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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15192404 No.15192404 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz, I've finally capitulated and sold my chain stink, the FUD has won. At least I cashed out still at a 5x.

>> No.15192415

Based me too. Sitting comfy in ZBUX now, x10 minimum in the next month.

>> No.15192458

>the fud has won

Imagine listening to anything this board says.

>> No.15192493
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>selling when you could wait literally 10 days and make 10x the profit

the absolute state

>> No.15192499

Well I never would've even heard of chainlink and made a quick 5x in 6 months if not for this board?

This board has every opinion ranging from true autism to somewhat sensible. Either way I made enough for a decent deposit on an investment property, some poor tenant can pay off my mortgage, I'm content.

>> No.15192504
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Prepare to off yourself when this shit moons in two weeks

>> No.15192521

What makes you so confident that it will moon in 2 weeks, other than the "1k EOY" meme?

>> No.15192525

>the FUD has won.
You're a special kind of retard. The fud is at the lowest quality it's ever been for 2 fucking years. I'm glad you sold, clearly undeserving.

>> No.15192540

Well to be fair, the FUD has less to do with me selling than the fact I found a house that I want to purchase.

I've held through far worse than this, I bought my first stack of link at 40c and held when it dropped to 20cents and I was at a 50% loss, it's not exactly "FUD" that's made me sell.

>> No.15192562

>Well to be fair, the FUD has less to do with me selling than the fact I found a house that I want to purchase.
Much more reasonable

>> No.15192607

This. They are all gonna neck.

>> No.15192611

The more protein in the horse’s diet the more urea and ammonium — two breakdown products of protein — he will produce and excrete. So that explains the ammonia smell you might notice in the stable.

>> No.15192830

Sold today. An hour later it pumped 2000 sats. I think I'm gonna necc myself.

>> No.15193640

absolute retard

>> No.15193660

It’s fine to sell anon but this is my question for you: Why sell a local bottom? We have tested this range for more than 2 weeks now and are very clearly never going lower than this again. All you had to do was wait for the next big rise up and you could easily make another 50%. Selling now is the epitome of selling low. Notice how even when bitcoin shits itself LINK refuses to drop further. Look at the order books. There are a TON of buyers and almost no sellers, any down traded action are bots or retards.

>> No.15193784

You did the right choice, ignore the delusional holders

>> No.15193920

>You did the right choice
>listen to me, a third worlder, anon

>> No.15193939

You took profits, nothing to feel bad about.
You did better than 95% of the cryptofags.

>> No.15193963

This is FUD and you know it.

>> No.15193970

The delusion has encompassed me bros. I honestly believe crypto will take off and that chainlink will rise to astronomical heights, it's just that I'm willing to wait 5 years for it.

>> No.15193971

>millions and millions of dollars operating on a 1000eoy meme. Literally no other valid reasons.
You sound like a retard

>> No.15194015

Is training a horse anything like training a dog?

>> No.15194127

lmao, you're gonna get rekt

>> No.15194390
File: 497 KB, 828x575, F219E48B-092B-4377-808E-1418976F2F01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I’m an insider. What does the sunflower represent? Are you really a fren if you give up on them now?

>> No.15194486

You had one month (1) >>15191550

>> No.15194489
File: 941 KB, 3546x1456, 1525390296068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had two years (2)

>> No.15194502

you had one month (1) to sell before the devs dumped on you

>> No.15194513

I sold a third of my stack the rest im never ever selling, you can still buy in and enjoy the riches, or you can stay here year after year fudding and still be poor.

>> No.15194514

buy high sell low, the biz way.

>> No.15194529

>team owns 65%
>team aggressively dumping
>even linkers admit they are dumping
>linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15194530
File: 8 KB, 236x132, A4C86914-A0D9-4258-BC4B-A72960BCE9AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this apologising
>all this loyalty to anonymous powers on an anime website that you presume hold the same bag you did
>all this cult shit

The absolute state of LINK holders.

>> No.15194552

For the slow ones, pic related was literally what Chainlink represents. More like chainGANG.

>> No.15194556
File: 33 KB, 540x720, 1560448383471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep coping, you clearly want to buy in when you are in every link thread typing same shit over and over, I've gotten enough money cashing out a third so I can neet for four (4) years and you have to go wagecuck

>> No.15194562
File: 260 KB, 475x462, 1560838551177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks the people saying they're going to sell and/or sold actually sold

>> No.15194565

No way is it doing x10 due to web3

>> No.15194568

Someone cap this for future /biz/ when LINK is 1k

>> No.15194571

nah, it will probably just be the same speech he has given over and over again.

>> No.15194572

>even linkers admit they are dumping
>linkers: this is bullish

>> No.15194592

>let me buy into a funding token that’s 65% centralized to a company out the Caymen’s run by a Russian philosophy guy and his 23 year old mate

Surely I’m going to be rich!
>b-but I made money?
So did a lot of people who invested in Bitconnect, key is they pulled out before the devs did. Don’t you learn from history, or are you a retard?

>> No.15194872
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Just bought more linkies, go dilate

>> No.15195013

You have to be one of the biggest retards in the world to sell your Link stack now.

>> No.15195079

you do realize the whole reason for the constant 700K dumps is to get the disgusting racist pigs on this board to capitulate and sell, right? Companies like Microsoft, Docusign, and Facebook don't want their usage of LINK to be associated with the swamp tier of life like the degenerates here who heavily invested early on. I'd say the plan is going pretty well so far.

>> No.15195094

Congrats on the 4x

I'd say buy back in if it hits 5$ cos if it does that it will probably hit 10$