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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 225x225, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15241416 No.15241416 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15241439
File: 930 KB, 750x775, 1519492896260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why u need it when there are 10 other shit platforms u can build other shitcoins

>> No.15241448

I like it because i can withdraw gas whenever i remember this coin

Does anon know any other cool coins like this that pay "dividends" and are even remotely legit?

>> No.15241457

Kucoin pays out.

That exchange also does soft-staking on TRX and a few other coins.

>> No.15241496

>will have the best tech when NEO 3.0 comes out
> enterprise adoption incoming
> worlds first and best Delegated Byzantine Fault Tolerant consensus mechanism, fast blocks, 0 chance of fork make it ideal for business
> in built Oracle baked into the code for simple use cases
> integration to Chainlink coming
> NEOFS, a native decentralized file and data storage platform coming
> shitloads of cash = massive runway for future dev
> only ICO that actually did so well it refunded participants the $ value they put in

anyone who hasn't been buying up and collecting GAS during the bear market is dumb or stupid or both. NEO will rise to be the top Smart Contracts platform together with ETH, except NEO is more regulation compliant and better for enterprise use cases with its performance and transaction finality, so don't be surprised if it beats ETH to the punch

>> No.15241507


>> No.15241513


>> No.15241569

extremely high level of decentralization is a meme. All businesses will care about is can a single person or entity stop their contracts or not, and is one of the 21 or however many nodes running consensus competitors to them in any way. if not they don't GAF if its 5 nodes or 5000 nodes

>> No.15241580

You make sense otherwise but chainlink integration..jesus will you ever give up?

>> No.15241648

Decentralization meme. Even bcash's supposed "benevolent" miners colluded to 51% attack and prevent unknown miner from claiming segshit coins.

>> No.15241692

Exactly. The main thing is that no collusion is possible between people or entities, and that the network participants validating transactions and adding to the ledger have no affiliation or relationship (political, adversarial etc) with the transaction, or its participants. I don't know about you guys, but if I had a business with a $1 mill Smart Contract I'd prefer a number of different reputable businesses and companies (that have nothing to do with me or my business) validating transactions, rather than some random chink mining farms

>> No.15241929
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, The One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason people hate this coin is because it's left them in the dust multiple times, forcing them to FOMO and get dumped on. Its going to happen again...its going to be hilarious when 3.0 comes out and NEO shifts its massive war chest to marketing and attracting developers. People reading this post just know, Im going to dump on you at $500 next year.

>> No.15241950


>> No.15242286

>don't be surprised if it beats ETH to the punch
How can it beat ETH when all NEO does is just copying ETH code and modifying it slightly to pass as a different project? You know why NEO 3.0 isn't out yet? Because ETH 2.0 isn't. Saying NEO will beat ETH is like saying LTC will beat BTC. It's not 2017 anymore, stop bagholding this fucking garbage.

>> No.15243057

holy fuck stay mad.lmao

>> No.15243078

It's dead, Jim.