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15205003 No.15205003[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>was enticed by Chad to go clubbing with him last night and ended up spending £50 and didnt even get laid, while i watched him pull every girl that laid eyes on him.
>some girl even called me a weirdo when i pointed out that she had dropped her phone
>chad tells me i just need to be more confident


>> No.15205019

same thing happens to me aswell. usually girls hang out for 5-15minutes before they realize that i'm not normal (i have autism) and then they flee.

>> No.15205023

this is why I stopped going out at night

>> No.15205034

i've learned to gain profit before they abandon me, i usually tell them to offer drink and convince her that i pay her back after i get my credit card from my friend,

>> No.15205040

they put up with me and my odd behaviors since they want access to my resources and the house I live in but eventually they all go nope cant deal with it .. so I just stopped bothering and focus on making more money. and I started playing video games.. never really did and thats fun since I have alot of spare time

>> No.15205041

I'm 34. Never been at club or a bar. Never ordered a drink.

Don't have friends, so I'm safe from OPs experience.

>> No.15205047

get rekt pussy incel
you'll never be me, rocking fox furs, tripping shrooms and making out with the baddest bitches in the club

>> No.15205049
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yeah its fucked i can try going out and have a great time at the beginning, but then when we approach or get approached by girls
i start thinking about every word i say, and then based on their reaction i think about what they thought about what i said
then i realize that i said the wrong thing and i apologize for it
and they ask me what im apologizing for and i stumble over myself to try and explain that what i said 5 minutes ago i didnt mean

meanwhile they already forgot about that conversation topic and i look like a genuine lunatic bringing it back up

>> No.15205054

whenever i go out people just make fun of my receding hairline. I SHAVED IT OFF LIKE /fit/ TOLD ME WHY DO THEY STILL MOCK ME?

>> No.15205057

When Chad brings you along it makes him look more alpha to the ladies by comparison. I have Chad friends who do this but I don't think it's intentional.

>> No.15205069

Fucking based

>> No.15205115

Just be in the moment bro and act on your intentions.
For real though with the right spiritual connection the mind goes silent and the words arise on their own. Drop desire and the thoughts stop.
Presently keep approaching non stop for about half an hour (no time between girls) and you will basically access this state for the night anyways and not give a single fuck. Mediate at least half an hour a day for the next ten years.

>> No.15205123

did you also get fit like /fit/ told you to? there are varying levels of creepiness that different body types and facial structures can create when combined with being bald—but by miles, nothing's worse than looking both flimsy and dishevelled. if you're neither of those things, then perhaps you're just in bad company—especially if you're wealthier than them, which will definitely be true regardless of your assets now if you're a LINK holder.

>> No.15205133

Practice listening, my dude. Stop being so self-involved by paying attention to the world outside your own head. it take practice but it is extremely rewarding. staying on the internet all the time just breeds this kind of critical anxiety.

>> No.15205256

Just bee yourself

>> No.15205318

try not to think what you say too much, talk girls same way that you talk to dudes

wear a cap faggot. youtube is full of hair styles which are good for recedxing hairline. shaving isnt an option if its not your style. not everyone will look like the rock or jason statham, also balding guys shave their head into the scalp and they have to do it often

>> No.15205408

I always felt bad for guys like you I would try desperately to get you laid but it would backfire and just wind up getting me laid. The thing that is least effective overall is:

>be chad and beta friend
>find two girls of any caliber

It goes one of three ways:

>chad girl tells her friend goodbye and her and chad go fuck, beta girl goes home
>both girls leave because chad girl wants to be a good friend, she gives chad her number but chad isn’t going to call her so total waste of time
>both girls are kinky and want to fuck chad together

Beta guy never gets his piece.

I have been in double chad situations and the only hard part of that is choosing who gets the uglier girl, sometimes you just take one to be a good buddy and sometimes that works out. I took on a 4/10 once who I was grossed out by but got enough liquor in me to suck it up. Turned out to be the best bj of my life though she wouldn’t fuck because she was a virgin and was saving herself for whatever beta cuck actually would date a beast like her.

Anyway sorry OP but know your chad probably really does have your best interests at heart. It’s just bars and clubs are never going to be the place you pick up chicks

>> No.15205412

unironically just turn off all filters and just say whatever comes to mind when conversing, that way you wont analyze everything

>> No.15205450

Be more confident, fren.

>> No.15205467
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You clearly don't get out much if you think 50 pounds is a lot to spend on a night out and was expecting to get laid straight away.

Nothing wrong with not going out much though I haven't went out much at all in the last year since finishing college and I know that I wouldn't be able to get laid on my first night out in months.

Have more realistic expectations Anon.

>> No.15205484

i went out last night and everybody liked me.

>> No.15205503

Don't try to beehive like others, just bee yourself

>> No.15205504

Chad doesn't have any magic words or body language. Women approach him for his good looks and completely CARRY the conversation and fill in ANY awkwardness before it happens.

Being good looking is absolutely EVERYTHING. I have a brother who has an IDENTICAL personality to mine, he got laid basically every single time we went out together, zero effort. I was a KHV until 21 and have had only two ONS. My brother has fucked hundreds of chicks. Sometimes he starts making out with random chicks at the club WITHOUT even uttering a word. Eyes meet, slight smile, chicks go in for the kiss. It's insanely infuriating.

>> No.15205514

He has a stereotypical lantern jawed american hunk face btw. Body average.

Meanwhile I have a recessed chin and narrow face

>> No.15205521

I'm married with a kid and I'm 23 and I have no intention to cheat on my wife, yet I still go out clubbing alone in bar crawl meet-up events around my city. Last time I went I saw a Jewish girl rejecting this guy who seemed pretty cool earlier in the night talking to me, and she was doing it by way of writing "I'm not interested in you. You are weird." and shit on her phone and then showing it to him. So I walk up to them, snatch her phone, write "Gas yourself kike-nosed girl" on her phone and hand it back to her, then take the guy away and start dancing and we find some other girls instead. Just have a few drinks and do shit that is personally funny to YOU even if nobody else thinks it's funny. Like I went up on the roof at a party back in college and peed on the line to get in because fuck them it's funny to me. This is how you have a good time.

>> No.15205528

>talk girls same way that you talk to dudes
Well I hope girls enjoy talking about baseball, geo politics, jewish subversion, angelo subversion, world views, corporation known as countries, niggers and property management

>> No.15205536


Good advice here. Actually listening to someone nowadays will make u stand out - world is weird and normies are losing their traditional social skills bc of the internet too

>> No.15205542

Seriously just say and do shit that is funny to you and you alone and disregard everyone else. Exception is don't get arrested and don't do this if you're with people you actually plan to see again, like your fucking coworkers. I'm NOT telling you to start harassing your fucking coworkers in a bar or some shit like that.