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15213927 No.15213927 [Reply] [Original]

Why did supply chain blockchains fail so miserably?
I unironically do want to know where my food and products really come from...

>> No.15213968
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>> No.15214071


>> No.15214079


>> No.15214275

no one really wants to supply them with that information

>> No.15214331

Why WOULD they succeed? What do they do? Serious question - I was a trucker and have no idea what you would do with a blockchain to improve a person's ability to hold a steering wheel and stay awake.

Automation helps a ton! Just not *blockchain.* That isn't any more relevant than a normal barcode. Who would want a pay-per-scan barcode?

>> No.15214358
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>> No.15214374

Vechain failed due to their dual company system. Vechain, the blockchain is a non-profit organization while the parent company reaps all the revenue. Also cucking the xnode holders to buy anonymous authority nodes themselves has the smell of chink scam and gookening all over it. Also, fuck CREAM

>> No.15214385

they are talking about the origin of sources for the food, you killed this cow at this farm, sent the meat here and there, used these seasonings and so on.

>> No.15214452

This only applies to cheaters.

The blockchain stores the information in a safe, decentralized manner so it can't be manipulated, no?
In the EU for instance "Bio" products are a billion dollar industry. It's so profitable that manufactures often times simply slap a "bio" label on regular produce thus preying on both the customers and their 'honest' competition.

Supply chain blockchain seems extremely useful, it's the only blockchain utility I can think of that doesn't sound like scifi bullshit (ayy quantum oracles in the smart ledger lmao) and has real world use. So it only failed because all projects that offered supply chain technology so far happened to be scams?
Keep in mind >>15214358 applies to 90% of the population.

>> No.15214476
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you sound like this retard named brandon

>> No.15214483

because no one else cares. you think fucking joe schmo goes to the store and gives a shit where the meat he buys came from? the average person is a sheep and sheep don't care about information. they just want to eat grass and fuck.

>> No.15214512

You should go outside sometime and check out all new trendy and "healthy" places

>> No.15214519

yes, unironically

Supply chain meme is not dead yet though OP, LINK will make it work on ETH or whatever (you don't need a separate blockchain).

>> No.15214529

I may be retarded but not so retarded I don't notice when someone keeps evading a question. Why did supply chain blockchain fail?

This guy is even more stupid than me. Fairtrade/eco/bio industry extracts BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS of dollars from normie customers each year who in fact care more about some information related to a product than the quality of a product. Now imagine a service that could prove when this information is genuine and when it is not.

>> No.15214590
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cope faggot

>> No.15214617

I am not really sure they have failed, it's just that supply chain is a crazy field dominated by old tech and totally fractured.

It could take ages for everyone to sign on to a blockchain based system. Also, it could be that IBM builds their bespoke blockchain solution for that.

>> No.15214714

Normans don't care, that's true. But those that define themselves by luxury goods care. Those that define themselves by their self righteousness created by their love for "ethical products" care. Thus the industry cares, hence their on-going battle against pirated products, in which an inexpensive system that can definitely verify the origins of a product would be pretty welcome addition for them.

Should the supplychain market be booming? Probably not, but I honestly would've expected more usage for these.

>> No.15214745

>Now imagine a service that could prove when this information is genuine and when it is not
>now imagine billion dolars industry wanting to shed light on their practices
it's like criminals lobying for more police founding. it's retarded

>> No.15214753

Does anyone of you brainiacs ever think about the possibility that this might be a B2B market and the end consumer isn't the target audience?

Supermarket chains care a lot about whether their goods are genuine and big enterprises care about where their raw materials are sourced.

>> No.15214767

How is Vechain even a real blockchain solution. The verification is done by 101 nodes that are anonymous. Could very well be Vechain themselves or even the Chinese government. It defeats the purpose of blockchain besides the ability to sell tokens. And speaking of tokens the order book looks like long term manipulation unseen on any other crypto asset which is another possibility that the foundation is using the token to dump and fund operations. It doesn't add up, especially with the big emphasis on flashy marketing to consumers/"investors" when B2B is the real target for the product.

>> No.15214884

You can do that with a centralized database by a first world trusted party.

>> No.15214957

Only if you assume 100% of the business is fraudulent which is certainly not the case. Small to mid size specialists would most likely profit from a more transparent situation.

>> No.15215016


"According to D.I.G, the WTP-powered wine products enjoyed an average of a 10% increase in sales after implementing the solution, resulting from enhanced consumer confidence"

Looks like people do care after all. And i can imagine other companies are interested on implementing something that managed to increase sales by 10%

>> No.15215041
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>> No.15215067

Because we dont need this shit in the logistics. The current supply chain management method is good enough.

Procurer in vehicle industry

>> No.15215121

>This is not a white paper...it just isn't

>> No.15215489

There are a lot of people like you, who want to know where their food is coming from and all the extra spicy details. saying it has failed is a misinterpretation. The price is shit, it takes a while or people to realize this is something they need. The days of buying brands because they are reliable are over. There is no more trust in companies anymore. Only reputable companies that can prove they are legit will prevail. This takes time, something us crypto investors seem to lack. Vechain is working from top to bottom, thats the way to do it. DNVGL is in a perfect spot, but needs to get everyone on board. This takes more time than your average blockchain project. Use this opportunity to buy more. And to the faggots claiming it’s not decentralized, enterprises couldn’t care less about more then 101 nodes. They want speed you fucking retards don’t you get that?

>> No.15215528

>The current supply chain management method is good enough.

AHAHAHAHAH, no it’s not...

>> No.15215596

This. It's unironically my most comfy hold. All you need is patience.

>> No.15215608

Tell this to my boss and coworkers.

>> No.15215771

I'm sorry that you work with idiots

>> No.15215794

industrial microbiology graduate here:
supply chain blockchain hasn't even begun yet. We still have so many issues with food industry because of transportations and bad farming practices, even still in Western countries. An estimated 30% of food is unusable because the unmet proper storage solution during transportation. If we can track the temperature change, time in transit, we can identify which batches are unusable, target which farms that don't meet criteria and diminish that 30% loss. Same goes for farming, if we can identify from which farm and which time a product was packaged we can stop the spread of food poisoning. This is JUST the beginning of Supply Chain. VeChain (chinkscam or not) is the only one with the right partners and proper hardware currently trying to make this happen.

>> No.15215798

using a blockchain to track products makes absolutely no sense for anything except for food products. with food products though, just think about what kind of adoption is needed for this technology to exist. you think your local farmer is going to start chipping and logging his eggs/meats/veggies/milk on the blockchain? if you've ever even met a farmer, you know this shit is just a pipe dream. the old generations isn't even using excel yet.

>> No.15215848

they're going to have to because Chinese Government made it law.

>> No.15215853

>I unironically do want to know where my food and products really come from...
why do you need blockchain for that? you dont..

>> No.15215866

Kek - KYS

>> No.15215879

yeah because you just read the label and believe what is says right?

>> No.15215912

chinese government made a law saying farmers have to chip and log their shit on the blockchain? I don't believe you. blockchain is an incredibly inefficient data structure for real world data.

>> No.15215930

>Because we dont need this shit in the logistics. The current supply chain management method is good enough.
>Procurer in vehicle industry
Yeah, I will make your job redundant and blockchain might or might not be part of that

digitization consultant.

(*) I've seen a lot of inefficient industries, but supply chain is among the worst.

>> No.15215935

No real company is ever going to use some chink ultra superman node memechain that uses sketchy marketing and pyramid schemes to pump their coin price. They all use IBM (hyperledger) blockchain which requires no token. This is the same reason AION, WAN, ICX, ONE, FTM, ZIL, etc all failed.

>> No.15215943

>VeChain (chinkscam or not) is the only one with the right partners and proper hardware currently trying to make this happen.
What about TradeLens and https://www.provenance.org/, though?

>> No.15216038

then don't! walmart china wouldn't have invested 100 million on food tracking or nothing.

>> No.15216057

dunno about them and havent seen any of their solutions being used in grocery stores

>> No.15216121

Luxury goods don't need ugly QR codes on their shit. Others are cutting cost and making profits by obfuscating their supply chain. I only see use of that tech in collecting evidence in crime scenes. Only the utility shitcoins that can cut costs and increase profits will survive, this is not it.

>> No.15216236
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Also you gotta be fucking stupid to think that the food companys are going to trust a fucking chink project, dumbass they have their own blockchain, Im from Spain and here in carrefour they have their OWN fucking blockchain, get fucked in the ass reddit

>> No.15216264

>you gotta be fucking stupid to think that the food companys are going to trust a fucking chink project

Go ask Walmart what they think

>> No.15216275

They're all scams. Every single one

>> No.15216305

its walmart china sirs walmart MAGA have their own

>> No.15216400

food tracking != blockchain. you're welcome to post your sources, but it sounds like you just want to shill your scam bags by bending the narrative.

>> No.15216419

No one trusts chinks

>> No.15216790

we trust them enough to let them produce like 90% of all products we use...

>> No.15217062


>> No.15217228

That’s why they start at the top, and go all the way to the bottom.

>i dont deal with that crap blockchain, my stuff is legit because i say say.

Ok, then go fuck yourself we’ll buy our stuff from the next in line who can prove he’s legit.

>> No.15217249

Because you have multiple parties involved, and this is an administrative clusterfuck. Blockchain makes it easy to use, easy to track and easy to view for the buyer. Appart from cryptocurrency tracking stuff with blockchain is a match made in heaven.

>> No.15217300

This guy thinks our technology will remain stagnant and won’t evolve :,). Cell phones will adapt you fucking retard.

>> No.15217302

hey retard,
you're trying to tell me that the chinese government made a law about farmers having to register shit on the blockchain and I asked you to post sources on that....cause it's obviously bullshit.

>> No.15217336

Obligatory Ambrosus post that will be met "scambrosus alibaba lmao!" Ambrosus is unironically the best horse in this race, there are elements of success already but nothing concrete yet aka "actual clients" definitely worth keeping an eye on though if you like supply chain as a usecase for DLT. Permissionless onboarding for masternodes just started, the ecosystem is set up in a way that incentivizes Ambrosus to actually get clients otherwise their network will fail due to node holders having no incentive to run a node. DYOR

>> No.15217464

Yeah, then don't be a sitting duck and invest in the tech that will make this coin feasible instead of waiting that external improvements will save VeChain someday. You're accumulating opportunity costs for much more promising projects.

>> No.15217572

Look at this ugly code! https://mobile.twitter.com/bangcryptobang/status/986889797296795648

It’s so ugly i would never want that on any of my packages.

This is already happening, i don’t care about future NFC improvements or not. QR is fast and small.

>> No.15217623
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>Why did supply chain blockchains fail so miserably?

Because it's a fucking retarded idea that no one asked for.

How could you imagine corporations paying some chinks for a database that they would have to share with said Chinks for a fee?

What the actual fuck?

These scams proved to me that the crypto ivestors are some of the dumbest people in the world.

>> No.15217672

>chink chink chink
>why would a not chink trust a chink supply chain FAIL
except Ambrosus which is Swiss and has a much better infrastructure than Vechain, because holy shit! they actually are working towards full decentralization aka the entire benefit of this shit. Remember the initial blockchain selling points "immutable" "trustless". Vechains selling point has always been "moon" and that's it.

>> No.15217678
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>B2B market and the end consumer isn't the target audience?

Have you considered that VeChink is a multi-level marketing scam where the product isn't the fake service, which no one pays for, but selling billions of tokens to retards NEETs on Chinese unregulated exchanges with no strings attached?

Goddamn, you people are stupid. No wonder crypto is crawling with fraud and the laughing stock of the finance world.

Just stick to Bitcoin.

>> No.15217697



Discarded, self-written propaganda.

>> No.15217716
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>Go ask Walmart what they think

Walmart has nothing to do with VeChink.

Not even Walmart China mentions anything about VeChink, they simply made their own press release because they attended some event where the VeChinks rubbed shoulders with some reps from Walmart China.

Stay CHINKED Reddit.

>> No.15217730

>Ambrosus is unironically the best horse in this race

So the best horse in a race that ends in miserable failure?

>> No.15217739

That's exactly what it is. Vechain can also be the downfall of Reddit too, the amount of censoring and brigading perpetrated by mods is ridiculous. They have created a crazy echo chamber that tons of retards belong to over there, when this shit falls through Vechain will lose nothing and will have gained everyone's money, Reddit will be outed as a manipulative forum that is run by sociopaths who use the website to push a narrative that benefits their own personal interests, in this case monetary interest.

>> No.15217747
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Sorry but QR Codes ruin the aesthetics of luxury goods. Less standardization, more craftsmanship is what people are looking for, that's why you won't find barcodes on these things.

>> No.15217750

>That's exactly what it is.

Same for Scambrosus. Who do you think you're fooling here?

None of these shrimp tracking scam projects have or will ever generate a single dollar in sales or revenue.

>> No.15217755

You didn't do your research did you. Give me your reasons for Ambrosus failing and don't say shit that pertains to Vechain, one shit supply chain project doesn't mean another is inherently shit.

>> No.15217815

>You didn't do your research did you.

Yeah, I did.

Zero income, not a single dollar in revenue. Now or in the future.

>> No.15217820

Also the earlier point made by a different anon about B2B vs investor marketing, AMB has only done B2B their marketing otherwise is trash.

>> No.15217841

Ah yes may I acquire a source for this information? Particularly the one involving you seeing into the future.

>> No.15217851

no you didn't, retard

>> No.15217983
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> The Supply Chain Meme

>> No.15218532


Jesus, imagine buying any of that trash.

Bagholders are down over 100.99%

>> No.15218596

>bagholders are down
>indicating price reflects true value in this market right now
>Vechain ranked 30 with almost 300 million mcap
>Vechain was valued at ~$6 during bull run
>indicating price reflects true value in this market

>> No.15218706



>> No.15218720

Just check the packaging anon, it tells you on the box where it came from, you don’t need a token for that

>> No.15218867

>check packaging
>"everything seems to be in place"
>get E. coli
>b-but the big corporation s-said it was safe....
>company loses value because Javier glossed over the fact his trucks cooler stopped working for an hour
>by the time they find out what happened Javier and his boss have run off with the money
>Javier's shit is automatically tracked by sensors uploading to DLT
>"alright Javier let's check the readings"
>"says here your cooler stopped for an hour the supply is contaminated"
>Javier's boss gets fined, supply is destroyed

>> No.15218908

keeping the data on the blockchain just means its immutable but it still doesnt have to be true. they could put all kinds of fake data on there and how would you ever know its true or not? there is absolutely no point to Vechain if you turn on your brain and think about it for a minute.

>> No.15218980

Vechain is a joke yes but your other question about value is all about the sensors. Sensors will be tracking and recording all of this data, if they are messed with it will show up on the blockchain and therefore the source of contamination can be immediately determined. Yes, companies can still try to work around this obviously, the point is that it will be much harder to do and if you get caught you are caught immediately, not a month later when you've abandoned your business and disappeared with the money.

>> No.15218998

that's my thinking as well
what benefits of adding a blockchain in the mix do you get over a centralized db?

>> No.15219006

I'm pretty sure they just stole some Walmart drawings and added some vechain on it.

In fact I'm sending this to a Walmart brand manager right now to see if this is even legal.

>> No.15219033

well, OriginTrail is still kicking and I earn enough tokens, running their node, to pay for the VPS + some

>> No.15219053


>why aren't boomers and farmers using bleeding edge technology

Gee I don't know

>> No.15219102

Centralized database isn't trustless, the same problems are still present even if it's easier to navigate.

>> No.15219132

When the poisoning happened the damage is already done. It would be smarter to make it in real time, transfering the sensory data to a smart contract that is dissolved when the cooler stops working for x duration.

>> No.15219251

that's been obvious since the beginning. ffs the rebrand event was proof enough of who their target market is.
>imagine a world where everything you touch generates power!!

>> No.15219348
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>Vechain ranked 30 with almost 300 million mcap

You're right, it's massively overvalued.

For a company with no revenue and no hopes of revenue, this should be trading at less than 5 million marketcap.

A few Chinks in an empty office with a few laptops isn't worth more than that.

>> No.15219746

but how the fuck is supply chain blokchain trustless? Seems like there are mutliple points where you'd still have to rely on trust

>> No.15219762


Bascially, you give proprietary corporate information to Chinks, then they tell you their private database, aka Blockchain is trustless, and then they sell your data to some Chink company rival.

>> No.15219804

>Why did supply chain blockchains fail so miserably?
It hasn't. VeChain has failed because they are a scammy team that lies to everyone and tries to manipulate the market. It's also not really a blockchain as it's centralized with hidden masternodes. There can still be solid supply chain products. VeChain shit the bed for other reasons.

>> No.15219927


>t. WaltonChink, Scambrosus bagholder

Sell now, it's going to zero.

>> No.15219944

I don't hold any of that China bullshit, but VeChain is the scammiest bullshit in crypto that retards on plebbit are still falling for.

>> No.15220411

Vechain is not to be trusted and the community is a bunch of brainlet bagholders. Nobody should have touched this shit after their tokensplit

>> No.15220413
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Can't disagree with you there.

At least Reddit is getting absolutely BTFO financially, that's the only good thing I can say about the Chinks.

>> No.15220489

Because you trust the sensors and the network, if it is set up properly you can identify where tampering occurred why doesn't this make sense. If a farmer records a bad batch as a good batch, it makes it all the way to the end, the sensors were not tampered with and give good readings, and then consumers get sick it can be determined the farmers lied from the get go and then they get fined and nobody does business with them anymore. As of right now the way supply chain works you can do that and get away with it because by the time you're found out you're gone. This exact thing happened with that romaine E. coli outbreak, some scammers in Venezuela or some shit sold that shit to the big boys telling them it was fine, by the time it was found out those guys were gone. Now obviously with my example it proves that even with blockchain bad shit can make it's way to the shelf, but those big companies selling it at the end don't want that horrible PR, if they use this tech they can immediately say "hey it wasn't us it was these guys and we will never do business with them again" and consumers can track the goods to see that yes they did not just buy from the same guys or yes they did buy from the same guys fuck them im not buying which the big company doesn't want to happen. If it's centralized, big company can just lie and say they aren't doing business with them anymore, falsify the info and sell contaminated shit over and over again.

>> No.15220555

>>scambrosus bagholder
Still haven't given any legitimate criticism against Ambrosus

>he's a retarded Reddit vs 4chan fanboy
Now I understand lol I'm sure you were smart enough to sell LINK at $4 right anon lol

>> No.15220646
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>> No.15220649

>Still haven't given any legitimate criticism against Ambrosus

The fact it's a big fucking failure with no revenue?

>> No.15220683

>Private blockchains

>> No.15220697

OT is down the fucking gutter price wise and the CMO exit dumped all her tokens

>> No.15220705

They literally just started onboarding permissionless nodes last week, how the fuck does that equal it being a failure?
>no clients using it
Show me a crypto project that is being used by clients right now