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15240019 No.15240019 [Reply] [Original]

Share stories of wage cuckery here.

Currently I teach English remotely to soulless Chinese. I hate listening to their robotic cookie cutter responses. Some of those fuckers slurp noodles right in the microphone while taking my classes. Just makes me sick. The sheer amount of useless project managers I've spoken with who have difficulty describing their job is ridiculous.
Their obsession with business makes me feel they are in a bubble and its going to be hilarious when people wise up to the fact that cheap manufactured goods are not a necessity. I would rather quality products.
Of course to the Chinese they are perfect and no problems exist unless they are confronted by it: spitting in public and being shit tourists in general for example.
> Oh hahha no teacher the Chinese are not "really" like that.
> But that's the reason they need to make these signs specifically for Chinese people. > Oh well l guess we shouldn't do that hahahaha

>> No.15240059

I work a job which is the same feeling as digging a hole in the sand as another person throws more sand in your hole.
I work night shift and try to get as much done as possible to ease the workload on everyone else for the following day
>I finish my work completely to where there’s nothing left to do, so I chill for the last 20 mins of my shift

>I leave at night time with 5-8 hours of labor leftover

I can never win

>> No.15240100

>I work night shift and try to get as much done as possible to ease the workload on everyone else for the following day
Find out what you're actually supposed to be doing, and do the best job you're capable of doing

Do not try to "make other peoples jobs easier" yet. First perfect your own job. Then you can start to make changes like that, but make sure that you get credit. Brag about everything you do and point out how much you're increasing profit and efficiency. But first start with your own duties

I used to do the same shit. And all they do is give you more to do and they stand around and bullshit all day because you've given them a great opportunity to do it by doing their work

>> No.15240165

I work for a huge firm I don’t want to specify what sector or anything, but basically the director of program management as well as head of finance both have no fucking clue what they are doing. They literally can’t read their own fucking reports that they generate. They are constantly trying to push their work into my team. It blows my fucking mind that these people could climb to the ranks they are at without ever acquiring this knowledge. I see this at every company but this time it’s so blatant. Regardless we are still making so much money that they get away with it. Trying to weed them out before that changes and we really need to depend on them. Basically it seems like the generations before the internet got away with murder because now you actually have to compete and with more information available at your fingertips it’s more obvious when people put in zero effort.

>> No.15240188

It’s literally an endless cycle of last minute fudging shit to make numbers look good and then slacking off. Every time the same problem comes up at the last minute because no one ever wants to address the underlying cause because they somehow get away with pulling super risky bullshit at the last minute.

>> No.15240264

>Some of those fuckers slurp noodles right in the microphone while taking my classes

>Ok guys so it’s important that when y-
>Who w-was that? Please pay attention to the class. So anyway like I was sa-
>S-STOP IT please iM trying to t-teach you
>*chinese laughter in background*
>”stupih wagie i risten to my srurp u mom possy”
>*group of chineses laughing in background*
>*angry white fiddling with things and slamming desk noises*
>*Mr Fag has left the stream.*

>> No.15240471


Bud you just described in one post the absolute state of the global economy, congratulations my dude.

>> No.15240976

Kek this is literally a dramatized version of it sometimes. I try and plan my classes around the slurping times now.

>> No.15241007

>I hate listening to their robotic cookie cutter responses

Would you rather have jamal shouting WE BE GOIN UP IN HURR SKEEET

>> No.15241326

honestly you would probably sound the same if the situation was reversed and you were being taught chinese by some chinese tutor. Its hard to move beyond robotic cookie cutter responses when speaking a foreign language you're not fluent in.

>> No.15241379

I would rather make it and be a farmer or have a bed and breakfast
Chinese education does not focus on creativity. Opinions are carefully hidden behind official propaganda.