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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15285516 No.15285516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15285519
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>> No.15285521

If she's so smart, why hasn't she figured the paperwork out yet? Would it really be that hard to naturalise for her?

>> No.15285532

Because naturalisation is a pain in the ass to get through. And she obviously didnt need it so far.

>> No.15285535
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>> No.15285538
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”they’re not sending their best”
yeah ok mr. trump

>> No.15285577

These wymynz are both pieces of ass, big time. It’s unamerican to deport/back-to-Africa such an individual. Imagine ducking these superior specimens. You might make a super baby out of the negroid and beangroid specimen to be the next obomber

>> No.15285590
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She's ugly and her legs are not nice. She has to go back

>> No.15285593

Op is a femanon and a nigger

>> No.15285671
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Why do you get so upset about statistics?

>> No.15285686
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>> No.15285698
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/biz/ only gets upset about succesful women

>> No.15285710

I'm sure them being successful is a component of the hate.

>> No.15285714
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> Or

>> No.15285757

if i were her, i wouldn't be both bragging on social media about all the subsidizing i'm receiving to attend law courses while waving the mexican flag everywhere
for someone who came from a shithole to leech off of the wealth generated by the american people, she still manages to come off as especially entitled

if you're gonna come across and start stealing money from the american taxpayer, it actually makes sense NOT to

if she really can code, good for her—like, seriously
i wish more blacks were like her, especially
she has to understand that the reason why people are hesitant to take women seriously as coders is often because coding is not about making quality coding to women—it is, as with anything else that most woman get involved with, about *them*
fortunately for the women who are capable, we have a relative meritocracy so that, more often than not, they can get what they are capable of earning

>> No.15285898

All the smart Mexicans like her that flee to the USA are unironically the reason Mexico is such a shithole.

>> No.15285921

Is being a good goy in high school really an indication of intelligence though?

>> No.15285923

>Muh patriotism

>> No.15285981

>841st fastest growing company

>> No.15286005

Being so well of and still using the victim card.

>> No.15286024

there is no fucking way to have anything over a 4.0

>> No.15286025

>she has to understand that the reason why people are hesitant to take women seriously as coders is often because coding is not about making quality coding to women—it is, as with anything else that most woman get involved with, about *them*
Kinda this, but also the loud women that make the fact that they "code" about them make shitty coding.
Someone post that "woman are like the best at coding ;)" pic that compares a piss basic function with John fucking Carmacks's code

>> No.15286036

>illegal immigrants are taking away resources from native citizens, abusing the system and bragging about it on social media because they know nobody will do shit about it
the absolute state of america lmao. in any real country they would be deported.

>> No.15286052

Sure, incel.

>> No.15286071



Thieves should always be killed, civilizations that do not kill thieves simply do not survive.

>> No.15286085
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Nvm found it

>> No.15286089
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who goes on a public forum with their real identity and photos, admitting crime?
is she in trouble yet?

>> No.15286094

She got deported by ICE because of that post tho

>> No.15286135
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very cool if true, do you have source or is it hearsay?

>> No.15286146

>that pic

what a retard lmao

>> No.15286165

That is so tragic.
Functions don't even do the same thing, and the woman's comments are uselessly verbose

>> No.15286181

sauce needed. I highly doubt it though. in your shitcountry you have antifa shooting at ICE buildings and beating up trump supporters and ntohing ever happens to them. the United States is a complete joke and not a real country.

>> No.15286193


That's great. That doesn't change the fact that the gross majority of illegals don't fucking pay taxes and abuse the welfare system, health care and take up space and resources in public schools. 99% of illegals are NOT like this bitch.

>> No.15286198

She means illegal immigrant

>> No.15286200

yeah i love these stories, its always "this one black woman," or "that one hispanic girl." Its so rare these things happen, they can only point to one example at a time.

>> No.15286215

>antifa shooting at ICE buildings and beating up trump supporters
Even if that were true, I like how you've conveniently forgotten about the very recent walmart shooting where 22 people were killed, or the mailbomber (who was also a trump supporter) who sent retardedly constructed bombs to democratic politicians and supporters. If you want to compare how bad people are, republicans definitely take it to another level because they're brainwashed by a bunch of shrill hyperbolic autists

>> No.15286223

Also don't think that I don't know where you're posting from Viachislav - Russias time for regime change will come

>> No.15286244

we need to lake the lead from Norway and declare Antifa an terrorist organization and outlaw them. Should calm things down a bit.

>> No.15286266

>Even if that were true
>hurr durr muh republicans are bad too
what the fuck are you faggot on about? Im making fun that the US has turned into a lawless state where immigrants boast about breaking laws on social media... where antifa can firebomb buildings and commit assaults with deadly weapons with no repercussions. I dont give a fuck about your cucked politics your country is a joke

>> No.15286396

Plenty of people at my highschool had 4.8 GPAs because they took only honors and AP classes. (You get a +1 modifier for AP/Honors classes in exchange for doing more busywork).

>> No.15286413

its a 4 point scale tho. You cant get anything over a 100 or a+. no one says 3.5/5.0 gpa its a scam

>> No.15286421

Salty incel tears.

You know what? Have sex!

>> No.15286442

>where antifa can firebomb buildings...with no repercussions.
In the article you linked, police killed the suspect. I'd say that's a repercussion.

>commit assaults with deadly weapons with no repercussions
Suspect immediately got a lawyer and invoked 5th amendment rights, which is what any smart person would do. They were able to take a lenient plea deal because a lot of the evidence was circumstantial - had that suspect been arrested on scene and/or spoken to the police they wouldn't have been given the same type of plea deal.

>> No.15286513

No they don’t say 3.5/5.0, that’s why it’s a scam. Actually really fucks over the kids at schools who don’t have access to Honors/AP classes.

>> No.15286541

What shit hole is that outlier dot at the top of all 4 charts?

>> No.15286566

Haha, good question. I didnt even notice that the first time

>> No.15286577

> Nigs, libtards, femanons, faggots
What the fuck is wrong with this board.

>> No.15286624


Anyone who really wants to stay here should get legal.

>> No.15286663

probably DC

>> No.15286708

She would loose diversity points by being american. Not that her score would be low either, but still

>> No.15286743

But can she do a full reverse assembly of Batman Returns for SNES?

>> No.15286854

>return 5 cuz Im so random xD
She seems like she's trolling desu. I dont know who that guy on the left is as Im no nerd, but if he's hot shit in the coding world and this instathot knows about him, she's most likely memeing

>> No.15286900

>I was merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.15286942

>t. Seething have sexer

>> No.15286956

t. Shit tier trollthot

>> No.15287057
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>> No.15287125

euroasian cucks are lame af lmao

>> No.15287416

I seriously cannot understand how one can go through life living illegally in the country while dealing with the government. American gives them drivers licenses, they attend universities, they get jobs. What the actual fuck?

>> No.15287440

she cute

>> No.15287622
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>> No.15287630

meant for

>> No.15287641
File: 62 KB, 1200x684, Dh01EGnXcAM3ZoK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does 4channel get so upset about successful people?

We don't but the fact that we give illegals education, healthcare, housing and welfare at the expense of the taxpayer while our own poor and misfortuned are told to fuck off and rot is an absolute disgrace. We need to put our own people first.

>> No.15287643

Biz is upset because it’s composed of 100% unsuccessful people. As soon as someone becomes successful, he leaves this hellhole of a place.

Love you frens

>> No.15287665

Why is she only paid $0.78 to the dollar a white man is paid?

>> No.15287723

kill yourself

>> No.15287760

Lmao this was the first thing I thought of too

>> No.15287766

>4.5 GPA
let's use different scales for different students, great idea

>> No.15287778


>> No.15287786

Because mayo skins are natural born haters

>> No.15287859

Why didn't she do it in her own country. Why did she have to steal other people's birth right?

>> No.15287878

Nope, once you're here, you're stuck forever

>> No.15287934

The fact is the world is not fair and stats dont "balance" out like a video game. Some people are a 10/10 intelligence 10/10 Beautiful 10/10 multi-talented 10/10 charismatic 10/10 good character and others are untalented, unintelligent, unlikable and ugly. People hate the former who are usually extremely successful and pity the latter who are usually poor.