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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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15203627 No.15203627 [Reply] [Original]

>I already own more than 4 000 000 of this shit coin
>I'm buying more every week (5 sats now..)
>~buy in at 12 sats.
>I'm mining 500k a month. on free electricity and free GPU rig.
>cant stop mining cant stop buying this gypsy german hippi 5.0 coin.
am i fucked and retarded?

>> No.15203728

Can't believe I bought 10k NET for $20k back in 2017 and held on/exchanged to nimiq.. now its 100k NIMIQ and worth basically nothing. Fucking useless team who think their rank 1000 shitcoin can replace bitcoin as a payment coin because they made some cute pet logos for it.

>> No.15203782

It would be like 33mln rnau..sory bro

>> No.15203822

I've looked into it. Web-driven blockchain stands on its own merit, but I don't know where it'll go. Might as well be forgotten like i.e. WAVES

>> No.15203905

ease of use is outstanding. if i could only login using short address, lets say 10 digits, and password instead of the file (file can be easly lost, hacked, etc) it would be even better. but still, they r improving, there are few shady things that cant be easly proved..
i was thinking that getting around 6-7 milions, and selling them aprox around 40-50 sats wouldnt be that bad in next year or so? of course they might exit scam but fuck we know who will and who wont right? in field of shitcoins of course.

>> No.15203932
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They fucked this one up so bad it will never recover, not even fudding. They had web mining that didn't work so you had too mine through a chinese pool that help most of the hash rate. Then they decided to gpu mjne, which defeated the purpose of a normie friendly browser crypto. Next the founder had a breakdown, admitted he spent the team funds on drugs and exit scammed. Now there are some bag holders desparately trying to offload their bags by claiming partnerships with banks. Bigest identity crysis in crypto.

>> No.15204041

Sounds tragic when you put it that way but even when it started it was just the hundredth payment crypto, just with a browser interface. You could easily build a similar interface for an existing blockchain instead of hoping for millions of users to switch to something with no real advantages, at least no advantages that your normal end user would notice.

>> No.15204044

they get normal salaries, so i guess why dont spend it on coke or weed tho? do u have any proof that he bought weed with nimiqs (would be pretty neet :D)

>> No.15204234

The founder admitted he had a breakdown and drug addiction.

>> No.15204418

That's normal. I was alco addict, im attending therapy due to neurosis which is aftereffect of multiply addiction.
But i guess he used his own money to buy weed. I dont give a fuck. Pothead is out luckily. Yes, his actions affected project, but that is the risk with having fun with so called innovation..

>> No.15204716

>am i fucked and retarded?
NIM is literally a shitty shitcoin. There is ZERO chance it will ever be worth anything. GPU mining killed this project, not even weed bro.

>> No.15204832

why GPU mining killed that project if they r switching to dPoS?

>> No.15205380

Dpos, the project was started for beginners to do browser mining, they are lost.

>> No.15206036

who gives a fuck bout them?
if they really do the OASIS project.. it might work out right?
I guess their love attitude is just bullshit to summon people and show how lefty and world taking care they are but in the end they r germans, and germans dont care about 3rd world people (most of the people mining on cpu were rajah and hombre gonzalez)