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15220924 No.15220924 [Reply] [Original]

Welp it's official. I dropped out of college to pursue game dev full time. No, I didn't get hired at a studio or anything, it's just me. I am my own studio :)

>> No.15220932

Drawing on an iPad?

>> No.15220934

if you cant finish college what makes you think you can finish a game.

>> No.15220936

how did you know?

>> No.15220943

You're actually retarded lmao have fun making your "games"

>> No.15220951

Well basically, college is fucking gay and nobody's going to make me do that shit. Games are fucking based

>> No.15220952

also want to point out it takes like 3 people minimum to make a game

>> No.15220966

>id begins with "Neg"
stfu negro what do you know about anything if you're black hahahahahaha

>> No.15220974


>> No.15220976

>also want to point out that I'm a little bitch blah blah blah
stfu faggot lmao

>> No.15220981

Unless you have a killer idea your in the peek gaming saturation. Hell even AAA studios are having to give their game away for free for a chance to nickel and dime a few whales.

>> No.15220994

lol this is pathetic, look at OP desperately trying to convince himself that this was a good idea

>> No.15220995

so youre moving back in with your parents
nice move bro im sure the ladies will be all over your jock

>> No.15221010
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What games are you gonna do? What have you done so far?

>> No.15221011

ignore this guy. replace idea with work ethic.

>> No.15221017


>> No.15221029

I have never made a video game in my life.
I am going to make whatever (no plans yet, but I'm gonna start brainstorming tomorrow)

>> No.15221040

Thanks man. And checked

>> No.15221044

I give it 2 weeks tops before you're a full-time NEET

>> No.15221045

cope? what exactly am I coping?

I make six figures and you're sitting in your moms basement trying to develop games that nobody will play

>> No.15221051

>cope? what exactly am I coping?
uh being a black nigger, obviously?

>> No.15221058

checked, better than working, thanks man I hope you become NEET too

>> No.15221064

yeah the problem is OPs parents didnt beat him enough when he was a child and he thinks the world is on a platter.

bro dont tell me to (cope) im just here giving honest opinion. that is why youre here, right anon?

>> No.15221070

Are you making an artsy walking simulator with a deep narrative and lots of diversity?

>> No.15221078

Stop making this thread.
Ill be in sunnyvale later this month if you want to link up.

>> No.15221084
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I am a NEET and it's torture. Every day blends together and I have nothing to look forward to besides the possibility that LINK will moon and free me from this hell.

>> No.15221089

Kek I fucking love your threads

>> No.15221092

i hear all you need is a rope and a tree to make good games these days

>> No.15221097

> im just here giving honest opinion. that is why youre here, right anon?
Where did I ever even once ask for your opinion you dumb negroid nignog.
I am going to put a black dumb smelly black guy in my game and he's going to be based on you and he's going to be the ugliest dumbest smelliest nigger ever and it will basically be an accurate depiction of you.

No I am making a racist RPG (lots of depth and sidequests)

>> No.15221107

Glad someone else noticed the need for this in the industry

>> No.15221148
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>Breaking News! Bitcoin millionaire drops out of college to begin production of "Nigger Quest"
I want this to be real

>> No.15221222

I hope you make it. Some indie game are the only glittering gems in the cesspool that is the western games industry.

>> No.15221284

are you gonna use crypto?
theres a shitcoin called cerumen, i mean cereneum that has some shitty games

>> No.15221327

Thanks anon, and checked
I will do you proud, fuck the current state of (((western games)))

>> No.15221328

Holy shit lmao. You are so completely fucked.

>> No.15221367


>> No.15221386

this but for me its another coin

>> No.15221387

see you then

>> No.15221397

lol that would be funny, but im not worried. you wont get that far cause youre a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.15221414

said the nigger

>> No.15221448


The fact that you’re putting off something as simple as brainstorming for “tomorrow” tells us everything about how this idea will pan out. You need to be immersed in your idea and fully dedicated to making it happen. Not procrastinating on day 1.

>> No.15221460

>the fact that you're blah blah blah Im' a faggot
kys dude I'm going to burger king today to try their tacos

>> No.15221511

let me know how they are, heard they are shit, you would rather pay 20 more cents and cop the 2 tacos at jack n box

>> No.15221535



>> No.15221553

That's funny, my friend says they taste just like jack n the box tacos, minus the sauce they use at jack n the box.

>> No.15221733

First you gotta learn howto program JavaScript https://www.w3schools.com/Js/

>> No.15221751

If you dont already have serious progress on your game, and you dropped out without even starting, then its p obvious you lack the self discipline to actually do it.

My bet is you'll NEET coast for as long as you can jacking off everyday while putting off opening up unity until your mommy gete pissed and sends you back to uni a year later.

>> No.15221759

This. Also all the coding jobs are going to China or India when the publishers feel like improving their bottom line.

>> No.15221769

I did this a decade ago. Made maybe $100k with the game before it got less popular then used that money to just create websites and get ad revenue living a comfy life.

>> No.15221790

>(no plans yet, but I'm gonna start brainstorming tomorrow
People usually drop out when they have a idea that they think is really good or have something at minimum to show.

>> No.15221816

Based and neetpilled

>> No.15221898

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15221921
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"Art of the deal"


>> No.15221995

Go fuck yourself pol

>> No.15222126

Terry developed an ops by himself, so op just needs to be the second greatest genius of our generation

>> No.15222307
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Here you go, bud. Pay attention.

By the way, in order to successfully pull this off, you need to be the most rebellious person on the planet, because everyone is going to be against you and tell you that you're retarded or you won't make it or both. Completely ignore those fuckers and blast on through them.

>> No.15222329
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Got Legal papers señor!?

>> No.15222339

hire me to do music

>> No.15222355

Welcome >>>/vg/agdg

>> No.15222495

Post email I would like to make games with you I am unemployed neet looking for adventure

>> No.15222536

Order the tendies and the XXL T-shirt now. You’re going to need it because you’ve fucked up. You have no idea what you’re doing and you shouldn’t have been let out from under parental guidance.

Any CS student can do that. It isn’t hard. People don’t do it because it’s utterly pointless, Terry wasn’t a genius, just another programmer. Except with delusional schizophrenia.

>> No.15222548

crab crab crab
Shekelberg wants his shoes shined anon

>> No.15222578

stardew valley was made by one guy

>> No.15222613

welcome newfag >>>/vg/

>> No.15222625

i'm a software developer.
it's fucking hard to create a game.
you need a fucking nice idea with great balancing.
good graphics (playful and beautiful 2d sprites or cool 3d graphics).
and most importantly fucking basic programming skills, problem solving abilities, preferably knowledge of basic physics and I really don't know if you troll or not;
but if you don't troll dude, get a job or go back to college man. It's way harder to create a great game. and then you also gotta have a market and even when you have a market for the game, you need to market and sell it.

>> No.15222720

If you have some good ideas and money to put forward it was a great move.
If you have some "good" ideas and absolutely zero money to create even a prototype to get investors in, you're retarded as fuck.

>> No.15222789

I support you, faggot OP. Be like Toby Fox and make the next Undertale. Don't forget that merch is where all the real money is. Good luck!

>> No.15223512


I hope you’re homeless within a year and you have to watch someone rape and murder your family in front of you. Fucking waste of life faggot. You already fucked up.

>> No.15223569

I would try either making a mobile gane and outsourcing the work to india or making a gmod game mode. With the latter you won’t make much money, but if its popular enough it might look pretty good on a resume gl anon.

>> No.15223596

Is that you Techlead?

>> No.15223631

What game? If thats too personal was it a mobile game?

>> No.15223677

lmao why so mad? you mad? hahaha you mad?

>> No.15223693

I had a friend who did a similar thing, took him 2 1/2 years to finish his game but he's made well over half a million just in pre-alpha

>> No.15223713

Obviously don't make the game engine by scratch, use something like unreal. Just have a semi-decent concept, build a community etc..

>> No.15223832
File: 10 KB, 187x269, this pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck (((debt))), fuck (((bosses))), fuck teachers, fuck diplomas, fuck )))wagies(((. You are on your way to become based and redpilled, OP.
That said, you have to be sure that's what you need. If you're dropping college without a very well-thought plan on how you'll make yourself big in this clown world, and you also need a backup plan in case your game dev career goes south. Dreams and hopes can only get you so far without a concise step-by-step plan.

I wish you the best of luck though.
>PS: Also fuck jannies and trannies.

>> No.15223845

>in this clown world, you also need...

>> No.15223866

I dropped out too, didn't initially pursue gamedev but am doing it now. Which engine?

>> No.15223922

Dwarf Fortress

>> No.15223948

Full speed ahead anon, no tears only sweat.

>> No.15224889

>and most importantly
kek. Most importantly you need artists for your aforementioned "good graphics". This includes animators, material artists, modellers (if you are doing 3d). This is the largest time sink unless you manage to keep your core idea very stream lined and narrow.

>> No.15224993

>no I don’t have any experience
>fuck you I know what I’m doing
Hahahaha and this faggot is telling others to cope. Whew the real world is gonna kick your sorry ass. You’d have better luck going all in Link and wagecucking your ignorant life away. Gl tho you’re gonna need it

>> No.15225023


Wow. So are you going to sit around in your parents spare bedroom for a few years mooching off them until they force you to get a job delivering pizza like every other game dev who has said this in the entire history of the world?

Let me guess you smoke weed too and want to make an RPG / RTS.

Video games are for faggot social retards. You are destined to not be with a woman.

>> No.15225033

Now this is some premium grade cope and seething

>> No.15225043

The amount of projection in this post is hilarious. Did Shekelberg make you swallow this time in order to get a promotion?

>> No.15225051



I own and operate my own business in which I hire neckbeards like you to do all the work while I sit at home, watch Beavis and Butthead and hit on your mom when she inevitably comes to pick you up every night. Oh yeah, I make all the money and under pay you too.

>> No.15225056

>*r*ddit space*
>I own and blah blah blah faggot larp
kys burger flipper

>> No.15225074


Are you mad because you play RPG's and RTS's and studder when you have to talk to anyone in real life?



>> No.15225087

nope you're a burger flipper, I'm not even reading your posts now

>> No.15225099


w.ww.what um.. did d..did you say? I um m.maxed out m..m.my Huntress last n..nn.night. Do..d..do you maybe w..w.wanna play dota tonight, guys??



>> No.15225101

checked. didn't read though. you mad?

>> No.15225107


m.m...mom... j..just one more h..hour I swear.. I'll.. g..g...go out and look for a j..j...job tomorrow I promise... geez.. I'm..a.a..a..almost maxed out.. I can't p...p...pause it it's online.

>> No.15225110
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>> No.15225121


You're right. I'm fuming at the fact that a fat, single, passive aggressive neckbeard with no social skills is addicted to video games and took offense at my comments in regards to said games. Devoured. You're living rent free over here, you and your massively impressive steam library that chicks swoon over.



>> No.15225128

idk dude you type all this shit because you're mad but I'm not even reading it lmao

>> No.15225135
File: 264 KB, 910x1196, identifyingdeval.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hes a big ideas guy, not the little details guy

>> No.15225139

Did an RTS player fuck your mom or something hahaha holy fuck you are assblasted at an oddly specific genre.

>> No.15225158

i hope i get dubs so he replies with checked

>> No.15225180

Bro, what if we made a game that was about, like, everything you know

>> No.15225182


I learned this lesson. Luckily I was still in highschool and had a good reason to live with my parents lol. If anything dev games for fun OP in your free time, then try to sell them once it's good. Also read Lean Startup anon.

>> No.15225204

Here’s an idea for you


>> No.15225214

I'm not giving you a (You) until you get digits

>> No.15225525

you will die homeless and peniless on the streets of your city in the winter cold. be sure to buy some emergency blankets while you still have money. lol u fucke dup your entire life.

>> No.15225847
