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15195783 No.15195783 [Reply] [Original]

And /biz/ is posting brappers. Even /pol/ has a thread about this

>> No.15195788
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>> No.15195791
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Good. the Global economy only exists to keep niggers and morons alive.

>> No.15195798
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>> No.15195800

When moon sir?

>> No.15195803

so short the market like everyone else is doing, what could go wrong

>> No.15195807
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this is supposed to be a financial board

>> No.15195810

We've been having multiple threads on this for weeks

>> No.15195812

i think most of us have known this for a while
i got out of equities and all in on link in early 2018

just a waiting game now, all the memes are turning real and I'll be scooping up single family homes for a days worth of staking income

fuck boomers, fuck plebbit, fuck the fed, fuck niggers

>> No.15195813

How do I short this and make a profit?

>> No.15195828

Apparently you are behind the curve and have missed the many threads here on /biz/ that myself and others have been putting out over the last several weeks about this very subject. All eyes are on Deutsche Bank as it will likely be the first domino followed by HSBC.

>> No.15195829

>economy collapses
>people buy into crypto for safety
>crypto pumps the fuck up

This could not be a loss.

>> No.15195830

Buy bitcoin and precious metals

>> No.15195843

You can't because you'll lose it all if you win.

>> No.15195869

How will PSD2 effect this? PSD2 ends the monopoly banks have on user data, so will PSD2 cause this to go down more?

>> No.15195888

Yeah, we've been discussing this for over a year. Most of us are in crypto because we expect the big dip to hit. There's going to be alot of money to be made if we play our cards right.

>> No.15195903

what's the global economy?

>> No.15195908

>they think people will rush to buy internet meme money amidst a literal global economic collapse instead of things with actual utility, durability and use cases like ammunition, food, water and precious metals

>> No.15195910

euros, dollars, rupees, yens, saudi arabian wife-raping rupees, etc.

>> No.15195917

italys banking sector will collapse that's why he wants elections. lira will be back soon

>> No.15195922
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if nothing happens monday i want him to eat his dick

>> No.15195924

Thanks bought 100k

>> No.15195987

Meme money enthusiast here so I’ll be the first to admit my bias. You may be right, but also you may not be thinking about how the very wealthy will continue to control and maintain wealth. Unless we go dark ages where we forego modern comforts completely, tech giants will rule the post-FIAT world because it is technology which will allow humans to survive and avoid chaotic descent. In that event, Internet money may be the one thing everyone is worrying about.

>> No.15195992

>the world will collapse if any government's monopoly money fails
You're seriously so fucking stupid...
First off, BTC and crypto has extreme utility tomorrow. Whether or not you buy that doesn't matter.
See, what you and stupid normies like you don't understand is that debt isn't wealth. What is your monopoly money? That's debt. Read it. It literally says "I'm debt" on the fucking paper. Go to your wallet. Pull it out. FUCKING READ IT.
Now, tell me again how you think the world will collapse and BTC will be worthless if the little line on the screen goes all the way down and flat lines.
Now, do you want to know what BTC and other like it are based on? It's simple - Maths. I mean, it's not simple for brainlets, but it's at least explainable, unlike monopoly money.

>> No.15196047
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>> No.15196058

No no, I've been assured and called a retard several times by experts on 4chan that there will never be a collapse and that I should not bother at all in preparing for any future difficulties.

>> No.15196089

Exactly. We never have this thread.

>> No.15196096

The absolute state of /biz/

>> No.15196100

This anon fucks. Well said anon. $1ml/Bitcoin soon

>> No.15196109

just fucking crash already so i can buy a super cheap 10 bedroom house in a good white neighbourhood

>> No.15196115

This. The way the global economy is set up right now...stoic hard working saving Caucasian and Asian men subsidize thots and Muslim/African men

>> No.15196118

bitcoin spawned out of the 2008 collapse as an antidote, hmm i wonder if another collapse will be GOOD or BAD for bitcoin price LOL

>> No.15196123
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Deal with it nigger. NEETmers RISE UP

>> No.15196128

>it's real this time guys i'm not joking

>> No.15196140

Not gonna happen...wealth has been pushed to the top, they are just going to buy everything.....classic Joseph in Egypt scenario, we are all about to become a real slave class.

>> No.15196157

It's been real each time, you just haven't noticed yet.

>> No.15196196

Collapse will happen when everyone shrugs a sigh of relief and says well, that wasn't so bad. Then the real collapse happens months later. We still have time to make another ATH in US indexes. The crash in stocks won't be like any previous. We will start slowly crabbing long term. Like what we've done since 2018 with some wider valleys.

>> No.15196207
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the richest 1% of people on earth own more than 50% of the wealth. they dont care if boomers cash out, they'll just buy it all back and continue on this fucking ponzi. its unironically over. you simply stay in the legacy system and get absolutely cuckstroyed from inflation or you start moving your money/assets into the new financial system (bitcoin, crypto).

>> No.15196215


>> No.15196219

gold/silver aren't bad buys right now either. they can both still easily 10x

>> No.15196222

Buy food, seeds, medicine and most importantly bullets. Also know your neighbours.

>> No.15196228
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>> No.15196232

Damn look at the logchopper on that holehaver

>> No.15196233
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>> No.15196239

For real this time guys!!!!!! It's going down the entire system! Maybe then I could live out my apocalypse fantasy, maybe Stacey will finally appreciate my canned goods collection.

>> No.15196240

Good, fuck the EU.


>> No.15196246

definitely diversify. you dont want to be strapped into one asset. real estate *might* still be be good depending on location (metro cities would offer a much stronger hedge than suburban towns).

>> No.15196268
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>the sky is falling

>> No.15196271

>one TYPE of asset
Yes. Real Estate shouldn't be bought yet, though. It would be better to get RE after the market crashes.

>> No.15196327
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Aren't you guys worried that when practically every sector of the market collapses, people aren't going to fucking invest their meager, useless FIAT into crypto?

>"It's ok, just put all our savings into crypto!!"

I mean let's be real, the average boomer thinks crypto is absolute rat poison (thanks Buffet) and is propped up on speculation. Crisis money doesn't flood into speculative markets, it flows into water, food, gold, guns.

98% of the country probably has no idea how the fuck to use crypto, where to buy it, how to buy it, how to use a wallet, etc etc. If this market collapses, it's going to bring down crypto with it, don't kid yourselves.

>> No.15196379
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Fucking finally


>> No.15196395

people are fucking stupid who think money will flow from a recession.

the real big dick money thats going to explode bitcoin is the revolution movement of finance. when people have NO MORE FAITH in fiat currencies they will begin to move mass amounts of cash into bitcoin and only keep some fiat reserves for daily/weekly spendings. this recession will hurt bitcoin... the next recession will be what sends bitcoin into the stratosphere (im talking 20T+ MC. EASY.)

>> No.15196401


shame lightning network is a piece of shit.

>> No.15196402

you don't know whats coming fren...

>> No.15196417
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It’s hilarious how the collapse of the financial system is entirely likely, yet the outcome of that imagined by most is entirely fantasy.

You won’t woke up in Mad Max land. Most business will continue to function just fine. The greatest losses will be in sectors offering no real utility - this actually works out quite nice if you are an actual right-winger. Further, the long supply chain will also suffer, necessitating the revival of local/national production and distribution.

What you are anticipating is the collapse of the globohomo empire. It is just like how the USSR collapsed. I’m excited for the change.

>> No.15196421
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>the real big dick money thats going to explode bitcoin is the revolution movement of finance. when people have NO MORE FAITH in fiat currencies they will begin to move mass amounts of cash into bitcoin and only keep some fiat reserves for daily/weekly spendings.

>> No.15196425

think of it this way. bitcoin cant make significant gains because the old people cant comprehend how something thats a meme can have so much value. so they stick with the US dollar. the kids growing up today are learning about bitcoin and WHY its inherently a better asset to hold than shit like fiat currencies. these are the people who will underestand the value behind bitcoin and will widely adopt it as a form of payment for providing services/products, etc. people will be refinance their houses to buy bitcoin and this will only inflate the USD/price of BTC. its going to be such a fucking beautiful spectacle as bitcoin gobbles up every single asset class into itself. you cant think small. this is so big my mind cant even wrap around it, but its true.

>> No.15196426

That’s why litterally all board balls deep in link. How new you are

>> No.15196437

That is true while people have a functioning USD that retains value more or less. Now, consider a scenario where that is no longer the case - there are plenty of historic examples to read up on. Necessity is what will drive people toward btc.

>> No.15196439

so what is that graph? explain why this crashing would cause the economic collapse?

>> No.15196454

something like this. you have to think herd mentality. right now no one really gives a shit. price will go up. theyll say oh look the price is going up, not acting. price will continue to go up. theyll say oh look its slowly approaching the value of other asst classes. and thats when the little guys are going to drive the price up to the heavens. people will be tripping over each other to get in because its SECURE, its MOBILE, and its TRUSTLESS.

>> No.15196461

New paper currencies will emerge that are pegged to btc for value. That can literally be done overnight. Bank on it.

>> No.15196470

this will be how the central banks try to save face. but itll honestly might be too late at that stage. but idk, i can see something like this working out. the problem is, the banks would "hold" your bitcoin........

>> No.15196479

Hyperbolic faggot OP shilling his own account.

>> No.15196498
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>euro and dollar value backed in BTC

>> No.15196510
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We know, we've known since


Or you could just search warosu for bond yield curve inversion. This crash is news to /pol/ and boomers, if you haven't been accumulating crypto in preparation for what is happening exactly now then II should probably fuck off back to R*ddit

>> No.15196513


explain why things will be bad if it goes lower. and dont just say "BECAUSE THE PRICE IS TOO LOW!!". what does that mean?

remember 2 years ago when deutsche bank was about to collapse the economy if the price went below $10? its $6.67 now and things are fine. so explain why this is bad, please.

>> No.15196515

It’s how the banks can offer value! I’m all for it - back to their real job.

>> No.15196524
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the euro and dollar will be worthless. it already is. have you not been paying attention goyim?

>> No.15196536

I’m referring to what happens after people lose confidence in those. If we immediately need a new currency and want to use btc for transactions you can easily accomplish that by issuing paper. This is why the btc transaction limitations, etc, are literally no big deal.

>> No.15196556

brappers are life

>> No.15196559

people have already lost confidence. realistically youre not holding dollars. youre in stocks, real estate, VC's, etc., for yield.

someone please explain to me how all these startups who are losing billions yearly have stock valuations in the 100s? how the fuck can a stock thats backed by the profit of a company be worth billions in MC if the company itself has never been profitable. and then to have the audacity to say bitcoin is backed by nothing. whew lad these wallstreeters really are the dumbfuck types.

>> No.15196563

This. Big tech isn't going anywhere. The irresponsibility of the financial sector has primed us for destructive creativity. Why the fuck wouldn't meme money pump if the fiat system fails? And where are big pockets going to safely hold if the equity pyramid scheme falls apart?

A deflationary currency is the answer. BTC and Libra are the future.

>> No.15196568
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so that's what they meant by "healthy correction"

>> No.15196605


it makes perfect sense to have the dollar backed by bitcoin which is backed by tether which is backed by bitcoin

>> No.15196630

im sure some quant is doing the math right now to come up with a valuation model for bitcoin but regardless its primed to become the real "hard" money of our generation.

>> No.15196648

yeah, for real. hell you don't even have to directly transact on the BTC blockchain. If you developed a middle layer that could transact for literal pennies, you could have a custodian that holds BTC on behalf of their clients and applies microtransactions to the BTC fund; micro as in less than 0.001 BTC transactions. Then just debit BTC to the clients wallet. I mean, it's centralized banking essentially but it would work in a pinch

>> No.15196653

One of the most idiotic things I ever heard

>> No.15196682

Yep. Someone here told me about the inverted yield curve and I took most of my money out. I'll get back into s+p index fund after it drops.

>> No.15196703

This. Please explain to a brainlet

>> No.15196706
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fuck the economy

>> No.15196734

Already happening with the Libra coin and now an apple credit card

>> No.15196747
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based. From what I hear, China's been blowing smoke about their economic numbers.. but their largest trading partners like Korea and Germany are reporting really bad numbers.. meaning the Chinese are lying.

t. 110 IQ Big boy

>> No.15196786

You haven’t seen anything yet - losing confidence means no longer accepting it in exchange unless you plan to turn it around immediately.

The “value” in those companies is something that will evaporate overnight if globohomo finance stumbles.

>> No.15196787

>the Global economy only exists to keep niggers and morons alive.

I think you are forgetting (((somebody)))

>> No.15196803

Govs are going to use quantitative easing and then helicopter money during the next crisis there will be no shortage of FIAT

>> No.15196840

>valuation model for bitcoin

This is actually very easy at the endpoint of maturity (5-10 years). Between now and then it appears that “stock to flow ratio” is a good contender for tracking the growth curve. We are in the “distribution” period of btc - the price volatility results from that. Price will stabilize very well once that process is complete.

BTC will be used to denominate everything in the world. So a market cap above $1 quadrillion in current USD. Divide by 21 million.

>> No.15196891

Real purchases would still go out over blockchain - think a product purchase above say $100. Anything less, or transactions for services, can just be paid in paper because it’s easy to work with and doesn't clutter the chain. Within a decade that win’t be necessary as segwit implementations come to maturity. Right now, a credit card basically works the same way.

The price of btc will be what matters. As a deflationary model, there is less incentive to spend it.

>> No.15196903

Libra does not actually exist yet.

>> No.15196915

Yup. If China is suddenly exposed, a global panic will ensue.

>> No.15196924
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>> No.15197028

For anyone here who actually knows their shit, how long should I expect to wait before buying again? 2 years? 5? Should I wait for it to drop a certain %?

>> No.15197055

I never thought about this before so I thought it was an original idea but it's not. I'm basically describing Monaco. A custodial agency that holds clients BTC and debits a purchase based on a fiat value would be extremely useful; especially if they allowed the use of Libra or RSV along with traditional fiat options if those ever take off.

No fiat should ever be based off BTC, BTC should simply be a store of value for the clients wealth. And that assumes that BTC blows up to the point where large swings in price are impossible. I don't think it's feasible to write such a large volume of transactions on the BTC blockchain. I'm betting centralized banking will hold private blockchains that will record transactions and debit BTC from clients based on current prices, maybe pulled from smart contracts that have live price feeds. The debited BTC goes to the banks trading account which they can swap for other assets, or resell to clients who want to purchase BTC with their income.


>> No.15197088

>quantitative easing
lol, yeah let's drop interest rates from 2% to 0%, that should do the trick. if the supply is infinity, it doesn't have value. negative interest rates are up next! it's going to cost fiat to store fiat

>> No.15197118

actually it exists to finance israel.

>> No.15197136

Global economic collapse =/= mad max

>> No.15197165
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this is gonna be fucking BIBLICAL

>> No.15197239

Wall Street is by no means dumb, they got the big brains over there. But they are arrogant and delusional to an extent. Blinded by their own greed and success

>> No.15197267

Oh boy do I got a project for you lol

>> No.15197274

lmao irrelevant for price
you know that if LN goes live, the movement for btc goes up and the price goes down, right?
LN is bearish for bitcoin's price, but don't tell anyone

>> No.15197322


The Nord and the Khoisan, stronger allies never there were

>> No.15197329

I visited a mint last week that prints fiat for a a relatively big country.....They really print fast, but not that fast.

>> No.15197369

>about to collapse
this is collapse. stop thinking it's a single event and then we go fallout mode the next day.

>> No.15197383

is epstein a cover story for this?

>> No.15197389


>> No.15197396


It would work perfectly on bitCoin, but on btc the fees alone would have to be around 100$. you guys really should learn how btc and bitcoin work under the hood.

>> No.15197414

when there is blood on the streets.

>> No.15197433

All in LINK

>> No.15197514
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Bring it on. I used to worry about what might happen to the unprepared and the braindead if the matrix fails, but after the whole Epstein charade I have changed my mind. The whole thing needs to burn to ground so a more honest system can emerge from the ashes.
Based. This dysgenic system must end or humanity will rot and die without ever having left the cradle of its birth.

>> No.15197527

There's no way to time it, but traditionally it falls within a 1 year window.

>> No.15197565

Every year you faggots shout doomsday this and collapse that.
Didnt read never bought chainlink

>> No.15197684


>How do I short the bottom

classic biz

>> No.15197697

Right. The details will vary but the indexing of value to btc will be consistent. It’s simple, and also a huge change.

>> No.15197709

Wall street people with a clue are buying btc. I expect that govts are, too.

>> No.15197727

Haha ok. The paper can be “live” tomorrow even if it takes a few weeks for you to get your hands on it.

>> No.15197739

You are not that smart and also have poor reading comprehension skills.

>> No.15197810

they will, retard. bitcoin is an uncorelated asset and fund managers have noticed.

>> No.15197850
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We know for like 1 year already, that's why we don't give a fuck.
Fuck this system.

>> No.15197898
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Whole reason I got into BTC in the first place was because it was obvious this fiat money system was doomed. Also hold silver, guns, ammo and ammo reloading equipment, dried food, and water. The modern investors chadfolio. Do tend to think even if we have some chaos, bitcoin will emerge victorious on the far side of it.

>> No.15197910


>> No.15197919


>> No.15197935
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>> No.15197967

Argentinean here, it's already happening here

>> No.15197996 [DELETED] 

No, paper gold and silver suppress the price

>> No.15198002
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>You fucking idiots, the global economy is about to collapse
>And /biz/ is posting brappers.

>> No.15198059
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Is it time?

>> No.15198068
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Assmad roastie/journo/subhuman detected

>> No.15198083

let's hope it breaks

>> No.15198085
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>> No.15198088

It's not like Karl Marx didn't predict it in 1867.

>> No.15198123

his wording is too dramatic for me to take seriously

>> No.15198239
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kys, faggot

>> No.15198325

Nothing will happen. Stop reading Zerohedge faggots.

>> No.15198770

>BTC will be used to denominate everything in the world. So a market cap above $1 quadrillion in current USD. Divide by 21 million.

how much is that per coin my nigga

>> No.15198796


>oy vey goyim stop getting distracted and reading the truth about our banking cartel... pay attention to the new product we made for you to get excited about instead

>> No.15198873
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>b-b-b-b-but muh economy!
lmao, what does this even have to do with crypto.

>> No.15198935

My mom got mad i convinced her to cash out her entire 800k portfolio. She wouldn't listen when i told her to put 100k on stinkies when they were 50 cents

>> No.15199875
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BRAP is just 1 gwei and has a working platform.

>> No.15199973

I've been hearing this shit since at least 1995.

>> No.15199982

Could someone explain these charts to me like I'm fucking retarded. No idea what these are showing because I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.15200055
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Where are the jannies when something good comes up? This is going up on my private thread.

>> No.15200140

I have an relativly "safe" job and I realy hope that it crashes.
Atleast the housing market.

>> No.15200165

This nothing, we are prepared

>> No.15200493


>> No.15200516
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>the fed
The fed is going to be ISO 20022 compliant

>> No.15200964

The new economy is BRAP. Q+

>> No.15201025

God damn that dude is good looking.

>> No.15201048
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>> No.15201057
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>the average boomer thinks crypto is absolute rat poison (thanks Buffet) and is propped up on speculation

>he thinks crypto isn't still in its purely speculative phase

>> No.15201097
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Based and redpilled, billions of shitskins will starve to death once whites stop feeding them

>> No.15201138

Posted this two days ago.
All I got was link autists posting dr;ns

Always do the opposite of biz.

>> No.15201145

>98% of the country probably has no idea how the fuck to use crypto, where to buy it, how to buy it, how to use a wallet

8% of Americans already own crypto dipshit, it's not as if it's difficult for normies, all you have to do is install the coinbase app on your iphone


>> No.15201170


It means that 'money' has been taken away from one set of investments and stored as cash or other investments/assets.

People are concerned about this because pensions, ETFs, banks and other entities rely upon certain investments.

If enough people lose confidence in these investments, they remove their money and cause a 'crash'. That means the companies invested in them lose lots of money, pensions are lost, assets must be sold to cover losses etc.. etc..

There are winners and losers, but the biggest issue is because the money isn't real, its based upon debt. So if the house of cards does come down, the dollar you know about won't be worth wiping your arse with.

>> No.15201200
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you morons destroy my gut when you talk about /pol/ not being smarter than you.

>> No.15201266

Looks like it already broke below according to the chart on trade view

>you morons destroy my gut when you talk about /pol/ not being smarter than you.

Fuck you, /pol/ made fun of /biz/ for years about crypto and how its useless so now they suddenly begin using Blockchan on some random ripple shitcoin dapp.

>> No.15201633

so what your saying is the EU is only 1 pissed off saudy royalty away from collapsing? it only takes 50 million to move the BTC market, im sure someone could crash this if they wanted too
george soros perhaps?

>> No.15201660

well... that I can concede.

>> No.15201683

What percentage has more than 10k in it though ? It doesn't count if you just did coinbase earn for $2 in some random shitcoin. Nowhere near 8% of Americans know anything about crypto like how to send and receive from crypto using their own keys.

>> No.15201695

this board is 40% /pol/ crossboarders

>> No.15202164
File: 641 KB, 256x271, doge smash.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the global economy crashes we will just have a few years of shit investments in stocks and then it will bounce back up.

no big deal unless you are just about to retire.

>> No.15202198

>Fears of a major downturn in euro zone powerhouse Germany grew this week following “scary” industrial output figures for June and reports due over the coming week that will hold those concerns up to the light.
>On Wednesday, quarterly flash gross domestic product data for both Germany and the wider euro zone is released. The consensus forecast from Reuters’ poll is the euro zone GDP grew 0.2% in the second quarter but in Germany - the bloc’s largest economy - it’s expected to have shrunk 0.1%.
>Bond markets certainly fear the worst. Ten-year bunds yield a record low of almost -0.60%. The entire German government yield curve out to 30 years is now below zero. Investors are raising red flags about a euro zone recession and a resumption of European Central Bank bond buying as the escalating U.S.-China trade war hit the exporters.
>Markets are on high alert for signs Germany and other governments will use such cheap borrowing rates to support the reflation policies of their central banks. A report this week that Germany might issue new debt to finance climate protection caused a brief spike higher in bund yields and the euro.
>- “Scary” German output figures propel recession fears
>- EXCLUSIVE-Germany eyes fiscal U-turn to finance climate protection plan -official

Are Green faggots killing Eurozone?

>> No.15202345


>> No.15202361

EU fags are literally having to pay money to keep money in a bank for years ipso facto literally negative interest rates, how is the EU being a shithole relevant when the collapse didnt happen then?

>> No.15202529

>$47 million a btc


>> No.15202571

Who cares, I'm all in on UND and 50% up off the floor. Like I give a shit, when the United Nations Dollar will reign supreme.

>> No.15203599

This is good for Bitcoin

>> No.15203671

the headband really ties the outfit together.

>> No.15203678

still got 1 to 2 years to go. This is just the early warning sign.

>> No.15203704

It is not going to be utergang, think more of Japan and lost generations.

>> No.15203756
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Nero was posting brappers while Rome burned too.

>> No.15203864
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>> No.15204175
File: 470 KB, 750x928, B7253F48-9815-4F22-8B8E-BA8A8E4359EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The economy crashes and burns, the phat braps get even cheaper too!

>> No.15204189

Good. Fuck this global keynesian scam parasitic economy based on printing FIAT and stealing people's savings just to keep all the BS jobs alive.
Fuck the conomy, fuck every office cuck parastie, Fuck inflation, Fuck FIAT, and Fuck kikes

>> No.15204222

No, Epstein is a symptom of the new Western elites who have used nepotism and usury to take over.

Epstein blackmailed Westerners for Israel.

>> No.15204225


>> No.15204246


> /pol made fun

Nope that was shills with very small hats.

Think about it.

>> No.15204261
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1547854089871s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goodness dear sir, i didnt realize you felt such a way. that is completely based and redpilled my good friend. please join me in a celebratory drink.

>> No.15204270

Fuck EU and their banking.

t. private banking offshore

>> No.15204449

well said. fuck the kikes for printing money with no value and making people go nuts.

>> No.15204462

real estate for when the bubbles crash, everything is so expensive right now

>> No.15204508

How do we profit from this?

>> No.15204512
File: 152 KB, 1365x2048, 1EF747F2-A475-41FF-BF5A-9F2B01105B8A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being Reserved
Bitch you know what i got

>> No.15204558

This gay pajeet has been saying for years "here's this chart and this important level that implies a financial catastrophe". he couldn't make money actually managing money so he has to sell some overpriced interviews with bullshit artists from the finance sector who manage glorified Ponzi schemes.

>> No.15205045

Is he really gay?

>> No.15205142


>global economy collapsing
>"muh cryptos hurr durr moon"

yea, yea

>> No.15205244

Most here hold crypto. Which will thrive, at least the deflationary ones, when central banks race to the bottom in a veil attempt to generate growth. Since it will fail and the debt system will reach the Minsky moment currency debasement will reach infinty. Endless QE will be the newnormal. Don't hlod Fiat.

>> No.15205303
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>> No.15205391
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would be typical luck for me since i just got into stocks

>> No.15205405
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>> No.15205445

No way faggot
Momma State won’t let her dear banks collapse
No one unironically wants the lira back

>> No.15205604

No they are fucking not, you have been blinded by the btc propaganda.

>> No.15205911

Joesph in Egypt?

>> No.15206054


>> No.15206803
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>> No.15206816

what does it mean for an average goy, will my debts get better or worse

>> No.15207856

Why did I figure someone would say that

>> No.15208051

Great, but why would you want 1 million units of worthless debt? If BTC went to $1m, $1m wouldn't buy shit.

>> No.15208138

All well and good until your government classifies you as a terrorist.

>> No.15208149
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100% based, nay...1000% based

>> No.15208194

This. Only right wing anons have the intellect to make real money.

>> No.15208233

Holy shit! In the absence of a rigged system we might get actual price discovery! But in all honesty we can't let crypto get the keys to the nuclear codes.

>> No.15208240
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Yall think she goin' negative this timer?

>> No.15208269

Based. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.15208283

Smart too. I believe he has multiple chemistry degrees.

>> No.15208302

Pretty far ahead of it's time innit

>> No.15208322
File: 419 KB, 1536x817, welfarestatefuckthisshitvenezuela.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and keynsianponzipilled

>> No.15208428

Let them try Kek , this will be great for our bags even if they ban crypto.

>> No.15208490

Fucking depressing.

>> No.15208535

If fiat money collapses that means there is no other way to transact outside of crypto and barter, now guess which one is the most likely to pick up?

It won't collapse in one bang though, they will just bailout banks like they always do but this time many people (the one with money) will understand the lesson.
There are many point of pressure pushing cryptos overall:
>the decline of the nation state model
>the omnipresence of internet
>increasing taxes and populist movements

All of this asks for a neutral, censorship resistant and internet native currencies with the capacity to reliably store value.
This will 100% happen at this point, I even expect countries to begin taking positions in PoS coins and stockpile bitcoin/Monero.

>> No.15208703

Boomers are already beginning to die, early boomers are between 70-75 today, most of them are selling or will sell their assets to fund their retirement and health expenses, even in Europe they can only barely live like they want on their monthly check.

As for adoption things will change, noone knew how to use internet in 2000, ten years later you had addicted facebook mom and 20 years later you have twitch and instathots.

That's true that BTC is still a piece of shit to use but other protocols are getting increasingly smart in their design, check Nimiq, it's been built to be friendly to retards and JavaScript monkey alike, a 10 to zoomer can use it no problem so imagine what it will be like in 2030.

>> No.15208760
File: 126 KB, 788x1000, Yuuko-Aioi-Realistic-nichijou-32300170-394-500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshotting this for 50 years in the future.

>> No.15208828
File: 1.16 MB, 360x198, 2spooky4me skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


includes you and just about 90% of 4chinz

>> No.15209094

It's true though. His solution may be silly, but his diagnosis was spot on.

>> No.15209126

Marx best, communism very soon.

>> No.15209136

>her name is mahogany

>> No.15209237

Hold fiat, cash, and currency.
When prices dip in housing look for really cheap property in low tax areas. Find some. Then wait until they dip to absurd points, then wait a bit longer, then buy some which you can afford to own outright.

>> No.15209269

Why should I give a fuck? I have crypto. Who cares. Lol at virgins still believing that anything good could happen when central banks get bailed and take that income.

>> No.15209364

>he hasn't read "revolution and counter revolution"
>he doesn't understand value extraction

>> No.15209645
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>Hold fiat, cash, and currency.

>> No.15210107

@Telecoin is thegreat source of investment please go to the website for more information

>> No.15210209

this please go to website for more information sir. please buy coin sir i need to pay for my bus ticket sir

>> No.15210222


Nothing will happen, it never does

>> No.15210279

Everything will happen. It always does.

>> No.15210305

low iq (135) here.
does this mean plebs will buy chainlink to verify chad gave 1kg of meat to stacy for 0.001 eth ?
tell me if my linkies will moon or domp please

>> No.15210336
File: 5 KB, 243x254, thisagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Even /pol/ has a thread about this

Explain to me why i should care. Pol is full of retards who call happening threads 30-50x a day or have stupid CIC threads.

I have heard recession fear mongering for the last decade. Its getting tiresome, you people are worse than the baptists in the 90s who were predicting the rapture every fucking day.

>> No.15210390

following your logic why would anybody use btc for that? I mean, why not a permissioned blockchain and gold. Banks between each other can settle the ownership of the gold, it doesnt have to move, It could be stored in neutral territory, like switzerland,,,, where it already is. No need to pay miners, no need to pollute the world more for hash and low tps. Muh SoV is stupid. You need value through inherent demand. Gold has jewelry, which is basically access to pussy. BTC doesnt have anything, but value transfer, which is deprecated evermore and speculation, speculation only gets you so far. and the worst, with your logic you would have what we already had, fractional reserve lending.

>> No.15210438

How does this effect BRAP price wise?

>> No.15210446
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>> No.15210495
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Why can't anyone define exactly what they mean by "collapse"

>> No.15211240

because people here are mostly basement dwellers

you could read George Soros books where he describes how crisis happens, it's not just one chart going down because of some black swan event, it's very complex event with many variables involved on different locations and timescales

even if you don't mind to read about crisis exactly, it's still good thing you can pull out in conversations "muh I've read Soros, shut up and eat my dick"

>> No.15211389

The replies here are just...
Anon, you know how we look back at early man, or even civilization 2000 or 3000 years ago? Some parts we say, "wow, those guys were trying to figure some shit out," other parts we say, "wow, how primitive."
Imagine, 2000 years from now - if humans are still here - what people will be saying about our time, about our civilization, especially if the data from the internet still exists and they read these posts. Just imagine.

>> No.15211822


>> No.15211839

>B-Big tech is the f-fff-future !
>t-trust me guys !
lmao,deluded cuck.
maybe if you are talking hardware sure,but software is so fucked you can't even meme about it.
go to /g/ and say that shit unironically and /g/ays will think you are baiting or will laugh at you for being a brainlet.

>> No.15212024

Based and itoldyousopilled

>> No.15212069

based rating: AAA

>> No.15212092


98% of the country doesn't matter. It's what people with money do that matter.

>> No.15212314

Crypto is already being widely used in Venezuela thanks to the crisis created by their retarded government. If even poor people who can't read english can do it, why can't the average american?

>> No.15212362
File: 112 KB, 1000x750, 32AF9C69-7326-414D-8BA5-99B8F25C8361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to buy about $9000 worth of stock tomorrow. Are you saying I shouldn't?

>> No.15212392
File: 1.38 MB, 2100x1500, tendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck those are some good looking cuts of meat right there , USDA prime

>> No.15212432
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, Chickentendies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o rly

>> No.15212445
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fundamentally based anon

>> No.15212464

Well..... Shit.

>> No.15212618
File: 263 KB, 1300x1350, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck wouldn't meme money pump if the fiat system fails?
You guys act like when everyone's short of cash and demand for nearly fucking everything has fallen the demand for cryptocurrencies will increase. They're a luxury item, you can spend your entire life without ever owning one, and they'll slump with everything else.

No correlation between these two charts at all, is there

>> No.15212645


braps legacy will be that the gwei unit will be renamed brap

>> No.15212819
File: 49 KB, 800x450, honk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>honk honk

>> No.15212839

Based and Red pilled