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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 448 KB, 750x558, 3C4AEFD9-6C6A-42D1-9B6B-D6780A3EDCBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15257926 No.15257926 [Reply] [Original]

Having lunch in litte India. I have some time on my hand. I am bored. Shill me your shitcoins and post your meals. I cannot type back because I eat with my hands.

>> No.15257951

Pajeet, your food looks like shit.
Makes me puke

>> No.15257980

a pajeet like you should just stay in matic aka the pajeet coin.

>> No.15257985
File: 61 KB, 600x738, 035C25AF-194A-40F7-B7B5-D6B1DC29F8BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You eat 99% rice ahahahhaha you poor dark brown scarred pajeet. Get yourself a purple pill if you want to eat more than just rice the rest of your life

>> No.15257994

Ugly racist white incels

>> No.15258006

I am Asian but the good kind.

>> No.15258017

I don't believe you

>> No.15258018

>the good kind
European colonizer?

>> No.15258034
File: 53 KB, 800x600, 343B3CD4-FB9C-43F4-B84D-4D5C4042A753.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cannot type back because I eat with my hands

Unmannered pajeet.
Buy Coti project
Buy course: How to not pajeet
Eat with fork and knife you poor SOB

>> No.15258037
File: 176 KB, 800x600, fmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some shitty quality for little india

>> No.15258047

Very nice chapati and poo sir. Buy mobius dear sir.

>> No.15258074

Let the shitcoin shilling begin. Post hands when you shill a shitcoin please.

>> No.15258090

There are no good chinks

>> No.15258099
File: 898 KB, 487x560, 1563860293178.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine eating with the same hands you use to wipe your ass

>> No.15258172

Imagine not cleaning your ass. You think a wipe is going to get the shitstains off incel cuck? I'm not even Indian but damn are white fucking people nasty.

>> No.15258193

SHOCk on DDEX is having a trading comp where just buying and selling .25 eth worth of shock will win you $20 in SHOCK. Airdrops have better distribution and tokenomics over ICO's spending millions on publicity, legal, and market maker who drain instead of pumping their coin

>> No.15258214
File: 222 KB, 891x1280, 247680A7-BB52-4563-B9BB-0C798EB2841C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking poor brenlets here. Let me shake you up. All projects DIE. Unless exchanges. Hence:

>> No.15258230
File: 174 KB, 591x633, BF028B73-F50D-4351-B117-6D1E64B86C01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little secret here guys:



>> No.15258252

>I'm not even Indian
Your ID colour betrays you, Manoosh.

>> No.15258326

Christ I could go for biryani.

>> No.15258838


>> No.15259113
File: 420 KB, 750x534, F2443785-23DA-4112-8026-EA5B53E0277F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15259137

looks like puke and shit

XNK - PayPal Partnership "on.replin.com"
DTH - Localethereum with Harberger Tax "dether.io", V2 release some weeks away and will be open source

>> No.15259161
File: 33 KB, 307x356, 0E98B0B2-5C8B-4985-9178-EAFD512C8B65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chinks are at least marginally better than poos
yuck even the food looks like literal poo diarrhea

>> No.15259345
File: 105 KB, 980x727, 82E2DF02-5E65-405A-92B1-C0F3165E6384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No your food looks nothing like puke at all. Get the fuck outta here whiteboy

>> No.15259365

They eat only with the right hand
>wh*te education

>> No.15259917

Invest in Jews my man, buy COTI. You need some meat with rice

>> No.15259958
File: 117 KB, 592x800, cotifdasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am carrying a COTI bag at the moment.
My breakfast is water and bread.

>> No.15260037
File: 160 KB, 696x1200, foto 14-07-19 22 49 23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BPRO will moon soon. MM is ready once btc stabilizes.

>> No.15260120

What a great culture. Thousands of years since the indus valley civilization but still no adequate dining equipment like silver ware or plates. while at the same time living in utter ignorance of toilet paper.
chapeau pejeetistan, chapeau

>> No.15261219
File: 475 KB, 628x1119, 1562924872553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we rly need flags

this ranjeetstan is getting fkin pathethic

fkin kumar and prakesh everywhere

should rename this board to punjabchan

>> No.15261230

>Business and finance

>> No.15261316

Indian foods are so unhealthy. I thought American food were crap, but holy shit on Indian foods.

>> No.15261390
File: 30 KB, 400x251, 575F4313-4E91-4448-80D9-CFD738F5E779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wipe your ass with SENT and pay your food with COTI

>> No.15261525

Thats why rich pajeets buy poor pajeets to wipe their asses. Those poor pajeets pay poorer ranjeets to also wipe their asses so in the end one one pajeet is doing the wipeasswork. Also called Harmony. Asswipe harmony.

>> No.15261879
File: 71 KB, 577x626, xfuutressaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will something happen with xFutures sooner or later? I bought into Akro some weeks?!?!? ago but i want to buy XFT token but somehow its not possible yet. Anyone can help me with that?

>> No.15261909

Indian food is definitely healthier than American processed garbage

>> No.15262307
File: 52 KB, 850x748, BC0326F2-51DB-402F-B5EE-4247EE6D1835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm eating orange chicken with chopsticks in my right hand and scrolling the board with my left hand. Guess this thread is relevant.

I'm personally all in BTC. I check different exchanges and do arbitrage trading. Been using some tools I guess that made it easier for me. Some exchanges offer that and since I'm not the only one some people might want it as well. I have been using Bitcloud pro these last two months to assist me with arbitrage trading and so far has been a great experience. The UI and UX looks really seamless and I can still buy BTC from Binancec Huobi and OKEx from their platform. If you have some questions you can message me. Cheers guys