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15203847 No.15203847[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Salvini (Lega): insufferable, arrogant version of a a alt-right troll on facebook/instagram/twitter, which he does for real while doing speeches around Italy instead of working in his office.
---> Italy going to default. Also, there is no Lega party without the alpha dog.

Renzi (PD): insufferable, arrogant version of a gauche caviar. Personality similar to SV VC techbro hipster, connections with world elite, has a core number of voters (hated within their own party) --> higher taxes, lower worker right, maybe Italy won't default, just poorer.

Di Maio/M5S: the pigs in Animal Farm (allied themselves with evil Lega to stay in power, reversed all promises), but also dodos (bird unable to fly, towy meat, the only thing that dodos did, was going extinct because they were just stupid). M5S similar to Boris Johnson on the surface, only with less intellect.


>> No.15203850


Berlusconi (FI): senile at best, his party just imploded, ironically still has 3 tv channels and newspapers but propaganda is now on the socials. For 85yo+

Meloni (FdI): I know she seems a good young lady, but believe me she's just rotten, her party is a carbon copy of Berlusconi's and/or milder version of Lega.

other right parties: fascists, technically not illegal because 'literally need to call themselves fascists on name and logo' in order to be so. They go around doing the fascist salute, still not illegal.

Rest of PD, other leftist parties: idealistic good-doers in their ivory tower at best. Imagine 80yo professors of entomology in their dusty offices, with a lot of slow days on their hands. Also, (slow) talk talk talk, nothing done, no realistic solutions. Giving them attention will make their day though.

Hope for the future: file securely deleted. Just short Italy, won't fail.

For further info, just play the satirical game Call Of Salveenee (cover on image here), many playable politicians included. Because nobody read books anymore.

>> No.15203870


>> No.15203882

In my opinion FdI is much more far right than Lega

>> No.15203883

Democracy is the downfall of the west

>> No.15203886

If any you should long it.

>> No.15203887
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FdI is much more far right than Lega, nothing in common with Berlusconi's cuck center party

>> No.15203900
File: 813 KB, 822x774, Schermata 2019-08-11 alle 13.34.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15203903

Milder on twitter rages and general influence, similar to Berlusconi's for high connections, but I see your point

>> No.15203922

The uncertainty with the new elections (it's not even guaranteed kek) will tank Telecom, Unicredit and Intesa.

I usually don't short and I'll avoid it even now, but shorting the FTSE MIB is basically free money

>> No.15203928

i dont care, die ECB will make the interest go even more negative, the only upside is that the lega saves lives by not letting migrants in, which discourages migrants to go on shitty boats to get rescued by ngo's

also less migration is a big upside for every developed country in Europe

>> No.15203933
File: 1.76 MB, 928x930, 1496290932354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salvini is based wtf are you talking about tranny

>> No.15203946

lul im from germany and someone like salvini would be a total superstar here. we have only women, weaklings and faggots in politics here, its so bad. like these idiots now import niggers and arabs on purpose. i would literally beg for someone like salvini

>> No.15203951

>which he does for real while doing speeches around Italy instead of working in his office
Fucking brainlet, the reason he's so popular in Italy now is thanks to him going around interacting with the people. Not to mention that illegal immigration is down like 98% or whatever the fuck.
Be happy you have him instead of being such a massive cuck

>> No.15203953

during a speech/march, he sees a general 'love your neighbor' protest sign on a window. Send police to that apartment to take it down, on an 'antiterroristic law' basis (technically legal). Has done dozens of times during different speeches all around the country. Very nice human indeed

>> No.15203961

er ist wieder da?

>> No.15203978

Good for him. Just bought 100k.

>> No.15203986


>> No.15203989

propaganda, he's very brittle not strong
he's a standard high school bully, his only luck is that the other parties/politicians are pathetic

>> No.15204051

Seems based to me

>> No.15204067

isint that why hes calling for elections? to consolidate power while the timing is good?

>> No.15204117

no, because there is actual risk of default, and instead of working for real on the incoming annual financial act/reform (due on last days of the current year, usually), they can delay it and make a fuzz about it, then can go to elections in October, making more fuzz about the EU rejecting it/having no time to do it properly, never actually working. Then rinse, repeat.

>> No.15204160

i thought he was trying to get rid of conti, and he is going to turn up the heat on the ECB/TROIKA/IMF and EU policy at the exact dates of BREXIT and its by design because they know the EU cannot handle BREXIT or ITALEAVE individually, so they cannot fathom both issues at one time! They were planning this before and all was delayed because BREXIT was delayed, 5STAR will not go "ALL IN ON THE BET" so they gotta go! Italy will get the EU to bend the policies(fearing a parallel currency in Italy) it has so far refused and even punished countries like GREECE for even trying to. The PIIGS will rise up when this happens and all look for better terms

>> No.15204182

Hahaha fuck that, I only short countries that elect leftists, Italy is going to boom under Salvini

>> No.15204208

Conti is a literal puppet, no need to worry for him
Lega and others know Italy can't leave, they just shill it that way for votes, afterwards they will retract on any basis on a footnote on quieter days, always done this way these people, don't know now

Chavismo: La Peste del siglo XXI

>> No.15204239

>Lega and others know Italy can't leave
Yeah, that's why they want to stay and create an alliance inside the EU.
Tell me exactly what you want instead, so I don't have to sit here and guess while reading your nonsense.

>> No.15204244

based arab man

>> No.15204264

Nigger I'm not watching an hour long documentary in a spaghetti-language that I can barely understand, summarize that shit

>> No.15204282

nonsense in English is better

>> No.15204293

How are you gonna sit here and talk about politics when you're a pony fucker?

>> No.15204294

>Comparing an almost natsoc guy with fucking socialism of xx century.
And that is why I know you are a dumb one.

>> No.15204299

I thought bronies liked the alt-right tho

>> No.15204671

I for one hope that Italy's new currency is a massive success and eventually takes over from the Euro which has been a disaster.

>> No.15205620
File: 9 KB, 219x148, 448D8406-B7D1-474A-A569-2F8DDFC6800D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like the fact that we’re loosing popular sovereignity and giving away our national one. At least our new leaders won’t need to feed the mafia and public servants for votes

>> No.15205694
File: 90 KB, 645x680, Salvini election 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a fag and don't realize how lucky he is.

Maybe you should prefer living in leftist France with niggers everywhere.

>> No.15205699

Immigration dropped after Minniti’s agreements with African governments with Renzi PM and Dublin agreement being rediscussed (Salvini not going to meetings to rediscuss it)
M5S are so fucking dumb terroni that they voted v. der Leyen as a commissar to anger Lega and it serves them best
Meanwhile Salvini gets to reimpatriate even less illegal immigrants than PD
People will vote (if we ever vote again) Salvini en masse, and he is politically isolated
EU is winning guys

>> No.15205765

absolutely based

>> No.15205781

im going all in on italy faggot

>> No.15205783

Yeah, we're so lucky to live in a failed state with rising VAT.

>> No.15205798

>Very nice human indeed
Italy is a joke, always on the verge of a collapse.. If anyone in Italy cares about "nice human beings" in their congress, then they deserve to be poor.
Italy doesn't need nice or even human beings, they need to do something, not just for their own sake - but for the sake of the rest of EU..

>> No.15205805

Call me when you have giant protest against taxes like yellow jackets in France.

>> No.15205806

So when are you guys going to start printing Lyra again?

>> No.15205829

We are taxed way more than the french bro and they have better public services. The only difference is that french people don't take it up the ass and riot while italycuck pushovers just accept it.

>> No.15205852
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This. Only monarchist state-libertarianism can save the West. What's a government worth if it can't even print Bitcoin.

>> No.15205862

>worse public health service than the frogs
Are you a terrone, anon?

>> No.15205893

Save me your bullshit about northern italian superiority lol. I know for a fact trenord is just as shitty as local transport in southern Italy.

>> No.15205953

Yellow jackets protested but they got no change. French still pay more and more taxe to support mass immigrantion and immigrants will replace them on the long run.

I don't know if Italians pay really more tax than French but if paying more taxes is the price to be immigrants free, I am totally okay with that. Nobody wants to be Africa or Algeria 2.0, nobody.

>> No.15205958

Salvini is awesome! I hope he throws every damn gimmiegrant into the sea!

>> No.15206037

1)Trenord is a partly private owned society
2)Public transport and hospitals don’t really have much in common
3)trenord is also local transport and always comes after national and international lines
I hope you came to the north to work a menial job and not to take advantage of better health service or take overpaid public places you’re not really qualified for

>> No.15206052

*public jobs

>> No.15206269

>Yellow jackets protested but they got no change.

They scrapped the proposed increase in fuel tax that triggered the yellow jacket riots.
Fuel tax has still gradually increased over time but it would be higher now if there had not been any protests.

>> No.15206306

And it will be higher once Macron is reelected for the next presidential election.

>> No.15206328

thinkin this