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15224213 No.15224213 [Reply] [Original]

Why am i not motivated to make friends or call people in my contacts to hang out

Is this abnormal

>> No.15224307

nofap motivates me to do shit but now im old enough to know it's all an illusion and it will go away with a simple fap to anything shaped like a balloon

>> No.15224312

you need to make your posts biz related, fren
dont let the jannies get you

>> No.15224575

I have the same problem. People like me but I don’t care. I’ll probably die alone. And I probably won’t even care.

>> No.15225375

The vaccines contained stuff that turned off certain genes.

>> No.15225795

me too anon me too
my best friend from nash called and im going there to visit this weekend. if he didnt call I probably would stay in again

>> No.15225975

It's sort of abnormal but who cares?