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15283863 No.15283863 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine not stacking silver right now

>> No.15283887

94 ounces of silva here bb
mostly in gold tho OP

>> No.15283893

One of the comfiest things to be in right now

>> No.15283907

yeah feeling pretty comfy.
Also been holding mining stocks for about 7 months, comfy af

>> No.15283937
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>> No.15283948

Been holding silver for two decades! Comfy as fuck!! 1000 EOY

>> No.15283950


>> No.15284233
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imagine putting your wealth in an asset with zero returns, and keeping it there for multiple decades

if you invested $1,000 in a dividend stock paying 3% yield, and reinvested dividends, then after 20 years you would have $1,800 of stock, even if the stock price didn't increase in value at all!

to hold $1,000 in silver for two decades is to gamble that silver will go up in value at least 80% over that period -- or else you would've been wiser to put your money elsewhere

holding silver is a bad idea

>> No.15284246


Yeah but it's only like a $1000 or two. You do it for the sake of diversifying your portfolio and playing it safe. Also you're just a jew trying to troll people into kike bucks

>> No.15284285

imagine not understanding tail risk and the credit cycle :)

>> No.15284403
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imagine buying rocks

>> No.15284456

Imagine not stacking BTC right now

>> No.15284463

based and kekpilled