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15213693 No.15213693 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Deutsche Bank performing so bad ? Is Germany economy stuck in its manufacturing glory days? Are migrants and refugee that big of an issue? Do you guys not care about the economy and are living a fulfilling cultural life travelling Europe and chilling around your European Kingdom ?

I've been looking on my side of the Atlantic and I`ve been successfully betting on a secular bull market for 20 years in the US market and I'm confident in this country maintaining its global currency reserve status and technological progress. American stocks and most internet technologies are doing really well.

The main issue is that everyone is doing passive investing and is invested in ETFs, Facebook Google, and Amazon. A bank run would have a snowball effect crashing the market and these stocks, however, they have big enough cash balance to continue buying back their own shares and keep their stock price (and the INDEXES afloat).

The US markets did crash 30% super fast in January in what feels a distant memory... At the same time wealth disparity is at a historic high with the 0.1% having more money than the rest... so I guess it's just them playing 4d chess and us trying to profit off their crumbs by anticipating their moves... Zuck controls Facebook, Bezos, Buffet and Bloomberg control the media and idk whos behind cnn/fox or if people even watch it anymore...

Cryptocurrencies are a new class of assets and allow to monetize a new category of assets. It's a major concept in the world economy and is a net plus similar to the Internet. I don't think it should be pitched against fiat currency but rather against the ''cash'' and black-market,

>> No.15213704

Europoor communism finally catching up with you. Good riddance.

>> No.15213734

Reign of nazi need to end

>> No.15213740

germany is fucked. t. germanfag here. we’re just riding out the fruits of our good days and stopped innovating or even trying. as we are starting to get outperformed and outinnovated, the east is going to make us more and more irrelevant while we are also going to struggle with the sociologic consequences of nearly unlimited migration.
germany will fall from glory and will be a shell of it’s former self in the next 15 years. it’s all too obvious but for our boomer leaders and CEOs

>> No.15213795

why arent you being more creative and solving your country problems ?

with all due respect, you are part of the problem and should be investing locally and encouraging your community.

why do you use facebook, why do you use google? how is vk adoption there ?

you can do a german-centric product with a better culture fit and actually improve your society by controlling your data and its analytics.

i respect your scientist and your academic research and europe is doing great work in high physics.

>> No.15213811

80% of the planet wealth belong to 1% most the Rothschild, like this guy can do anything

>> No.15213814

at the same time you had a woman as head of state for 10 years or so so maybe she got fucked over by putin and xi.

>> No.15213830

We have got thousands of angry murderous raping migrants AND we have a bunch of elites we hate..... How about you put them against each others, migrants on the frontline?

>> No.15213843

circle austria with migrants and invade vienna

>> No.15213910

>just solve a dozen problems on your own
>just stop climate change
>just give everyone food
>don’t be part of the problem
you are a supreme faggot. you will realize at sone point that some processes can’t be stopped anymore and that not every individual has the power or capacity to „change the world“ and to „be anything they want to be“ and frankly i don’t even want to.
i respect people trying but it’s a lost cause. humanity will once again have to suffer the consequences that is 100% the only way we learn. we have to be fucked so hard in our asses that we have no other choice than to adapt and overcome. it was like this and it will be like this again

>> No.15214007
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Do a second holocaust!!!!!
This time extra focus on muslims!!!!!!
Deutschland ueber verschiedene!!

>> No.15214019

I'm surprised you guys lost faith. I thought german were practising Christians. I wanted to express that if you lose hope, the problems won't solve themselves. You guys are Europeans hero and have been shamed since ww2.

I used to serve food at a homeless shelter. A lot of wasted food can be re-used. Between poor people not eating and them eating old-ish food, I would choose the lesser "evil". We produce enough food to feed 9 billion people on Earth. Thre is a lot of waste.

Climate change is a reality, would mind pinpointing specific issues in how it affects Germany ?

>> No.15214045
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>We produce enough food to feed 9 billion people on Earth.
A calorie restriction diet has actually been shown to be quite healthy for mice and rats and other creatures https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-hunger-gains-extreme-calorie-restriction-diet-shows-anti-aging-results/

>> No.15214056

It is a waste of human labour in this technological era. It's better to ally with Muslim and work with their strengths and yours to solve your problem.

Historical cities that achieved religious integration between Jews, Muslims and Christians lived a Golden Age.

>> No.15214096

Still waiting for the Krauts to march on England and purge the world of the Anglo menace

>> No.15214141

The problem of Muslim immigration and whole refugee crisis was caused by the fall of Libya and Syria
due to regime change efforts by the Anglos and the French.

The US/UK/FR then forced the entire Eurozone into accepting refugees from Northern Africa.
The conniving Anglos then refused to accept any refugees nor take responsibility for their dastardly actions.
Plans for refugee camps in Northern Africa (Instead of mainland Europe) were VETO'd by the Glorious US of A and the UK.
And fucking Anglo and Jewish NGOs keep pushing the refugee agenda throughout Europe

Fuck the Anglos and psychosis.
The sooner the Brussels break free, the faster we can resolve the refugee problem

>> No.15214155

In your dream

>> No.15214164

because jews like epstein are their main clients

>> No.15214176

Not the one you talked to but germany is kinda stuck in a place where it cant move forward, because all the old people (we have the highest old people ratio) vote all their shitty parties and the young people are either left or right. Unfortunately more to the left. That means we're stuck in a situation where the parties can just do whatever they want like getting paid by lobbyists, letting in all the migrants, appease the jews because no one cares. They support coal industry for decades, are about to shut down all nuclear reactors while the rest are arguing whether trannies are a thing and muslims good

Were fucked and i want to save myself the headache trying to achieve something here. As soon as i got money im completely outtie.
I once loved germany but fuck this country

>> No.15214182

>why arent you being more creative and solving your country problems
because people would get jailed for this

>> No.15214193

>forced the entire Eurozone

Why didn't they just say "no"? Could it be because they're a bunch of pozzed onions guzzling commie trannies who deserve everything they're going to get?

>> No.15214204

>biz literally saying to short the bottom of DB for 2 months now

>> No.15214211


>> No.15214216

Germany's technology sector is stuck and doesn't modernize, that's why they talk constantly about digitalisation. It's like the Soviet Union in the 60s - 80s which overlied on heavy industry. Germans thought they could be mechanical engineers and car factories for the rest of their existence.

>> No.15214225
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because the EU doesn't give a fuck what you want

>> No.15214231


Are you guys actual people or are you poo shitcoin peddlers? Just curious. I can't tell who's who now.

>> No.15214245

Poland and hungary said fuck off we take no immigrants
The EU fucked them with snctions and punishments and got decalred as the most nazi states ever worse than hitler

the media shitted on them hardcore for not taking in immigrants

>any rajeet, pajjet street shitting curryjeet discussing euro stuff

>> No.15214251

I don't know man, this board feels so fake and gay. How do you guys still come to this shithole? It feels like I'm talking to poos 90% of the time.

>> No.15214262

>resolve to solve problem
>go to town hall
>mention immigrant crisis and how it us unsustainable
>townspeople get triggered
>be labeled racist and islamophobic
>put on terrorist white supremacist list
>argue why it is wrong
>sentenced to life in prison for obstruction of progressivism
>lose job
>lose kids
>lose driver's license
>lose house
>lose virginity to achmed in jail

>> No.15214265

Libya was a fucking mistake you muppet

>> No.15214291

i think you cant generalize that we lost faith as a nation. most people are actually looking at the future positively i guess. after all we’re still a rich country. it will change though that’s the concern i have. we are making tons of mistakes politically and economically. we will be left behind if we don’t get on our feet. what made us this successful and prosperous is our innovations and technological advancements. the typical cliches of german engineering are true but we are loosing ground. you can be ahead and still stagnate while others catch up and suddenly you are left in the dust.
im not the guy that screams all niggers out or we need a second hitler like some of my coworkers do but we can’t pay for everyone and most of all we shouldn’t let our morals and culture die to a horde of immigrants that have no respect for it. we are going to die from the inside and i’m not sure we can saved by anyone like the US saved us after WW2 with the marshall plan.

we are at the peak of our wealth right now but we are going to be joke in many years. the once so solid german economy. europe’s money house. the proud germans are running face front into absolute disaster and almost no one sees it coming.
they people that do are made fun of because we are still doing good but these are delayed effects. it’s not like from one day to the next our cars are shit and don’t sell. it’s not like we cant build anything anymore but more a slow grind to a halt and laziness.
the warning signs are here and yet are being ignored

>> No.15214373

if you ever noticed DB bank is a head puppet for all banking & between Oct 31st and 2020 DB will be zero!! it has nothing to do with the mulsims.... 2008 was never fixed to start with....

>> No.15214391

also, if you haven't looked round!!! DB bank still is a nazi bank, running off zoombies from the golden hitler years ....zoombie companies!! also, everybank in the western work is going to be negitave interest rates & db is the head of banking...

>> No.15214407
File: 369 KB, 1337x1337, BCF468E7-C5F6-45B3-BA4D-8569FCB36C57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw german wagecucks wake up every day early in the morning to support niggas and lazy shitskins with government bux
>mfw niggas and shitskins rape, kill and fuck your women while wagecuck is working
>mfw your cuck government can not kick them out of your country
>mfw your country will transform slowly into an absolute shit hole
>mfw you can not do anything about it
>mfw i am living a comfy life in a based country without niggas and shitskins
>mfw my 8/10 gf sucks my cock everyday

>> No.15214425

GOOD POINT!! take a lession of South Africa over the last 50 years...

>> No.15214509

>Were fucked and i want to save myself the headache trying to achieve something here. As soon as i got money im completely outtie.
>I once loved germany but fuck this country

same. there is no saving this country.
german boomers are the worst boomers on the planet, they turned everything to shit

>> No.15214531

Where is the copypasta to the pic?

>> No.15215150

wtf is this retarded table? idc about googling others, but neither denmark, nor sweden joined the eurozone and still use their native currencies.
wtf does vote ignored supposed to mean, if they got what they voted for?

>> No.15215398

just remember the Uk are sick of muslims & niggas!!! bouot time they leave the communist block......Mother meckel is a cunt between her legs & that's what she is good 4

>> No.15215485

they gambled and gamblers ALWAYS lose in the long run.

>> No.15215603


tf is this board is constantly obsessed with DB and comparative yuro memes

>> No.15215629

DB stock has ruined boomer pension funds already

>> No.15215915

germ here. Its pretty much the Flynn effect in action. We imported shittons of shitkskin and niggers. And this is of course affecting the averag IQ. Missing engineers etc.

>> No.15215948


I doubt you're German. larp

>> No.15216379

leeeeee mannnn!!! bro's 2.00000000 times million times worse, there's nothing to say it's not going to the cleaners.. gayman brothers were too big to fail remember????

>> No.15217067
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Friendly reminder that you can short deutsche bank with zero fees on quantfury.

>> No.15217333

> just be creative bro
but as the post oges on, ut's actually based
All Germs have to do is uncuck themselves from the ((())) and their amerimutt lapdog oppression.
Doubtful if they're capable of it, they are far too indoctrinated

>> No.15218032
File: 89 KB, 503x758, d3ccf84f70feae256e95184c98b31182b1ce8248fdc794cb60c18b9fa38a4716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do a second holocaust!!!!!
On Boomers and Green voters? Worth a try............. In mincraft. Reality is different.

WestD hier, fucking hellhole, work work, we are doing good, what you complain about, nowhere else you can live so good, thats why everybody comes here........ thats poor people coming, they dont know better and the politicians are just overwhelmed and do not know what to do, but tell me where do you can live better.

Before smashing some boomers I decided to stay calm and will leave as soon as possible.

Fuck (West)Germany

>> No.15218047

I feel only sorry for the German children, very sorry

>> No.15218101

>gibs for everyone
>free money for poorfags to buy houses with negative interest rates
>immigration which is not bad per se but since a lot of manufacturing of the West is done in the 3rd world, no use for them

Gee, I wonder why. And since a lot of the EU follow the policies of these fags, we're all being fucked in a few years