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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 617x411, Top-reason-why-business-fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15279836 No.15279836 [Reply] [Original]

What does it take to not make a company bankrupt? Is it the team? Is the the funds? I made 2 projects already and both went bankrupt. Were just small garage project but can i somehow get some insiderknowledge here? I want to be financially free? Creating a company and make profits or just invest somewhere? I am just clueless and emotionally down at the moment..

>> No.15279874

Well bankruptcy occurs when there is not enough cash on hand to meet an organization or individuals obligations. So you need to either have more cash or have fewer obligations.

>> No.15279889
File: 53 KB, 225x225, 1427254935312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you holdng OP
What did you invest?

Only invest in teams with solid back ground and external help. I myself invested in MITX because they are very transparant and and it went up from the dead to the living gods

>> No.15279944
File: 64 KB, 1280x862, photo_2019-06-24_17-57-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COTI is the only one that is very transparant
they will not exitscam or whatever you experienced. Trust me on this , cotipay will make u rich

>> No.15279962

>What does it take to not make a company bankrupt?
By providing a product or service that people actually want or need

>> No.15280009

I think the most important thing is to have an actual plan. Then plan needs to be checked by some badass people who know how to do shit. Also try to find partners and dont try to do soloshit!

>> No.15280046
File: 168 KB, 720x1280, photo_2019-07-10_00-35-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

xfutures is the shit, backed by okex guaranteed funds no problem , dont invest in scams like LCX or something lol

>> No.15280081

The average is 11 failed business to one success so you just have 9 to go

Or a hundred if you're dumb or unlucky

>> No.15280196
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, Coti_Moses_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its more like people need to think about what they are doing before just randomly doing "projects". Hey lets do a project. What kind? No idea just a project. Reminds me of the episode of southpark with the kickstarter. Better invest into some crypto altcoins who are going down pretty much the last days. I think ANKR COTI even ETH and stuff did that.

>> No.15280336
File: 149 KB, 500x329, Believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever i see threads like this they kinda make me sad as i also started like this way. It takes a lot of emotional pain to see the own baby going down that way. Placing a new seed into a new project also takes responsibility. My words to you: Try as long as you find people who are supporting you. Try to do with with others money and not with your own and one time you will succeed! I believe in you OP.

>> No.15280393

Business goes down same as crypto.
>lost 5k last weeks
>its a process losing money
>you dont learn you dont improve
Learning more about markets, crypto etc will open your eyes.
So far i researched the projects, MITX, Skale and RVN very good and i see advantages in every project there. Invest and create only something you really understand.

>> No.15280528
File: 455 KB, 1052x1510, bprocoolsekiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys have you heard about the project Bitcloud Pro? They will soon allow people to directly play American Lottery. This will be huge. Pump them!

>> No.15280673

If you're not cut out to be an entrepreneur then that's not a problem OP. Everyone has it's good traits and you should definitely find yourself. Try investing instead or building something or try to get some experience in business before starting your own. If you try investing you need to look into some good projects and argument why this could go up.

I invested in COTI due to the many features it has that improves how we are doing finance today. They are doing credit scores that will also help you if you want to do payments. Say for example the counter party is a known malicious user they will have a lower score and warns you before doing a transaction. These are some really cool features with real world usecase. Goodluck OP

>> No.15281680

How much does one failed business cost? Sounds expensive.

>> No.15282409

Yes sirs much rich several rupees will bring women sir

best regards,
Ajeet Pa

>> No.15282564



Just make all the money yourself by working 16 hours a day.

>> No.15282584

Lets hear some details so we can get the the meat of it, eh?

1. Fundamental goal?
2. Your expertise that supports that goal?
3. Starting resources?
4. Community building efforts?
5. Sales?
6. Team?