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15242342 No.15242342 [Reply] [Original]

Just learned that my parents are only paying for half of my college tuition and that i will likely be about 30 thousand dollars in debt by the end of college. Should i just drop out once my boomer parents stop paying or is college worth the debt? and if it is worth it, is there anyway that i could get out of paying back the debt jew?

>> No.15242354

Depends. Is it a fucking degenerate art or psychology degree? Then no.
Do you have direct connections to the industry or ability to sell yourself with some experience in the field at least?

Don’t go for a blanket degree or else you’ll end up working for $17 an hour for a job that is irrelevant to your interests.

>> No.15242357

You sound like a spoiled brat.

>> No.15242371

Join army or Air Force national guard
Easy as shit and you’ll get almost free school. My parents only had 15k for me and I got through with only 10k debt going to one of my states more expensive public schools
If you can pass a piss test it’s a no brainer. For the army job, you’ll get a nice backup skill if you pick wisely; I’d recommend something like consturction

>> No.15242383

lol stay mad boomer ill never pay your fucking social security

>> No.15242395

right now im going into premed, but i think i might change into some kind of engineering degree

>> No.15242403

damn i have a friend who's doing exactly what you just said, i wish i kinda wish i took his advice and joined him

>> No.15242404

Do the first 2 years at a CC. Problem solved. Ya, I think a piss easy bachelors is better than none. You could always do some TESOL thing and teach from home and with experience, they make quite a bit an hr. Maybe try to become a teacher. That's the only reason I'm finishing my degree. Cush job. Nearly 4 months vacation. Etc.

Typical jobs? Holy shit, they SUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

you are FUCKED even with an associate's degree (unless it's in nursing in a metropolis city, dental hygienist, and a few others).

This job market is ASS. You NEED a bachelors at a minimum unfortunately.
>Don’t go for a blanket degree or else you’ll end up working for $17 an hour for a job that is irrelevant to your interests
That's better than most jobs. Most jobs pay fucking GARBAGE. Like 12-15 an hr.

>> No.15242407

Why would you waste your parents money and drop out once they stop paying? You’re literally throwing money away since you won’t have a degree and your parents will still be out $30k

>> No.15242415

Refer to

Study something that will make money and work your ass off, get internships and make professors like you. Don't be a fucking thread and smoke week every day.

If you can't handle that then join the chair force or go to community college for 2 years. Buy LINK.

>> No.15242418

why should i get a degree if i cant use it for anything? its just a waste of money for me and them at that point.

>> No.15242424

Then don’t go in the first place. It would be a waste of $30k to go for two years and then drop out. Not all degrees are useless by the way, I have a bachelors and got a job that pays $110k first year out of college

>> No.15242425

that begs the question, what degrees make money and also have jobs available?

>> No.15242439

LMAOING @ you fucking americans for paying this much to study

>> No.15242440

what's your bachelors in?

>> No.15242444

>my parents are only paying for half of my college tuition
OMG Anon, that's terrible!
>i will likely be about 30 thousand dollars in debt by the end of college
Holy shit, that sucks
>Should i just drop out once my boomer parents stop paying or is college worth the debt?
Definitely drop out if you parents stop paying
>is there anyway that i could get out of paying back the debt jew?
Yea, KYS, take some of your nigger generation with you.
Why do you Zoomer cunts act like niggers?

>> No.15242446

yeah it's pretty fucking insane, the school im going to isn't even an amazing school and im still paying out the ass

>> No.15242451

Finance , it’s a risky degree though cause I got into investment banking. Would honestly put any finance majors chances of breaking into the industry at a 2-3% chance.

If you’re smart / good at math, engineering degrees from decent schools are basically a guaranteed minimum $75k first year out of college. You just need to NOT be a party animal and get a good GPA

>> No.15242452

lol yeah youre right gramps i should just get a job at the local gas station like you did and pay it off

>> No.15242455

your parents are poor and you should be ashamed of yourself

>> No.15242463

do you have any idea how useful an econ degree is?

>> No.15242469

OP stop behaving like an angsty teen
either go and pay for the rest or don't go to college at all, don't be a cunt just to spite your parents who at least bothered to save something for you

>> No.15242476

STEM but companies hire assets not burdens. Acquire practical design/analysis/etc ASAP and get internships, from there it's easy as long as you work hard.

Medicine is a long hard road to money but you can make a ton eventually. I'm an EE so I doubt have advice on how to get into finance or law. Generally if you put in more effort than 90% of people around you opportunities will come.

>> No.15242494

>will use his parents savings on a degree he has no intention of finishing
>hates boomers for similar financial retardation
heres a bone small balls, put 3/4 into [redacted] and spend the rest on hookers and drugs, you are too stupid for a career in engineering or medicine.

>> No.15242499

Yeah , I agree with this anon. There is simply no point going and then dropping out, essentially burning the $30k your parents saved for you. I wish my parents had saved even a dollar for me.

Econ degrees are alright, you could get a job as a financial analyst I suppose. Not my favorite major

>> No.15242500

I’ll just add that I graduated at 22, got a very high paying job partly due to my “veteran” minority status, and I’m getting out of the army national guard next week at the age of 24. My debts are low enough that I saved up 30k in one year and will be neeting in Asia until I produce passive income starting sept 1.

Whatever you do, don’t become a debt slave. If you can’t get out of school without a fat stack of debt, don’t go

>> No.15242504

how do i go about investing into [redacted]

>> No.15242507
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>ill never pay your fucking social security
You'll probably be too busy paying off your debt.

>> No.15242513

lol probably true

>> No.15242537

Also contrary to popular belief , $30k in low interest student loan debt is really a drop in the bucket IF you’re not a lazy bastard and get internships in your sophomore and junior year summers. If you do just that, you’ll be able to get a >$70k / year job and pay off the debt in maximum 2 years

>> No.15242544
File: 630 KB, 673x406, LINKbrainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk moar

>> No.15242562

what would happen if i just refused to pay back a student loan?

>> No.15242575

LINK is a terrible investment

>> No.15242589

i'm 10x from LINK sitting on the deck smoking a joint on my private property; a farm i bought with ETH gains. I do not work for (((anyone))) and will not for the rest of my life but please tell me more about why LINK is a terrible investment lmao

>> No.15242603

They will garnish wages and take assets

>> No.15242607

does shilling shitty e-currencies really pay that well?

>> No.15242640

you should just be a plumber or other tradesman. drop out of education right now and you can be earning 25/hr in 2-3 years. if you pursue an education you'll just drop out and waste your parents money after realising too late that you're a brainlet.

>> No.15242661

they garnish wages from your paycheck and other sources of government assistance. you cant claim bankrupty either to get rid of it

>> No.15242672

alright anon you caught me, i don't know anything about LINK other then the fact that faggots like you like to shit up the board with posts about it

>> No.15242702

could i move countries? what if i were to take out some other kind of loan to pay back the student loan and then just defaulted on the second loan i took out?

>> No.15242712

don't worry about it, link is not for you.
tradesman are in high demand in most western countries and you learn while you work. if you're good at computers, consider being an electrician as there is some overlap. electricians can earn around 70k after finishing the apprenticeship and if you make your own business 1m/year isn't unheard of although small companies normally turn over ~200k in profit with ~5 employees.

>> No.15242724

yea you could but if you were to return to usa then it would be kinda hard to get a job.
Also no

if you really dont want to pay back then get the best STEM degree possible and move to different country and never pay back loan

colleges can't revoke your degree

>> No.15242734

how hard would it be to start a business involving EE if you were to have some experience working in the field I wonder?

>> No.15242755

only gorillas go into trades

>> No.15242761

Some healthcare professions dont require a degree. Usually better working conditions than the skilled trades.

CNA LPN route.
EMT Paramedic route.

Im an emt getting my medic than going to nursing.

>> No.15242767

This happened to me and I dropped out and made millions on BTC. Do that. Debt makes you a slave

>> No.15242769

save 70% of your income for 5 years, live at your parents and meet suppliers through your work. by 25 you should have at least 200k which is enough capital to start doing contract work.
got a few mates who've taken this route, one who went into home automation and has bought a house at 28 with no mortgage.did my house up and now we duckshoot on my farm every year, ultimate good cunt.

>> No.15242772

What's it like being an EMT? Is it as stressful as i imagine it is?

>> No.15242793

you scared of a gorilla fucking your misses? grow up elitist cuck

>> No.15242795

Don’t listen to these jewish shills or people already in debt. 30k of debt will literally ruin your 20s

>> No.15242823

damn, sounds like the life. I've come to the conclusion that if i ever want to be free from wage slavery then my only options are to either start some kind of business or invest into a lot of capital into something like you did. Any other kind of job is just a way to waste your life making someone else a hell of a lot more money then you're making.

>> No.15242827

The pay for an EMT sucks obviously. Stressful yes becuase one minute your taking granny to diaylsis, and then you can be on a 911 call with an unconscious patient.

At least im NOT IN DEBT. Make roughly 17 hourly. East coast.

>> No.15242856

you need people like me (business faggot). You guys are fucking apes

>> No.15242901

and you need people like them more than they need you. not just tradesman but every wagie until automation can replace them. you better hope the means of automation falls into your hands or you'll find yourself on the sharp end of a guillotine

>> No.15242920

actually no i dont.

Any 4 week trade course can teach me what I need to know

>> No.15243033

ACHTUALLY haha nerd you dont even have a misses for me to root while you lie bleeding out in the corner

>> No.15243388

Fuckin Niglet, Go get a fuckin job stop being a nigger & expecting hand outs.
Seriously wft is wrong with your whole generation? Why do you act like niggers?

>> No.15243407

maybe the shrinking middle class and wages not increasing with inflation while land has skyrocketed locking them into serfdom? just a guess

>> No.15243619

Your owners/creditors like it this way
So you blame the boomers?
How can you niggers not understand who really is responsible?
Don't you understand fiat? or are you one of the tards that thinks >MUH FIAT SIMPLY IS PRINTED
It doesn't matter to your owners if you buy a house or not, the processes are in place to enslave the next generation along with yourself. Be honest with yourself, your generation isn't going to do shit about the creation of money/the legal structure. You cunts don't even understand the current system. Your the generation to prove the flynn effect wrong!

>> No.15243735

>60k college tuition
Don't go to a stupid private college, stupid

>> No.15244283
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Literally go all-in on Chainlink.