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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 445 KB, 2048x2048, femanon here 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15236848 No.15236848 [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here, this really smart guy that I talk to said I should be buying RSR if I want to never work again?
Is he right or am I getting meme'd on?

>> No.15236863

No. Find a good husband or just work hard in business. Sell stuff that guys suck at selling like makeup and all that.

>> No.15236880

And based on what do you think he's smart?

>> No.15236888
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>> No.15236889

shut the fuck up noob

yea if you think he's really smart then why the fuck would you not buy any

>> No.15236892

you know the rules

>> No.15236898

With all of the big investors in Reserve it seems like it will go places.

He is a crypto millionaire and talks about /biz/ all the time.

>> No.15236931

Bobs and vagene you know the rule

>> No.15236944

Tits or GTFO !

>> No.15236945
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>> No.15236951

>tfw no gf

>> No.15236953

this or we stop replying and start saging

>> No.15236963

Unless he can actually show you he has millions, he might just want to get into your pants, if you're good looking ofc. I would say think for yourself and do your own research never rely on anything some one is saying. If you want to blindly follow, just read /biz all day and see what is being shilled here.

>> No.15236981

Also, do you think that mentioning that your are a female will get you special treatment here?

>> No.15236999

why do people like such low quality bait nowadays? hasn't school started back up again?

>> No.15237028

For real, bobs or fuck off.

Then i might waste my time on you, whore.

>> No.15237040

Checked, its so easy. A picture of a drawn girl and the white knight pop up kek.

>> No.15237041

Meme coin, unless you have a few years to wait. Utility coins are over rated because the token is always being bought and sold. You want people hoarding for value to increase easily.
It's mostly supply vs demand and timing. Get in early on something smart

>> No.15237055

New to 4chan, that's why I keep falling 4 shit like this.

>> No.15237058

I can't post nudes here because this is a blue board and I'm not trying to get banned.

>> No.15237069

No need for nudes, just freaking cover your nips....

... Jesus...

>> No.15237073

Do lots of research and compare similar cryptos in supply, inflation, team supply, potential demand and years away from adoption or even the tech being ready. Start investing like these are businesses, the days of ripple moon are gone. Best bet is BTC until 2021-22

>> No.15237094

I already bought 1 million RSR on IDEX and I've read thru a lot of the RSR threads posted here.
Just need to know if I should focus on buying more which is why I posted this thread.
If the team doesn't deliver with the app and RSV launch this quarter I might hold off since that will most likely mean a RSR crash.

>> No.15237125

post sharpie in pooper or we stop giving you attention. you do want attention, don't you femanon?

>> No.15237163
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come we can * ahegao* together

>> No.15237169
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>> No.15237196

Ok, meaby youre actually a women.

Listen retard:

A coin dont go up cuz their tech, nor their team, only because someone buys more than someone sells...

You can tell if it will go up looking at a chart, i could care less about your shitcoin, but you need to learn TA.

The internet is full of info but you cunts can use it for anything other than ig and ewhoring, so most likely you cant tell if the info is good or not.

You only need to know what a trend is, and how to buy a pullback, dont buy it there is no uptrend.

Stop wasting time learning about useless coins and look at charts, there is people smarter than you, and you can tell where they are buying.............

Now i deserve at least a vegana, since you dont need any more info than this.

>> No.15237223

The guy that told me about /biz/ also told me that ppl who double space post on here are from reddit and that I shouldn't pay attention to their posts.
Are you really from reddit?

>> No.15237242

The tranny got you there redditor, gtfo here

>> No.15237254

tits or gtfo

>> No.15237277

Your source is legit. He probably told you about a Russian scam coin with a checkered shirt wearing, Big Mac eating, big fat motherfucker CEO. He probably fudded this coin to death and convinced you never to pay any attention to it. Trust him on that one.

I’ll take brapper pics for that tip, thx

>> No.15237306

Chick half the time turn my phone off and turn it back on and try to comment 4chan says I am banned. Sometimes from 2015 and I started here in 2016.

>> No.15237312

I bought LINK when he told me to back in 2017.
Been holding ever since. That's when I first got into crypto.
And I know all the LINK memes, been here on /biz/ since early 2018.

>> No.15237329

The funny thing is that my schools ip was banned from 4chan for child porn reasons.

>> No.15237347

Tits or gtfo. Then we can talk business.

>> No.15237367

>posting nsfw pics on a sfw board
im not THAT new of a newfag

>> No.15237385
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Get out larper

>> No.15237401

Can you guys stop focusing on getting me to dox my tits or ass and focus on whether or not RSR is a good investment?

>> No.15237424
File: 276 KB, 1826x507, rsr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does RSR even stand for?


>> No.15237527

you're the one who brought it up. why the fuck did you use your gender for attention?

>> No.15237547

You've convinced me anon, buying a 1m stack right now

>> No.15237550

it is, probably not quick money but holding for the long term is smart. will probably be listed on coinbase in a year or so.

>> No.15237585
File: 331 KB, 700x3287, 3ZduaAx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RSR history looks short. Probably going down like the rest of crypto while BTCUSd completes the hyperwave correction to 1,400.

You are in the biz version of the pic.

>> No.15237786

I think you're right. A coinbase listing is entirely in the question since coinbase ventures is backing it. Maybe not for RSR but for RSV for sure. My only concern is that RSR isn't on more exchanges that americans have access to outside of IDEX. Thats why I'm holding back buying more at the moment.

>> No.15237819

>Femanon here
post feet with timestamp

>> No.15237833
File: 968 KB, 775x544, 1560827551608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, sweetie
I like your picture
All in on RSR. Either i will be a deca millionaire or remain where I am. Assymetric risk to reward potential with just market cap of 12 million where as l the competitors of stable coin are valued in billions.

- Fully decentralized stable coin comapared to centralized shitcoin stablecoin like usdc and libra
- Great use case with excellent tokenomics - RSR for stabilizing the RSV and a poor fag like me can invest into and speculate creating actual value. You can not invest into facebook libra’s LIT. Zuck will take all the money.

- Stellar team with coinbase venture backing. This in itself is a compelling factor in itself. Matic did 10x because of the coinbase hype.
- All white team and no chink. USA office in Oakland California. Coinbase listing 99.99% confirmed.

- Peter Thiel and paypal founder backing. This is huge. Anything Peter Thiel puts his hand into, it turns into gold. Google Tilray. Also backed by silicon valley heavyweights.
- Normies will easily buy into the story when the herd joins later in the bull market causing the maket cap to go parabolic beyond $1.

This is the sure shot bet behind chainlink for us to make it and never ever work for 9-5 in your life. Screencap this.

>> No.15237839
File: 73 KB, 722x960, 1551276494515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of one of my feet.
Just for you, footfag.

>> No.15237845
File: 1.88 MB, 435x250, schlopp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like doggies?

>> No.15237867
File: 24 KB, 590x330, 1565658892370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The major problem with the majority of stable coins at the moment is many of them dont have the capacity to actually scale when the crypto market cap enters into the trillions. This bullrun we're in right now will see massive adoption of stable coins as anons begin selling off into them at the ath. What the Reserve protocol manages to accomplish is the establishment of a regulatory compliant stable coin that has the ability to scale for world wide demand and a crypto market cap exceeding 100 trillion. For these reasons, and a long list of many others, smart money is in on this dark horse early, and make no mistake - marketing for Reserve will kick into high gear in Q3 and many nu-bizlets will miss this boat, ultimately being quickly priced out of making exponential gains.

>> No.15237922
File: 26 KB, 600x450, 1534304097608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi femanon
femanon here too

>> No.15237956


>> No.15237999

when does index go kyc?

>> No.15238167

Lets set the record here, if you love money at all, you WILL get RSR, period. This project is bound to moon and you know it

>> No.15238295

Nevin said that the reason they launched rsr on huobi is because they are NOT worried about us exchanges and us availability for RSR, and wanted to get a head start with asian exposure. To me, that means that a Coinbase listing is in the pipeline all things considered. Remember they did an equity investment instead of buying tokens like Peter thiel did for a reason.

>> No.15238349

Thanks for this. What are the odds that a coinbase listing of RSR happens when they list RSV tho? I missed them saying that about US exchanges tho with RSR. Seems like they must be counting on a RSR Coinbase Pro listing or somethnig in that case then.

>> No.15238394
File: 102 KB, 500x614, 1561773226410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15238397

Smart guy here if you do BJ $10 each 100K BJ will make you millionaire.

>> No.15238409
File: 334 KB, 422x509, 1539714159977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does his dick taste like shit?
He might be a faggot

>> No.15238477

Titties now. Stop responding faggots

>> No.15238499

The guy that told me about /biz/ also told me that ppl who say they are girls that were told by a guy about /biz/ are trannies.