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15212572 No.15212572 [Reply] [Original]

thinking of going full time into making dance music. Heard I won't make it without getting approval from the gate keepers of the music industry. Is this true? Even if I'm pretty good? This is something that's more fun for me than work.

>> No.15212590

link us to your shitty music

>> No.15212593

Everyone and their mum wants to be an EDM DJ. I don't even think the live performance part requires that much technical skill your main job is just putting on a good show. Do you have marketability?

>> No.15212616

It won’t work.

>> No.15212631

Yea its one of those things where it doesnt matter if youre good, it matters who you know.

>> No.15212770

99,9% fails

>> No.15212982

I make edm and it's just for fun. I wouldnt expect making money. But all you need is one recognized artist to say check out your shit and you are in. Try getting your music into cinema or anime and you can increase your chances. The music on it's own is hard to sell, but if you have video to go with it you increase your marketability

>> No.15213794

Do it for the love of music not to make money as this industry is totally over saturated
Also edm is dying a slow death, consider making techno(the next big dance boom) or even just house or tech house.

>> No.15213819

The time where you can make real money with electronic music is over. It's all just a show now and you will never get in without the looks/connections

>> No.15213861

>Even if I'm pretty good?
You're not.

>> No.15213900

EDM producer here, let's link up
Anthony A#8273 on discord

>> No.15213901
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probably the best way to spend your parents money, rather than building a business. absolute genius.

>> No.15214145

Some truth to this too, if op was good he would say “even if I’m good?” Rather than leading in with weak language

>> No.15214223

If you do it, learn digital marketing and sell your music only like a product. Don't sit around and wait until some boomer music manager "discovers" your music or some shit like that. Market yourself online, build an big online community/fanbase and afterwards you can contact labels/promotors if your shit gets too hard to handle. DIY goes a long way and you'll learn a ton. It's like building a business anon.

>> No.15214244

>Making music
>Dance Music
>Literal 4chan pleb

I'm sure the women love you

You faggots are so unbelievably pathetic. No one cares about your shitty wanna be deadmau5 project with terrible mixing and complete lack of melody and motif. Fuck off to Plebbit with this gay shit.

>> No.15214273

I've actually had some successful gigs on fiverr making background music for commercials
This is one way to get your name out there

>> No.15214918

if you are independent don't think you will make more than a web dev (while working harder than one)

>> No.15215638

I like music like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_4AJ1qPYhM fucking rad

>> No.15215689

DJ/Producer here. You won't succeed by having talent and making good tracks. It's all about knowing the right people. The music industry sucks and everyone at the top knows who everyone is. They're pretty much all backstabbers and asskissers.

>> No.15215711

Korns frontman Brian Welch famously said the music industry can make you feel like a prostitute.

>> No.15215719
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>> No.15215821

There's a million other kids that are also 'pretty good' and are trying to make it in the EDM business tho, unless you have something unique about you to differentiate you from all the other kids you have pretty much zero chance of making it.

>> No.15216491

>Even if I'm pretty good? This is something that's more fun for me than work.
Make good music and play the underground. Unless you just want to make shitty copypaste samplings and yell into a microphone at the mainstage in large festivals if thats the case then fuck off and fail

>> No.15216649

Techno? Are you retarded or 50+ years?

>> No.15216706

What is EDM? Like Big Room House or whatever? From my experience rave music has had a bunch of different incarnations since the 80s but theres no wikipedia article for "rave" music.

>> No.15216710

Dnb was gonna be the next big hit, dubstep stole the spotlight(God damn normies) dubstep was a weed smoking ragga vibe music in 2006.
Then became 'rave hybrid trap pop whatever fuk u u'll listen anyways coz your retarded' genre. It was hard finding good dub before Skrillex n now it's impossible and I give up because of that ego faggots self destruction skills.

>> No.15216752

Edm. Electronic dance music. A blanket term for everything modern thats not country/rock/rap

>> No.15216778

Oh yeah. Techno IS edm. You boomer and or retard.

>> No.15216970
File: 97 KB, 770x770, 0fdfbc2dccd4340ebb8e4d7ac05a20bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Techno is indeed the next big boom every since 2016 cuz its "cool" and "underground". You'll need need to have a female as the "face", dj, and social media brand while you ghost-produce the beats at home. Pic related- Amelie Lens with almost 1MM followers.

>> No.15217685

EDM is dying, buy a hurdy gurdy if you want to be ahead of the curve

>> No.15217781

Skream and Benga were my shit back in the day. I still listen to them sometimes