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15227877 No.15227877 [Reply] [Original]

It had 8 years largely under the radar, the domain of the nerds and very tech literate, marketcaps were low so was easy to make gains.Nobody really understood it and were taken in by the snakeoil teams promising it was a revolution waiting to happen,We all knew when the normie invasion happened there would be a huge liftoff, that happened dec 2017-jan 2018.

Problem is that was peak fad, peak beanie baby, peak fidget spinner.The market got too big for what it actually is, just a load of unused software databases and unused currencies that anyone can make in 20 minutes.Its taken 18 months since then for even the diehard to accept its all bullshit and will not change the world, or even be used.Even reddit has realised.Its over, shut off the lights, you were the biggest fool in the room.

>> No.15227882

>Cryptocurrency is the same as beanie babies and fidget spinners

>> No.15227889

unironicaly bullish as fuck

a buy signal if there ever was one

>> No.15227890

I've heard this since 2012....

>> No.15227893

> will not change the world
it already changed the world
crypto makes it so easy to scam money from stupid people

>> No.15227897

Aren’t you tired of losing money? The only way anyone can still be a bear this deep into a bull market is if he’s too poor to put any money into the game at all

>> No.15227903

what's the next crypto?

>> No.15227914

>revolutionary tech just about to mature

like not being in tech after the dotcom bubble

>> No.15227922

glybdo ded
it ded
it ded
u mus egzept glybdo ded

>> No.15227923


This is what hardcore cope looks like.

>> No.15227935

What cope?

I’ve made $30k in the last 6 months. Someone is definitely coping and it isn’t me

>> No.15227943

OP you colossal cross-eyed mouth-breathing neckbeard burger. STO's are the future. '2020 is Ravens year - cap it

>> No.15227945
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Nocoiner detected

>> No.15227950

how do i buy some stos?

>> No.15227957

Everyone knows it’s dead. Russians, chinks and us proud Indians understood that. Nonetheless as long as enough stupid westerners spend their money on it, we are golden.

>> No.15228018
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This was your sign to get out.If you deny jan 2018 was the peak of the fad, then you show your ignorance of history.Im not denyng the odd crypto wont rise, but the amount of them rising, and the amount they do rise if falling off a cliff.You have better results in penny stocks and regular stocks at this point.But none of you know that because this is the only market you have ever been in and think the years before 2018 were normal.

>> No.15228095

I don’t know how gene therapy works but I’m going to ride the bio-pharma train. What’s your point?

>> No.15228114

Good, silver, etc

>> No.15228167

uhm, you're like 200 years behind on those senpai...

>> No.15228274

You all need to accept the following:
Crypto had a 9 year run where there were no futures, very few day traders, had a low marketcap, was not regulated, no tether fuckery, no normies, was not in the crosshairs of governments, people were largely fooled about what they were invested in, people had hope for when it finally hit mainstream, no bitmex and margin trading.It was the perfect storm.Since 2018 its all changed.If you can tell me with a straight face that these coins deserve millions/ billions in marketcap, then I do not know what to say.If there was a future in it all then musk, gates, brin etc would all have put massive resources in to it.Yet none of them care.

>> No.15228292


>> No.15228299

Spot on. You can still make money: shit like chainlink is still worth $2.30+ so the fool pool is not exhausted yet. But long term? For 9 years this was pushed as the future of money, as a way to bypass the banking system. Now all that goes out the window for the "store of value" meme pushed by exchange shills whose sole interest is to collect dust from you and sell it for cash.

>> No.15228301

Wow, that came out of nowhere, well done anon

>> No.15228323

with dusk

>> No.15228331

but it went down and up again. and the volume is stil higher then 2017/2018. don't knnow what your point is.

>> No.15228346

Put your money where your mouth is and make the big short, Bobo

>> No.15228351

Why do you care?

>> No.15228361

Sergey's shadow

>> No.15228367

this is what hardcore cope looks like

>> No.15228378
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compared to today exactly 2 years ago.

looks very alive to me.

>> No.15228379
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> implying anyone ever knew anything about crypto or even today

>> No.15228384

>all technological and social innovation is already being exploited to the fullest by billionaires and if it is not then it has no future
Back to playing fortnite kiddo

>> No.15228399

Come on, dude.Im not even going to go in to this one.We all know volume is fake, its been proven time and time again by legitimate sources.Just google if you havnt been redpilled on it yet.

>> No.15228406
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i accept crypto is dead as my lord and savior

>> No.15228421

your mom is fake too and still you are here able to write.

everything is fake and I love fake boobs bouncing on my dick

so fuck off with your tinfoil shit and accept that the volume is higher.

or proof with hard evidence that the volume today is more fake then in 2017.

>> No.15228445
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How can you put real money in this space and not know that most volume is fake?

>> No.15228446

Who has proven it? Bitfinex'ed? The guy who's still coping that he sold his coins at $1k before the bullrun?

>> No.15228472

I cashed out a lot after 2018. so I know it's not and still cashing out every week. so fake money I can't cash out right?

you think fake money pays electricity bills for miners?

if you really think that you are just retarded and not worth my time.

everything is fake tards just can't comprehend.

>> No.15228483

this whole bitfinex conspiracy is another bullshit by thos retards who can't even get a decent job to invest some into crypto for the fun.

bitfinixed is ascammer. tether is backed by real money. no 100% but 75% which is still enough.

>> No.15228488

Nobody says the money is fake. Of course you can cash out. Some liquidity is there. But volume is fake so there isn't THAT much liquidity. If the hodlers start selling, the price immediately tanks.

>> No.15228498

Sergey Brin did put a lot of money. But he is not the Sergey we love.

>> No.15228521

Mad af cause no more wave of suckers.
They realize that they are holding bags of the early adopters. They are literally buying out boomers and holding bags

>> No.15228541

It WAS ALLEGEDLY 75% at 2bil. It's now 4+ bil and rising. Only an absolute retard believes Tether is legit at this point.

>> No.15228551

Early adopters are still here, idiot. If anything they never left.

>> No.15228571

Last time I heard bobo saying crypto is dead was around 4K per BTC 2 days later we pumped to 5K then all the way up to 13k this feels good

>> No.15228573

Most delusional post of the year

>> No.15228599

What's delusional, prove to me that people who bought in 2012 have left the game. I bought in 2015 and never left. If anything fomoing boomers were slaughtered and left.

>> No.15228624

If people want to talk about bitcoin then they should just say bitcoin, rather than "crypto". Yes bitcoin is a cryptocurrency obviously, but the common usage of the general category "crypto" is a fucking meme that constitutes a bunch of scams or foolish malinvestments. If I'm talking to someone in the flesh about it, I make sure to avoid saying something like "I'm interested in the cryptocurrency space"... No I say I'm interested in BITCOIN.

>> No.15228631
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If it drops back to 4k again and you didn't cash out, it won't feel as good.

>> No.15228853
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>unironicaly bullish as fuck

>> No.15229055

checkd and kekd

>> No.15229445

Any bio stock to buy for the 'moon'?

when moon?

>> No.15229456

coming soon on coinmetro

>> No.15229458
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The projects I'm in made good progress this year, it's a bit more usable every month. I would say we're 2 years away from consumer oriented applications really being adopted.

You are just watching the charts with your lizard brain instead of using your frontal cortex and looking at social and technological trends:
>keynesian central banking is unsustainable and just delay issues instead of solving them
>nation states are slowly collapsing under debt, strangling new generations with taxes and high prices
>internet is omnipresent and will become increasingly unavoidable in every aspect of life
>the web still has no neutral, embedded way to exchange value (=cash for the internet)
>internet is a borderless space and the old financial system built around nation state is connected to a clunky manner to it

And I'm not even speaking about absolute ownership or censorship resistance, the concept of crypto has already won, boomers aren't living forever, the transition is just a matter of time.