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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15216154 No.15216154 [Reply] [Original]

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15216171 [DELETED] 
File: 941 KB, 3546x1456, 1525390296068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you had two years (2)

>> No.15216185

you had one month (1)

>> No.15216359

They are setting up the network you fucking mong. Moving through binance. The BIGGER question is WHO is buying.

>> No.15216383

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15216408

any screenshots of the sells on hustlenance

>> No.15216428

actually they had about 2 days to sell the absolute all time top

now they are just channeling 2-250

this is the legacy of link

go suck a bag of dicks you neet zoomer niggers, this shit is done THANK GOD

>> No.15216450

They can only provide etherscan shit.

>> No.15216471

Imagine fudding an asset that you're all in on...

>> No.15216473

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15216489

>sergey is "aggressively selling" and "dumping 700k tokens every week"
>price stays the same or goes up

>> No.15216508


>team owns 65%
>team moving tokens on etherscan
>No linkers: If I keep saying theyre selling it makes it true

>> No.15216518

I do by mistake though.

I ask questions and am curious about certain things, ask questions you're apparently not supposed to ask and the more I ask, the more I get accused of spreading fud.

LINK official community are acting scammy and nothing about the project is transparent.

>> No.15216522

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15216588

I don't believe this. Here's why:
Business isn't conducted this way. Why can't they work on a written agreement before transferring funds? Or use the testnet? Only scenario I can think of is if Binance will be using Link on some new platform.

The tokens are apparently taken from the 30% supply, not the 35% supply. I could be wrong about this.

Lastly, I feel Sergey is the type to derisk and his economic incentives do not line up with that of the link bagholders. It also lines up with his blogpost.

>> No.15216697

Is he dumping to put breaks on rampant speculative growth and retracements.. dampening it and ensuring healthy growth...?

What will happen to the price once they stop dumping? Is it going to sling shot to the heavens?

Chainlink have always played a very tight hand with zero hype. What if they just don’t give a fuck about speculation and marketing and will just let adoption and their sheer genius strategy cement their long term success.

>> No.15216707

based and checkedpilled

>> No.15216719

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15216958


>> No.15217460


>> No.15217782


>> No.15217818

Facebook pays $20k a day for Mark Zuckerbergs security detail. Facebook is a scam

>> No.15217867

>almost half of the posts in this thread are made by the OP who only posts the same copypasta and bump requests


>> No.15217881

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15217903
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>> No.15217909

who cares? Sergey is

>> No.15217923
File: 27 KB, 223x225, 1515597452346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care, you do

>> No.15217929

you care, you care a lot.

>> No.15217948
File: 323 KB, 1061x1061, 1563702372954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>three samefag bumps in a row
The absolute and utterly disgraceful state of pajeet fud.

>> No.15217959

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15218326


>> No.15218372

This is unironically the most bullish thing that has happened to Link in 2 years. Literally nobody is selling because of this fud

>> No.15218376

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15218451

sergey is keeping the price down (again) so anons who missed the boat the first time can get in now

>> No.15218474

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15218846


>> No.15218860

sage and have sex
imagine being so mentally ill you do this for free every single day

>> No.15218911

I'm doing the lord's work actually. Making sure everyone that comes here knows Sergey is dumping his stack.

>> No.15218956




Imagine being so mentally ill you think you're doing the "lord's work" fudding some random investment

>> No.15219016

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15219443


>> No.15220123


>> No.15220232

hang yourself raj.

>> No.15220256

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15220263

>didnt read not selling
>only see that response to posts negative towards link
Could it be that you are lying?

>> No.15220311

If the team didn't put 10 million links of sell pressure on the market where would we be at now?
If the links were in fact used the secure partnerships why aren't the insiders buying more?

>> No.15220391

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish
Cool story bro have you slung the rope over the rafter yet?

>> No.15220541

why the insults? could it be that it angers you to be reminded that Sergey is aggressively dumping on you?

>> No.15220559


>> No.15220589
File: 127 KB, 1013x1200, 61BCD0FE-C479-4C7C-9F6C-936123F36265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t have to imagine

>> No.15220736

>I will never sell my link
>look at me
kys fgt

>> No.15220740

hey guys, i hold 1 Link. Will I make it in 100 years?

>> No.15220755

If making it is being able to buy a nice Toyota? Yes.

>> No.15221006

>Team owns 65%
>Team aggressively selling
>Linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15221310

This is reverse fudding.
Stop coping desperate stinkies.

>> No.15221324

Go back to your SENT threads pajeets. Also have sex. Not with your cows though.

>> No.15221514

why the insults? could it be that it angers you to be reminded that Sergey is aggressively dumping on you?

>> No.15221566
File: 534 KB, 800x628, 835523ED-2F07-403C-9F3F-E020D181879E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump, even as sergey dumps his stack ponzilinkers will still say some massive whale is accumulating, what a fucking joke

>> No.15221706

Because you are a bump cunt, fuck you, go back to the street you just shit on pajeet.

>> No.15221719

why the insults? could it be that it angers you to be reminded that Sergey is aggressively dumping on you?

>> No.15222420


>> No.15222935


>> No.15222949


>> No.15223021

fucking fags the end cannot come fast enough.