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15266826 No.15266826 [Reply] [Original]

when first we practice to deceive.

>> No.15266895

Looks like the court is finally starting to shut his scams down. Pretty incredible a judge would say that....cant be good for creg.

>> No.15266939

BSV to $0

>> No.15266958


>> No.15266960

go ye not gently to obscurities night
first stand up in court and talk loads of shite
But lo! - wherefore art thou now, oh bsv shills ?
>literaturely fucked now, creg is

>> No.15267365

where are you pajeets? your boy is being outed as a liar and scammer in court. The leader of your centralized shitcoin is being exposed as a clown.

>> No.15267384

i frankly did not expect this to happen. i had zero faith in the boomer judge.

>> No.15267405

What happened in court?
>t. filter BSV threads

>> No.15267470


>> No.15267474

Judge literally called creg on his Bullshit - the OP Quote is verbatim from her (well her via Walter Scott) - its gloves off time, he ;s ben called a vare-faced lair (and perjurer) - no bs, he is fucked now.

>> No.15267483

yesterday: https://www.coindesk.com/craig-wrights-messages-likely-faked-says-bitmessage-developer

today: https://www.coindesk.com/judge-blasts-craig-wrights-inconsistent-testimony-extremely-speculative-evidence-in-kleiman-trial

>> No.15267630

sv is not going down fast enough do they suppress the information in their discord tranny caves?

>> No.15267671

So wheres the part where kleiman provides proof of satoshi coins? Oh still hasnt happened and this is just more noise? Okay then.

>> No.15267712

see Ayre, Calvin, aka Deeppockets
I honestly can't imagine even him keeping up the support much longer tho. For why? Was also his own fucking stupidity fronting everything with busted flush creg
yes, the case is going very well so far. 50/50, would you say ?
>50 fucking years for perjury by the time cregs done, maybe

>> No.15267738
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>> No.15267758
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>craig is going to be ordered by the courts to pay billions to the Kleiman estate that never existed

>> No.15267791

he never had any intention of paying shit regardless, but, him being chased through the bankruptcy courts should be funny. Mostly as he appears incapable of walking past a court of any description without landing himself contempt+perjury charges, as here. THOSE are his real fucking problem now. Thats Jailtime, guaranteed

>> No.15267807

Lol at cucks ITT. He’s playing 4D chess brainlets. If you don’t see this as incredibly bullish for bsv then you have an incredibly low IQ.

>> No.15268014

he doesn't need to
craig is the one that claimed to have them
the funny part is that he still thinks finney and kleiman were satoshi
he hates the fact that szabo is it

>> No.15268242

How the fuck is this bullish, anon? I mean I hold bsv as well, but there's nothing positive about this, so stop the mental gymnastics. This female judge just BTFO'D Craig. Paid off, easily influenced by deceivers, just a dumb bitch, doesn't matter; this is a bad look for Craig. Who knows what will happen now, but all of this can be undone if Craig just proves he is Satoshi already.
But whatever happens, I'll keep holding, because I have them iron hands.

>> No.15268276

>le 60 iq craig cultist

>> No.15268314

Your response is delightful. Not all BSV holders are retarded.

>> No.15268337

>Not all BSV holders are retarded
i can't help but disagree on that
even if we disregard saketoshi fagamoto and his antics completely