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15208345 No.15208345 [Reply] [Original]

This was supposed to go zero. This isn’t funny anymore guys, I sold my stack because everyone said that the halving meme wasn’t real. Charlie even said the coin is dead.

>> No.15208430

There is nothing wrong with LTC and Charlie is still shilling it.

>> No.15208452

>I sold my stack because everyone said
don't even know what's going on with this shitcoins price but start making your own decisions and then kys.

>> No.15208460
File: 155 KB, 813x1200, 9264A0FB-0BD2-4AB1-9A8F-E481253380AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

300 EOY

>> No.15209622
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>falling for shitty FUD

>> No.15209695

> If biz tells you to sell, you buy
Is that clear?

>> No.15209869

>Charlie even said the coin is dead
He said litteraly the opposite.

>> No.15209917

Don't worry about it, Litcoin will be under $80 soon.

>> No.15209939

Oops. Its going to replace Bitcoin when it hits the transaction cap, shares all the ATM infrastructure required and has much more volume than BCH for example.

>> No.15210060

It's the best crypto 0 devs(who need them). Copy paste all code from BTC(What for make own code??)

>> No.15210084

They are working on fungibility and privacy using mimblewimble but youre just interested in blindly fudding because you hold some cancer like Jewple. Regardless its an monetary exchange crypto, it does what Bitcoin does except faster and cheaper. It can do over 8x more transactions per second and shares all the infrastructure and first to market advantages. It is the natural replacement to Bitcoin, especially since Ethereum locks up on crypto kitties and Jewple is not even a blockchain, not a crypto people will actually adopt.. and has zero ATMs.

>> No.15210098

MimbleWimble won't be happening this year. Charlie pumped it hard like it was happening this year, he fucked up.

>> No.15210158
File: 57 KB, 456x683, 1519349028137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1500 EOY

>> No.15210227

I really dont care about it, it does 60 transactions a second to Bitcoins what like 7, that alone mixed with the fact all the Bitcoin ATMs also sell Litecoin means its the natural normie adopted replacement to Bitcoin when it starts to take 50$ and 2 weeks to send it.

>> No.15210253

Normies don't even know what Litecoin is.

>> No.15210275

Normies look for simple ways to buy crypto and ATMs are one of them. They know what Litecoin is and they will know even better when Bitcoin starts to be non-viable due to the transaction cap and the prohibitive costs. Litecoin stands to replace it.

>> No.15210283

the miami dolphins know what litecoin is.

you know what else is in miami? normies and old people with money to blow. and illegal cubans also with money to blow

>> No.15210310

Nobody is blowing money on Litecoin. Sorry but you're delusional.

>> No.15210324

He didn't say it was dead, he said to sell when it was $400 and buy back when it was $20

>> No.15210395

Coping fud shill. People are buying it more than all other currencies that arent the top 4 and really they are buying it more than Ripple which is just fake volume.

>> No.15210468

I don't get the point of Litecoin when bcash exists.

>> No.15210480

litecoin was here first so it should be the other way around.

>> No.15210500

Litecoin is only worth anything if bitcoin is unable to scale, but bcash proves that bitcoin can scale.

>> No.15210582

I dont get the point of BCash when Litecoin exists. How many ATMs is your shitcoin in?
BCash isnt Bitcoin. Its a fork, totally different coin, people dont want it. Its not the big dog, its not a trading pair, its not what people load up on first thing. Bitcoin is, and then Litecoin will be. BCash addresses the problem in Bitcoin that Litecoin already addressed but shares none (okay, very little) of the first to market advantages like ATMs. Ive been to maybe 8 ATMs and never seen BCH, its always Bitcoin, Litecoin and maybe Eth.

I use ATMs because they are anonymous and easy, I know a lot of other people do too. You dont pay taxes on ATM purchased coins outside the US, I know its kiked in the US but the US is just going to miss out on crypto is all, go ahead and buy the kosher coins with ID and tie it to your bank through Coinbase for all I care, I wont be doing that.

>> No.15210607

It's really trivial to start offering bcash through ATMs.

>> No.15210641

As if the people behind it wouldnt have if they could have. Its not nearly as trusted or established as LTC. Even Ethereum is slow to get onto them.

>> No.15210659

Like you realize the ATMs are run by private companies, not Bitcoin itself.. and that they dont add BCH because they dont want to, because theres not enough people who want it, because they need to actually buy and sit on BCH and they dont think thats smart.

>> No.15210676

bcash is trash coin. normies will reject it and buy litecoin instead given its uptime and track record. plus the litecoin community and the marketing is amazing. even if the tech is not moving, the coin itself is practically what the boomers want

>> No.15210680

>Even Ethereum is slow to get onto them.
Really? For all the ones near me, if they only have two options it's Bitcoin and Ethereum.

>> No.15210704

>because theres not enough people who want it,
People want it more than they want Litecoin.

>> No.15210755


>> No.15210793

Dude, Litecoin has no devs. The shit is nothing but a Bitcoin test bed.

>> No.15210799

LTC is cheaper and easier than BTC and they’re basically the same shit. Btc is dollars and LTC is cents

>> No.15210811


>> No.15210910

Look at the charts easy read!

Worst case: $62
End of year $271


>> No.15211037

Definitely going lower.

>> No.15211051

no he didn't low IQ FUDer

>> No.15211064

actually worst case zero
best case 1.4k

>> No.15211091

I understand how you can be unnerved by the news here on biz and out there generally..
But it truly baffles me how you can be smart enough to know about purchasing cryptos (I know it's not that underground at all any more but still comparitively to the general population we are few), and then be fucking dumb enough to sell "because they told me to".
I hope you've learned your lesson - onwards and upwards