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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1520971 No.1520971 [Reply] [Original]

>independent video game craze ended
>crowdfunding craze ended
>livestreaming craze ended
>bitcoin craze ended.
What is there even left to do anymore? All the good things are over. 2010-20 was the generation idiocracy which created a lot of easy ways of making money.

I'll just listen to my cheap electro-funk music while I wallow myself in lost opportunities.

>> No.1520982


Eh money never made anyone happy. Money only maintains your happiness, it doesn't create it.

>> No.1521014

This is the end, isn't it /biz/?

>> No.1521034

No one will ever be a millionaire ever again. There's no more frontiers. People are immune to advertising forever now.

>> No.1521104

you can't see new frontiers because they need to be created. if you don't have the idea then you need to follow others. or look for trends and how they are changing.

it has been stated many times on /biz/ that a good way to become successful is to take something and improve it.

you just need to find something that has flaws but is still popular and figure a way to improve it and sell it.

>> No.1521121

>There's no more frontiers.
Spoken like a true wagecuck and poorfag

>> No.1521142

>>independent video game craze ended
Yes I just checked the iOS game charts and it's completely blank.

>> No.1521148

>>independent video game craze ended
Shitty pixelshit games have ended. Now it's trying to cash in on nostalgia AKA 3d platformers and actual pixel art.

Not hard, just more work.

>> No.1521162

Yeah I remember reading forums in 2012 with developers lamenting over how you "couldn't make money on the app store anymore".

The reality is it just turned into what any other creative industry is. You can't become rich from making shit-tier movies. You can't become rich from making shit-tier games.

>> No.1521203

So what new chances are you guys expecting for 2020? Chances which preferabily don't require you to be some 10/10 scientist inventing the cure for cancer and unwanted pregnancies.

>> No.1521218

>cure for cancer
How much would I be able to sell this for? I think I might have it lying around in my fridge somewhere.

>> No.1521220

You're not too bright, are you?

>> No.1521326
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>crowdfunding craze has ended
>a small square with buttons on it just raised 5 million dollars on kickstarter

>> No.1521363

>Shitty pixelshit games have ended


Ever heard of Undertale?

>> No.1521715


>> No.1521756

>in any way shitty
get out

>> No.1521828

The fidget cube.
Something retards will buy for 19 bucks and play with for 5 minutes before forgetting about it.

>> No.1521909

I'm glad someone said this. I'm an indie video game developer and it bothers me when I read whiny blogposts from other devs who are disappointed about not making millions off their gimmicky flash-tier games. These are the same people who unironically think marketing is the most important aspect of game development.

>> No.1521959

>think marketing is the most important aspect of game development.
Well look at No Mans Sky, the marketing of the bearded developer guy sold shitloads of a subpar game. Everyone felt 'misled' despite all gameplay videos showing exactly how the game was.

>> No.1522104


>> No.1522143

>No one will ever be a millionaire ever again
Wow, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.1522183

Create something, invest in something, or fuck off and die slowly from a horrible, painful disease.

A book, a movie, an app, a platform, a website, actual art - sculpture, painting, a product, etc a deal?

Both Dan Peña and James Altucher have said there is more fucking money out there looking for a home than ever.

Bonds, savings accounts, etc - safe havens, are showing record low returns, so people are funding shit left right and centre, because only one project out of 10 needs to show a return. Even those not wanting a return want to say they funded a project, because it gets you kudos for future projects and you can network through that.

20 years ago, you would have to suck cock for a lousy $50k loan not secured on a house or car, boat, etc

Now you have VC's, angel Investors, crowdfunding, literal begging sites and you're sitting here whining.

I just saw some cunt put together a website and a cookbook for cheap meals. She raised $144k. The ebook was free, yet the book sold out on Amazon.
She has a sequel out now.
Another cookbook raised £8k in 24 hours.

Where's your idea?
Have you asked for one godamn dollar yet?
Show me your inventory.
Have you arranged a deal yet?

I send 10 emails a week about deals, some pay off.

>> No.1522188 [DELETED] 
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You sound like the biggest beta faggot ever

Stay sad while others make money, groundo

>> No.1522198

I've been making steady dough selling biofuel in Europe for last 10 years, didn't produce a single thing myself. Selling timber too, the industry isn't going anywhere and was around pretty much since Christ.

>> No.1522199

I would look up the latest opinions and research from environmental and economic thinktanks on biofuel.

You don't need to agree, just good to know if you don't already.

I think they said it is more polluting and/or expensive

>> No.1522202


Meme magic will guide me to victory.

>> No.1522213


>The joke

>Your heads.

>> No.1522214

As much shit as people give Undertale, you're objectively wrong in saying its shitty. Not your style, sure. Overrated? I'd agree with you there. But it's not shitty. It's above average for a small project at the least.

>> No.1522255

do you have a name or link for the cookbook? i could do that

>> No.1522259
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It's not the only one, page one of google, nigga.

I downloaded this one, and I was surprised how short and basic it was. It was literally /b/ level 'meals'.

>> No.1522422

Is that a real book or just a digital book?

>> No.1522871

Look into the market where crowdfunding has been successful with delivered product and invest in them.

>> No.1522937
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>bitcoin craze ended

>> No.1522990

bitcoins too volatile

>im still buthurt i didnt buy at £90 when I started taking interest

>> No.1523455

Poloniex isn't over yet.

>> No.1523763

>too volatile
>literally only going up since january 2015 when your dumb ass got told to get all in

>> No.1523769

I'm still butthurt I didn't buy at 0.008 a bitcoin.

>> No.1524090

You are right OP. Even if new frontiers exist, there is a difference between those old frontiers and today's: everyone knew about those frontiers. Even in its prime, everyone knew that app development was easy money. They knew that crowdfunding was easy money, they knew that online poker was easy money, they knew that browser games were easy money, they knew that webdev was easy money, all WHILE it was still easy money. So where is today's easy money that everyone knows about? There is none, and there won't be any ever again.

>> No.1524197

I feel bad for nocoiners. It's literally as easy as holding 21 BTC for 10 years then retire a millionaire.

>> No.1524251

If you're actually serious and want to get into something before it becomes mainstream.


That is all, if you're business oriented you should be able to figure something out.

>> No.1525420


>> No.1525550

At least we still have Poloniex.
