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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 202 KB, 1066x1437, Screenshot_20190812-013845_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15214466 No.15214466 [Reply] [Original]

We made it, boyz.

>> No.15214487

checked big dick id and dubs

>> No.15214495

Literally who?

>> No.15214497

Hey are you guys poos or are you actual, like real people who like don't shill shitcoins like SENT, RSR, COTI, ONE on this board? Genuinely curious.

>> No.15214508

Legitimately a US citizen and Aryan.

Fuck off with your calling everyone a pajeet and just filter this shit and be poor for the rest of your life, you socially inept faggot.

>> No.15214510
File: 170 KB, 360x346, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Poos are not real people

>> No.15214511

hundreds of pajeet teams

>> No.15214513

post timestamped picture of hand poo

>> No.15214521

Ranjesh we went through this, Indian are not Aryan

>> No.15214526

No I am genuinely curious because the poos seem to have been behind the LINK posting lately. Feels like everyone on this board is a poo honestly.

>> No.15214528

Fuck off nigger. SENT is real project. FUck tthe other projects though, they are poo poo

>> No.15214533

Da joooos are in. Bullish!

>> No.15214538

No its just and some bots
T. Bot

>> No.15214543

hur dur. Unfortunately I'm not socially retarded like you and laugh at your absolutely retarded requests, as if you're important or something.. Quick tip anon, literally no one likes you. Not here, not anywhere else in your life. Go ask mommy if your tendies are ready, and remember to tell her you like them extra crispy!


>> No.15214546

>Feels like everyone on this board is a poo honestly.
Not everyone, just BSV and SENT shills.

>> No.15214557

Why do they announce this shit in the middle of the night? Seriously, who the fuck is doing their PR

>> No.15214566

Unironically this. Filter out LINK, Chainlink, Sergey, Big Mac, all of it.
But you won't. You can say it's because you think this is all funny to you, but deep down you know that we all could very well be right about everything we've ever said. You just can't admit it.
You won't filter us out. We're too goddamn important.

>> No.15214570
File: 87 KB, 975x1014, xubmfkz88nt11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.30pm here sir

>> No.15214667


>> No.15214729

>night is everywhere at the same time

>> No.15214744
File: 53 KB, 474x595, 1463687311440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time zones confuses and infuriates burger

>> No.15214761 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 850x720, 72ea38df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handsome sir! Have you heard about wonders of BSV?

>> No.15214803
File: 245 KB, 800x800, 1558434562909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>us citizen

>> No.15214861

Link mooned, holders grew in number and the average IQ lowered as a statistical consequence. It's that simple

>> No.15214891


>> No.15215887

Fuck your mother, hand to mouth motherfucker.

>> No.15215958

Calm down Ranjeet

>> No.15216234

I bought ETH when it was just pennies and sold when it hit 1k. I spend my fortune on Indian shills for any random shitcoin that I find on coinmarketcap. I hire Pakistanis to shill LINK.

>> No.15216445

bangladeshis are dumber and cheaper

>> No.15216485

Streetshitter seething.

>> No.15217056

fuck yuo son of basterd bich i fuck ur mother