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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 133 KB, 960x808, 3yex7ow90hi21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15284034 No.15284034 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you fucking faggots just work hard and get a real job instead of losing money on shitcoins?

>> No.15284064

You wanna know why? It's because it's what everyone in America does. I hear the word, "culture clash" sometimes. Well, the same folks who would say "we get along great" get along great, I'd say, with, on average, a 90 percent black crowd. For example, you can say, "I could always stay away because I'm the only one black living in a black community." It never ends well. For a moment, he might not think that there is much they could do for him. But then he finds out that you could get a job. As long as it was for a minimum wage job, as long as it wasn't working part-time, the pay didn't make it for a good student, or a good doctor, he'll always fall under your thumb. I know what he means. But you cannot control how many people have to find employment for them every time someone tells you your culture doesn't work, or that you have to be born here. If anything can make him feel worse, it'll be when you say, "I just went shopping for a bike. I know how to handle it."
You're a "Citizen" too, are you? You're just one of those little white guys.

>> No.15284070

pursuit of happiness now means being satiated by shitty food and endless entertainment streaming.
Did the founding fathers want that?

>> No.15284074

I did all last year now I'm just living off link gains

Life's pretty kosher atm except for the bitter wage slave interactions on the daily

>> No.15284096
File: 202 KB, 663x715, 1559183474758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



im so fucking lucky i was born a rich kid with a trust fund, i don't know how you guys don't fucking kill yourselves having to actually make money

>> No.15284106

>please work for me neet overlords
>I really dont need you and everything is good
>please work for me still


>> No.15284109

"Jobs" are for poor people. You are a fucking loser if you let another man's son determine your livelihood.

>> No.15284371

who hurt u, go to bed guy

>> No.15284472
File: 34 KB, 574x552, B61974BD-FF46-48FC-8184-D1E2CB49D7EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work for 50 years finally retire
>expect to live on an tropical island boomer style
>the country’s population is >99% lazy welfare chimp spico hybrids
>beyond beef the only company left collapses due to an insolvent work force and the race war starts
>whites don’t stand together and fight back because of years of jewish conditioning
>china invades and kills everyone except the league of legends creators

Nah I think I’ll just gamble and play while games while I still can.

>> No.15284649
File: 4 KB, 205x246, EA5EAC78-663C-4F92-B73D-7E2B34A5815D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for the welding meme.
Did TIG/Micro laser welding on tool and dye.
Boss is a Jew that low balls and pays shit
Every boomer there owns a pick up truck
Listen to classic rock radio everyday.
Boomers brag everyday about being technologically illiterate and how fucked millennials will be when the EMP happens.
I now have nerve damage on finger tips. Eyes are constantly strained.
Black boogers.
“But a days hard work” fuck my life.
40k link holder plz save me.

>> No.15284657

damn anon i sympathize with you. i nearly fell for that meme myself

>but trades are le based!

>> No.15284669

>Listen to classic rock radio everyday.
>Boomers brag everyday about being technologically illiterate

>> No.15284685


>> No.15284698
File: 48 KB, 596x398, 892338EA-6DDC-4962-B257-A079F23624CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least I didn’t fall for the the student loan meme.

>> No.15284770

>work hard
Don't do this.
The market doesn't reward "hard work."
Unless you're working for yourself, only work hard enough to remain employed.
Your employer pays you as little as they can, so you should return the favor.
Market should tend towards equilibrium.

>> No.15284773


>> No.15284791

everyone with half a brain knows working hard is for idiots.

there's even people that brag about finally getting a loan approved. holy shit. bragging about being a slave for the next 20 to 30 years. how great.

>> No.15284867
File: 210 KB, 362x412, delet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nr 6

>> No.15284884

Why is this so provoking

>> No.15284920

