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15241698 No.15241698 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else just want flags to see Indians getting ripped on?

>> No.15241703

nobody wants flags, fuck off pol, you're not polluting this place with furious preteens

>> No.15241707

Only Indians want flags

>> No.15241736

Only non Indians can profit from flags tard

>> No.15241749


>> No.15241762


>> No.15241763
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t. rajeet

>> No.15241765

what is a vpn

>> No.15241766

This. Anyone whos afraid of flags is a measly lowlife pump and dump chaser or a pajeet

>> No.15241771
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Ironically Pol has more influence then u sjw plebbitors we are getting flags eom.

>> No.15241775
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something that wont work without a 4chan pass

>> No.15241787

>nobody wants flags
Yeah, that's gon' be a KYS from me, breh.

>> No.15241789

Just fucking trial them for fucks sake why is it so hard? If flags changes nothing then go back to no flags. End of fucking discussion. No need to continue debating like a pack of a retarded dogs. Trial it and fuck off.

>> No.15241792

4channel is 4chan for grown ups. go back to the babby boards if you want to rant and rave about how you've acquired forbidden knowledge from pol which has eluded world leaders. embarrassing to watch, go play with the other simpletons and leave biz the hell alone.

>> No.15241800
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>4channel is 4chan for grown ups
I dont think ive ever read a more reddit thing in my life. Kys nigger.

>> No.15241803

Hi, are you the spokeperson of /biz/?

>> No.15241811


>> No.15241816

White, 6'2 Western European masterrace here.
Eat my shit.

>> No.15241819

No he's the ambassador

>> No.15241825

no, are you? or are you the racist kid who's flooding the board with tantrums, insisting that he turns the place into pol? shoo, you're being ignored by the mods for a reason

>> No.15241831 [DELETED] 

This guy gets it. I don't see how a trial could hurt anyone.

>> No.15241834

Imagine thinking a third worlder will waste their time, electricity and their dial up internet connection just to shill shitcoins to autistic below poverty rate whites

>> No.15241836
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by western european im guessing you mean a french or anglo mongrel.

>> No.15241846

Yes. How strange we don't already have flags. Really makes you wonder if jannies are pajeets..... hmm...

>> No.15241852

Something pajeets shilling shitcoin scams can't afford.

>> No.15241853

I'm not a /pol/ack but this shit is getting ridiculous

>> No.15241857 [DELETED] 

Come on dude don't be this oblivious

>> No.15241897

You absolutely out-witted me.
I never visit /pol/, but I do swing by /int/ and /sp/. Things are just fine over there.
Sure, you get the occasional abuse, but we're all grizzled business veterans here. Why should we be that scared to represent our country of residence on a pseudo-anonymous board?
I'm a huge feral animal of a Slavic descent, and I vote "Yes".

>> No.15241905

no sirs, we cannot be havings the flags, do the needful and protest agaisnt racist friends who wish to divide us

thank you

>> No.15241930

>Why should we be that scared to represent our country of residence on a pseudo-anonymous board?
because it invites seething children to come here and spew utter horseshit, thinking they're saving the world. it's the absolute pits

>> No.15241948

sirs you are very correct, you are the number one friend of the India, thank you very much

thank you

>> No.15241951

That's a speculation. Trial flags and see if it happens.

>> No.15241967

>because it invites seething children to come here and spew utter horseshit
But we're already choke-full of these.

>> No.15241985

compare biz right now to pol right now. it's so much better here. if pol invades, the board will forever be diseased. zero useful investment info, just children shouting at eachother. must not be allowed, must not take any risks with those toxic little shits.

>> No.15242003

Everybody likes flags my dude

>> No.15242005

most correct sir

>> No.15242035
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we're already here

>> No.15242040

you are literally seething right now
>I love it

>> No.15242079

other boards have flags and it works out just fine... sounds like something a pnd or pajeet would say.... in fact anon why are you fighting against this so hard? dont claim cuz muh /pol/ boogeyman cuz that's not it and thats obvious.. it's because you know the flags would out alot of people as pump and dumpers and shills from various locations and you dont like that since your'e part of team pump and dump and probably a trasheet or some other street pooper that is using "racism" and muh /pol/ as a shield and try to stop something other boards like /int/ handle just fine... but for some reason on /biz/ a board with tons of pajeets and pnd'ers you're screamin g NO MUH POL MUH POL! while ignoring and not referencing other boards like /int/ where the flags work just fine. it's almost l ike you have an agenda you're using racism to push about those flags.. hmmm very strange behaviors and very austistic you're fighting so harshly against it.... very strange indeed

>> No.15242098

>dont claim cuz muh /pol/ boogeyman cuz that's not it and thats obvious
boogeyman? no. furious, screeching brats who think their repeatedly ranting "kill everyone who isn't me" is any less toxic than the people about whom they're complaining. pol is children, seething incel children, it would annihilate biz.

>> No.15242130

Hello Kumar how much SENT should I buy yo make it ?

>> No.15242137

and it's not your place to police this board or dictate who and what posts on it. we're asking for flags like /int/ and you're going on this autistic hitler like rage against flags cuz muh pol muh boogeyman muh it'll ruin muh biz.... oh fuck off it didnt ruin /int/ which again I notice you keep ignoring and only talking about muh pol. nice selective reply... seems like something an autistic facist would do

>> No.15242152

>and it's not your place to police this board or dictate who and what posts on it.
nor is it yours you dense cuck.
note however that you're the one who the mods are ignoring. i see no flags. now fuck off back to your pit of seething rage with the other angry children, it's not going to be welcomed here.

>> No.15242153

no one is saying "kill everyone who isnt me", you're just using a strawman argument

flags help us identify indian scammers

>> No.15242167
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>> No.15242186

Why would pol invade because of flags you absolutely retarded pajeet ? Int has flags and it hasn't turned into pol, this board is already against indian fuckers like you, nothing's gonna change you're just gonna get exposed

>> No.15242194

Or a criminal

>> No.15242208

>seething this hard
Day of the VPN is coming, Ranjeesh. You're gonna have to spend your hard earned rupees if you wanna keep shilling

>> No.15242211

How cute the guy that types like he's from plebbit would assume I goto /pol/ and argue with that mindset. no no little child you're the one acting like a brat screaming and crying because people want something you claim is "racist" "Toxic" "will ruin biz" "muh /pol/ boogeyman" and other low IQ responses that arent actual reasons just the one you're using . Alot of people LOVE hiding behind the muh racism card so things they dont like dont happen. want to know how I know you're either a pajeet shiller or a plebbit user that supports feminism?

>> No.15242219

>gonna get exposed
uh huh. i'm a 40yo white brit. not that i imagine it matters to you fools. you are legitimately pathetic. fuck off, please don't drag this board down to pol's UNBEARABLY childish level. it'd absolutely ruin the place if it was 100% children galloping around screaming because someone posted from somewhere other than u.s.

>> No.15242227

Mods won't give flags because mods are rahesh and avadidntscamnoone too.

>> No.15242251

*5 rupees* have been deposited into your account keep up the good work sir

>> No.15242259

Imagine being so embarrassed about the country your born in and want to hide it, pretty cucky to me and disrespectful to your own country you should bow your head in shame for being a coward

>> No.15242274
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This explains everything. Imagine living in a shit hole dystopia where you have no weapons and your gonna be arrested for thought crime if you don't slurp up your propaganda.

>> No.15242279

ah good, it begins. you can't spell but your politics would save the world, right?

fuck you and your flags. you're not getting them. you lose.

>> No.15242287

imagine living in Japan and still shilling RFR

Oh wait dat me

>> No.15242299

>board is already racist as fuck
>pls don't turn into pol
Get better arguments you silly street shitter.

>> No.15242319

Why are you so emotional and ashamed of your country

>> No.15242323

again /int/ didnt turn into muh pol so you're arguement is not going to work here... and a brit... yeah that very much explains it also you being 40.. wew lad i'm 40 and american and im not a dumbass like you that cant argue for shit. come up with a real arguement and not muh pol boogeyman while ignoring /int/ has never been overrun by pol.

>> No.15242419

Add the fukking flags already brahhh

>> No.15242421

Fuck janies and tranies

>> No.15242543

Lmao, another snarky lefty brit, shocker

>> No.15242680

pol incel invader faggots wants flags

>> No.15242805

based. there's enough of those pathetic incel fucks flooding this board already.

>> No.15243419
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Please no, sir ; I have numerous family sir, good vishnu bless you sir if you don't do it ; if you buy my crypto currensy, many cows sir

>> No.15244450

make a pool on /qa/
who is our main mod? he should be the one to start the thread

>> No.15244476

Guess my flag

>> No.15244491
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>> No.15244519

no u

>> No.15244561

why does this thread get made every single day? if you want to screech at flags like a newfag there are boards for that already, fuck off and leave us alone

>> No.15244588

In all seriousness I was against flags, until the Indian boiler rooms got out of control. The quality of this board would improve exponentially if you can see that every post in a thread is from a third world country. From what I understand any go around on the flags would cost money to use, which would half the boiler room traffic IMO.

>> No.15244629

It's already been trialed on 3 different boards lol

>> No.15244702


>> No.15244777

Other blue boards have flags and do fine

>> No.15244786

Checked full boat, flags are coming.

>> No.15244796

Imagine not realizing that their .03 cents per post is a fantastic easy wage for them and poor poo in loos from India already constantly scam call or telemarket from India with their shitty dial-up to poor whites, because even the poorest white can still make a poor Indian a pretty penny

>> No.15244842

Someone needs to shop a giant steaming pile of shit into the “it’s afraid” meme.

>> No.15244854

>compare this board, focused on business and fiance, to this board, focused on unpopular politics. This is so much better! If we get flags we will become just like them
/pol/ is literally over 70% shills and bots. When /mlpol/ happened all of those were removed in a day and even with the addition of ponyfags we suddenly had one of the calmest, kindest, and most lovely boards again. They stayed in their porn threads and all the real humans on /pol/ could actually post. There were slower threads with each post being a genuine addition to whatever discussion was happening, none of the one line drive-by bullshit, it was like a significantly less gay and somewhat faster dead-chan.

This board, with flags, will be nothing like /pol/. There are no people literally being paid .03 cents a post to create BLACKED threads, or to post anti-conservative threads. There are not the same bots here. Other boards with flags are not like /pol/, because they are not the target of the same shills and bots to make money off of the specific topic that /pol/ centers around, politics. Even if /pol/ removed flags it would be just as shit, if not worse

>> No.15244864
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>boogeyman? no. furious, screeching brats who think their repeatedly ranting "kill everyone who isn't me" is any less toxic than the people about whom they're complaining. pol is children, seething incel children, it would annihilate biz.

>> No.15244868

it invites children to throw tantrums absolutely pointlessly. it will ruin thread after thread. it is a bad idea, and that's why it hasn't been done and will not be done. have a nice day.

>> No.15244876
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So that's why you're such a faggot
I want flags so I can filter out all faggot brits, they are honestly more scum than any Indians
>if you visit this other board, you're not allowed on MY board!
Fuck off

>> No.15244892

it will never happen on 4chan which is why the /biz/ board on 0xchan.net will be the go to place because the board design will prevent pajeets from ever posting.

>> No.15244905
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>repeats self and cannot respond to counters
What's funny is that you are genuinely behaving hysterically, you act almost schizophrenically paranoid that flags will instantly kill /biz/ because magically people who would have posted on /pol/ will come here for whatever reason and somehow not get banned for totally off topic spamming. You are acting like a literal child who refuses to see something they are afraid of as anything other than their crazy interpretation of it

>> No.15245080

>Int has flags and it hasn't turned into pol
/pol/ has turned into /int/ tho

>> No.15246012
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This is Pajeet Chan now, you wiggly wiggers are the minority here

>> No.15246903
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>> No.15246983

thread theme :

imagine if the mod sticky this video,this board will go up in flames.

>> No.15247046
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I'm warning you guys, there is going to be some serious repercussions in the future if you keep making fun of jeets.

You guys made fun of blacks, now they're fucking your women. Don't sow what you can't reap.

Not even indian, just a gook bystander