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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15222897 No.15222897 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, what is a reasonable eoy$? 10$?

>> No.15222913


>> No.15222924

what a FANTASTIC picture this is OP, i'm gonna save this one for sure

>> No.15222952

Probably $5-10 range is realistic. Depends entirely on the info we get at web3 and the oracle companies we learn about next month. Surprise announcements will help but are unlikely. 2020 will be a much bigger year. Once staking is released, that’s when shit gets real.

>> No.15222958

Lil Pepe is bulkin up for the moon mission. Cute lil fella...
And yes 10 to 20 to even 30 eoy is quite possible.

>> No.15223000

So all of my prayers need to go into web3 and September? If Web3 is a nothing burger how bad a sign is that for this year's projections?

>> No.15223023

If web3 is good news, $4-6 is the new bottom. If we don't get any good news, we are probably going to linger between 1.75-2.50 for the rest of the year.

This is all assuming Sergey keeps taking big watery dumps on us btw. If they stop, and link gets hyped, this could easily hit 10, 20

>> No.15223025

It’s more like what happens after web3. There could be a pump then but the real value is in the awareness it’ll bring to the tech stage for LINK, and the potential partnerships you see form in the coming months. High risk is we see no good announcements for the rest of the year and then slowly bleed out until staking or something good comes along.

>> No.15223035


>> No.15223048

And, what needs to be in place for Microsoft to officially announced a partnership?

>> No.15223164

The damage has been done. Even if the token dumps stop, people will still be afraid to buy because they know that there are still hundreds of millions that could be start being market sold again at any time. Sergey never wanted you people to get rich, especially after the the insulting memes you spammed all over the internet. Hope you plan to hold for 10+ years, and even then something better could come along and destroy you before that.