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File: 44 KB, 796x796, BitcoinSV.v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15276030 No.15276030 [Reply] [Original]

Explain its price to me.

>creg gets btfo in court today
>price is stable and even on the rise

>> No.15276452

There is no stopping the original bitcoin. All the fud on here is weak so they can try to keep the price down and accumulate. Mid 2020 will be when BSV will btfo all crypto in general

>> No.15276519
File: 112 KB, 900x900, terryadavis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BSV is Bitcoin and it works, the pace of development on top of this protocol is unprecedented. everyone is asleep as a bunch of based white autists are building out the infrastructure of the future and I'm glad most of /biz/ will completely miss it

>> No.15276533

It's used to share illegal pictures and videos as an encrypted cloud drive.
This is basically its value.

>> No.15276549

in markets, news will only move a good asset if it's the right time, it's all about TA because it's literally all hope and hype and no useful working products to speak of for 99% of the market
the fact it hasn't moved yet is bullish
i expect it to dump with btc soon though as will most of market, rising wedge beginning to break
>inb4 cope
remember the binance hack? finex and tether fud during it's rise?
absolutely nothing happened

>> No.15276595

Shitcoin again

>> No.15276660

>the pace of development is unprecedented
1. change blocksize constant
2. change blocksize constant again
3. repeat
4. profit?

>> No.15277077

I think he means people building things on top. Not changing protocol to add base layer features.

>> No.15277592

Only thing people really care about is whether he's Satoshi or not. He could unironically go to jail and I'd still be bullish on BSV. As long as he has a pulse, I'm long on BSV.

>> No.15277628

God, I can't wait.

>> No.15277647

Can people stop fudding this coin? I'm holding 21 right now and don't want to sell, but you people are making it hard for me seriously.
Craig isn't lying, h-he wouldn't do something like that to us.
I have STIFF hands but they can only hold on for so long

>> No.15278330

market cap

those things dictate price
halving the inflation rate changes the hashrate and scarcity
market cap creates price point resistances, so does volume

>> No.15278386

BSV problem isn't Craig:
>big blocks create vulnerabilities
>no fees means miners might start ignoring blocks, dropping hashrate
>centralizing nodes mean any unwanted updates like altering the total coin supply or inflation rate becomes easy

big blocks scale better
but then your coin starts behaving more like FIAT
more TXs/s make your coin lose value, since it's not used to store your wealth, but rather pay for your dunking donuts
blockchain is naturally trash for scaling

bitcoin does not want nor need scaling
LN is bearish for BTC price.

>> No.15278443

>more TXs/s make your coin lose value
I don't understand.

>> No.15278454

Nobody who isn't absolutely deluded owns this, so who could dump it?

>> No.15278504


These things dictate price.

>> No.15278655

You honestly think markers move because of muh triangles?