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15209387 No.15209387 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15209410
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Monero is cool, but it is not a store of value nor has the recognition of bitcoin. It is the same reason gold has higher value than silver even tho silver has more utility by far and is more scarce than gold (on the crust of the planet). Monero will underperform against btc, as 99% of the whole market, you like it or not. It is not far nor logical. It just is.

>> No.15209459

You’ll be in jail right next to the other monero holders. Anyone caught using it will be imprisioned. Most likely 25-life. Pretty sad actually

>> No.15209526

You state this as if it is fact, and yet provide no information supporting your claim... Here let me guess before you say anything

>The tail emission means there's infinite coins so muh monetary policy is shit

There are several reasons for the tail emission, first and foremost is network security. We know for a fact that Monero will ALWAYS have incentives for miners to support the network. The Satoshi style fee market is still as of today, unproven.

Alot of bitcoin maxis will then bring up the fact that there are infinite coins in Monero, and while true they don't understand the full picture. When the tail emssion hits the inflation rate will be under 1% and decreasing as time goes on. It is a linear inflation rate NOT EXPONENTIAL like that we have seen with pretty much every fiat currency that exists.

I would actually also argue that Monero has a better claim to be "Digital Gold" than bitcoin ever will just for the fact that it is fungible. Gold is fungible and bitcoin is not and most likely never will be.

Gold also has inflation right now, and contrary to what most believe, it is also exponential, which means that as time goes on there will be more and more gold entering the market. Monero's inflation is less than that of gold.

>> No.15209543
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>> No.15209567

Nice 1/10000000 BTC's hashrate you got there, boyos. I'm sure baning ASICs was a great idea, wasn't it? Uh?

>> No.15209575


Privacy coins have no future.

Just buy BTC and LINK fags.

>> No.15209596

What I try to say is that Monero > Bitcoin in all fronts, except in recognition and value, the second linked to the first. I do not hodl Monero for this same reason: Monero is useful, but Bitcoin is king. I did not create the game, but I don't want to lose it: I accumulate satoshis and increase the value of my bags. And would have been rekted the last year and a half if I chose XMR over BTC.

>> No.15209605

> Monero is what Bitcoin noobs THINK they bought

unironically this. ask any boomer about crypto and they think it works the way monero does, blows their mind to learn bitcoin is the exact opposite of anonymous

>> No.15209614
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comfy hodling

>> No.15209631
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>> No.15209643
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>> No.15209758
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>> No.15209777
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The market is dumb, XRP being at 14 billion and tron being one of the biggest cryptos should tell you this, but eventually as the market matures and people really get their shit together and start understanding this stuff they will see the true value prop of XMR.

looks like its setting up for a nice run to me... were you even around in 17'?

>> No.15209801

Hashes per second doesn't matter. Joules / second does, dumbfuck.

>> No.15209942

Transactions in XMR will be (soft- banned by the G20 at some point.
The problem of Monero is that it's too good for the individual and the people at large, so the government will ban it justifying it with fighting terrorism or some shit.
I expect that only coins that can be monitored by the government at some level will be used, in short the pseudonymous ones.

There has already been clear sign in France and Japan of these.
Still I don't think they will just pass criminal laws for owning Monero but they will bully commerces with crazy regulations so that there is no chance they will bother accepting them (unless they are already in the parallel economy of course).

>> No.15209952

will you get tari airdrops if you hold monero or has that not been determined yet?

>> No.15209984

People don't have to accept monero directly. You can autoexchange it to the currency of their choosing. It's more than ideal for everyday usage and far more stable than most cryptos that aren't ERC20 stable coins

>> No.15210100

Been lurking waiting for someone to say something like this.
The same shit was said about bitcoin in the early days and what happened? Why is bit torrent still operational to this day? BECAUSE ITS DECENTRALIZED. they cant stop this shit! the faster you realize this and understand why this stuff was made to be decentralized in the first place, the better off you're gonna be.

To make another point though, the FATF released some guidelines a while back that basically say that they are okay with Monero and other privacy coins

No, Monero doesn't do scam shit like "Airdrops". Tari's is going to be a merge mined side chain to Monero and that's how its gonna be obtained, a lot like how dogecoin is merge mined with Litecoin.

Forgot about this. You can literally send xmr. to a bitcoin wallet with monerujo because it auto converts it to btc for you

>> No.15210230

Yes I was. And that time is gone, no more crazy bubbles for you.

>> No.15210238

Checked and based

>> No.15210271


>> No.15210272

this criminal shitcoin will get delisted from most exchanges. you are looking at a 70% dump minimum, but yeah bagholders will keep deluding themselves with dumb shit like "u cant ban math dudeee"

>> No.15210282
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>> No.15210316

>the pattern of literally every coin for the last two years

>> No.15210325
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>t. Zcash bagholder

>> No.15210333
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>Monero is cool, but it is not a store of value nor has the recognition of bitcoin. It is the same reason gold has higher value than silver even tho silver has more utility by far and is more scarce than gold (on the crust of the planet). Monero will underperform against btc, as 99% of the whole market, you like it or not. It is not far nor logical. It just is.
you are going to remember your words and eat them. your comparison doesn't hold weight because BTC vs XMR is non-fungible vs fungible - gold and silver are both fungible.
i screencapped your comment.

>> No.15210349

Unironically yes, for privacy coins

>> No.15210360

The governments around the world have been cracking down on Bitcoin the last 2 years, they have pushed stringent KYC on everyone and their mothers, they want you to communicate any account you opened on CEX with fiat deposits and they are using shits like Chainalysis to track and identify Bitcoin owners.


The next step is probably asking you to declare your wallets but that would probably be overkill since they can easily recoup datas to identify you.
It's not FUD, it's an obvious trend, the fact is decentralized means you can't shut it down, it doesn't mean you can't make it legally unappealing enough so business won't touch it with a 10ft pole.

Bittorrent is a shit example too, in the US and many countries in the EU the copyright owners will request the ISP to give them your IP and send you legal threats, this dissuades more people than you think, besides the ISP in memerica and the UK throttle torrents.
And this is just about a distribution channel for entertainment, Monero as an online anonymous store of value is a lot lot lot more threatening to governments than some normies not paying his fee to Jewlywood.

>> No.15210416

>hurr the price is low it's bad
That chart looks amazing, it looks like a perfect cup and handle. If we see another bullrun this year xmr is going to $1500 easy.

>> No.15210422

What is a DEX
What is a VPN
What is the impending financial crisis

It cant be stopped anon, seriously, maybe slowed but not stopped.

>> No.15210504

All of these things are useless if businesses are actively dissuaded by the legal system to accept Monero.
An example is KYC, the regulation doesn't say you have to register a state licence to buy crypto with fiat, that would be impossible to enforce, the regulation says that the exchange must however have their clients register their identities (and if they don't they get sidefucked).

I ironically hope I'm wrong because I own some XMR and while not perfect it's really a currency of freedom but I doubt they will ever allow let it gain anything close mainstream adoption.

>> No.15210539

Glownigger spotted

>> No.15211230

Why do they need to accept Xmr? If they accept any form of crypto then you can send the Xmr to an intermediary to convert it to their desired currency and it will effectively tumble and anonymize the transaction anyways so you still get the full benefit of xmr in the process.