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15257841 No.15257841 [Reply] [Original]

Upcoming alt crash so big that link will be 15 cents when btc goes sub 2k in 2020

>> No.15257847


>> No.15257862

>15 cent link

Linkies will deny this

>> No.15257870

Not even worth arguing with the inevitable

>> No.15257875

Link will shoot up soon, look at the data.

>> No.15257890

Kek I got a nice in silver by the time that happen I be transfer the money over, you ain’t scaring anyone

>> No.15257908

Not trying to scare you if you look for that original thread you would see I predicted sub 4K bitcoin in February 2018. Also predicted peak chainlink q3 2019. You can keep believing my predictions don’t come true but they do

>> No.15257922

Shitcoiners need to learn Its not TX fees that drive BTC price up. It's supply and demand and game theory. The market talks about game theory around miner cost but they never talk about the game theory behind the halving. These things have a compounding effect that the market reinforces

>> No.15257931

>screencapping your own posts

>> No.15257936

Jfc, that's bleak.

>> No.15257955

Crypto is going to rocket higher. They're shaking out the weak hands so they can buy when they transfer their money out of equities.

>> No.15257986

Solid bait but no (you)'s from me

>> No.15258012

bla bla bla

>> No.15258054

Has anyone ever said a single thing on this board that has ever had actual credence?

>> No.15258103

> Muh self fulfilled prophecy
Sage sage sage only asuka has meme-ing in this bleak and harsh world

>> No.15258119

Asuka the tranny

>> No.15258135

>trusting someone who doesn't get the difference between then and than

>> No.15258139

It’s tether and bot manipulation, stupid.

>> No.15258143

well if it goes to 15 cents, I will have my fiat ready

>> No.15258145

What's your stack? I remember good old threads and battle with Z Oracle while crash from 20k was going on, how much you made since then?
Just curious how much money single person could have and yet continue his venture. Still not enough lol?

>> No.15258164

So sub 2k and then what? ATH?

>> No.15258169

what data? What the fuck is wrong with you? The data? The etherscan? That says LINK dumped on us.
Predicting sub 4k BTC not impressive unless you predicted the BCH wars too. Predictions don't mean shit without backing them up with logical reasons.
Doing research and learning about things is poison to biz?
The things I've found here that have made me $ is too long to list. Biz is full of retards with a few geniuses mixed in. Some of us don't think we're smarter than the market

>> No.15258174

>Doing research and learning about things is poison to biz?
hot load of mess to sound smart

>> No.15258217

You would have to be an absolute moron to believe this

>> No.15258290
File: 273 KB, 750x634, 6D7B5553-10F4-4465-BF0B-7620F8EA2F66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They called me a moron when I predicted sub 4K bitcoin in 2018. Nolinkers called me stupid when I predicted link to be the best hold in 2018.

Prediction is on track. Don’t be fooled into not listening

>> No.15258301
File: 564 KB, 1440x810, AC043B44-D9F9-499A-92F5-4557381EFBA8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They said omegamaker is always wrong.

Yet my predictions always seem to come true

>> No.15258313
File: 298 KB, 1048x471, 1565375847699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the data account for this?

>> No.15258343

Will Bitcoin crash during Tether case?

>> No.15258355
File: 33 KB, 310x394, dr sage and mr hide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except this is never happening.
and you are a retarded larping faggot namefag.

>k y s

>> No.15258356

The plan is to get bitcoin sub 2k so the banks can buy up the mining and acquire massive amounts of bitcoin. This will be done for years while they silently accumulate in a dead market. The moon to 50k-100k is going to be your last major chance to actually make it. Goodluck if you listen you listen

>> No.15258361

so what is going on with link in next year?

>> No.15258379
File: 241 KB, 750x609, 98710838-FD94-4B14-846B-8D5E3DBF5A85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All alts will crash to disgusting levels. When btc hits sub 2k link will be worth 15 cents.

>> No.15258388

What do you think of Hedera Hashgraph or any other new alts?

>> No.15258392

what do you think peak for chainlink is in q3? $25? $10?

>> No.15258399

Link already peaked. Check the chart and check that it happened in q3 2019. It’s all down from here mate buy back in when btc bottoms out in the 1k region

>> No.15258444

Why and who is causing it?

What happens after 1k?

What about BSV?

>> No.15258446

Do you have another alt in sight, or do you just recommend all in btc? Will eth ever come back?

>> No.15258457

So, I dump $100,000 into bitcoin when it is $2K.
That buys 50 BTC which then goes to $50,000.
I turned $100,000 into $2.5 million.
A 25x return is good.
What will do better?