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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15240401 No.15240401[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm Coyote Peterson, and this... is calling the janny a nigger.

I'm here on the boards of /fit/ at 4channel.org, where a vicious beast called "the janitor" lurks in the shadows. His diet consists of hot pockets, and he spends most of his time jerking off to blacked on his anime body pillow which is why he leaves cuck threads up. But with a little dedication, I think we can lure him out, to see his fabled sting. Also known as a "ban", the janitor's sting can hurt for up to 3 days on average, but in rare cases, have had residual effects for a lifetime. Oh... I think I see one. Yeah that's it. Over there in his mom's basement. Do you see it? Oh wow, what a big fella. Look at the fat rolls on his abdomen. While most would call him disgusting, you have to admire mother nature and what she's created here. Alright now that the janitor is here, we'll bait him into giving us his dreadful sting.

Kids, don't try this at home.

Janny... you're a nigger.

It's like an intense burning through my entire ip address
You can see it turn black around the border of the ban screen

That's it for us here on Brave Wilderness

>> No.15240424

Jannies and mods are fucking fags

>> No.15240428
File: 119 KB, 798x770, laugh pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15240448

Mom said I had to post it. Replace fit with biz

>> No.15240474

may have a fit body, but def not a fit brain. you played yourself goyim

>> No.15240479

You had one fucking job, I was the nigger who told you to post it here and you blew it. Fuck you OP

>> No.15240490

fucking kek

>> No.15240501

Get off my board. Reeeeeee

>> No.15240642

now post on /tv/

>> No.15240703
File: 595 KB, 366x218, AD38B4B9-9527-43B2-BA18-3DA12EE80290.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15240979


>> No.15241014


High quality posting is back boys, the bear shitposting market just ended