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File: 249 KB, 890x1024, fucking durgesh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15195695 No.15195695 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 33, no degree or job experience, still living with my parents. What do I do? Serious question, this is driving me crazy. I feel like my life is already over.

>> No.15195710

That you in the picture?

>> No.15195731

knee pads or an hero

>> No.15195730

are you from a 1st world country?

>> No.15195734

shoulda bought chainlink, you had two years

>> No.15195745





>> No.15195750

I'm Italian.

Thanks for trying to cheer me up. <3

>> No.15195752

Are you satisfied? Your parents let you suck the binkie for 33 years while you sat on your ass all fucking day and NOW you’re regretting it and not 10 years ago?
It’s your parents fault until 23. It’s your fault for the last decade. Disgusting, filthy, lazy neet. There is no hope for you nasty neet. You get to work jobs that high schoolers work at, so that’s a plus. Good luck finding any decent wage with zero job experience. Lazy, pasty, gross, sweaty neet.

>> No.15195753
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There's a reason you feel that way, because it is already over.
Your best bet is to probably go learn a trade (welding, plumbing, electrician, etc.) and pursue that in your area

>> No.15195758

No, I'm in this for me. Eat shit

>> No.15195787

So not a first world country, ok then

>> No.15195809

I don't blame anyone else but myself for my situation, but in my defense, I suffered from severe social anxiety and depression for most of my life.

That would take time and money I don't have... We don't have something like community college here, and nobody will take me as an apprentice (too old).

>> No.15195814


>> No.15195836


>> No.15195838

how did you get to 33 without figuring this stuff out in your 20s? Not trying put you down, just curious about your situation.

have you tried any programming? if you are patient and committed, you can take courses online for free and get the basic knowledge required to start bidding on freelance jobs. make an upwork profile and bid on all the cheap and easy jobs first (web scraping, loading databases, etc...) and build up a good profile with 5 star feedback. then after a year or two you can leverage that to get a position somewhere in industry, assuming your freelance work is quality and you have good work ethic. I just don't know how to explain to potential employers how you have a 10+ year gap of not working.

thats just one idea. trying to think how you can jump ahead and take in decent cash flow instead of having to find odd jobs and minimum wage for the rest of your life. it's hard to advise without knowing you or your situation, but things can get better and there are always opportunities, whether they are apparent or not.

>> No.15195938

There is still shit you can do. Construction, seasonal work at farms, wall painting... stuff that is mostly filled by non educated migrants. Your plus is that you know the language and if the boss is italian he would prob go easier on you than some balkan migrant.
Think of some good excuse why you don't have any experience, don't tell working class people that you were neet untill 33 years old, they will spite you for it.

>> No.15195969

at least you have parents , my parents committed suicide, if i dont make it im homeless

>> No.15195981

I'm you, but with two degrees, count your blessings.

>> No.15195994

You know when you have a problem you can't solve, you try to push it out of your mind? That's what I did. My parents didn't put pressure on me to get a job, and didn't have any useful suggestions about how to get out of my situation. I had no friends or girlfriends so I could just spend all my time browsing the internet. I still haven't figured this stuff out, but just the fact that I'm getting older forces me to think about it.

Yeah, I've thought about learning to program, because it seems like it's possible to learn the basics just by reading some books and watching some videos, and you don't need a degree to get a job. It might be my only realistic option to escape NEETdom and homelessness. However I've also heard that this industry discriminates old programmers, even the expert ones, and I'd be starting with a huge disadvantage in that regard.

I'm also learning German and Swedish, but the translation market is so ridiculously saturated and increasingly automatized, that I don't consider it a good option.

Thanks for your kind words of encouragement!

>> No.15196036

I will never be as badass as Durgesh.

>> No.15196051

(upper tier) IT certs. Study materials will cost you next to nothing, examfees usually will set you back a few hundred at most. CCNA for a start will take you 6 months at most, after that CCNP or any Cloud stuff.

>> No.15196065

I'm in your same shoes bro, I'm starting to think there's no way out of it short of suicide considered things are only gonna get worse in the future

>> No.15196142

Here's some words of advice from someone in a similar situation as you. I'm 32 and have been on/off neet for a long time. At 26 I taught myself to program. I've done some freelance work here and there but no real job in the field. While I'm still living at home with my parents, I've worked shared economy jobs to provide something for myself over the past few years and I do pay taxes. I have a decent github profile now and I've gained so much knowledge and that alone has made me more confident with my situation. I would recommend getting into programming and force yourself to spend 4 hours a day learning MINIMUM.

Get a job if you can or do shared economy work if you have a car. You have to force yourself to do something or you won't get anywhere.

Also look into the remote pentesting threads here on biz. There is currently one up right now. >>15195727

You are not alone anon. There's thousands of people with degrees that can't find work living at home. You may have to lie to get an interview but really what else do you have to lose?

>> No.15196177
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>> No.15196197
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I'm 33 with IT degree AA and half as CS. I still with parents and I have a fuckload of debt not just from school either.
he still has time

>> No.15196235

I'm 32 living with my mom and no job or degree. And my mom loves me living with her. And I make money on the internet from a small html5 game I made. Enough to live on and pay half the bills. It's not that bad. I don't have a girlfriend but almost ALL women are more trouble than they're worth. Every man I know is constantly arguing with his girlfriend. Fuck that. Not for me.

>> No.15196244

I am you but with debt. god bless our souls

>> No.15196250

All in Holo

>> No.15196255

Even the entry level jobs require experience in the specific field. I've seen job offers for dishwashers that required experience ffs. It's crazy. Also, did I mention I don't have a car? Literally every job requires that you have a driving license.

Shit, I'm sorry anon. How are you even able to live now?

Couldn't you use the degrees to work as an online teacher? Or become an IRL tutor?

He's a role model for men everywhere.

I will consider it. It seems like tech is easier to get into than most other fields, if you're willing to study and work hard.

Sometimes I've felt that way too, but we must not give up.

Thanks, very interesting to read your experience. One thing I find confusing about programming is that there are so many different languages and technologies, and everyone has different opinions on what is worth learning. For example, some people will swear by Python, others will tell you to just learn C, and then there's all those JS frameworks... Where did you begin and how did you choose your next subject?

Yeah I know I'm not alone, and there's some relief to be found in that. It makes me feel like a bit less of a loser, more like it's one of those generational problems...

>> No.15196257

I guess if you have enough neets to accumulate, it will definitely reach $1000

>> No.15196282

>Every man I know is constantly arguing with his girlfriend.
yea most of them are just looking for their next daddy to support them

>> No.15196288

Same here. Studied a shitty architecture degree which is beyond useless. 32 YO now and no one hires me due to being old as dirt with no experience. Every day I wake up wanting to an hero. what do?

>> No.15196299

>Even the entry level jobs require experience
literally this
It's absurd how the fuck do I get experience if no one hires me due to the lack of experience?

>> No.15196330

Got that too, stay strong

>> No.15196374

Do you have any close friends willing to lie for you? Fake a resume, get someone to lie as a reference if they even bother to look into it. I worked at the same company 5 years for a chunk of my early twenties and that alone will get me calls because people value that kind of longevity even if it's a mccompany. Say you worked at a Walmart for 9 years and that you did multiple positions. It should get you some phone calls for equivalent mcwagie jobs while you're learning a real skill or whatever. Your future is on the line here and you need to claw your way out if you're in a corner.

>> No.15196381

>small html5 game I made
Do you mind telling what game it is?

>> No.15196448
File: 71 KB, 514x606, 1557029168040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello! is this fuckups anonymous? my name is dave i am 29 and started a business 2 years ago which is going bankrupt as we speak. no money left. no degree either. huge dept soon. will loose apartment and no parents to run to. will try to hobo till I die from a drug overdose or freeze to death or something. life is though frens

>> No.15196551

Are you still looking for a job or gave up on that? You don't seriously hope to get rich with cryptocurrencies, right...?

Maybe it's a stupid question, but have you thought about making more games? Or spending some money to advertise the one you already have?

I admit that I have no idea how it works for architects, but if I were in your situation, I would keep sending my resume, contact senior architects asking if they'll let me help them for free, maybe volunteer for some 'alternative' non-profit project just to get some experience? I mean, your knowledge is very valuable, I wouldn't call it useless at all.

I haven't had any kind of friends since I was 14, depression drives everyone away unfortunately. You're right about the fact that I need to approach this almost as a life-or-death situation, but faking your resume, and asking some relative to lie for me... I honestly don't know if I could do that. You lose respect for yourself, other people lose respect for you, and it can go very wrong.

>> No.15196554

at least you "started a business". if you managed to fuck that up its prolly because you were meant to be a loser anyway. just an hero, guy.

>> No.15196578
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 1560086171094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not very nice of you I thought this is a safe space

>> No.15196622

I'm sorry, anon. Do you know anyone who could be willing to let you live under their roof until you find a new job?

>> No.15196644

shouldve asked yourself this at least 10 years ago

>> No.15196665

I'm still looking but its difficult to give a shit about it.
>You don't seriously hope to get rich with cryptocurrencies, right...?
yeah i do and you will to if you buy into chainlink m8

>> No.15196675

whats the game about, anon

>> No.15196792

Anon, not to sound harsh but people don't have respect for people with zero work experience as it is. Sometimes lying is a means to an end and these companies can't really prove it because they're going to be too lazy to look into it. It'd give you motivation to work harder and put in the extra effort because you know what you had to go through in order to get the opportunity. Being just and moralistic isn't how to get ahead when you're behind. Just my two cents.. I'm honestly terrified for this generation. Best of luck and I hope you find your own way.

>> No.15196892

Op, Im in exactly the same situation as you. My plan is to buy a small amount of some of the altcoins with the money my parents give me, in the meantime Im learing programming from udemy courses. If some of the shitcoins I own moons im going to spend a lot of money on cognitive behaviour therapy. I know it wont make my social anxiety and ocd disappear but Im hoping it will at least make them less severe. Good luck to you anon, I feel your pain

>> No.15197022

Get feeling good by David burns. You can start now and for free. Don’t piss money on a therapist, it’s a meme unless you get one that’s redpilled

>> No.15197043

Thanks for your kind words, anon. Yeah the future looks very uncertain at the moment. My grandma is preparing for another world war, ahah.

I spent more than 1 year in (cognitive behaviour) therapy. The only reason it made me feel (slightly) better is because I had someone to talk to other than my parents. If you're as socially isolated as I am, maybe you'll benefit from seeing a therapist, otherwise, don't bother.

How many people have actually managed to become financially independent thanks to bitcoin/altcoins? I know some got rich, but if the vast majority fail, maybe it's not a good use of your time?

>> No.15197307

I'm going to sleep now, good night /biz/. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.15197605

In my country it is almost impossible to find people to fix my bathroom.
The guy who finally was available after months of waiting did a shitty job and charged a shitload of money.

In some trades it is enough that you appear at work on time and are able to carry stuff that weights up to 100 lbs.

>> No.15197978

literally 100% of italians dont speak a single word of english, maybe you can try to capitalize on that?

>> No.15198194

move to san diego and live on the beach or live in a car. see a bankruptcy lawyer and put all your money you have into XMR asap

>> No.15198622

>apply for welfare
>get a bs job
>get a side hustle
>save save save
>invest in shit coins reinvest profits
>Increase wageslave salary
>start churning credit cards
>sell sign up bonus points for cash
>down payment on shitty house
>live in and rent out rooms
>improve house in spare time til saleable
>save til 600k
> all in VOO set on DRIP
> make it

Learn skills , gain experience , get educated

>> No.15198709

Well you seem smart and well written bro. my suggestion is to make solving your anxiety and depression 100% of your focus. If you try to get a job and you haven’t worked out the issue, It might undermine your efforts. That should be you job right now, and if you really try with a good therapist, you can see meaningful results quickly. Be well friend

>> No.15199670

join a monastery or take care of your parents into old age and marry when they die.

>> No.15199708

Your gran sounds based. You should help her with whatever she is doing and get her to teach you all she can. Maybe you'll pick up a skill.