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File: 362 KB, 500x500, Craig-Wright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15196497 No.15196497 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he the way that he is? Why does he do the things that he does? I need every possible theory so i can make a well informed decision

>> No.15196521

his wife will be killed if he doesnt do what he's been told

>> No.15196540

He is autistic and high iq

>> No.15196546

Mental illness. He's not the only one who unironically thinks he's satoj.

>> No.15196580


>> No.15196689

How many people do you know who combine these characteristics:

- propensity to economical free market (aka capitalist) forces (this is already <1% of the population)
- Asperger's
- 183IQ
- physically not weak (the majority of academics are physically unimposing to phrase it politely)
- High internal drive to "make it"
- Above average levels of narcissism
- Just the right amount of self-hatred to invent something that changes himself and the world around him, but not too much self-hatred to not actually do it.

The answer, even for people nearing this profile, is probably pretty close to zero. CSW is just a freak of nature, the statistical result of having a global population of 8 billion.

>> No.15196719


>> No.15196743


>> No.15196756


>> No.15196973
File: 114 KB, 1194x828, craigwright.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a genius, if you want to believe the retards who think he's a retard, go right ahead but you'd have to be stupid to believe it, just dyor
he contributed to the scada+ handbook for defending critical infrastructure such as nuclear power plants against cyber attacks

>> No.15197328

Missionaries carefully manage perceptions until an audience begins to imitate for social approval and begin convincing themselves independently. Perhaps he understands or is coached to employ military grade persuasion to nudge people toward adopting a surveillance system. Shadders claiming he doesn't need evidence from Craig, that proof of work is the only valid proof is the beginning of a thesis they have touched on numerous times. Maybe the court cases are for public consumption and designed to eliminate public objections to confiscation. All the bsv influencers are presenting the only outcome of showing ownership of private keys as a resounding denial and subsequent blacklisting of craig's wallet addresses. That's probably not true though. I know plenty of people who honestly would sell their btc for bsv the moment he proved ownership. He never intends to prove it.

>> No.15197625

He confuses me. I don't believe he's satoshi, but I also don't think he's a conman. When has there ever been an autistic conman? But if I'm right then what's his motivation, and then I start doubting myself and thinking maybe he is satoshi.

>> No.15197946

Idk man I just want my fucking money back.
But I can't see a man like CSW, who is obviously higher iq than any one of you, being crazy/stupid enough to follow through with all of this bs unless he was SN.
The bsv fud drones have gotten much nastier recently, so it gives me hopium ppl are accepting it as the real bitcoin

>> No.15198056

dunno why he does it probably an attention whore

>> No.15198089 [DELETED] 


Amazing individual.

>> No.15198101

He doesn't actually think he's satoshi, he only has aspergers. He's aware of his lies

>> No.15198110


>> No.15199031

upside-down is a scary place

>> No.15199099
File: 335 KB, 745x640, satoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15199181

your post sounds like the intro to the Chris Chan documentary series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1qDg0Vmp2g

"Why are we so fascinated"?

He's just a well known crypto guy who has a low level of self awareness and social awareness. He's kept relevant by pajeets shilling him. He's interesting enough with his faults and eccentricities for it to kind of work.

>> No.15199437

Craig does not believe your anarchist dreams of free market, you follow what he says or he sues your node/ mining pool/ wallet
Also, you called him freak? Get your lawyers ready because he's suing you

>> No.15199476
File: 376 KB, 745x640, freud_creg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15199494
File: 229 KB, 1024x1365, 1562360411952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15199502

stop posting FUD and DYOR you stupid blockstream nigger

>> No.15199543

Free market and laws don't exclude one another, retard. CSW is a minarchist, which is 8% retarded. To think that government is better than the private sector at providing police service, writing laws or even national defense requires a borderline retarded mentality.

>> No.15199734
File: 3.00 MB, 1280x720, satoshi ai.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15199746

nice delusion , blockstream kike
you're getting into that court one way or another

>> No.15200667

You stupid motherfucking piece of shit, I'm all in BSV dumb fucking cuntface.
I'm one of those people smart enough to realize the ECONOMIC model of BSV is what's going to win. I don't even give a shit about anything else, figuratively suck my dick, loser.

>> No.15201230
File: 2.85 MB, 3232x2460, stiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check Mate

>> No.15201246

>I'm in BSV
>I'm smart
Hold on there a second anon

>> No.15201295
File: 383 KB, 720x758, jeff_bought.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15201338

There‘s some news i want to share with you guys:
- Craig always stated he wants to provide proof in court
- He has two cases in court running, one in US and one in UK (Kleiman and McCormack)
- UK case offered him now to provide direct evidence/proof of being Satoshi within the next 21days (!)
- Another guy requested the same for the US case, that a judge makes a ruling or side ruling on Craigs Satoshi Identity claim.

So in the next couple of weeks/months Craig has to deliver or he will be btfo eternally.

>> No.15201423

Paul LeRoux or Hal Finney bro. How can a person named Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto live two blocks from a cypherpunk such as Hal. No way Craig is Satoshi. He has hard drives that Calvin Ayre and himself are trying to crack, but they are encrypted using an encryption software called TrueCrypt that Paul LeRoux created.

>> No.15201570

Honestly i think this is a huge indicator that Craig is actually legit. Don‘t ask why but im putting experience from other fields into this.

>> No.15202495

another possibility is that Satoshi was all 3 of them. Now Hal is dead, Paul is in prison potentially for life, and so Craig thought now's the time to get all the credit as the sole person behind bitcoin.
Plus maybe like you say he has the hard drives with all the bitcoins on and Ayre is helping him with that - all 3 of them could have had a part of the encryption key or something. Could make a good film.

>> No.15202516

He is autistic and has some mild schizophrenia or schizoid personality disorder. That is the truth.

I've met people like him before but they aren't as high achieving. He is exactly like them, minus the money and that much desire for an audience.

He appreciates learning but isn't the savant he always wanted to be.

>> No.15202583

He's a walking dictionary definition of the closeted homosexual.

>> No.15202704

he has a talent to piss people massivly off thats a given.

>> No.15202891

LARPer faggot doing FUD 24/7
don't you get tired of posting the same pictures over and over again Greg?
you're not all in BSV fucking retarded virgin