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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15235976 No.15235976 [Reply] [Original]

wut does biz think are the most harmful industries and why?

>> No.15235983

beauty industry not only is it built on vanity but the chemicals are toxic

>> No.15236040


>> No.15236053


>> No.15236061

specifically the usury
specifically the usurers

>> No.15236110

the holocaust industry

>> No.15236208

The banking industry

>> No.15236213

banking, its predatory

>> No.15236217

big tech. facebook, google, amazon
they are watching and listening

>> No.15236219

Education and government. Look how many fucking socialists there are now.

>> No.15236284


In order:
> The mass American media
> The prescription drug industry
> Fast food industry and animal products industry
> Petroleum companies
> Lawyers as a whole

>> No.15236291

Lol, as if socialism is the biggest problem facing the civilised world today.

>> No.15236368

Big oil.
Climate change and their paid shilling to convince retards it's a communist conspiracy.

>> No.15236394

Banking, Pharma, Insurance. All Jew scams and control systems. Pharma kills millions of whites.

>> No.15236410
File: 46 KB, 850x400, yagoda-communism-judaism-marxism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well yea, considering its responsible for telling people were all just humans, a provable false lie, and is the main driving force behind open borders immigration. Socialism, also known as Judaism, raped a million British kids. Muslims are just the tool.

>> No.15236424

is it a conspiracy, it's a natural cycle and those commie retards admit they are pushing it to gain power

>> No.15236461
File: 334 KB, 583x470, rising-sea-levels-muh-global-warming-climate-change.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15236469

>ctrl+f 'music'
>0 results

>> No.15236482
File: 120 KB, 300x442, watermelons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Communists btw dont give a fuck about the environment, they use it as an excuse to push for things that undermine capitalism and force society to collapse into socialism, which itself is designed to fail and be a stepping stone to communism being its easier to push for more free shit once you have people in a do-nothing-for-myself mindset.
Thats why they are called watermelons. Reminder only eco-fascists actually give a fuck about the environment. Tarrant is what an environmentalist looks like.

>> No.15236491


>> No.15236602

Socialism was brought over to the east buy the west you tard. Stop shitting up a decent thread with your mid wit just found out about da (((jew))) problem posting.

Learn what free market capitalism completely entails

why the free movement of people is a capitalist’s dream and

how not to be a sperging idiot.

Also you’re not even white mutt

>> No.15236622
File: 49 KB, 717x989, mfw-arm2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Socialism was brought over to the east buy the west you tard.
KYS. Socialism is a Jewish slave scheme, its 2800 goy slaves each. Youre also projecting, Jews arent white.

>> No.15236637
File: 138 KB, 740x1200, marxism-capitalism-communism-jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialism is Marxism. Jews are a rootless international clique, its not east or west, it comes from Jews.

>> No.15236649

>farming as a whole globaly
>mining as a whole globaly
>refineing and chip makeing all electronical shit in here as a whole globaly
>banking as a whole globaly
>most of them anon capitalism is a terrible idea there just are no better ones yet

>> No.15236653
File: 631 KB, 591x1050, marxism-is-jewish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Marx was tied to the Rothschilds by family so that explains a lot. Capitalism and Bolshevism are the two sides of the same international Jewish coin. National Socialism is the answer, and boomers can kill themselves if they dont realize no one is equal is opposite to everyone is equal.

>> No.15236665
File: 56 KB, 850x400, Goebbels-brothers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15236668


>> No.15236675

animal , pharma, nutrition

>> No.15236682
File: 51 KB, 546x470, real-marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also just for shits and giggles, Marx was a terrorist in his own words and so all Marxists are terrorists.

>> No.15236700

have sex

>> No.15236708
File: 253 KB, 500x1061, Goring-Loves-Animals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people were left to privately raise their own animals for consumption you can bet the chinks would put a lot more animals through a lot more suffering for example, than white or even Jewish corporations. Now companies who perform vivisection for example, they can die.

Try getting an argument, I have a natsoc QT who loves me very much.

>> No.15236720


>> No.15236728
File: 387 KB, 750x530, britney_swift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15237267

get all the power while only risking other people's money on ventures and "strategies" that often strictly stand in opposition to generating new wealth
it only grows and grows and claims more of your rights and liberties until everyone under it dies—first their spirits from the death of industry and the dehumanizing seizing of their rights and independence, forced to give up their property and made to stand in bread lines for food, and then their bodies wither up and die from a lack of both food and a will to live—and the children of the generation who voted for it and for collectivism at large to grow are all made into retarded trannies
you try to escape the government and prosper in a land away from them, and they hunt you down and throw you in prison after they've destroyed or stolen everything you've built

>> No.15237536


Addictive as fuck, uses cartoons to hypnotize children, contains soyb ean products and just refined carbs.

>> No.15237650

Anything that charges compound interest.

>> No.15237665

Social media because it’s warps the most important part of human reality

>> No.15237678

Industrial meat production probably. Doesn't just torture and kill billions of sentient beings but is a major greenhouse gas contributor, fresh water consumer and cause of deforestation.
Between that and overfishing we're literally gorging ourselves to global death.
And I eat meat, not denying it's good shit. It's just going to destroy the planet for our kids.

>> No.15237682

Pharmaceuticals. Destroying the lives of many who cannot afford drugs that should be affordable. Or just outright killing people via harmful drugs.

>> No.15237740

>fuck you for curing Ebola before it could spread to the civilized world, you don’t deserve your profits.