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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1518721 No.1518721 [Reply] [Original]

So my best friend joined Amway. He always tell me how happy he is, how he is going to retire by 30 and looks down on those who will retire by 60 or so. What can i tell that this won't happen and it's a scam? Or can it happen? I've never seen him so pumped, i don't want to let him down.

>> No.1518726


>> No.1518735

My mom is in the same boat.

The thing is, if you are stupid enough to fall for these schemes you are going to be too stupid to ever leave.

>> No.1518815

Oh boy, how is the amway meme still alive. Poor, stupid people will believe anything.

>> No.1518949

Heheh. It's actually true if you're high up in the organization. I know a person who's diamond ranked or whatever, and she's sponsored to fly everywhere to convert people by telling her story 'made possible only by Amway'.

Anyway, despite their doctrine, they rarely retire by 30. Her parents are in it too, and they're in their mid to late fifties. It's really rare for someone to be doing that well though, but you knew that already.

>> No.1518992
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>mfw you fell for the MLM meme
Might as well remove yourself from the gene pool.

>> No.1518994

But how come a lot of "successful" people are in it? He tells me how he talks to these big shots.

>> No.1519047
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More like Scamway, amirite guise?

>> No.1519053

MLM = multi-level meming

>> No.1519055
File: 209 KB, 600x500, 1449102217623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, I think carlos might be retarded

>> No.1519066

On a serious note, my parents have been involved in Amway literally my whole life and they are poor as shit and so am I. Save your friend.