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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15215223 No.15215223 [Reply] [Original]

It's always them in the telegram group asking retarded questions like when coinbase when moon its proper cringy. We need flags on here now

>> No.15215244

Seeing them a lot on link channel. I fucking hate those rocket gif

>> No.15215280


>> No.15215281

It's nothing but pure greed that drives them

>> No.15215334

I think theres a good mix of them from all over. Their grammar and all really does sound like they are indians though. I believe there's different groups of pump and dumpers shilling on biz as well. The RSRjeets, SENTjeets, ONEjeets and whatever other shitcoin peddlers there are. Could be different groups of people. Sometimes you see one calling the other a scam and then shilling their own shitcoin. I dont know. We will never know. I really dont mind them but its when they start leaking out of their containment threads is when things get bad. The pajeets have been behind the link threads lately as well, idk what their motive is. Its fucking stupid, they are doing nothing but fucking up the board even more as if their scams weren't enough. They sperg out sometimes like they were earlier today shitting all over the board with fake link posts. Shits so forced, gay and cringy. All these fags need a bullet put through their fucking skulls.

>> No.15215348
File: 14 KB, 310x165, 615204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so wrong I had to sold my car there are shitty intereats not allowing a single dime into my Bank account for three Years Now.

>> No.15215543

Yes their shilling is destroying biz and if I see 30 threads on a single shit coin I know not to touch it with a bargepole

>> No.15215735

You're a fucking retard if you think you smarter than these dumb fucks.

You're all on the same level.

>> No.15215755

What if it they actually were white dudes paid to shill? I mean, I would do it if it paid well

>> No.15215775

We objectively are smarter though. I'm not the one whos putting in 12 hours a day to shitpost on this gay board for 5 rupees an hour.

>> No.15215792
File: 299 KB, 1152x2048, EBlYOE3VAAAS2OI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh India
You fucks are all so hopeless. It's smelly Americans and yuropoors that shill the hardest. These threads are starting to become just as annoying as the shills.

You know you can filter this shit right?

>> No.15215795

That’s the beauti of it, it will promote competitions which allows the smart one to dominate.

>> No.15215810
File: 220 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190812-055912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me all about how some literal who project is destroying the board. No please really, I'd love to hear about it. Good think we have BASED chainlink. Can't wait for America to wake up and spam the fuck out of the board. YEAH FLAGS WILL SAVE US. Pathetic.


>> No.15215916

Butthurt because you know its true

>> No.15215950
File: 2.81 MB, 480x270, 68c3c6c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care. Go use another chan then and see how well it goes. All you new fags are so fucking uppity about this kinda shit. Like helpless little babies who never sage and report. Bitch about moderation. This is the zoomer generation and why you'll NEVER make it. Wanna save 4chan? Ban every single person who doesn't like anime. If you don't like anime, YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE.


>> No.15215973

Screencap this post, make a post on pol/int with it, screencap your flag and post it here. I'll believe you if you do the above

>> No.15215993

They are called spics

>> No.15216015
File: 847 KB, 280x158, ShinyScholarlyIrishdraughthorsemax1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really give a shit what nationality you think I am faggot. Check the time zone if you're so concerned. Does proving to you do anything for me? No I could give a fuck less. You're still gonna stick around, and like the redditor you are, complain about a bunch of dumb shit and cry to mods rather than calling the op a faggot and going onto the next thread.

Go to another website. I can filter shills, but I unfortunately can't filter you whiny fucking nerds upset that your get rich scheme didn't get as much up votes as someone else. Sagay

>> No.15216061

Why are you seething so much the fact you have to comment back with more insults tells me your under 18

>> No.15216104

You might have a point. It's more about idiots like you that shit up the place, than a specific country.

>> No.15216109

stop 4chan self destruction agenda, imagine having flags here wtf

>> No.15216141

Money is being handled here unlike other boards, we need flags as people from certain coint9cant be adults here and try to scam newfags

>> No.15216147

Countries can't *

>> No.15216169
File: 40 KB, 638x298, Wf8qxwi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol yeah except the shills have been sperging and leaking out of their containment threads and continue to shit all over the board dumb faggot. You're so fucking stupid you might as well be a jeet honestly kys.
>thankfully we have BASED Chainlink
Only a jeet would type like this. What a pathetic attempt at defending your indian shill team. Poo in the loo Jagdeep.

>> No.15216202

Good point, I’m sick of these scams

>> No.15216268
File: 317 KB, 828x1704, CBBAFA8CE74847999A847A860FB3701C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stinky linky detected. Like clockwork. I don't know why we needed a brapper token, sergey seems to be taking a dump on you enough as it is.

>> No.15216303

Kill yourself shitskin.

>> No.15216334

>I don't know why we needed a brapper token, sergey seems to be taking a dump on you enough as it is.

>> No.15217022

Fuck everything about the LINK shills.
I hope they get a special place in hell.