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File: 48 KB, 628x960, 1554670572616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15217491 No.15217491 [Reply] [Original]

An organization wants to hire me as a contractor for a software development job and they want a quote on my hourly rate.

How do I figure out what they're willing to pay?

>> No.15217566

Why not put makeup on your knees?

>> No.15217582

pic makes me sad

>> No.15217617

>How do I figure out what they're willing to pay?

Tell them your hourly rate. If they agree, they are willing to pay your hourly rate.

>> No.15217619

If I was a girl I'd probably be like this girl.

>> No.15217638

2x the industry standard rate

>> No.15217648


>> No.15217722


I have never been a contractor before. I don't know what my haxor skills are worth.

>> No.15218415

Not sure about software but engineers with a PE tend to be billed at $150-200/hr. Id say normal engineers are around $80-120 and technicians are around $60-70.

>> No.15218482


>> No.15218496

how long was she sucking dick for to get those marks?

>> No.15218534

Don't ask me, I wouldn't know

>> No.15218544


I'm still in college, but I'm uniquely qualified for this job because I worked on some of this non-profit company's problem's before for free.

>> No.15218550
File: 83 KB, 680x490, 5AB6FDA7-776A-4623-BCC4-9413B004EBB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suggest a range as >>15218415 suggests, but bump up the low end and make it an odd number ($163.50 or something). There’s psychology behind this.

>> No.15218612

20-30 bucks an hour, dont be an idiot asking for 60-70 an hour, total hogshit

>> No.15218646

It probably wasn't sucking dick, probably getting fucked on carpet or a rough couch

>> No.15218668


She was dressed up for church and she was praying on her knees you incels

>> No.15218686

wherever they make you pray on your knees have a soft padding to prevent this

>> No.15218719

I know this specifically because I'm not an incel though

>> No.15218763

why are her knees bruised?

>> No.15218808

Her wage couldn't afford kneepads anon :(

>> No.15218823

why are her legs so weird looking

>> No.15218984


you don't see females very often, right?.

>> No.15218994

She must have just come back from football practice. Knee pads are a killer sometimes.

>> No.15219041

yeah how did you know

>> No.15219078


>> No.15219133

you're in college but someone wants to hire your for a contracting gig? and they want to pay an hourly rate? yikes for them. they don't know what they're doing. they want to hire someone with limited experience and pay them per hour instead.... kek.
it's a non-profit too you said, so don't expect much of anything. they aren't going to be able to pay you properly anyway.

>> No.15219162

dude is in college and it's a non-profit. he'll be lucky to get $20 an hour.

>> No.15219196


>> No.15220303

What psychology you brainlet? You can't just make a claim and use "psychology" as your source. That's like saying that physics says that keto doesn't work.

>> No.15221149


That's easy. Find out what the pay range is for your experience and job in your area using the internet, friends and networks

Next, you ask for something on the higher end of that range. Be willing to accept a little less with negotiations

Be willing to negotiate a bigger bonus if they won't pay you enough salary

Have a target in mind. If you can get offers from multiple places you can get them competitive. It's pretty simple

Don't be a cuck and just say yes to anything. But also, don't be a cunt with them. Treat it professionally and use logic & reasoning.

Be willing to walk away.

>> No.15221356

>red knees

>> No.15221378

figure out what the avg salary is and then go from there...dont lowball yourself either. you'd be surprised how much people are willing to pay.

>> No.15221677


Or ask a few recruiters local to your area for what they would expect someone with your experience could charge. Then add a premium as you said you're uniquely qualified.

>> No.15221732

she should invest in knee pads

>> No.15221753


you guys have misread the situation. he's being contracted for work by a non-profit who is clueless. they aren't going to have the money to pay him properly. OP is a college student. they want to hire a college student because they know they can't pay. what they don't know is hiring a college student at an hourly rate will probably end up being more expensive than if they just hired a professional, because its going to take at least 10x as long and be full of holes.

>> No.15221870

i wonder how many dicks she sucks a night

>> No.15221983

Not that anon but I am familiar with the study he's referencing. Basically it suggests that when you present an odd or specific price it appears as if you came to that price through very deliberate thinking, so people trust that the service is 'worth it'.

>> No.15222184

Take the average rate for your experience. Add in insurance costs if you are american or need some kind of licensing.

Figure out how many work days in a year. Subtract holidays. Subtract 4 weeks vacation. Subtract 2 weeks sick time. Subtract 2 weeks professional development. Multiply by 7 hours per day because you pay yourself for lunches. This is how many hours you can work.

Divide the salary by these hours.

Add 10% for equipment and licenses.
Add 10% to cover the 10% of time you spend looking for contracts.

>> No.15222222

If you itemize the cost breakdown and aren't pulling the number out of your ass, it will smooth negotiations. They may say they don't have the cash but they won't be completely retarded or insulting about it.

>> No.15222229
File: 152 KB, 1110x1239, mug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking CHECKED and wasted

>> No.15222236

Anon have you heard of the Salary Guide? Find them from recruitment firms website. It should tell you what you can expect as a permanent and sometimes as a contractor.

The rule of thumb is to get between 1.5 to 2 times your wage rate when you become an independent contractor. Consulting and contracting firm can charge 2 to 3 times but that is a different story.

>> No.15222245
File: 74 KB, 680x510, 2365A78F-8972-43BE-B86F-73F2B459B8DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a waste.

>> No.15222277

checked and correct.

>> No.15222681
File: 56 KB, 645x729, 1564883906366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. retard

>> No.15222703

1st time I noticed her knees, what a fucking shameless whore