booz and drugs.

>> No.15286225
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>> No.15286254

you can't produce nothing out of BTC it's just code, It has no value. Fiat has more value since you can whip your ass with it.
Everything is in a bubble besides PM so many people will get rekt soon.

>> No.15286267

Then why did my friends dad blow his head off in 2008 when the housing market collapsed?

>> No.15286277

This has nothing to do with gold. Gold and bitcoin have nothing to do with each other. Also...if you have any sense of logic how can you call something digital gold and then be against actual real gold?

>> No.15286286

Then why do people buy gold and silver? If gold was useless in a currency crash then thered be no purpose in buying it in the first place.

>> No.15286292

Because he was stupid to get in the market at it's peak.

>> No.15286295

Its easily transactable, its secure and its scarce.

Bitcoin is the superior Gold.
Its Digital Gold.
It fullfills the function of gold better than gold does.

>> No.15286302

What were the circumstances? Did he actually own his land or did he get laid off and stopped making his mortgage payments to the bank that actually owned his house?

>> No.15286323

>there is only 21 million BTC
>there is almost infinite gold supply in space

Not hard to see why BTC is superior here.

>> No.15286327

So guys don‘t bother buying shiny boomer rocks, buy BTC instead if you want actual Gold

>> No.15286342

who gives a shit it has only value because people have confidence in it like FIAT. Gold is scarce and it is real you can touch it see it etc. and it's used in medicine in computers for luxury etc. BTC can't compete with gold.

>> No.15286368

land not overpriced boomed shacks

>> No.15286370

BTC doesnt compete with gold, because it has already won that battle, same with FIAT, BTC already won that too.
BTC and cryptocurrencies will always be worth more than any FIAT or metal, because there is no bank or jew that can get its hands in-between transferring cryptocurrencies, thus it is the only way we can get rid of the jews because they can no longer profit from it.

Secure and private, only cryptocurrencies have those.

>> No.15286373

>who gives a shit it has only value because people have confidence in it
And they have confidence in it because it is secure and better than Gold.

>Gold is scarce
Its not, space is full of gold, there is huge asteroids made out of gold.
Only a matter of time til they mine it and dump on you.
Can‘t do that with BTC because only 21 million exist.
Can‘t create more.

>you can touch it see it
Thats not an advantage, can be easily stolen, is hard to transact, is hard to transport.
BTC is better in all of that.

>and it's used in medicine in computers for luxury
So what?
Soon BTC can be used for all kinds of smart contracts.
Then it is truly superior. Who cares if its not used as resource as long as it fullfills its role better than gold?

>BTC can't compete with gold.
BTC has better traits than Gold, it is superior to gold.
You goldcucks will learn this the hard way.

>> No.15286376

Kind of but retarded how you guys are arguing with each other and yet to see they are meant to compliment each other. If I can transact btc for gold then I literally move anywhere around the world, this will only increases the price of both

>> No.15286378

gold is not really scarce tho not enough to justify it being above $50

>> No.15286382

BTC is digital Gold and shiny boomer rocks are not a good investment.

>> No.15286385

because real world uses taxes that you have to pay to get gold.

>> No.15286391

>space is full of gold, there is huge asteroids made out of gold
gold is much more abduant on earth than in 99.999% of the known universe

>> No.15286405

That’s a dumb argument, it is just a bunch of computation it was not meant to design as a store of value rather to be cash. With gold backed btc this will add value. Gold is real and there is no denying it.

>> No.15286430

one could say we are the indians sitting on a galactic gold mine

>> No.15286440
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>there is huge asteroids made out of gold
Imagine being so desperate of a fucking shill that you have to talk about fucking space (when we are not even able to go "back" to the moon or it's too expensive anyway)... That's when I see such shitty arguments I smell something very fishy behind those anti-gold posts.

>> No.15286445

>it is just a bunch of computation
Its not just that, its cryptography.

>it was not meant to design as a store of value rather to be cash.
It was called Bitgold first, it was absolutely meant to be the superior gold.

>With gold backed btc this will add value.
It already has more value than gold.
Its the superior form of gold, the next step.

>Gold is real and there is no denying it
BTC is the better gold, it has the better traits. Can‘t deny that.

>> No.15286455

and with a stroke of a pen, will be made illegal to own or trade unless you register it

>> No.15286456

But i thought property was a store of value?

>> No.15286466

What are you talking about? BTC won the battle versus gold? Gold wasnt ever in the battle. Gold was de-monetized by govts decades ago.

The reason you are investing in bitcin is to beat inflation unironically because gold doesnt back the dollar anymore.

In the 70's you could work as bus driver and have your wife at home watching your 4 kids easily.

>> No.15286473

and thus everyone who uses it will be against the government and will cause a civil war

>> No.15286475

How is it superior than gold other than computation traits it has? It can’t be better than gold, because I can make a necklace out of gold. Can’t do that with btc.

Look at project like Eth and xrp, they are trying to kill btc, and if link succeed it can make btc obsolete. Not very likely but it can.

>> No.15286480

>BTC is the better gold, it has the better traits. Can‘t deny that.

Except it has no fucking tangible traits you fucking idiot.

> Hey timmy you want to come over and see the frog I just got at the pet shop?

Why would I want to come see your frog gerald? I have like 65 pepe the frogs on my computers hard drive.

>> No.15286499

>Anonymous (ID: 0+V9JHig) 08/17/19(Sat)07:56:41 No.15286382▶>>15286405
>BTC is digital Gold and shiny boomer rocks are not a good investment.

Gold isnt an investment it is savings.

>> No.15286510

all you have to do is register your holdings, and pay the tax on them. Everyone else pays their taxes, how do you think the majority will feel when drug dealers, child traffickers, and money launderers have free reign to conduct their transactions? Only criminal elements and speculators are interested in crypto.

>> No.15286514

Impossible, they can‘t even stop internet piracy.
Gold is easier to confiscate, government can just walk into your house and crack open your safe.
With BTC thats not so easy as there is billions of ways to hide your private keys.

Its supply is hardcoded, it can be easily transacted, it can be easily moved around and stored.

>muh necklace
Useless garbage for thots and niggers.

>they are trying to kill btc
Thats not how it works brainlet.

>and if link succeed it can make btc obsolete
No brainlet Chainlink will enhance BTC and make it even better.

It has better traits look here >>15286131
Overall BTC is the superior Gold.

>> No.15286522

BTC is still superior at that.

>> No.15286525


A total SHTF scenario is highly unlikely. A major financial disaster in North America will most likely stop short of infrastructure collapse. That means the banks will still exist, and when they're restructuring they'll be more than willing to barter seized assets in exchange for precious metals.

>> No.15286527

>space mining

>> No.15286529

20,000 to what? 3,000 it went?

>> No.15286546

So you are now a criminal, great. The world financial system will get behind this because theyre already talking about it. They already stole all the gold in 34 to create the current financial system, and they have NO desire to go back to a gold standard.

>> No.15286572

Yup. Itll be a gold re-valuation

>> No.15286573

Seriously you are going to argue over an everyday use items to a bunch of 0 and 1. Link is a blockchain agnostic and may choose enhance it if people deem it, until a more suitable blockchain become more superior to btc. Thus btc is replaceable and gold is not.

>> No.15286580

btc doesnt solve the debt problem. gold can.

>> No.15286586

Whats so unrealistic about it?
Eventually that will happen and then they will dump that on the open market.
Thats clearly a disadvantage compared to BTC where you can‘t just mine more BTC as only 21 million exist.

They go to a BTC standard, it will never be outlawed because it is the future of gold and of money. Jews know this thats why they are so invested in the space.
Crypto is here to stay.

>doesn‘t even understand what chainlink does
Read the whitepaper you dumb nigger.

>> No.15286666

Perhaps you should go back and read it. It’s allow real world data to be transferred to on and off chain, this theoretically speed up the death of btc since btc can’t do that. With many problems btc is facing as long as it not solved and a better and fast blockchain comes out people will be using that over btc. it probably will spell doom to all crypto project since you don’t need a public ledger.

>> No.15286681

Reminder for all you SHTF doomsayer's:
Crypto transactions can be made by radio signal.
Thanks everyone! And I want flags as an option.

>> No.15286691

gold and silver was traded even during he srebrenica siege

but yeah, when the crash comes, filthy normies will probably be more interested in getting shitfaced so booze/cigs are definitely worth it, but having a few silver maybe even gold coins or more can't hurt especially if you're looking to retain your value after a crash

that is my stake, I'm just looking to short the market with precious metals, because these will only become worthless once tech is advanced to the point where we mine asteroids regularly

>> No.15286739
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>when we mine asteroids on the reg
only normies believe the propaganda

>> No.15286759

Bitcoin is not fungible

>> No.15286794

gee if all this paper is worthless how come i can walk in to literally any store and trade it for goods and services? really makes you think

paper currency has value because no matter how you make your money, the government is going to tax you in fiat, therfore everyone needs fiat

>> No.15286824

Btc can be tax, it’s public ledger, little harder to follow but eventually technology will allow them to do it. Idk if menero can avoid it though.

>> No.15286832

It is you brainlet
>Because math is an exact science (accurate, fungible and divisible), Bitcoin is perfectly fungible.

Chainlink can work with any blockchain, it will only further enhance BTC as smart contracts can be settled in BTC (or anything else).
Since BTC is the most secure and most trusted blockchain it has a bright future ahead of it.
Its Digital Gold and here to stay.

>> No.15286839

gold is an indicator in trust in the government to fulfill its debts, public and private. When the govts are in trouble, gold is eternal and rises in price, because odds are currency is more likely to loose value and eventually fail.

>> No.15286843

really if you guys who lurk here are thinking about buying gold think again, buy the superior Digital Gold called BTC instead.

>> No.15286849

what i'm saying is you cannot give the IRS btc, or a baby lamb or some gold shavings or whatever. they literally force you at the threat of violence and imprisonment to sell your shit for fiat and then give them the fiat. that's why fiat will always have value, except in like a total societal collapse, at which point i'd rather just die anyway

>> No.15286862

Thanks to smart contracts and crypto that could change.

>> No.15286864

dude, I estimate that happening at the end of century/beginning of next century, if human growth continues like this we'll have no choice but to compound earth mining with mining other astronomical bodies

what I wanted to say is that our generation probably won't have to worry about robots taking our gold/silver tendies

>> No.15286867

the government will never give up the power, nobody ever gives up power

>> No.15286876

They don‘t give up any power, they increase their power once all your transactions are on a immutable ledger.

>> No.15286878

this made me laugh and I feel bad about it

>> No.15286898

If BTC was that secure it would be illegal by now. Niggas all over the world like dictators get iced trying to compete with USD

>> No.15286907

they would be giving up the power to control the currency, to manipulate exchange rates, to garnish wages and freeze bank accounts, to run black budgets

>> No.15286931

Chinese kind of already doing that. They are buying a bunch of btc along with gold, to protect themselves against the trade war.

>> No.15287407

They can still control it through other means.
Don‘t be fooled, they don‘t give up any power if they switch over to crypto.

>> No.15287425
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oh look, another schizo tard shilling his useless rocks episode

>> No.15287445

chyna just outlawed personal sales of pms, its the central banks worldwide that are loading up on gold. BTC is so popular and overvalued because the chynese use it to funnel money out of the country. Its all illegal over what? 15k or 50k? or something tiny out of the country. Its also why they would/are sell US tbills, not as a retaliation, but because they need the cash to prop up the currency exchange, and the entire economy.

>> No.15287480

The NPC Boomer are trying really hard to pump their bags.
Won‘t work because Bitcoin is the New Digital Gold and more people realize this.
Collecting shiny rocks like a hoarder collects his trash. These times are over.

>> No.15287716

gold will be 3d printed from other metals in 300 years tops

>> No.15287753

you think bitcoin is overvalued now rofl

>> No.15287774

non tainted bitcoin is perfectly fungible and that is all we need

>> No.15287795


what are you trying to achieve on this thread? finding the next store of value?

>> No.15287801

Replace gold by Bitcoin and you are correct op.

>> No.15288734

only when it's convenient to do so.

>> No.15288948

it is but you may have to wait longer if you buy the top.